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Greenville Alien Mail Order Brides - Complete Edition - Box Set Anthology by V. Vaughn (42)


I work well into the night, and Jake must come to check on me with tea and snacks because they magically appear. When I finish the painting I let out a sigh of contentment. It's good. I take my earbuds out and let the silence wrap around me like a blanket. I'm tired, but hope has blossomed inside of me. It's as if the Eroscian music I listened to opened up my mind to let my creativity flow, and I think I'll be able to do the show after all. Although, I need to take stock of what I've got, and I glance at the previous paintings I have lined up on the wall. I walk over to them slowly and realize I'm seeing them with fresh eyes, because now I think they're good too. I can do this.

I wrap my arms around myself as I smile. Jake helped me break through my barrier of self-doubt to see what I couldn't, and I want to tell him thank you. I leave my studio to find him. He's not in the kitchen, and when I notice the dim light of dawn I think he's sleeping in his bedroom. I should probably get some sleep too, but I don't think I could. I feel as if I've been in deep slumber for weeks and I've woken up refreshed.

I open the fridge to grab a yogurt, and silverware rattles in the drawer when I open it up to get a spoon. I eat as I wander over to the window to gaze out at the city below. Traffic is light, and a few people walk on the sidewalks as they start their day. I wonder about the next painting in my series. I think it needs to be about the joy of family. The family Jake and I will create. Our wedding! Happiness fills me as I imagine standing across from my alien match later this morning. I walk back to my studio with that thought in my mind and find Jake's phone has recharged enough for me to listen to his music as I get a couple hours of work in.

I dive into my new painting with a strong idea, and my brush seems to flow on its own as I create a blissful image of parents with a baby in a loving embrace. I'm humming along to a tune when I notice Jake standing before me. I take the earbuds out to give him my attention. I grin at him as he asks, "Can you take a break?"

"Of course. Did you see I finished my painting?"

He smiles back. "You have incredible focus. I’ve been in here for ten minutes looking at it. It's wonderful."

"It's because of you, Jake."

He shakes his head. "No. I only helped you see what's been inside you all this time. I'm glad I could help you knock down the wall of doubt you'd built up." His brow knits as if he's considering how to choose his words. "But this isn't why I'm interrupting you. We need to talk about the wedding."

My heart stops as I wonder if he wants to call it off. "Sure. What is it?"

"I think we should postpone it."

"What?" My breakfast churns in my stomach. While I was blissfully painting, was he soul-searching and realizing I'm not who he should be with? I can’t breath as I feel myself freefall from a glorious high to a dark abyss. Bile rises to my throat, and I’m dangerously close to losing my breakfast as I croak out, "Okay. If that's what you want."

Jake comes over to crouch by my side, and his hand is warm on my thigh when he touches me. "Hannah. I still want to get married, but you're in the zone, and I think you can finish in time for your show if I take away the distractions."

Relief floods my body, and I place my hand on his. "It's our wedding."

"And we can have it in a few days when you've finished your work."

I glance over at the canvas I'm working on. He's right that I'm on a roll, but the thought of Jake in my bed holding me and the promise of our lives together fill my mind. "Are you sure you want to wait?"

"Hannah, I've waited my whole life. I can handle another few days." He reaches up to place his hand on my cheek. "Besides, this show is important for you for more than the money. It's about your career and reputation. You have to do it."

"You're more important to me than any show."

"I know that, honey. You're the same for me, and that's why you need to do this. Your happiness means everything, and I'm here to support you in any way I can."

I place my hands on his strong shoulders and gaze at him with love. I think about how I had hoped he would take care of me, but what he's done is help me do this myself. "Jake, how did I get so lucky?"

He lifts my hand to his mouth. "You used your clever fingers." He sucks one into his mouth and sends a shiver of desire through me. After he releases my digit he leans in and kisses me tenderly. When he pulls back he says, "We have the rest of our lives together. We'll get married when you're done. Now get to work."

* * *

The next few days fly by as I immerse myself in painting, and with Jake making sure I get sleep and food, I manage to finish my body of work in time for Miranda to hang it and offer a preview to her VIP clients before the opening. But more importantly, Jake and I can now get married. I take a deep breath as Morgan and Cassie hold the door of the small chapel open for me to enter. I gaze down the aisle at my groom, who fills out a tuxedo in all the right ways. He smiles at me with love as I approach him. I say, "You only have a few more minutes of being a single man. Are you sure you don't want me to throw you back to the wolves for another chance?"

He gives me the once over with his gaze and lets out a low noise from the back of his throat. "No way. I'm about to be Mr. Hannah Sullivan, husband of the famous painter. Why would I miss out on all the perks?"

I think about when we first met and ask, "Oh, you mean the chance to be seen with the woman who usually has paint on her face?"

"Exactly." He kisses the tip of my nose where the paint was that first day. "You are the most incredible woman I've ever known, and I plan to show you off for the rest of our lives." He takes my hand, and we turn our attention to the ordained minister who is performing our ceremony. The words spoken are a blur, because Jake has wrapped himself around my heart and all I can do is focus on the glowing energy of his touch. When it's time for us to kiss, I pour everything I've got into our connection, and it's as if our emotions intertwine to become unified love. When Jake and I pull back he whispers, "I love you, Hannah."

"I love you too, Jake."

The minister asks, "Do the newlyweds have any plans for a honeymoon?"

Tonight is the opening of my show, and I shake my head as I continue to gaze into Jake's eyes. My husband says, "We're going to Miranda Johnson's gallery for the best art show she's ever had, and there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be."

Morgan kisses my cheek. "Congratulations, Hannah."

I turn to my friends, and Cassie hugs me as she kisses me too. "You're on the road to an amazing life. I'm so happy for you."

I grin with happiness at my friends. "Thanks."

Jake says, "We'll see you ladies later tonight." He scoops me up in his arms, and I let out a yelp before Jake carries me out of the room.

Cassie yells after us. "Don't you dare make her late!"

Jake chuckles and whispers to me, "They won't turn us away over a few minutes."

I waggle my eyebrows at him. "No they won't. Let's go make them count."