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Happy Ever After by Patricia Scanlan (25)


‘Bryan, the car tax has arrived,’ Debbie yelled up the stairs. ‘And so has the NTL.’

‘OK, leave it with me,’ he called down to her, and she placed them back on the hall table. ‘And the Holdens’ wedding invitation has arrived, it’s friggin’ black tie, and it’s in Wexford – that’s going to cost an arm and a leg.’

‘We’ll talk about it later,’ he shouted back.

‘See you tonight, then,’ she called and hurried off to get the Dart. Her mother would be on the plane to Spain, she thought enviously, glancing at her watch. If they were on time she’d be flying over the Pyrenees about now, experiencing the bumpy air pockets over the mountains that indicated they were only an hour away from their destination. Debbie and Jenna had spent a couple of mad holidays in her relative’s apartment, and Debbie wished she was with her aunt and mother, enjoying the anticipatory laughter and chat on the flight. She was back to work less than a full week and she was feeling overwhelmed already.

How had they accumulated so much debt that the arrival of two household bills and a wedding invite caused her stomach to get tied up in knots? Bryan was going to have to get rid of the convertible, which, because it had depreciated so much from when he’d bought it, was now a loss maker. She noticed, as she did every morning, the For Sale sign on a house several doors down from theirs. It had been on the market for several months now without moving, and rumour had it that the young couple who owned it had dropped fifty thousand in the asking price and were desperate to sell because they couldn’t afford their mortgage due to the rise in interest rates and the cost of living. It scared the hell out of Debbie listening to tales like that, and she tried not to think about it. There was definitely a marked slowdown in the property market, and people in their circle were beginning to talk about negative equity a lot more.

And now they had Sandra Holden’s wedding invitation to contend with. Debbie felt prickles of sweat at her hairline just thinking about it. Sandra was a friend of Jenna’s, but Debbie had hung around with her a lot and had invited her and her fiancé to her own wedding. Now the invite was being reciprocated, and it couldn’t have come at a more awkward time, financially.

Jenna had told Debbie that Sandra was going all out to impress. She’d spent a fortune on the dress, a lavish, feathery, frilled creation, and had been considering hiring a full orchestra rather than a band. That certainly was raising the bar, Debbie reflected, thinking how crazy it was to be getting into horrific debt just to impress their peers. If only Sandra realized what it was going to be like post-wedding, she’d run away and get hitched in Gretna Green!

Going to the wedding would cost herself and Bryan a packet. The guts of a hundred for the black-tie palaver, a minimum of a hundred and fifty for a prezzie on the BT wedding list. No one wanted to be seen picking the cheapest present, so you really couldn’t spend less than a hundred. A hundred and fifty at least for overnight accommodation, and another couple of hundred for petrol, drinks, meals, etc. And that was without her buying anything new. She’d probably have to hire a hat, though, if it was black tie; she was damned if she was going to pay through the nose for something she wouldn’t wear again.

Had she caused disquiet to any of her guests when they’d received their wedding invites, she wondered. It was hard to know. Everyone in their circle seemed to be doing fine, with plenty of money to socialize and entertain. Were she and Bryan the only couple up to their eyes in debt, or were their friends and acquaintances in hock just like they were? Could they get away with buying a present and not going to the wedding, she worried as she quickened her pace. Sandra wouldn’t be impressed, but so what? Sandra didn’t have mega financial woes yet! Another thought struck her – Sandra had invited her on her hen weekend. She’d forgotten all about that. Sandra was dithering between a trip to Latvia or a spa weekend in Galway. There was no way Debbie could go on either. She simply didn’t have the money. It had to stop somewhere. Today she was going to do what she’d been putting off for a long time, she was going to total the full amount of their outstanding loans. It was time to take action, and Bryan was going to have to take his head out of the sand and face up to the fact that they were pretty broke.

She had made no reference to his extravagant purchase of several bottles of champagne the night of the party, nor had she asked him how much he’d spent on coke and whatever else he’d taken that night. She hadn’t even made any reference to his overnighter at Kev’s or the fact that he’d looked very much the worse for wear when he’d finally got home the Saturday afternoon. She’d been relieved that Melissa had already left. He smelt of drink and stale pot and cigarettes, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was rough with stubble. Not a pretty sight.

No, she’d said not a word; she’d been a perfectly behaved wife and pretended nothing was amiss. But enough was enough, she decided grimly as she made her way into the Dart station and fumbled for her weekly ticket. No more Mrs Nice Girl. Their problems had to be addressed.

If Connie knew how skint they were she’d go mad. She’d been so annoyed the time they’d gone to Amsterdam before their wedding. That had been Debbie’s solution to de-stressing Bryan when he’d got uptight about the wedding and had been tempted to call it off. Debbie sighed. That had cost them almost 1,500 euro. That would have paid off a few household bills, she conceded reluctantly, realizing she had to accept her part in their fiscal impoverishment.

Debbie was freaking him out, Bryan had to admit as he tied a knot in his tie and pulled on the jacket of his suit. Not a word about Saturday night, no angst about the bills. It just wasn’t like her. Usually, the arrival of a couple of unexpected bills would send her into spasms of anxiety, and she’d fret and worry until they were paid off.

Today, not a word. It was seriously weird. Bryan sighed. They had a month to pay the car tax, and then they could just pay it for three months. If he was the only named driver, he’d risk not paying at all; loads of his mates drove their cars untaxed for months at a time. But Debbie’d go loopers if he suggested it. She wouldn’t risk driving in an untaxed or uninsured car. She was just like his mother-in-law in that regard. Dull, boring and playing it safe, being law-abiding citizens. It was only a tax, after all, not a matter of life or death.

Connie was always on at Debbie, too, about overborrowing, when really it was none of her business. Maybe she might meet a gigolo in Spain, who’d ride the arse off her and give her something else to think about other than interfering in their business, he thought spitefully, smoothing moisturizer on to his face.

Debbie hadn’t sounded too enthusiastic about the invite to Sandra Holden’s wedding. Black tie was a complete pain in the ass. He hated hiring a suit that had been worn by someone else. He was particular about his clothes. He had some perfectly fine Armani suits of his own that looked the biz. What was wrong with wearing one of them? At least they hadn’t dictated a dress code for their guests. Theirs had been a classy but informal wedding, and had been all the more fun because of it. No speeches, no seating plans, no formality. It had been a great wedding, small but perfectly formed, Bryan decided, smiling at the memory. It would be interesting to see how Sexy Sandra’s compared.

He grabbed his car keys off his bedside locker. He had to drive out to Lucan to inspect a fit-out because the clients were unhappy about the space allocated to a filing system, even though they’d signed off on the plans. He wouldn’t mind doing a line of good coke – that would dispel his bad humour, he thought longingly, and then realized what he was thinking.

‘Slippery slope, mate, slippery slope,’ he muttered as he ran down the stairs. Taking coke was OK socially every now and then, but he’d seen people start taking it at work and, before they knew it, they were depending on it. One guy had even ended up owing thousands and had been beaten up by his dealer. He’d ended up in rehab and out of a job.

That would never be him, he vowed as he got behind the wheel of the convertible, slid his shades down over his eyes, let the roof slide back and drove out of their little cul-de-sac looking like a Hollywood star.

Melissa stood on the weighing scales and frowned. She’d put on a pound, and she was disgusted with herself. She and Sarah had spent Saturday night and all day Sunday at Briony Caulfield’s house and had eaten Chinese takeaways and drunk copious amounts of Bacardi Breezers and Smirnoff Ices, which were loaded with calories. There was only one thing for it. She knelt in front of the loo and, with practised ease, made herself sick. She would starve herself for the rest of the day to get back on track.

Briony had shown them photos of a really hot boy she’d dated on holidays. She’d confided in the girls that she’d gone all the way, including bj’s. Although they’d pretended to be impressed, she and Sarah were secretly horrified.

‘Is it just us? Are we freaky nerds?’ Sarah fretted on the way home the following evening.

‘I don’t know. Everyone seems to be doing it. Briony is only six months older than us.’

‘I’d be sooo scared that it would hurt.’

‘Me, too – remember I told you about that time that horrible boy put his fingers up me? That hurt,’ Melissa responded glumly, remembering the horrific experience at a New Year’s party at friends of her parents when their son had grabbed her, pressed himself against her and thrust his fingers up her privates.

‘Eewwwww! Poor you.’ Sarah draped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a comforting hug.

‘Oh shit, look, there’s Rosanna Troy looking over at us. Crap, she’ll tell the rest of the class we’re lezzers,’ Melissa wailed. They separated quickly and gave an embarrassed wave to their schoolmate.

‘Don’t say that! We’re in enough trouble as it is, with Nerdy Nolan trying to latch on to us,’ Sarah moaned.

‘I wish we were finished school. I hate it. At least we have our first year over. I was totally scared going in my first day last year.’

‘Me too,’ sighed Sarah. ‘I bet Briony can’t wait to get back to tell everyone she’s done it with a real hot boy. Everyone will think she’s dead cool.’

‘Well, she’d want to be careful,’ Melissa said darkly. ‘Look at my mom, preggers, and she’s been having sex for years. Just one of those horrible little spermy things is all it takes.’

‘Yeah, look at Kelly Wright, having to be pregnant all of sixth year and giving birth during her mocks. I saw her wheeling her baby in the People’s Park. And if her mother doesn’t agree to babysit, she can’t get out at all! How horrible is that?

‘You’ll probably be babysitting your brother or sister,’ Sarah added.

‘No way, no way ever!’ Melissa declared emphatically.

‘Don’t forget we have our wedding photos to show off. Remember our gorgeous waiter?’ Sarah reminded her.

‘Yeah, we can at least let on we scored him, so we’re not, like, totally uncool.’ Melissa cheered up at the prospect as they said their goodbyes, without their customary hug, as they were conscious of Rosanna paralleling them across the street, and went their separate ways.

At least she and Sarah thought about things the same way, Melissa comforted herself as she sat on the edge of the bath, taking a few moments after making herself sick, enjoying the rush the feeling of being in control gave her. It was such a comfort having a best friend. She hoped fervently that nothing would spoil their friendship. She’d seen girls who’d been the closest ever end up bitter enemies, in rival camps, with not a good word to say about each other, writing horrible things on Bebo.

It was best to keep a low profile at school so as not to become a target. Briony would want to be careful. She could end up being called a slapper and worse, if some of the others turned on her through jealousy. Briony had assured herself and Sarah that sex had been deadly. But Melissa was not convinced. How could it be deadly, all that gross stuff? She hated when boys stuck their tongues down her neck at discos, and when they pressed their hard thing against her, thrusting and grinding and trying to get her to touch them or, even worse . . . give them bj’s. That had to be the most gross thing ever! She’d puke if she had to do it, she was sure of it.

Maybe she was frigid, she thought dolefully as she went downstairs to make herself a cup of coffee. She definitely didn’t think she was gay; she really and truly wouldn’t fancy snogging Sarah. She must be frigid, she decided. Everyone else seemed to like sex. Those fab girls in Sex and the City were always having mind-blowing orgasms . . . and with loads of different men. Melissa would be mortified to appear nude in front of a man the way Samantha did. She’d even allowed a man to shave her bush on film!! Had her dad ever done that to her mom?

Eeewwwwwwwwwww!’ She banished the thought as quickly as it had come. It had to be her; they couldn’t all be wrong. Definitely frigid, Melissa decided. One more thing to have to worry about.