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Hard to Get (A Haven's Cove Novel Book 2) by Jaclyn Quinn (9)


Nate sat at the bar, his foot on the rung of the stool, knee bouncing. Of course, he was there first. He didn’t think Gabe was the type of guy to be on time for anything. Just so he didn’t look out of place, he ordered himself a beer. It was only six-thirty-five. He had to stop telling himself that he got stood up—and then he had to remind himself this wasn’t a date. As Nate internally slapped himself for the thought, the stool next to him was occupied by the man in question.

“Sorry, I’m a little late, but…well, you’ll get used to it. I’m pretty much always late.” Gabe laughed and waved the bartender over. “Merlot, please.”

Nate’s knee was bouncing twice as fast now, as nerves he didn’t even know were under the surface worked their way out. Gabe’s scent was invading his space, flooding his senses. This was not a good idea at all, but it was too late to back out now.

“You’re looking entirely too serious. Will you please relax? I already told you, next move is yours, so you can stop worrying that I’m going to jump you right on this bar.” Gabe paused and looked at him curiously, with a glint of mischief. “Unless, that’s what the look is for.” Gabe leaned a little closer and in a hushed tone, said, “Are you thinking about me jumping you right here on the bar, Nate?”

Damn it, Nate could feel his face flush red and knew that was exactly the response Gabe was going for. He needed to calm the fuck down and gain some control back.

“Just friends, remember?” Nate said, completely unconvincingly, but standing his ground nonetheless.

Gabe sighed and picked up his glass to take a small sip of wine. “Yes, just friends, I remember the ground rules.”

“Good.” Nate narrowed his eyes at Gabe. “I don’t exactly know how to read you yet.”

They sat in awkward silence for a minute. Nate almost breathed a sigh of relief when Gabe finally said something.

“Well then, I guess it’s time to get to know my new friend. Hmm…where to start?” Gabe studied him, like he was thinking of his first question. “You lived here most of your life then moved away for a while?”

Here goes…time to stop hiding. “Yeah, I’d always lived in this area. I grew up in the house you were in last night. So when I got my contractor’s license, I decided to try it on my own in Boston.”

Gabe took a small sip of his wine. “Why so far?”

Nate shrugged his shoulder and picked at the label on his beer bottle. “Curiosity, I guess? All my friends had gone off to college, but I never really knew what I wanted to do. I wasn’t about to take classes just to take them. Then, one day, I realized everyone had kind of just moved on without me. So I got my license, reached out to some companies here in New Hampshire and in Boston and was shocked to get the call from one in Boston. I think it helped that I was young, so they knew they could get away with paying me a shit salary.”

Gabe smiled at that, and then asked, “Did you like Boston?”

Nate shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. “I liked it. It was lonely at first, but once I found a group of guys that I could”—he paused, searching for the right word—“relate to, things got easier.”

Gabe gave Nate a knowing smile, obviously understanding what Nate had in common with that group of guys. “Ah, yes, well, it’s easier to find guys you can relate to in Boston than a small town, I would assume. So, you know, now I have to ask the big question.”

Nate squirmed in his seat, knowing exactly what that question was going to be.

Gabe stared at him for a minute and finally asked, “Boxers or briefs? Or boxer briefs?”

Okay, he wasn’t expecting that. Nate barked out a short laugh and shook his head.

Gabe’s mouth turned up on the right side, his dimple making an appearance with the expression. “You know that wasn’t what I was going to ask you, but you started squirming. Are you always this antsy, or is it just me who lights a fire under that cute ass of yours?”

Nate smiled at Gabe, realizing that it was nearly impossible to tone Gabe down, but not entirely frustrated by it tonight. “You have this confidence that’s a bit intimidating, you know that?”

“Ah, yes, well…it was eat or be eaten in my world back in Boston. I learned early on you either go after what you want, or you’ll never get it. Being a gay man, I felt the need to prove early on that I could handle anything, no matter my sexual preference.” Gabe laughed and shook his head. “Preference. As if I decided one day that I would rather be with men than women. It’s intrinsic, isn’t it? Preference implies I had any say in the matter. But I’m happy with who I am, not ashamed.”

Nate glanced down at the label he had been picking at. “I know what you mean.”

“So you are gay then?” Gabe asked then smiled and nudged Nate’s shoulder. “See how I slid that big question in there when you were least expecting it?”

“Smooth, pretty boy,” Nate replied. He studied Gabe for a minute. Finally, he said, “Yeah, I am.” It wasn’t that he was ashamed of it either, but he couldn’t help but wonder if admitting it would fuel Gabe’s fire all over again.

“Can I ask why you wear a ring, or is that too much too soon?”

Nate looked down at the band on his left hand. It had been there for so long now, he forgot most of the time that he even had it on. “Security blanket, I guess. Usually, when people see it, they assume I’m married and move on to someone else.” He met Gabe’s eyes and was suddenly curious. “Didn’t happen that way with you, huh? Come to think of it, you didn’t seem to care at all that I had a ring on.” How had that never crossed his mind before?

Gabe chuckled. “You confused me, I’ll tell you that much. I was sure you were gay and wondered why the hell you were married to a woman.”

“And if I had been happily married?”

Gabe’s eyes shifted away, and he was quiet for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders. “Then I would’ve backed off, but I’m not going to lie, it intrigued me.” Gabe took another sip of his wine and looked back at Nate. “I would’ve been disappointed. I’ll admit that.”

Nate wasn’t ready to go that route yet, so he changed the subject. “So, how long have you known Brody? You two are an odd pair.”

Gabe laughed, nodding his head. “Yes, we seem to shock most with our friendship. Some things can’t be explained though. You feel this connection with someone, and who are you to question it?”

He felt like Gabe wasn’t talking about Brody anymore. Nate started fidgeting again and looked down at his beer. He’d almost picked the entire label off.

Gabe continued by saying, “With Brody that connection was a friendship I never knew I always needed. He’s more of a brother really, even more so than my own blood.”

Damn, the guy seemed to have a shit family. “So, you’re not close with your brother, either?”

“My family…” Gabe said and then paused like he was choosing his words carefully. “My family is all about appearances. Make the right connections, keep your personal life to yourself—especially my personal life—marriage is a business deal, and love is for the middle class.”

“So you don’t believe in love?” Whoa, where the fuck did that come from. Now that he’d asked, he wanted to know Gabe’s answer.

Gabe’s response was quick. “Quite the opposite, actually. I believe in love in all forms. I suppose that’s why my family and I don’t get along so well, although, I haven’t had much luck with it myself. I’d say the proof is right there when I look at Owen and Brody, but then, they’re considered middle class, I guess.” Gabe shrugged his shoulders and continued, “I refuse to believe that money is more powerful than love, but…”

When Gabe didn’t finish his sentence, Nate asked, “But what?”

Gabe shook his head. It didn’t look like Nate was going to find out what the end of that sentence was. Instead Gabe asked, “Would it be too much like a date of we moved this to a table and ordered some food? I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

Nate looked down at his watch and saw it was only seven. Oddly enough, he didn’t want to leave yet. “No, we can do that. How about you get the table while I make a call and check on Lily?”

Gabe nodded his head, grabbing Nate’s beer and his own glass, and headed for a table in the corner. Nate still didn’t exactly know why he was there with Gabe. How had they gotten to this place when last week he’d avoided the man at all costs? Somehow, he was more curious about Gabe than he’d ever been. Admit it, you’re having a good time.

Oh my Gucci, breathe, Gabe. Man, he hoped he was playing it cool enough because it was taking all the strength he had not to make a move on the sexy man. He didn’t want to ruin his luck though. Through the miracle workings of that spunky mother of Nate’s, Gabe found himself on new ground with the guy. He couldn’t explain why that made him so happy. Maybe the truth was, he didn’t want to examine it too closely yet. Relationships hadn’t been Gabe’s thing in a really long time. Now, suddenly he was reacquainting himself with all those feelings that came along with genuinely liking someone. Even now, as he watched Nate approach the table, he felt that fluttering in his stomach. Truth be told, it terrified him.

“Okay, so I’m good for another hour or so. Lily barely even notices I’m gone when she’s with my mom.” Nate pulled out the chair across from Gabe and sat down. “They’re like two peas in a pod.”

“You have an amazing family, Nate. I could tell how proud they are of you and completely supportive.” Gabe felt a pang of unwanted envy.

Nate hung his head and laughed softly. “You have no idea. I mean, you met my mom. She would walk down the street and recruit people to be friends with her gay son if I’d let her.”

“Ah, yes, I can absolutely see her doing that.” Gabe chuckled, thinking of last night and how he’d completely walked into her trap. “She would do anything for her child. It seems the apple doesn’t fall far… You’re an amazing dad, Nate.”

The proud smile that curved Nate’s delicious mouth up at the corners, and the sparkle in his eye, let Gabe know how important that was to him. “Thanks. I’m completely terrified I’m not doing right by her, but I try.”

“As someone looking from the outside in, I can tell you she is one loved and well-cared for little girl.”

“So you don’t think it’s weird that I’m doing it on my own?” Nate asked, looking down at the table, flicking a quick, insecure glance at Gabe and then back down. The man had picked the label completely off his bottle and was now nervously playing with the ripped pieces.

The waitress came over, interrupting their conversation while they ordered their meals—if you could consider sliders and fries a meal—and another drink each. When she’d stepped away again, Gabe said, “I don’t find it weird at all. I have a mother and a father. I would’ve given anything for just one of them to pay attention to me, even a little bit. Lily is very lucky to have you.”

“Your parents aren’t okay with you being gay?” Nate asked.

Gabe didn’t want to get too personal tonight. They’d already shared more in forty-five minutes than they ever had. Hell, this was the most that they’d even talked to one another. He went for the vague answer, leaving the nitty gritty for another night…and he hoped there would be many more like this. “As long as I don’t embarrass them on the front page of the Boston Globe, they couldn’t care less about what is going on in my life. I was far from in the closet in Boston, but I managed to fly under the radar, for the most part, by keeping away from my family altogether.” Gabe cleared his throat and asked, “What made you choose Haven’s Cove instead of moving back where your parents are?” He needed to change the subject because if there was anything he couldn’t stand, it was his own pathetic woes of love and loss.

“I don’t know.” Nate closed his eyes, hung his head and laughed. “That’s a lie. I figured a slight distance would keep my mom at bay a little. Last night sure proved that theory wrong, huh?”

Gabe loved the defeated, yet completely amused, look on Nate’s face. There was no question…Nate’s mom was a force to be reckoned with. That’s exactly what Gabe loved about her, but he could see where Nate needed a little breathing room. “She’s a spitfire, that woman.”

The waitress came back over with their meals, and they talked and ate for another forty-five minutes. Gabe couldn’t believe the man was finally sitting across from him, even if it was under the promise they’d just be friends. He didn’t know how he was going to keep his word on that one because every minute spent with Nate piqued his interest that much more.

All too quickly, it was time for them to go home. He’d parked next to Nate’s truck on purpose, so they could walk together. Gabe didn’t want the night to end, but this had been a lot for Nate. He didn’t want to press his luck. Damn, he was regretting telling Nate he wouldn’t kiss him again, but Gabe was a man of his word. When they kissed again—and he had to believe they would—Nate would have to be the one to do it.

Nate stopped by the door of his truck and turned to Gabe. “Okay, well, um…”

God, Gabe loved nervous Nate over angry, bitter Nate. “I’m glad you spent some time with me tonight, as friends, of course.”

“Right. Friends. I, uh, actually had a good time.”

“I’ll try not to take offense to the surprise in your voice.” Gabe winked and watched as that beautiful golden skin of the gorgeous man in front of him flushed red.

“No, I mean… Shit, that came out wrong.” Now Nate was fidgeting with his car keys, swinging the key ring around his index finger.

“It’s okay. I get it.” Gabe chuckled.

They stared at each other for a minute. Even though Gabe wished Nate would take the leap now, he knew there was nothing more desirable than something that was just out of reach. Making himself a completely open book and practically handing himself over on a platter hadn’t worked. Not with Nate. It was time to stop throwing himself at the man and instead wait until Nate was ready to take the initiative. If Nate was even considering kissing him right now, that was exactly the reason Gabe needed to walk away.

“Well, maybe we can do this again. I’ll be here on Thursday, around six-thirty. You know…if you should find yourself looking for something to do.” Gabe was backing away toward his car and didn’t wait for a response to his proposition. He simply waved and said, “Goodnight, Nate.” Then he got in his car and tried not to openly celebrate the look of sheer confusion on Nate’s face.




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