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Haught & Bothered: Haught Brothers Book 3 by Leela Lou Dahlin (11)

Chapter 11

“I can’t freaking believe you’re having a sale.” The older woman who usually came to all her showings walked over to her with a glass of wine and a big smile.

True had been hearing this all day. She’d sent the notice out last night so she didn’t really believe a big crowd would come but just enough to buy off the 80 pieces she’s put out there. After the mind blowing sex she had with Alec last night she was overly ready to get these particular reminders out of her hair.

She’d woken up early and left the house because she hadn’t wanted to see or talk to him this morning. It was great to have had that last night with Alec but she was getting sick of the teeter totter even though she was one of the conductors of the mayhem. If she’d have known he was going to go on a date for lunch she would have done this earlier. As it was she’d opened at 3 and planned to stay until the last piece was sold. It was only 4:30 and she was almost halfway to her goal. She’d snuck away to stand in the corner and look at her favorite painting.

“Ms. Goodman?”

True turned around and found herself face to face with none other than Joni Wolf. It took everything she had in her not to cuss this woman clean out, but for what? The woman hadn’t done anything to her. As a matter of fact she shouldn’t be mad at the woman at all. She had amazing taste and had fallen for the same man she had.

“Yes, Ms. Wolf?”

The woman was gorgeous and always looked like she was ready for a picture. Except for the ones she took with Alec. Then she was mussed and full of life. There was a picture that he’d had on his phone she’d seen once and had painted it the way she’d seen it…blurred with tears. How that was one of her most sought after and asked about pieces she’ll never know, but it was.

“I’ve always wanted to walk in here to say hello, but I wasn’t sure how I’d be received.” The woman looked nervous and although that shouldn’t matter to her it made her wonder what had gone on at her meeting.

“How was lunch?” True hadn’t wanted to ask that but it was on a track in her head until it just popped out of her mouth.

Joni blushed and looked around the gallery and that didn’t do much for True’s temperament, but whatever.

“It was eye opening and fulfilling. I guess.” She shook her head like she was trying to clear it. “There is a painting I’ve always had my eye on. It’s the same muse as the other pieces you’re selling today but I didn’t see that it was up for sale.”

True didn’t know what the woman was talking about but she was finding it hard to stand here and talk about anything with her in a casual manner. She wanted to know what was eye opening and fulfilling.

“I don’t know what you mean.” True pushed herself to put on a smile. The woman was a customer and she was trying to be pleasant. Who knew… with eye opening and fulfilling lunches there may be another Haught Boy finding his match.

“Alec. Alec Haught.” The woman spun around like she was showing off a showcase on a game show…aannnd listening to his name coming out of this woman was making her itchy.

“I’m sorry?”

“Are you going to act like all these pictures and paintings aren’t of Alec?” The woman went over to a picture of a beautiful skyline and pointed to the corner of the piece where there was a man standing. You couldn’t really see him well because he was out of focus, but he was there. She pointed to another and another before True knew she’d been found out by a very unlikely person.

“I’m not saying they don’t have him or one of the Haught Brothers in it. I’m around them a lot.” True said following the woman through the gallery.

“I used to tell him he was the inspiration of your art but he’d just blow me off. I can’t wait to tell him I was right.” She turned and True was for the second time in two days stunned speechless. True wasn’t sure if it was because she’d figured out her muse or the cavalier way she said she was going to talk to him again. “You don’t want me to tell him do you?”

True stood up straighter and refused to answer that. There was no way she was going to allow this woman who seemed to have it all, have something over her.

Joni smiled and shook her head. “You two are very similar.” She walked around the close up picture of a neck and adams apple. Touching it with familiarity and longing.

What the fuck?

“This is the picture you never sell or offer as a print. The vulnerable male neck picture.” She looked at True. “It’s my favorite spot too.”

“Take it as a gift.” True said walking away from the woman who acted like they were in a we fucked Alec club. Just the thought of him touching her made her unreasonably mad. Whatever they had going on wasn’t over and damn it she knew trust was big for him but it was getting more and more difficult not to feel like she was getting played.

Rosy had been helping out in Gemmi’s absence. She’d called her last night and asked her to help out and to keep it quiet from anyone associated with the name Haught.

“Hey Rosy can you make sure the woman in the green and gold dress gets the picture under the lights.” True tried to keep walking but Rosy grabbed on to her arm.

“Whoa.” Rosy held both hands up like she wanted her to stop. “What do you mean? That’s the picture that everyone asks about and you always say it’s just for show. Why are you giving it away?”

True just shrugged. “I’m not really feeling it anymore. She can have it.” Walking away from a frowning Rosy she wanted to just leave but then remembered who the hell she was. True Lee Goodman was the queen of her life and beside Alec Haught she didn’t run from anyone.

Grabbing a glass of wine, she decided to pull out her badassery from wherever she’d had it stashed.

“Hello, beautiful. I heard you were having a sale so I rushed over to see what I could purchase.” The deep voice with its French accent made her smile.

“Luc, what in the world are you doing here?” She allowed herself to be scooped up and hugged by her new since the wedding friend and Karessa’s agent.

“Eh, like I said I was in the neighborhood.”

“Are you here to see Karessa?” She walked with him and wanted to know what would bring the illustrious Luc to town.

“Not this time. I told you when I was here last that I would love to set up a world tour for your artwork. A one woman show. You could call it Truly Good,” he said holding his hands up like he could see it on a marquee.

“Not a bad idea and the timing is impeccable.”

“When I get an mass email from a talented artist doing a fire sale I wonder what’s going on. I don’t think you need money, but if you did there’s no way Karessa wouldn’t find a way to help you without making you prickly.” He walked her over to the couches near the dwindling collection she’d offered up for clearance.

“Did you come all the way from France to ask me this?” She frowned at Luc as he sat there looking all cool and cultured with his suit and fancy shoes.

“True you are a woman who can make a man do crazy things, that’s for sure, but I’m a huge fan of your work and although I can put together why you’re in this town I’d love to have you see what the world could offer you.”

“So you are here for business?” True didn’t get the feeling this was all business.

“I didn’t say that, but I saw a chance and I’m taking it. The world doesn’t know what it’s missing but I do.” Luc said as he stood up and held out his hand so he could help her up.

“Where are you staying?”

“I booked a hotel nearby.” He looked around and took in the room. “How much have you sold?”

“I don’t know I’ve been shooting the shit with you.” True smiled feeling lighter than she had all day. Not because she had anything going on with Luc but it was nice to be with someone who didn’t have her on an emotional rollercoaster.

“Shooting the shit? That is an American phrase if ever I heard one.”

“Well that’s where you are.” True walked up to Rosy who was organizing something with a customer. “Thanks for your help you can go home. I appreciate all your help. You were the MVP tonight. I’m going to close up.”

“That’s okay, True. Seriously. I don’t mind staying to close up. You were up late putting this all together. It was a success so you go home and get some rest.”

“Alright then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the baby shower.” True knew that Rosy was trying to earn her way back into everyone’s heart. When she met Rosy her good friend had been emotionally hurt by the woman, but she didn’t really register dislike for this woman, it was more like disgust.

“I’ll send you the totals when I get home.”

True nodded. It wasn’t the first time and the woman was good with numbers and negotiations so she didn’t mind giving her the floor.

“Let me walk you to your car.” Luc was by her side offering his arm.

She hooked into it and let him walk her outside. True shouldn’t have even allowed the appearance of any funny business but with Jodi still in the gallery and seeming to be watching her she just didn’t feel like being the woman she’d always been. Hanging out and waiting for Alec.

Leading him to her car she gave him a both cheek kiss and told him they could talk more tomorrow. For his part in it he didn’t look mad but at this point all she really wanted was a bath and a bed.

The sale had been a success and she’d sold most of the pieces that had anything to do with Alec, but that hadn’t done anything but fill her with sorrow. She had to get her life right or she’d be an old woman with a bucket full of could have been’s. That just wouldn’t do.