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Hearts on Air by L.H. Cosway (17)


The sky was darkening by the time we arrived in Paris. Just a short two-hour journey and we were in a whole other country. It was crazy. I sat next to Isaac for the trip, mainly because I saw the look of fear in his eyes and thought he could use the company. Don’t get me wrong, I knew he was excited to be there, but he was also a fish out of water, much like I had been on the first day. He was constantly staring wide-eyed at everyone, like he couldn’t believe this was really happening.

“You’ll be staying with the film crew,” Neil told him as we all got into minibuses to head to our accommodation. “So you need to get on the last bus.”

“All right. Got it.” Isaac nodded before glancing at me.

“Are you going to be okay?” I asked, worried he might be feeling a bit intimidated.

“I grew up in a township, Reya. I think I’ll survive bedding down with the camera crew for a couple of weeks.”

“Just making sure.”

“You sound like my mum. She never stops fretting.”

“How did she take your leaving to come on the road?”

“She’s worried sick but it’s my choice. I’m nineteen.”

“Reya!” Trev called from where he stood by the open door of a waiting minibus. “Come on. We’re leaving.”

“I’ll be there in a second,” I called back and gave Isaac one last reassuring look. “If anyone gives you trouble, come find me, yeah?”

He gave me a look like I was being overprotective—and I was, considering we barely knew each other. I guess I felt responsible for him being here.

“I’ll be fine. Go,” he answered, shooing me away.

The apartment we were renting in Paris was only slightly bigger than the one in Brussels. I was sharing a room with Leanne again, but this time we had an en-suite. It was a relief after the encounter with Trev the night before. I wasn’t sure my willpower could take another bathroom mix-up.

The city was a glitter of lights and people. I couldn’t wait to see it properly in the morning, but there was something about Paris at night that felt electric. I wanted to experience it first-hand.

“We should go out,” Callum announced, and for the first time I was on the same page as him. I wanted to go out, too.

“I’m wrecked,” James sighed. “Plus, I promised Diana a Skype date tonight, so I’m going to stay in, but you lot should go.”

“I’m up for it,” said Paul, looking to Trev. “How about you?”

Trev slid a hand in his jeans pocket and shrugged, casting me a wicked glance. “I’ll go if Reya does.”

“Sure, I’m in,” I answered easily and he shot me a look of surprise. He must’ve been expecting me to make up an excuse.

An hour later I’d freshened up, put on a purple skater dress with a dipped neckline, and some heels. Not that I needed the extra height. I just liked how toned they made my calves look.

“Hey, look at you,” Paul exclaimed as I entered the living area. “I like your dress. Very sex-ay.”

Trev shot him a disgruntled glare but Paul ignored it. Sometimes I think he flirted with me just to rile Trev. He cleared his throat, his gaze warm as it lingered on how the dress skimmed the curve of my hips.

“You look beautiful,” said Trev, a crack in his voice.

A shimmering heat travelled over me and I uttered a quiet, “Thanks. Um, should we invite Isaac? I feel bad that he has to stay with the crew.”

“There’s no room for him here,” Neil huffed defensively, his ever-present tablet on his lap. “It was the only place I could find to put him.” He looked set for a long night of work and I worried my lip, wondering if I should be staying in and working, too.

“No, I completely understand, but, uh, do you need me to stay and help you? I don’t want to go out if there’s work that needs to be done.”

“Not at all.” Neil waved me away. “I’m mostly replying to a backlog of emails and it’d take more time explaining to you what they’re about since they’re several months old. Go, enjoy yourself.”

“Yeah, quit trying to get out of it. You’re coming with us,” said Paul.

“And unfortunately, so are they,” Leanne added when Jimbo and several other crewmembers stepped inside the apartment.

My excitement for the night ahead deflated. I wasn’t sure I could enjoy myself with cameras watching. Trev saw my disappointment but there was nothing he could do about it. Being filmed was his job. He couldn’t exactly tell them not tonight, Joséphine.

I smiled at my Napoleon-themed reference and headed for the door. “I’ll go grab Isaac. Be back in five.”

A half hour later we were in the VIP section of an upscale Parisian nightclub. Callum and Paul were on the dance floor surrounded by a crowd of women vying for their attention, while Leanne sat next to Isaac. The two were deep in conversation, about what I wasn’t sure, parkour talk probably. It only functioned to punctuate the quiet between Trev and me. He was being uncharacteristically stoic, but he barely took his eyes off me. His attention had the pores on my arms standing on end.

“Want another drink?” he asked, bending close to my ear. His breath on my skin made my belly flutter.

I lifted my glass to show him it was still half full. “Maybe in a little bit.”

I turned my attention away just when the song changed to a dance remix of “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus. It was hard not to laugh. This song seemed to haunt me when it came to Trev. In fact, I used to sing it all the time when I busked on the street. Who knew Miley would be the one to speak to my heart and soul? I couldn’t have found a song that described us better if I wrote it myself.

“You used to cover this one, remember?” Trev asked, surprising me. Self-consciousness tugged at my chest to think of him knowing why I sang it, how I sometimes subtly changed the lyrics to describe him.

You came in like a wrecking ball.

Any songs I wrote for Trev I rarely played if I knew he was in the audience. Those songs left me too exposed. I’d rather sing them for strangers.

I cast him a quick glance. “Uh-huh.”

The club was loud, which meant he had to sit close for me to hear him. I caught a waft of his cologne and struggled not to bury my face in his neck and inhale.

His mouth did this attractive little quirk at the corner. “I know you used to sing it about me.”

I stiffened and pretended I couldn’t hear him. “What?”

His low chuckle made a pleasant vibration. “Okay. We’ll play it like that if you want.”

“Look at Paul,” I said, changing the subject. “He’s got some serious moves.”

“I know you don’t fancy him, Reya, so quit trying to make me jealous.”

“When did I ever say I fancied Paul?”

“You didn’t, but you’re trying to make me think you do. Actually, I thought you did for a while, but I was wrong.”

“How do you reckon that?”

“I know when you’re attracted to someone. You have a few tells.”

I scoffed to cover my nerves. “Bullshit.”

He grinned wide and took a swig of the gin and tonic he’d been nursing all night. “Try me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, I’ll bite. What are they?”

He set the glass down and reached out to stroke my cheek. “You get flushed.” His fingers moved up. “Your pupils dilate.” Next they moved down, and my breathing stuttered when his hand moved to my hair, where I was twisting a strand around my finger. “And you do this with your hair.”

“You’re m-making this up,” I stammered.

“Believe that if you want.”

Our eyes met and time felt suspended for a moment. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, breaking the connection.

Leanne. Phew.

“You want to dance?” she shouted over the music, Isaac behind her.

It was the perfect excuse to get away from Trev’s heated attention, plus I did love to dance, so I happily agreed. Isaac stayed behind, so it was just the two of us on the dance floor. Callum and Paul were at the other end of the club, still surrounded by revellers.

“You looked like you needed rescuing,” Leanne yelled in my ear as we danced.

I shot her a grateful smile. “I did. Thanks for that.”

“Any time.”

We danced out the rest of the song before I asked, “So, you and Callum seem to be getting along better?”

She made a non-committal gesture. “We realised we needed to let it go. Neither one of us can be what the other wants, but we’ve been through a lot together. I’d rather be friends than nothing at all.”

I pondered her words and wondered, if I’d come to the same conclusion about Trev two years ago, would it have worked out? Could we have forgotten the whole lovers thing and just gone back to being friends?

Probably not. There had been too many years of build up.

Anyway, I had to live in the present instead of wallowing in what ifs. He was back in my life now, acting like he wanted to start something up again. The only difference was he wasn’t disappearing on me this time, flickering on and off like a cheap candle. Now he was with me every day, always on hand if I needed him. Was this his way of showing me how it could be between us if I gave him another shot?

It just felt like a massive step backwards. Sure, I’d never really gotten over him, but would I recover if I let myself fall for him again and he let me down? After we spent our three weeks together, what then?

A group of guys slowly sidled up to us. One of them started dancing with Leanne while another moved closer to me. I wasn’t interested in dancing with him, which was fucked up in itself because he was attractive and probably had a sexy French accent to boot. I was far too pre-occupied with the blue-eyed Londoner sitting in the VIP section to even notice anyone else. I knew he was watching me, even though I couldn’t see him. I could just feel it.

Speaking of being watched. I’d almost forgotten that the film crew were scattered around the club, capturing footage, though I suspected they were focused on Paul and Callum’s antics more than anything else.

I startled when two arms came around my waist. Thinking it was one of the men who’d started dancing with us, I twisted around to tell him I wasn’t interested only to find Trev staring down at me. His eyes shone in the dark club, the flashing lights turning them into a spectrum of every colour.

I opened my mouth to say something when his arms tightened around my waist and pulled me closer. My chest pressed into his when he bent low to murmur, “Just dance with me for a minute.”

There was something about his tone that made me give in without a single protest. The crowded club and the music and his closeness all combined to overload my senses. My throat ran dry when his thumb moved back and forth over the base of my spine. We moved to the beat, not once breaking eye contact. Like many times before, I was caught up in his web.

I was the suicidal fly that wanted to be eaten.

My nipples hardened. I could feel them brushing sensitively against the fabric of my bra. I just hoped the padding prevented Trev from feeling them, too. The song changed to something with a heavier bass line. Sound waves hit me right in the pit of my stomach.

His hands started to move, exploring the curves of my hips before coming to rest on my backside. He gave a soft squeeze and my arousal shot sky high. This wasn’t dancing. This was claiming.

He lowered his mouth to my neck and whispered in my ear, “I miss how you come.”

Those words made me tremble. So confidently seductive. Trev had always been in control in the bedroom. He liked to give orders, and there was a rebellious side to me that liked to protest. I think he enjoyed that even more than if I just did as he asked.

His mouth found my earlobe, his tongue dipping out in a feather-light lick. I practically turned to liquid in his arms, closing my eyes.

“You should stop doing that if you don’t want everyone to see me come on this dance floor,” I shot back, feeling a little unstable.

“Wouldn’t want that.” I could feel his smirk.

I couldn’t help the smile that curled my lips in return. He just had this way of pulling it out of me. Trying to be brave, I asked, “What else do you miss?”

He nuzzled my neck and started to hum. “Hmm, let me see. I miss your laugh. I miss how you used to give me shit for being an arsehole. I miss when you used to stay over in my room and all we did was sleep. I miss hanging out with you in your tiny flat. I miss hearing you sing for me.”

His words were like a declaration. They overwhelmed me, bringing on a memory. I was staying the night at his house, because we were watching movies and it had gotten too late for me to go home. We’d lain on his narrow bed, fully clothed because back then we were still just friends. Trev surprised me by asking me to sing him a lullaby. I initially thought he was joking, but then I saw the serious look on his face, so I sang to him. It was one of the most intimate moments we’d ever shared. There’d just always been this feeling of closeness between us. I could get off on as little as a shared look or a touch of his hand. I fell headfirst into the past.

His hand brushed up and down my spine as I sang the chorus to “Galileo” by Declan O’Rourke. It was overly sweet and romantic and I felt weird and self-conscious by the time I finished. Maybe it had been the wrong choice, but then Trev looked at me with such a fierce intensity I thought he might kiss me.

Instead he asked, “Why don’t you ever talk about your family, Reya?”

My heart sank. He’d never asked me this question before. “Because nobody likes sad stories.”

“I don’t care if it’s sad. I just want to know.”

“Karla’s the only one I’ve ever told.”

“Now I’m insulted. She’s only your second-best friend. Everybody knows I’m your first,” he quietly teased.

I gave him a small smile and wondered if he was right. He was my best friend. Maybe he did deserve to know the truth, where I came from, what I’d been through. I was speaking before I even realised words were coming out of my mouth.

“I was raised very firmly within the Catholic church,” I began. Trev didn’t let up stroking my back and it helped to soothe my tension. We lay side by side on the bed, facing each another. “My dad owns a restaurant where I grew up in Enfield, so my parents have always been involved in the community, especially the church. I was actually taught to play piano by a nun, believe it or not. Anyway, my childhood was very regimented. I was the youngest of four children and my parents ran a tight ship. I always had to conduct myself in a respectable manner. Like, if I wore a neckline that was too low or a top that was too tight, my father would literally ground me for a week. Not exactly easy when you’ve got a body like mine. My boobs make everything look too tight.”

Trev gave me a tender smile and I paused to swallow, because talking about it always upset me. Trev didn’t say anything, but I could see I had his full attention.

“There was a businessman in my parish, my father’s acquaintance, who came to our house for dinner one evening. I’d always gotten a sketchy vibe off him, but when he came to dinner I was seriously on edge. There was just something creepy about how he looked at me. I was eighteen and had just started university to study music. My mother was bragging proudly about the program I’d gotten into and how competitive it was, how I’d be playing solos with the London Symphony Orchestra one day. He was impressed and offered for me to play at an upcoming company event he was hosting at my father’s restaurant. I was wary of the offer, but my parents were over the moon.

“A couple of weeks later the night of the event came. The restaurant was full of people and I sat by the piano playing instrumental pieces, pre-approved by Mum and Dad. By midnight everybody was tipsy. I finished up and went out back to use the bathroom when I bumped into him.”

“Reya,” Trev breathed. I could tell my story was agitating him by the way his pulse ticked in his throat.

“It’s hard to t-talk about the next bit,” I whispered.

Trev’s jaw tensed. “Did he hurt you?”

I nodded. Trev swore profusely, saying how he was going to find this guy and kill him, break every bone in his body. I knew he didn’t mean it. He was just angry. Angry like my parents should have been.

“I was in shock for about a week after. Mum thought I had the flu and that’s why I wouldn’t leave my bed. In the end, she realised I wasn’t sick so she dragged me out of my room. I was so upset that I told her everything, and then she . . . she looked me right in the eye and told me I was lying. She said I was trying to bring shame on the family. I shouted at her and ran to my father, thinking he might be more sympathetic, but I only got the same response. I still can’t tell whether they truly thought I was lying or if they were just so frightened of a scandal and the attention it would bring that they’d rather choose not to believe me.”

“Pair of bloody wankers,” Trev grunted, his expression furious. “I actually want to hurt them.”

I let out a sad sigh. “You shouldn’t. I just feel sorry for them. They’d rather shun their youngest daughter than face the fact that she’d been raped by a man they welcomed into their home.”

Trev pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight, like he couldn’t stand to hear it put into words so bluntly.

“I went to my brothers and my sister after that, hoping they might believe me. My sister Paula did, and my brother Samuel, too. But my oldest brother, Lucas, he was too much like my father. He didn’t want to believe. He went to my parents and told them how I was trying to stir up trouble. They tried grounding me but I’d already packed my bags. I couldn’t live in a house with people who refused to believe the truth, so I went to stay with my next-door neighbour, Mrs Finnegan.” I smiled sadly, remembering how fierce that old bird had been. “I used to call her my English granny because she always looked out for me. She was the only person I ever saw tell my parents exactly what she thought of them. They basically told me not to bother coming home. They weren’t going to pay for my uni fees anymore, and as far as they were concerned I was no longer their daughter. It hurt like I’d been stabbed in the gut. They’d never been particularly loving parents, but I still couldn’t believe they’d cut me out of their lives so callously. All to avoid judgement from the community.”

When I finished speaking, we were both quiet for a long time. Trev held me so tight it was on the verge of being painful.

“I want to ask you something but I’m afraid to hear the answer,” he said finally, his body tense.

“Just ask,” I whispered, my face pressed into his warm shoulder.

“What happened to the fucker who did it?”

I exhaled heavily. “He didn’t get away with it, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Then what?” he grunted, like he wished he’d been the one to dole out justice.

“After I told Karla, she was just as angry as you. Without my knowledge, she looked into his background and found a bunch of charges for sexual assault, but all of them had been dropped. She suspected he’d paid the girls to drop them, or maybe their parents. When she came to me with the information, I was so upset to hear there had been others. Then I got angry. Karla wanted my permission to contact these women and see if they’d be willing to give new statements. If it turned out that they’d been coerced into changing their original statements through bribery or other means, they could be struck off the record.” I paused to take a breath. “So, that’s what we did.”

“And he got sent away?”

I nodded. “It took over a year, but he finally got what he deserved. Fifteen years. The bribery charges on top of the sexual assault and rape upped the sentencing. But the public nature of the trial made my parents even more resentful. That was the final nail in the coffin for them.”

“Jesus Christ, they don’t fucking deserve you back in their lives, Reya. They never deserved you. I can’t,” he paused, raking a through his hair in frustration, “I can’t believe you went through all this and I’m only hearing about it now.”

“Don’t hate me for not telling you. It’s the hardest thing to talk about. And I just want to put it all behind me.”

Trev stared at me for a long moment, thoughts flickering behind his eyes. “I know I can be unreliable and flighty sometimes, but I honestly can’t help it. I want to be there for you and I’m gonna try harder. I want you to know you can trust me. If you ever need someone, I’m here.”

I mustered a smile for him, because he was being incredibly sweet. “I know, and thank you. I guess you deserve that first-best-friend status, after all.”




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