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Her English Gent: A BWWM Romance (International Alphas Book 9) by Brandy Blake (11)



“So do you want to go to Stonehenge or a medieval castle today?” Mike asked Amanda the next morning.

They had come home and made slow love, after taking a bubble bath. It had been amazing, and Amanda had enjoyed it as much as she had every other time they had made love. She wished that this time would never end. Thankfully, they had been smart and used protection.

“Which would you suggest?” she asked.

“Well, honestly, either of them. The castle is the Tower of London and it is closer, we can make the other one a weekend trip, and do it on Friday maybe. Of course, since I’m off we can do it now. So, in the end it is up to you. Do you feel like a long trip, or a short one today?” Mike inquired.

“A short one, we can do the other one, maybe in a couple of days. As long as we do it before I have to leave,” Amanda commented.

“You know you can always come back for another visit if we aren’t able to see everything,” Mike said.

“Yeah, I know,” Amanda commented. She was happy he hadn’t suggested she moved to London again.

“Okay, so it’s the Tower of London today. Dress semi-warm again, it’s not very warm out. The castle has walls, but it isn’t insulated like modern homes, so it won’t be very warm, but not cold either. It is kind of a medium between the two. I think you should be much better than we were on the water yesterday,” he commented.

“Okay. I’m sure I have something that will work. Tonight, if possible, I need to wash a few clothes. If you don’t mind, that is.”

“Of course not, you are free to use anything in my house, including me!” He smiled and pulled her to him.

“Ahh, someone is feeling randy today.” She laughed.

He busted out laughing. “Oh look who is speaking with the British phrases now!”

“I saw it online yesterday when I was sending an email to Janice.”

“It sounds so sexy coming from your mouth. It makes me want to keep you in bed all day long. However, I know how much you want to see some things before you leave. So, I’ll hold off until later.” He chuckled.

“Maybe tomorrow we could spend the day in bed. I mean I’m willing to make a sacrifice here and there. I don’t have to see everything!”              

“A sacrifice, huh, I think there would be more pleasure than sacrifice.”

“Oh, I’m quite sure of that too. Thus, the reason I can skip seeing some things to spend time in the bed with you.”

“Tomorrow, I will ravish you until you can’t take it.”

“Sounds delightful.” She smiled.


“Wow, I knew castles were big, but honestly, this is even larger than I could picture. You never know if movies tell the truth, so I’ve never been sure about their portrayals of a castle,” Amanda said, as they followed the tour guide through the Tower of London.

“If you would like… we can look to see if you can find a souvenir in the gift shop when we are done with the tour.”              

“Sure, sounds good.”

“Hey, you want to sneak back to the bed chamber and make love in the castle?” he whispered into her ear.

She giggled. “Stop, we’ll get caught, and arrested.”

“Most likely. But, think of the stories you can share with everyone in the future!” Mike laughed.

“Yeah, I think we should skip this idea. But, I’m still on for the day in bed tomorrow!” Amanda kissed him.

He pulled her closer and pushed his tongue into her mouth. She answered his probing with a low moan and pressed her tongue against his.

“Folks, we’re moving to the next room.” The tour guide cleared his throat and interrupted them.

They looked at each other and giggled. “Sorry,” Amanda said, as she continued to laugh and followed the guide to the next room.

“This is the kitchen, oftentimes the staff who worked in the kitchen would find it as one of the warmest rooms in the castle. They used wood to burn the fire, and this pot here, is one that was found to have been used by cooks of that time,” the tour guide explained.

 “Our next stop is the gift shop, if you are interested in anything, we accept credit cards, and cash in both US dollars and British pounds.”

They followed him out of the kitchen, and he showed them the gift shop. He left them to look around. “If you want to buy anything, just take it to the register.”              

“Thank you for the tour,” Amanda told him.

Mike shook the man’s hand and said, “Thank you, it was very enlightening.”

“You are most welcome.” The man bowed and left the room.

Amanda looked around, and finally settled on a miniature version of the castle that had been carved out of stone. Mike bought it for her and led her to the car. He opened the door and kissed her before she could get inside. “You know I always thought it would be romantic to get married in a castle.”

“I’m sure it would have a certain appeal to it. Especially, if you dressed in the outfits of that time, it would make a lovely ceremony.”

“Yes, we should do that,” Mike said.

She was stunned speechless. Had he just proposed to her in a very odd way? She shook her head, and realized he’d closed her door, and had made his way around to the driver’s door. He had just been making a comment. How in the world could they ever marry? They lived too far apart. She stopped the thoughts, again she decided to just enjoy their time together.

“If you want, we can go home and start our day in bed early!” Mike said as he drove the car. “After we grab a bite to eat, or I can try making you that chicken again.”

“I think the chicken sounds good. It smelled really good when you first started it, and I would love to test your culinary prowess!” Amanda stated.

“Deal! Today, I’ll be sure not to ignore the oven, and get the chicken out before it turns into black bricks!”

They laughed, remembering his earlier attempt in the week. He had joined Amanda in the tub, and they had been too busy with each other, and making love. The chicken had stayed in the oven much longer than it had been meant to. By the time they smelled it, it had been far past the stage of edible.

He drove to the supermarket and they picked up everything needed for the supper he planned to cook. “I enjoyed the day with you again, I do wish we would have snuck off and made love in the castle though!” He wiggled his eyebrows and she laughed at him.

“You sure are a randy little devil.” She laughed at her use of the British slang she had picked up on the internet the day before.

He laughed. “You turn me on when you talk like that, you even added a bit of a British lilt to the word when you said it!”

“You’d be turned on if I said it even without the British lilt!” She laughed.

“Yep, you got me there,” he admitted. “But, I’m going to be good, until after I’ve made supper and gotten it out of the oven. After we are done eating, all bets are off. I’m going to make you moan and scream as much as I can!” he said, the promise in his voice made her excited.

“You sure know how to make a girl want you!”

“Good, because I want you!” He pulled her in for a kiss. “Let’s get this stuff inside and I’ll start preparing the meal.”

Amanda helped him carry in the groceries, then he kicked her out of the room. “You will be too distracting for me. Go watch the television, or mess around on your computer.”

“Yes sir!” She laughed and wiggled her ass on the way out of the kitchen.

He moaned. “You don’t play fair, do you!”

“Never!” She turned around and smiled at him.

“Go! Or I’ll never get this made.”

She walked out and went to see if Janice had answered her email. She had written to her best friend and told her about the conversation she and Mike had, about if she had gotten pregnant. She figured it was easier than trying to find time to call her. Plus, if she called Janice, Mike might overhear their conversation.

She had tried to move past the fact that he had upset her with his comments. Letting him know that she was still upset might cause a bit of turmoil between them. She didn’t want that, she only wanted to enjoy this time together. She knew she should tell him how she felt. But, the fact was that she instead had chosen to try and bury this issue, hoping it would never come up again.

Amanda pulled up her computer, and there was a response from Janice; she opened it up and read the email.

I know that you feel this is a big problem. Just by the way you worded your email. However, let’s look at it from his point of view. One, have you ever told him whether you wanted kids or not? Most likely not, knowing you.

So, he would automatically assume that you would want to terminate any pregnancy that came up. Because, does anyone really think that a woman wants to be a single mother? No, they don’t.

So, you should have instead told him how you felt about having a child. In that case, his response might have been quite different. For now, I would suggest don’t worry about it. Also, please make sure you USE a CONDOM from NOW ON! DUMMY!

 Love you, Janice


She admitted that what Janice had written was correct. She had never told Mike that she had longed to be a mother for years. However, she had never taken the chance with another guy. She had always made sure that Eric had used protection. She had realized how immature he was, and that having a child with him would have been an extremely bad idea.

With Mike, she wasn’t sure how she’d not thought of it. It must have been their connection. She had longed to have him, in an animalistic and primal way. She had been driven to submit to his prowess and wanted him to make love to her.

 The thought of a condom had completely slipped her mind, more than one time. However, after the second time they’d forgotten the condom, she’d made sure that he had put one on.

She smiled, Janice always helped her feel better about a situation. She wrote Janice a short response back, and thanked her for her wisdom, once again. Amanda closed the computer down and went to see if she could find anything on TV.

Amanda smelled the wonderful scent of the chicken Mike was preparing in the kitchen.

She yelled out, “It smells fantastic.”

“Thanks, but don’t you dare come in here,” he yelled back.

She chuckled and sat on the couch. She turned on the TV and found some romantic comedy. She loved these types of movies, they always made her smile, and cry. But it was always a happy cry. As the movie played, she thought of her real-life romance.

It could be a good movie. An American woman travels to England, and runs into a hot British guy, he’s older than her. He’s a sexy businessman, who is stable, and has all his ducks in a row. They connect perfectly, and the sex is amazing. It had all the earmarks of a perfect romance.

She smiled, as she let the story play out in her head. She would leave, and he would miss her so much. He’d call her, or send her a ticket, and they’d meet in some central location. When she got there, he would tell her how much he missed her, and propose marriage.

She would scream and say yes, it would be a day her dreams would come true. They would figure out everything, including where they would live. The ceremony would be wonderful, or even small, it didn’t matter. They would end up living happily ever after.

She sighed, it was a great fantasy. However, she admitted it wouldn’t turn out that way.

“Dinner is almost done,” he called out. “I made mashed potatoes to go along with it.” He walked into the room. “Do you want to eat here, or at the table?” he asked.

“At the table is fine.”

“Come on and eat then, I hope you enjoy it.”

She smelled the food. “It smells heavenly.”

“Taste it.”

She took a bite, and moaned. “Oh wow, this is the best chicken I think I’ve ever eaten. Even better than what we had at the Indian restaurant. You added something to make it spicy too!” Amanda commented.

“Yep, I hope you like it!”

“I love it, you are an amazing cook!” she complimented him.

“Thanks!” He smiled. “Later, I’m going to show you how amazing of a lover I am too!”

“Oh honey, you’ve showed me that on more than one occasion.” She smiled.

“Well, I’m going to show you again tonight, and tomorrow!” He picked her up and carried her off to the bedroom.

“What about the dishes?” she asked.

“I’ll do them later! After I make you scream for a while!” He kissed her as he carried her to the bedroom.

He placed her on the floor and undressed her slowly. He stroked her body, his fingertips running over her nipples. She screamed out in excitement as he bit one of her nipples, not too hard, but just right.

She undressed him and admired his hardness. He stopped her from going down on her knees and pleasuring him. “No, I want to please you.”

She allowed him to lay her on the bed, and he crawled up to kiss her deeply on the mouth. His tongue plunged into her mouth and wrestled with hers. His hands played with her hardened nipples, and worked their way to her molten, moist crotch.

He pushed a finger inside of her, and she moaned and pushed her body up into him. “Make love to me.”              

“Not yet.” He kissed her breasts and worked his mouth down to his favorite spot on her body. She moaned as his tongue touched her clit and licked down and delved deep into her slit.

He spread her legs wider and pulled her hips towards him. He held her in place and moved his mouth to his waiting prey. She licked her lips in anticipation of his expertise.

He covered her clit with his mouth and sucked on it. She bucked up into his face and moaned loudly. He worked her body into a frenzy. She pulled at his hair and rocked her hips up into his face, as she neared orgasm.

He clamped her legs tighter and assaulted her pussy again with his tongue. He encouraged her to let it all go. “Let it go babe. I want to taste you.”

She moaned and felt his teeth graze her clit. She exploded, filling his mouth with her sweet and tangy juices. He licked up everything he could and moved up.

He grabbed a condom and put it on his hard cock. He slipped into her as she moved along with him. He pulled her hips towards him, realigning them, so that with each stroke he pushed as far as he could into her. She worked her body up and down and matched his rhythm perfectly.

He smiled at her. “Babe, you taste so good. I’m going to make you come again though, before I do,” he promised.

He pulled her up and lay on his back. “Your turn to ride me.”

She rocked her pelvis on his hard cock. He placed a finger against her clit and rubbed it. She felt the electric shocks of pleasure as they shot through her body. “Oh, Mike,” she moaned.

“That’s it, babe, let it go again. I want you to scream my name!”

He rubbed his fingers on her clit and clamped it between his thumb and forefinger. She screamed out, “I’m coming, oh God, Mike, don’t stop.”

He pushed into her quickly and continued to rub on her clit. Her body throbbed in response to his cock slamming into her and the tremors moved like apocalyptic waves throughout her entire body. The pleasure built to a fiery crescendo, and she slipped over the edge and screamed his name. She clawed at his back as her body shook in a massive twitching and almost seizure-like orgasm.

He let himself slip over the edge and join her. His cock unloaded into the condom, and he fell forward, completely spent. They lay together, spent and elated with their hearts racing. Sleep overtook them both, as they snuggled in postcoital bliss.





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