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His Baby to Defend (The Den Mpreg Romance Book Three) by Kiki Burrelli (33)


Brady stepped out of the bathroom to confront the two men waiting impatiently on the other side of the door. They'd wanted to go in there with him, but he had refused. There were some things a man needed to do on his own. Like pee on a stick to see if he was pregnant.

He looked into their faces, trying to keep his lips from curling up and failing miserable.

"Yes?" Glenn asked, his voice catching with emotion.

"Does it say yes?" Parker asked, surging forward.

"I didn't ask it to marry me," Brady replied, beaming. "It says, pregnant." His two beautiful mates rushed forward. Glenn lifted him up as Parker checked the stick.

"How many do you think? Coyotes rarely have more than one child at a time. But if they're wolves…" His eyes got very round. "Who knows how many you could have in there?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's just wait for the ultrasound before we go giving me a million stretch marks. Does it matter, what the baby is?"

"Of course not," Glenn replied.

"Either way, the baby is ours," Parker said. He smiled. "Our baby to cherish. We need to tell everyone."

Minutes later they were walking through the entrance to The Den. No one so much as glanced their direction when they came in. Well, some of them did, but they didn't look twice or for long. Parker and Brady were old news now. Ever since word of what had happened at Brady's had circulated and Sorell had made a very public expression of gratitude toward Parker for saving Felix's life. The pack had moved on, business as usual. They had a pack party to plan which had now become something of a gag. The joke was, it was the party that would always be planned, never enjoyed.

"Attention," Glenn announced.

Brady rolled his eyes, what a Glenn thing to do. He caught Parker's smiling expression and saw he was thinking the same thing.

"Everyone, we're pregnant," Glenn said and the place erupted in cheers.

The shifters stood, rushing toward them to congratulate them, similarly to how they'd greeted Glenn that first night the three of them had come back, except now, they accepted all three of them. A tall, dark and brooding man shook Brady's hand and offered his congratulations. Brady said thank you and watched the muscular man walk away and into the kitchen.

"Did Pippen hire a new kitchen worker?" Brady asked Glenn.

"No, why?"

"I didn't recognize him is all," Brady said, shaking it off. He was still learning who everyone was. It was a process as his world had grown exponentially larger since meeting his mates. Not only did he now have his wolf family and friends at The Den, but he had the coyotes too. They split their time between here and Riverside. The coyotes there were settling in amazingly. Officer Lorne had taken care of the paperwork regarding Robert Foster and Clinton. Parker's cousin had been charged with assault and breaking and entering while Robert Foster's charges could fill a sheet of paper. He would be in prison for a long time. His stomach rumbled and he frowned.

"What?" Parker asked.

"What is it?" Glenn asked.

"I'm hungry," Brady said. Once everyone had said their congrats, the three of them sat at a table. After ordering, Brady stretched his right leg out, sliding his foot up Glenn's leg. Then, he did the same to Parker with his left.

"Careful," Glenn warned with a smile. "You'll unleash the beast."

Brady snorted. "Don't worry. I'm really good with animals."

When their food came, dropped off by Ruthie who had gotten over her fear of Parker and if Brady was not mistaken, had maybe developed a tiny crush on him, Brady dug in, taking a large bite of his hamburger. Pippen made the best burgers but they always made his face turn into a sloppy mess. When he looked up for a napkin to wipe the sauce off his cheek he froze. The other two were staring at him, something that would have weirded him out at first, but now, he was used to it. "Your food is going to get cold," Brady said with his mouth full.

"We're waiting to see if you need it. You're eating for two after all. Or three?" Glenn's eyes widened. "Four?" he said on a whisper. "That would be so awesome to beat everyone's number."

"It isn't a competition," Brady said, truly hoping he didn't give birth to a litter of four. Pregnancy would be an interesting thing to go through already, he didn't need to also get abnormally large. He'd already done the fun parts. From his understanding, things would grow increasingly uncomfortable until labor and then the fun parts got to start again. If he had told himself a year ago that he was going to be sitting at some shifter restaurant in the middle of the city, pregnant, with two mates, he would have walked away from himself because his self was obviously crazy. Now that he was here, he wouldn't have it any other way. Becoming a family with these men wouldn't always be easy, but it would be right.


The End