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His Baby to Defend (The Den Mpreg Romance Book Three) by Kiki Burrelli (6)

Chapter Six


Glenn pushed the curtain aside, looking out to the forest line for the hundredth time.

"Worried?" Brady asked from the sink.

Was he worried? Maybe, but not for the reason Brady thought. More than anything, he was confused. Being around Brady was exactly how he thought finding his mate would be. Knowing the moment you saw them, feeling that urge to protect and claim, he had no doubts in that area. Until Parker had come into the picture, everything had been a textbook mating experience.

And while he didn't feel exactly the same towards Parker as he did Brady, he couldn't deny that he felt something. Until he understood what that something feeling was, he couldn't in good conscience act on his mating with Brady. As it was, Brady didn't seem to know much about mating other than the word.

In the time since Parker left to track the pig, they'd spoken more about Brady's interactions with the shifter world since meeting Caleb. He knew less than the basics and had rushed over explaining the one time he saw Caleb pregnant, learning then that mated males could get pregnant, with a speed that was disconcertingly fast. Growing up a shifter, in a shifter world, male pregnancy was a beautiful part of life. It was no different or less awe inspiring than female pregnancy. And no one was going around making faces at that.

He was at a standstill and if Glenn did one thing poorly, it was stand still. "What are you making? Smells great."

"Deer roast and vegetables."

"You aren't vegetarian?" For some reason, that surprised him, though he was also relieved.

"I understand the circle of life. I'd rather all living things be treated with respect and dignity while they are alive, but understand that animals have to eat."

Glenn left the window, letting that invisible force that drew him to Brady tug him even closer. This was a dangerous game. "Are you calling yourself an animal?" Glenn asked on a murmur.

Brady froze, his shoulders tensing and then relaxing before he turned to Glenn. He had his glasses pushed up his forehead, resting in his hair so they wouldn't fog up while he cooked. "Humans are animals. Maybe not as much as shifters. How closely related are you to your animal counterpart? Asher said he could live forever in his wolf form. For a few years, he did."

"I'm becoming jealous by how often you mention Asher," Glenn confessed.

"Why? He is my friend. Was my only friend for a while."

"I could be your friend," Glenn whispered before he could stop himself. He knew it was dangerous to let himself get so close. He could hardly control his thoughts and actions when his senses were so full of Brady.

"I hardly know you," Brady whispered back.

"Does that matter?" Glenn said, pushing his body as close as he dared. "Can't you feel this?"

"I--it scares me," Brady replied and Glenn knew he was being honest.

"That's natural, I think."

Brady took a deep breath, it only brought his back closer to Glenn's chest. "I'm uh, no one around here knows that...I'm gay."

"Neither did I until you just told me."

"Ha ha."

Glenn wanted nothing more than to press his lips against Brady's neck. He'd kiss that spot, lick the man into a frenzy and then bite him there, marking him as his. "Brady, you have to know, I would never do something to hurt or betray you."

"That is not something you say to a man you just met."

"I thought you knew about shifters, we act quick."

Brady turned around, clutching a towel to his front that acted almost like a barrier. "You also act impulsively, without thinking. I won't be a regret."

What the hell? That sounded too pointed to be a random worry. At some point in Brady's life he had felt like someone's regret. "Who hurt you, Brady?"

The handsome man stood straight, no longer clutching the towel, he held it with calm hands. "That is not your business. I just met you. Isn't that the point? We just met. I won't let this life I have spent more than thirty years cultivating in this town be destroyed by some guy who might not be able to keep his mouth shut."

Glenn would have been offended if it hadn't been so clear Brady was talking about someone else again. He needed to relax and take a breather. Brady would talk to him when he was ready. He'd heard time and again that mating was a delicate, patient process and that pushing a mate would only make it harder. But talking about patience and being patient were different things entirely. He wanted to know everything about Brady, right away.

"Was it Asher?" he asked tightly, not enjoying the idea of having to beat up his good friend's mate.

"No, he is my friend, I guess. Sort of. A random guy who visits a couple times a year? Like a muscled, topless, Santa who comes more often." Brady laughed then, and it took Glenn a moment to catch the joke.

"You've had sex with him."

"You're surprised I slept with the only other gay person in this town who was attractive and also my age?"

"I just...didn't realize you had that sort of relationship."

Brady ducked under Glenn's arms. Stopping at the cupboard, he grabbed three plates and three cups. He set them on the table and then turned back to the drawers. "Well we don't, not anymore. He stopped coming around about the time I healed and realized I didn't need men in my life."

"Hold on, what the fuck do you mean, healed? What were you healing from?"

"Injuries that are none of your business," Brady replied, setting down three sets of silverware next to the plates.

Glenn begged to disagree. Injuries to Brady were definitely his business, and he would hear what they were.

"Look, some people hide in this town because they don't want to be found, either they did something illegal or want to do something illegal. I already said that wasn't me. Other people hide in this town because the real world, the one that is out there, down the road where you come from, it isn't nice to them. The real world chewed me up and spit me out. I'd rather live here, with my animals, where I can be of quiet use to a handful of people. That may not be a big life, but it is a good one. At least, it has been so far."

"That's enough for you?" Glenn asked.

"It has to be."

If Glenn hadn't heard that wistful edge in Brady's words he would have left that very moment. His first job as a mate was to make his mate happy and if living a quiet life of solitude did that, he would have to allow it. Living in the forest where he could keep an eye on him would be a pain, but he would have endured it. Except, Glenn had heard the way his words fell off at the end, the sadness in his voice. Leaving his mate wouldn't make him happiest, but showing him how he could live with people might. Good thing Glenn enjoyed a challenge.

Brady finished setting the table and as he did, his movements slowed. Glenn couldn't figure out why at first, and then he realized, Brady didn't want to finish before Parker got back. He had set three places, the food was done and staying warm on low heat in the oven. They could eat right now if they were all present.

Watching Brady set three napkins on the table at a snail's pace made him angry. Parker might have been trying to help but how dare he worry Brady like this? He was an amazing man who deserved an easy life and here Parker was, making it more difficult.

It was unreasonable but the more he watched Brady slow down, the angrier he got. So much so that when Parker finally did walk in the door, completely wet, Glenn was shaking.

"Where the hell were you?" he asked.

Parker froze in the doorway, his green eyes opening widely before his jaw set in a scowl. He pushed his wet, dark blond hair out of his eyes. "I told you, looking for the pig. Why do you care?"

"Brady worked hard on this dinner."

That seemed to soften Parker's scowl a bit, but then he looked at Glenn and he raised his face obstinately. "Looks like I got here just in time," he said flippantly. "Thanks, Brady," he said then with a cocky smirk.

Glenn wasn't sure what drove him forward. It didn't feel like jealousy, but the emotion was strong. Whatever it was, it brought him nearly toe to toe with the other shifter.

"Apologize," he snarled through clenched teeth.

Parker sat back on his heels and looked right into Glenn's eyes. They were about the same height and build. Glenn wasn't sure what kind of shifter he was, knowing that not all shifters could be scented. If he were wolf, Glenn thought he would be able to sense that. Lions were a little harder, coyotes could be damn near impossible. The hair on Glenn's neck rose at that thought.

"It's really okay," Brady said from a few feet back. He stood by the table, clutching a baking dish and staring at the two shifters like they were bombs about to go off.

They were.

"It isn't okay. He's been here less than twenty-four hours and already he's disrespected you and your time." Glenn gestured violently in Parker's direction. "He needs to be taught--"

A deep growl erupted out of Parker as he grabbed Glenn's wrist and twisted his arm, maneuvering his body around so that his hand was behind his back and his chest was pressed against the wall.

"I'm not some child to be taught," Parker hissed into his ear. "Let's get that straight right now." He pushed forward, displaying just how much control of Glenn's body that he had.

Glenn was furious and horny as hell. His dick pressed into the wood of the wall and he had to keep himself from grinding against the solid surface in search of a release. This shouldn't turn him on, but there was no denying that it did. His skin felt alive, particularly where Parker held him at the wrist. He could feel the other shifter's heat against his back, warming his entire body.

But this wasn't right. Brady was his mate. He'd felt the pull toward him. Even now, he felt connected to the human. Was there something wrong with him? Was Glenn defective? He spun counterclockwise in the direction of the arm Parker held, and when his arm was loose, he ripped his wrist free. Before Parker could back up too far he slipped behind him, reaching his arms up his armpits in a full nelson.

"Maybe someone should have taught you how to properly restrain a man," Glenn replied arrogantly.

Parker bucked and jerked as he fought the hold.

"C'mon you guys, you are going to break something," Brady called from a safe distance.

Parker's movements put delicious friction against his erection. The other man had to be able to feel it. Why wasn't he responding with anger? With disgust?

Instead of revulsion, Parker's movements grew smoother. His wild bucks tapered off morphing into fluid motions. He slid his body up and down Glenn's and from side to side. Glenn bit his lip just as a moan tried to escape. Without warning, Parker slipped down and away. He caught Glenn's gaze, but there was no anger in his expression. He smirked before grabbing Glenn's upper arms and slamming him back against the wall. Parker didn't move back at all, instead, he pressed his full body against Glenn's and that was when Glenn felt it: Parker was turned on as well.

Their faces were so close their harsh exhales mixed with one other. "Maybe we'll both take that class," Parker said between breaths.

Glenn didn't mean to look at his lips, it just happened. When he did, he knew it was a mistake. Glenn stretched his head forward as Parker did the same until their lips were less than an inch apart.

Glenn heard Brady sigh, the sound was like a punch to his face. He pulled back and pushed Parker away at the same moment. He looked over at the vet who was standing behind the table, watching the two of them with a hooded expression.

Glenn rubbed his palms down the front of his legs, avoiding Parker's face. What. The. Fuck? They had been a split second from kissing before Glenn came to his senses. Brady was his mate. Brady. Not this strange, mysterious shifter.

Brady lifted the baking dish up toward them and shrugged awkwardly. "Hungry?"