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HIS POSSESSION: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Vicious Thrills MC) by Zoey Parker (61)



Bax's knees were wobbling and his entire body felt like one big bruise as Mule rapped the secret knock on the warehouse door. It opened immediately and Skull's burly arm reached out, seizing Bax by the scruff of the neck and dragging him inside.


“Hey, take it easy,” Bax groaned. “Can't you see the big guy already worked me over?”


“Enough of your fucking wisecracks, Baxter.”


Bax hadn't heard Skull use his real name since they were kids. Before he could process that, Skull dragged him across the dusty concrete floor of the warehouse and threw him into the corner roughly, where he collapsed in a heap. When he managed to drag himself to his feet and look around, he saw that everyone—Harry, Millie, David, Tommy, and all the Voodoo Devils—were standing around him in a loose semicircle.


Their eyes were cold and pitiless. They reminded Bax of the black water of a frozen pond he'd almost drowned in when he fell through the ice as a small child.


This must be what it feels like when a guy faces a firing squad, Bax thought. Or when he's about to be stoned to death.


“Look me in the eyes,” Skull commanded.


“Fuck that,” Tommy spat. “We all know what he did.”


“No, I want to hear it from him. I want him to stand there and look me in the eye and tell me with a straight face that he didn't fuck that girl again.” Skull crossed his arms. “Well, Bax? Go on.”


Bax sighed, knowing he might as well get it over with. “Fine. Okay. I fucked her. But it's not like that—”


“Really? What's it like, then, huh?” Harry stepped forward and got right in Bax's face, yelling. “What fairy tale horseshit are you going to try to feed us now? That it was about more than dipping your dick? That even a con man can find true love in the most unlikely places?”


Bax shrugged with a half-smile. “Heh, well, now that you mention it...”


David stared at Bax in disbelief. “Holy shit. I knew you had problems, but I had no idea it was this bad. This is all my fault. If I'd known, I'd never have let you put this con together.”


“I'm going to go make myself a nice mug of cyanide,” Millie sighed, her head sinking into her hands. “Anyone else want some?”


“You promised me.” Skull shook his head slowly in disbelief. “After all these years, after everything we've been through together, you stood there and you promised—”


“Oh, give me a motherfucking break!” Tommy stomped over to Skull, flecks of spittle spraying from his mouth as he screamed. “You stood there and believed him! I tried to warn you that this mook's word was no good, but he gives you some useless pinkie-swear of a promise and you let him off the hook! Well, I told you so, you fucking pinhead grease monkey! You hear me? I told you so, I told you so, I told you so!”


Skull spun around and punched Tommy in the face. Tommy's glasses skidded across the floor and he sat down hard, blood pouring from his nose.


“Tommy, a goddamn two-year-old could have told you that now was not the time to say that to me,” Skull growled.


Tommy stood up, wiping his nose on his sleeve and staring at everyone else in disbelief. “I don't fucking believe you people. He sends the whole plan to hell just so he can give some girl the high hard one, and I'm the one who gets punched?” He stalked over to his glasses, picking them up and wiping them off as he headed for the door. “You're crazy. All of you. I'm out of here. I should never have agreed to this scheme.”


“But you did agree to it, Tommy,” Bax called after him. “So where are you gonna go now? Back to Dallas? What do you think Old Man Parrino's gonna do once Altamura gets his shit together and tells him you were in on this? Sure, he might keep you around for a a rug in front of his fireplace.”


“Then I'll just have to go on the fucking lam, won't I?” Tommy snapped. “And with barely enough money to get by on thanks to you, you horny, selfish prick. I'll probably end up pumping gas somewhere in Montana.”


“Or you could stick around, see this through, and come out of it with enough millions of dollars to buy yourself whatever life you want,” Bax countered. He tried to sound calm and in control, but his stomach felt like someone was twisting a corkscrew into it. He'd lost their trust completely, and even Skull wasn't on his side anymore.


The next few words to come out of his mouth could be the most important ones he'd ever uttered.


“Here we go.” Tommy looked at the ceiling imploringly and flapped his arms in frustration. “Here comes the next sales pitch. He's gonna try to convince us we've still got a shot at pulling this off. Lord, I'm begging you, reach down from heaven and lift me up out of this flaming lake of nonsense.”


“Actually, we've got a better shot at it than ever now,” said Bax.


Harry raised his eyebrows. “You cannot be serious.”


“May as well let him talk,” Millie mumbled. “I don't know about the rest of you, but I could use a good laugh before I die.”


Skull clenched his teeth, the muscles in his jaw twitching. “This had better be good.”


“All right, look,” Bax began. “I'm not going to feed you all a bunch of rainbows-and-unicorns crap about why I needed to see her again, because you don't care and you wouldn't believe me anyway. But trust me when I tell you that if we just hang in there a little longer, we can double our money and take Altamura out of the picture that we've got someone on the inside.”


“Oh my fucking God,” Harry blurted out, his hand going to his mouth. “Do you hear what this lunatic is saying? He's telling us that he told the daughter all about this.”


“You didn't,” Skull breathed, his eyes widening. “Fuck, Bax, no, please, you didn't do that.”


“You're goddamn right I did, and you're all going to thank me for it.”


The entire warehouse reacted with a chorus of groans and curses. Several crumpled beer cans were hurled in Bax's direction, making him duck and flinch.


Skull scowled at him. “If you honestly think a girl's gonna be more loyal to some dude she barely knows than to her own father, then I gotta hand it to you, 'cause you fooled me into thinking you weren't a moron for one hell of a long time.”


“You only think that because you don't know what I know. I've spent time with this girl. I've heard her whole story. You think you've got a beef with Altamura? A couple of knuckle sandwiches and a lousy quarter mil? Man, this guy has completely fucked up Stef's life from the moment she was born. He controls what she eats, what she wears, where she goes, even who she talks to. He's willing to marry her off to someone she doesn't even like, for Christ's sake! She wants to see him eat shit even more than we do, and she'll do anything to help us make it happen. And can you think of a more effective weapon for us to use against him? Can you think of a better way to completely erase him as a threat than by stealing every penny he's got and his daughter too? Forget coming after any of us—Benny won't have time. He'll be too busy running from everyone who ever had a grudge against him, and that's if he doesn't just give up and hang himself with his shoelaces.”


Bax looked around, trying to gauge the reaction from his audience. He realized he was breathing heavily. It made sense—he felt like he'd just done the world's longest, most desperate tap-dancing routine.


But it looked like they were buying it.


Slowly, grudgingly, certainly against their better judgment...but still.


“Okay,” Skull said. “Maybe you're right. Maybe we can still pull this off. But if you want us to go forward with it, I've got two conditions, and they ain't negotiable.”


Bax nodded. Whatever the conditions were, he was sure they wouldn't be a problem.


“First, you want this girl to be part of the prize? Fine. You can consider her your cut of the loot. Your share of the money gets split up among the rest of us, as reparations for all the bullshit and hassle you've put us through.”


“Understood. Of course. That's completely fair.” Bax didn't love the idea of walking away from this score without any cash, especially since he'd have Stef with him. But he'd been broke before, and he'd always made enough moves to stay afloat. He was sure he'd manage this time, too.


And besides, maybe having a woman with him would open doors to newer, more lucrative scams. Why not?


“Second, when this is over, so are we.”


Bax blinked, surprised. “Hey, come on. I know things are tense right now and I've made some bad choices. I'm sorry, okay? But you don't mean that. I know you don't.”


Skull shook his head. “I made a mistake, calling you in on this. I thought I knew you, even though we hadn't seen each other for so long. I was wrong. And now that I do know you, I know you ain't my friend and you never will be. The only friend you've got is yourself, and I fucking pity you. And when this score's finished, I never want to see you or hear from you again.”


Bax couldn't believe it. Sure, he'd pulled some boneheaded stunts, and maybe he hadn't considered Skull's feelings the way he should have—but that was only because it was Skull, and they'd been so close as kids that he was sure Skull would always find some way to forgive him.


But looking into Skull's wounded eyes now, Bax realized he'd been wrong.


“Yeah. Okay. If that's what you want.”


“It is,” Skull rumbled. “Now tell us what the girl's part is gonna be in this plan of yours. I'm sure you've already got it all figured out.”


Bax laid out all of the steps for them.


When he was finished, they all nodded and got to work on their individual tasks without another word.


To Bax, their silence was deafening.