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In the Crease (Assassins Book 11) by Toni Aleo (17)

“I’m so blaming you for leaving early.”

Wren looked over at Jensen and gave him a look. A playful look, but he had a determined expression. She wasn’t sure what the hurry was to leave right away, but she’d be damned if she was getting in trouble with Emma. “Like, all you.”

He didn’t look at her, nor did he smile as he turned down the driveway to his parents’ home. “I’ll take it all.”

She eyed him. “You good?”

“Great,” he muttered as he pulled into the spot he had been parking in the whole time they had been there. Shutting off the car, he got out, and she slowly did the same. Was he mad at her? He didn’t seem mad when he was kissing her on the dance floor, but she saw in his eyes he didn’t like that she didn’t respond to his profession of love. And what a profession. She was still swooning and felt all these fluttery feelings deep in her gut. She wasn’t sure how someone could feel all that, but to be on the receiving end of such emotions, yeah, she was feeling pretty damn good.

Freaked out.

But good.

As she stepped out, he took her hand in his, helping her with a gentle pull before slamming the door shut behind her. Her eyes widened, but then his body was covering hers, pressing her into the car before his mouth captured hers in a heated fury. Surprised, she held on to his biceps as his hands slid down her ribs to her ass, squeezing her hard. Gasping against his mouth as he pressed his very large and hard length against her soft spot, she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. His very dark and passionate gaze. “Oh.”

He was breathless as he held her gaze, his lips moving against hers as he whispered, “I want you.”




He shook his head. “Might not be sanitary, with the baby and all.”

“This is true. I’m very pleased you can be practical at a moment like this.”

His lips quirked. “Believe me, I’m impressed with myself at this moment.”

Reaching between them, she took ahold of his length as he groaned against her lips. “As am I.”

Swallowing hard, he took her mouth once more, and her heart was flying. Clinging to him, she moved her hand up and down his cock through his suit as his body vibrated against hers. But when he pulled away, she pouted. “Hey.”

He just sent her a grin before taking her hand and walking backward toward the house. “Are you still going to blame me for getting us out of there before my parents?”

Her face broke into a grin as she held his hand. “I guess I’ll take the blame. I am so tired, you know?”

“The pregnancy takes a lot out of you.”

“And you, being the most amazing husband, had to bring me home.”

“Exactly, they raised me to please you.”

Her lips curved. “Oh, is that right?”

“Yeah, but I’m pretty sure their definition of pleasing isn’t what is about to happen.”

“Oh, no?”

“Nope, I’m about to worship the shit out of you.”

Breathless, she shut the front door behind her. “What’s the holdup?”

Still leading her, his eyes playful, he shrugged. “I respect my parents, and you, too much to make love to you on the living room floor.”

She sputtered with laughter. “That’s so sweet.”

He sent her a grin as he led her into their room, shutting the door and pressing her against it. Covering her body with his, he trailed kisses along her jaw and her neck as his hand reached out, flipping the light on. Her head fell back, her flower crown hitting the ground as he gathered her dress in his hands. “There is a zipper.”

“I don’t care,” he muttered before lifting it up and over her head with more force than he should have needed, but it was a tad bit tight. Cupping her breasts in his hands, he dropped his face between them, tucking his tongue between the swell of her breasts as she clutched at his head, gasping out as she arched into him. As he licked up her chest to her neck, she pushed off his jacket and started on the buttons of his shirt. But he stopped her, taking her wrists in his hands and lifting them over her head. He met her gaze, and a smile tugged at his lips before he pulled the front clasp of her bra and her breasts spilled out. The lingerie fell behind her, getting caught on her ass. Running his tongue along his lips, he slowly shook his head. “I swear, you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

Arching off the door, she pressed herself into him. “Jensen.”

But he didn’t take her nipple in his mouth like she wanted; instead, he took her mouth once more, his hands sliding down her arms, cupping her breasts and molding them together, his tongue sweeping along hers. When she tried to put her arms down, he pulled away, shaking his head. “Stay put.”

“And if I don’t?” she challenged, and he grinned at her.

“I’ll bend you over my knee and smack that sweet ass of yours.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Promise?”

Hissing out a breath, he lifted his head from where he was devouring her breasts. “Evil.”

She giggled, an airy, sweet sound that didn’t leave her often as he kissed down her breasts to her belly. Falling to his knees, he trailed kisses over her swollen stomach, his eyes meeting hers, and she wanted to hold him. He was so beautiful, his eyes so dark as he held her gaze, such love and admiration swimming in his fathomless depths. Sliding his hands along her stomach to her hips, he took her panties in his fingers, and she came off the door as he slowly slid them down her legs, helping her step out of them before he started to kiss down her hip to her thighs.

Feeling insecure, she wiggled underneath his lips. “Stop.”

“Never,” he demanded, running his tongue along the dips and disgusting cellulite along her thighs.

“Jensen, really, I hate my legs.”

He paused, looking up at her. “I love them,” he said, his heart in his eyes. “Like this spot right here,” he said, running his tongue along one of the bigger dips in her legs. “It begs me to kiss it every time I get a peek of it. And this one,” he added, the spot right above her knee. “It taunts me. Fuck, Wren, your body is a blessing. My blessing.”

When he ran his tongue back up the inside of her thighs, her eyes fell shut as her heart went crazy in her chest. She felt as if she was coming out of her skin with each kiss and touch of his tongue to her burning hot skin. As he nibbled on the inside of her thighs, she cried out as her hands came down and she threaded her fingers through his hair.


“I can’t! It’s too much.”

“You don’t want me to get ahold of that ass,” he warned, and slowly she moved her hands back up, not sure if she did or did not, in fact, want to let him get ahold of her ass. The naughty part of her craved it, but the practical part, the part that knew how big his hands were, was shaking in her nonexistent boots.

“Maybe I want you to,” she tried, and his grin turned sinister as he slowly stood to his full height, towering over her. She had never seen him as huge, but at that moment, he was a gorgeous giant. “Or not.”

“Oh no, you want it,” he said roughly, grasping her hip. “I can see it in your eyes. You evil thing, you.”

Her eyes were hooded before he turned her around quickly, her hands coming out against the door as her chest pressed into it. Coming up behind her, he ran his hands down the sides of her body before pressing his long, hard cock against her ass. “Fucking hell, you’re so sexy.”

Wrapping his arm around her neck, he brought his hand up under her chin before he turned her head so her lips were by his. She was breathless, her mind going wild as her heart was stalled in her chest. When his hand came crashing hard onto her ass, she cried out against his mouth, and he smiled against her lips. “I could live off that sound,” he muttered against them, his hand landing once more against her ass, taking her breath away. Gazing into his eyes, she was lost in her lust as his hand came again, his eyes dark and never leaving hers. Kissing her nose, he rubbed her ass as he moved across her shoulder before trailing kisses down her spine. Her breath burst out in spurts as she moaned slightly, his tongue doing just the naughtiest things to her.

When he stopped at her ass, kissing one cheek before the other, he ran his tongue along the spot he had smacked before arching her hips back so her ass was on full display. Sliding his fingers over her ass, he moved them inside of her dripping wet pussy before he groaned against her. Her own cry mixed with his in the most beautiful sound she had ever heard in her life while her body squeezed his fingers. Moving them in and out of her, he bit her ass softly as she clung to the door, her body shaking.

She was going to come hard, she could feel it, but then he removed his fingers from deep inside of her, replacing them with his mouth, and she about came off the door. “Oh, fuck,” she muttered, and he chuckled against her pussy, running his tongue up and down her pussy lips, licking every single inch of her as she cried out, arching into him but trying to escape at the same time. She couldn’t handle it. It was too much, and soon she was shattering against his mouth, his name coming out in a cry that was so loud, she was damn glad his parents weren’t there.

Sucking her clit into his mouth, he squeezed her ass cheeks as she screamed, her body thrashing forward as she tried to get away. Shaking, her legs gave out. But he was there, catching her in his arms, kissing her back as he steadied her to her feet. Turning her around, he had a wicked grin on his lips as he bent down, taking her by the back of her legs and lifting her up in one sweeping motion. Crying out, she wrapped her legs and arms around him in complete shock, until he tipped his head back and demanded, “Kiss me.”

“Jensen! Put me down. I weigh a ton.”

But he wasn’t even struggling. “You weigh nothing. Kiss me.”

And she swore the wall around her heart cracked even more. Dropping her mouth to his, she could taste herself on his lips and feel the slick wetness from her pussy all over his face. And that was fucking hot. As he carried her to the bed like she, in fact, weighed nothing, her heart was singing in her chest. He slowly laid her down, kissing her body before he stood up to undress. As she watched him, her eyes hooded only for him, she asked, “You planned on doing this all night?”

He shook his head. “Nope, not until we were dancing did I know I was going to take you home and make love to you.”

Desire danced in his eyes as he stripped down to his beautifully naked body. His toned chest, his abs, his thick quads, good Lord, he was gorgeous. Coming onto the bed, he went between her legs, kissing her thighs and then her knee, while all she could do was watch him, praying that her next breath came.

Because Jensen Monroe was stealing them all.

As he covered her body with his, his cock lying against her pussy, throbbing, Wren couldn’t even form a thought, let alone think of anything but Jensen. He was beautiful—his eyes, his lips, and Jesus, she wanted this so bad. He moved his finger along her lips as his other hand braced him up over her belly, and his eyes bored into hers as a grin pulled at his lips.

“What?” she found herself asking, cupping his face, her thumb moving along the coarse hair she was finding she loved a lot.

“I was just thinking.”

Her brow quirked. “Do I want to know?”

He scoffed. “Probably not.”


“No, but I’m gonna tell ya anyway,” he muttered, his lips caressing hers as his eyes fell shut. She swore she had never seen a more beautiful man than the one who was hovering above her. “I swear that meeting you so long ago, coming to your home as a billet kid, was my fate. It was. But becoming your friend was my choice because it was easy. This, though, falling for you, madly and completely the way I have, was beyond my control.” She took in a quick breath as his eyes met hers once more. “And I wouldn’t change a fucking thing.”

And with that, he moved into her, taking her breath away once more as he filled her completely, their moans mingling together as her nails bit into his biceps. He was so big, and fucking hell, she wanted to blame that another orgasm was building on the fact that she hadn’t been with someone for so long, but she knew it wasn’t the case.

It was Jensen.

All Jensen.

Sitting up on his haunches, he took her hips in his hands and thrust into her, hard and with meaning, his eyes never leaving hers. Holding on to his wrist, she bit her lip as he continued to move into her. Each thrust, she swore, was like a hammer to every wall she had built up around her soul. He was so honest, so fearless when it came to how he felt, what she meant to him. It was downright mind-blowing. Never in her life had she been fuck— No, he wasn’t fucking her. He was making love, which was why this was so different.

Why she felt so much special.

As his speed picked up, she arched up against him, her body tensing up as he muttered her name, his fingers digging into her hips. As another orgasm racked her body, surprising her but also shattering her core, she couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips. Not long after that, a guttural yell came from him as he stilled, jerking ever so slowly into her as she gasped for breath, her body shaking under his.

When her eyes opened, Jensen’s eyes were closed, his lashes kissing his skin as he sucked in a deep breath, letting it out in a hiss before he did it once more, his body covered in a sheen of sweat that drove her wild. Using his arms to pull himself up, he fell out of her before her lips met his, and she wrapped her arms around his chest. His arms came around her neck as their kiss deepened. Pulling back ever so slowly, he cupped her face, his eyes burning into hers.

“You are it.”

Her eyes widened as she held his gaze. “I am?”

“You are, and I swear, I’ll never be the same.”

As his lips curved, he fell next to her, pulling her with him so she was tucked up against him. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her temple and then her forehead as her heart clanked hard against her ribs. While he was probably enjoying the afterglow of their amazing sex, Wren’s mind was running a million miles an hour.

They had done it.

Which meant he felt that she felt something for him.

That it wasn’t just a fuck.

And it wasn’t.

Even she knew that.

Biting her lip, she angled her head up to look at him. His profile was stunning, his lips parted as he took in a breath and let it out slowly. His lashes kissed his cheeks, and his nose was so perfect, unlike Wells’s and Vaughn’s since they had both broken their noses before. Jensen could have been a model, he was so beautiful, yet he was lying in the bed with her.

Making love to her.

He must have felt her looking at him because he turned, his eyes meeting hers as a grin pulled at his lips. Moving up his body, she pressed her lips into his, her eyes falling shut as her heart jumped up into her throat, her whole body shaking with fear. But when she pulled away, her eyes held hostage by his, she whispered, “Me either.”

His eyes widened as his lips parted, turning up in a grin, and she was thankful he knew what she was talking about since she didn’t trust herself to be able to say the words that came so easily to him. “Yeah?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

Taking a chunk of her ass in his hand, he kissed the side of her mouth. “Damn right.”

Her laughter came quickly, as did the euphoric feeling.

A feeling that worried her since it could only mean one thing

She was falling hard for Jensen Monroe.


Which usually meant one other thing.

It was going to end just as quickly.

* * *

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Jensen’s heart was beating out of his chest, he swore it, but yet, he held Wren close to him, trailing kisses along her jaw. Never in his life had he felt so emotionally in sync with a woman until he got inside of Wren. The way she moved, the way she whispered his name, her lips… God, he was still shaking from his lust for her.

His love for her.

God, he loved her.

Kissing the side of her mouth, he looked down at her. “I think I got carried away.”

A sneaky grinned pulled at her lips. Her hair was everywhere around her, her eyes bright as her face was flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses. “Not at all. It was more than I wanted.”

“Good thing, right?”

She nodded, arching into him. “Very, very good thing.”

His eyes fell shut as he kissed her some more, his hand holding her belly as she cuddled into him. “I’ve wanted that for a long time.”

She nibbled at his neck. “I never would have guessed.”


“Nope, not even kinda. Maybe you should do it again, convince me. I don’t feel at all special,” she teased, and he pulled away, looking down at her blissful face, her bright eyes, and her lips that were curved in the most sinfully gorgeous grin.

“Are you saying you want more?”

“Want and need are two very different things.”


“Yes, like I want to be able to eat what I want and not get fat. But I need to have you inside of me, feel your lips on me, and look into your eyes.” Her words hit him right in the gut as he got lost in her eyes. “You know what I mean?”

“I think I got the basics.”

Her lips curved. “Oh, Jenny, there is nothing basic about the way you just worked me.”

“Same here, baby.”

“We should have done that sooner.”

But he shook his head. “Nah, I love the slow burn and the big explosion.”

Her eyes sparkled, her lips parting. “I think I do too.”

“You do.”

Her eyes were challenging as she ran her fingers along his hip, sending chills up his spine. “So, you think we got time before your parents come home?”

Leaning down, he pressed his nose into hers. “We have all the time in the world. I locked the door.”

“That won’t keep your mother out.”

He nodded. “You’re right, but it gives me time to cover us up.”

Giggling, she shut her eyes. He swore he thought she couldn’t get any more beautiful, but he was wrong. Each time, her beauty stunned him in place. “Good plan.”

“I thought so,” he said, sliding his hands between her legs, cupping her softly, his breath stopping. She felt like heaven. Being inside her was better than anything he had ever experienced, and she was his. All his.

“Mmm,” she muttered, her lips dusting his. “Can I admit something?”

Moving his fingers inside of her swollen lips, he nodded. “Can you make it quick?” She gasped against his mouth as his finger found her clit. “Because I can’t control myself around you.”

“That’s a damn lie,” she said with a dry look. “You’ve been torturing me for a month.”

Pressing into her clit, her back arching as her eyes darkened with lust, he scoffed. “Ha, me? You mean you’ve been torturing me with those naughty panties and these delicious thighs?” Her lips curved as his lips met hers. “And I’ve loved every moment.”

Smiling against his mouth, she cupped his face as his finger swirled around her bundle of nerves. Breathless, she asked, “Can I make a confession?”

“Do you need to?” he asked, licking her bottom lip.

“You’re killing me,” she gasped as he slid his finger inside of her.

“I was thinking the same thing.”

She chuckled, and her face was bright and flushed as she said, “Really, this is important.”

Letting his head fall to her chest, he nibbled on the swell of her breasts before he said, “Fine.”

He met her gaze as his fingers continued to move in and out of her slick center. “Are you listening?” she rasped out.

“Somewhat,” he admitted, and she glared. Stalling his hand, he held her gaze, but his heart was beating so hard, it was messing with his vision. “Fine.”

As her lips tilted and a wicked gleam sparkled in her eyes, she whispered, “At least our first time was a hell of a lot better than our first kiss.”

His laughter bubbled in his chest. “Really?”

“Really. I was worried. You failed me once.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked, his fingers going deeper inside of her. “I’ll make you forget all that.”

With her eyes on his, her laughter running down his spine, she said, “Please do.”

With that, he did.

Because he loved her.

Only her.

And he knew she loved him too.

* * *

“Do we have to leave?”

Looking over at Wren, who was very slow to pack, he smiled. He swore he could still see her naked, feel her skin against his tongue, and taste her. She was beyond sexy, even when she was pouting. “Pretty sure your mother will kill us if we don’t show up, Oh, and Wells. He’ll kill us for not showing up for his wedding. Which we are both in, by the way.”

She pouted as she threw in her dress that was now a wrinkled mess since neither of them had picked it up off the floor after it was left there. They hadn’t stopped since then. Every free moment, he was tasting her or inside her. They had a lot of time to make up for. But his wife must have forgotten that as she grumbled, throwing a shirt in her bag before she looked up. “What if we don’t answer the phone when they call?”

“Then we would be assholes,” he said, coming to her side to help fold her clothes since he had finished packing. She looked a bit like she had in the baby store, and that worried him. “Why don’t you want to leave?”

She shrugged as she threw another shirt in, which he, in turn, grabbed and folded. “Because I love it here. Here, we’re good. There, it’s going to be a fucking clusterfuck.”

“Tell me how you really feel,” he teased, and she exhaled hard before leaning into him.

“I don’t like it there.”

“Wrenya, come on, it’s your home.”

“This could be my home,” she suggested, and he smiled, his heart soaring in his chest. He loved that she loved his home. It made his body ache with happiness. Though, they couldn’t stay there. As much as he wished they’d never have to leave his bed, he knew her family wanted to see them. And with Wells’s wedding, there was no way they could skip out. “I feel good here, and I don’t want to lose that yet.”

Kissing her temple, he said, “Then don’t. Take it with you.”

“Jensen,” she complained, shaking her head before she fell on the bed, her hair going everywhere as she covered her face with her hands. “You just don’t get it.”

Not liking how that sounded, he picked up her bag, setting it on the ground before falling beside her, on his stomach so that he could see her face. “What don’t I get?”

“They always make such a huge deal about Wells. And with the wedding, and then with your and Vaughn’s Cup day, I’ll just be in the shadows. So why do I need to go? It’s pointless, and I hate how much I want to be noticed. I feel so pathetic.”

Reaching up, he pulled her hands off her face before he moved toward her, resting his chin on hers. “Well, I can guarantee you that you’ll never be in the shadows where I’m concerned. I only see you.”

Her shoulders fell into the bed as a grin pulled at her lips. “And that means the world to me, it does, but here, we’re good. Like, no one is questioning us, or me, and I don’t have to deal with anything hard. Here, it’s easy. Just me and you, that’s it.”

“It can be that way there too, if you let it.”

She gave him a dry look. “So, I’m doing this?”

“Yeah,” he said simply. “I mean, I feel like you’re making the excuse of them ignoring you because you know that, while they might do that, they’ll also be questioning your every move. I get that. I understand that stress, But, baby, if we’re good here, we’ll be good there, because we’re great. That’s all that matters, right?”

Reaching up, she cupped his face, her eyes a hopeful light green color. Yet he could see she was holding something back. “I’m just scared,” she whispered.

“Why? You’ll never be alone when I’m right there. I promise, it will go off without a hitch. If they ignore you, fine, means I get all of you, and we both know I won’t be complaining.”

A grin pulled at her lips. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“And if they’re in our face, then we’ll be together. If that’s what you still want.”

She nodded as she ran her thumb along the coarse hair of his face. “It is.”

“Then we’re solid. Get through the next two weeks, you’ll get the money, split it with Wells, and we’ll pay off all that debt that is freaking you the fuck out, buy us a pretty house, a vacation house, and a college fund for our little no-name kid.”

Her grin grew as she chuckled. “He does need a name.”

“Badly,” he decided with a shake of his head. “But it’s fine. No one will ever suspect anything, okay? The money is yours.”

But she shook her head. “I don’t care about the money,” she whispered, and he wanted to be elated. He wanted to throw his hands up in the air and fucking know he had won, but then her eyes started to cloud with tears, and his heart stopped.

“Whoa, Wrenya, what’s wrong?”

Looking away, she sucked in a breath while she shook her head. “It’s nothing. I’m just nervous.”

But he knew she was lying. “Wren. Don’t lie to me.”

As her lips trembled, she sat up, wiping her face. “It’s nothing. Just insecurities.”

Before she could get away, he pulled her down into his lap, wrapping his arms around her middle as his lips pressed into her neck. “Baby, look at me.” She hesitated, but then she did as he asked, her green eyes floating in her tears. “Tell me about these insecurities. How can I ease them?”

But she shook her head once more. “It’s nothing.”

“Tell me.”

Swallowing hard, she bit her lip before she blew out a breath. “I don’t know what to say.”

“The truth.”

“The truth is…” She paused, laughing soullessly. “I’m a fucking hot mess, and going home and seeing… Fucking fuck, Jensen, it’s… Fuck.” She came undone, clinging to him, and he held her tightly, his lips by her ear as she cried into his neck. “I just don’t want you to leave me, and that place brings out the bad in me.”

“Oh, Wren, no, it doesn’t. Baby, it’s okay,” he whispered, rubbing her back. “That won’t happen. I promise.”

Before he could say more, though, her mouth was on his, moving feverishly as she clung to him, her belly pressed into him. Her need for him was apparent as she shook against him, holding him as tightly as he held her. Pulling away, she whispered against his lips, “Just kiss me, Jensen, please.”

Meeting her gaze, he knew she was holding back so fucking much, but he did as she asked.

He kissed her.

Because he loved her.

And he didn’t question her anymore. Not after they packed or even after they said goodbye to his parents where she cried like they were dying. She didn’t want to leave, he got that, he didn’t want to either, and it was obvious she had fallen in love with his parents. It was beautiful, and he was so thankful for that. But her silence to the airport, and even on the plane, made his body hurt. He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t want to question her about it. He didn’t want to push, but deep inside, he was worried.

It concerned him, though, because pushing could lead to her shutting down completely, and she was finally opening up to him. He couldn’t mess that up because it could turn into a slippery slope with her. Though the anxiety she had caused with her earlier concerns was eating him alive, he was patient, he was kind, and he just loved her. Even when she tried not to let him, he did it anyway. It had been working thus far, and he wasn’t one to mess with something that worked.

He just needed her to shut off her damn brain.

Reaching for the bags and putting them in the back of the rental once they landed in Colorado, he glanced over at his wife as she was busy on her phone. Her silence was killing him, and he worried she had already shut down. Shaking that thought from his brain, he reached for her door. “Baby.”

She looked up. “Thanks, told my mom that we just landed.”

“Oh, good,” he said as she got in and before he shut the door. Walking around the car, he exhaled harshly. He wished he’d never left home. He liked his wife way better in Canada.

As he got in the car, she said, “I texted your mom too, and she says she misses us, that the house is quiet.”

He smiled. “Yes, the guilt-tripping is strong with my mother.”

When he looked over at her, she smiled, a true smile that took up her whole face. “I told her we’d be back sooner rather than later, and she sent me a kissy-face emoji.”

“Good,” he answered, moving to start the car as his heart pounded in his chest. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t hold it back. Unable to bring himself to start the car, he shook his head. “Stop it.”

When he looked up, she was staring back at him oddly. “Stop what? Texting your mom?”

“No, please don’t ever stop that. I mean this. You’re being weird.”

“I am?” she asked, her eyes narrowing. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. You haven’t spoken more than yes or no to me the whole way here, and I can tell your whole demeanor is off. Please don’t do this, Wren. I can’t, okay? You’ve fucking spoiled me with the girl I had in Canada. And I get it, you’re nervous to be here, but believe me, I’m here with you. Nothing will happen.”

Her lips pressed together as she reached out, lacing her fingers with his. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I just don’t want to be here.”

He nodded. “I understand that, but don’t take it out on me.”

Her eyes softened as she pursed her lips at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

He swallowed hard. “I just want you to be happy, and I know being here isn’t doing that. But we have to be, and we are. So, let’s make the best of it.”

Bringing his hand up to her lips, she placed a soft kiss to his palm. “Okay.”

His mouth quirked up at the side as he leaned over, and she met him halfway, their lips joining. He wanted to believe that she was okay. That she was letting it go, but he knew her better than that. Her mind was going a billion miles a second, and there was nothing he could do. But he’d made her aware of her actions, and he just prayed maybe she’d be more conscious of them.

But he wasn’t naïve. There was a reason she didn’t want to be home, and he didn’t believe for a second that it was only her family. They were good people. They loved her, and he understood she wasn’t the center of attention—that was all Wells, and sometimes, Jensen—but they loved her. So he knew it was something else.

He just wasn’t sure what.

Or if it was a who.




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