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In the Crease (Assassins Book 11) by Toni Aleo (21)

“You amaze me.”

Between kisses, Wren held on to Jensen’s neck as he carried her into the hotel room he had booked for them. “I thought we’d go home.”

“Nope. In that dress, I needed somewhere where I could make you scream all night long,” he gasped, his kisses sloppy as he slammed the door behind them.

Breathless, she whispered, “You even packed a bag for me?”

“I did. I brought that black stuff for your eyes.”

Her heart sang. “And my lotions?”

“Yup, and even the cocoa butter for your belly.”

“My hero.”

Throwing the bags on the ground, he moved his other hand to join its mate on her ass before he carried her across the room to what she assumed was the bed. But when he placed her down, she saw it was the bench in front of the bed.

“That fucking dress is going to be the death of me,” he said, his words tight and strained. Feeling sexy, Wren stretched her legs out before slowly crossing them as he threw off his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“This one?” she asked, parting the slit even more so he could see between her legs.

“Is that the lace thong I bought you?”

Her eyes sparkled with lust. “It is.”

He groaned, pushing his shirt off his shoulders and letting it fall behind him. His chest was thick and wide, and she wanted to lick him all over, he looked so damn delectable. “And I’m not wearing a bra.”

His eyes drifted closed as he squeezed his cock through his slacks. “Yeah, hard as a rock.”

“That was my goal,” she teased as he came for her, his shoulders pushing her legs up as his mouth met hers in a zealous embrace. He was squishing her, but she didn’t care. She only wanted to kiss him. But when he pulled back, his brows drawn together, he asked, “You okay?”

“I mean, it’s tight but hot, so please continue.”

But he didn’t, dropping instead to his knees, which removed the pressure, before he let her legs fall over his shoulders. He reached up her dress, pulling down her thong before pushing her skirt up to her waist. He met her gaze for a second, and she leaned back against the bed, a grin on her lips as he exhaled hard, his eyes so full of love. When he dropped his mouth to her, she arched into him, crying out as he found her clit, torturing to it. He didn’t let up; he loved her pussy like it was the only purpose in his life. She was convinced she could feel his mouth everywhere, her body going completely taut as he destroyed her. When he slid his fingers into her, slowly fucking her as his mouth kept at it, licking around her clit and then along her lips, she came off the bench, crying out his name as her body shook.

She couldn’t handle it.

Everything was intensified; at least, that’s how it felt. Her heart was beating ridiculously fast in her chest, her pussy was clenching around his fingers, and she felt nothing but heat all over her body. When she came undone, she knew she had never cried out so loud in her life. His name fell from her lips as she came down from her beautiful little orgasm cloud before he slowly kissed her thighs, her pussy, and then up her belly.

Gasping for breath, she said, “Good plan on bringing me here if that’s a bit of the preview of the night.” He scoffed against her chest as his tongue moved along her breasts. She could hear him undoing his pants, the belt falling before she felt him enter her with one thrust. “Fudging hell,” she gasped, and he smiled against her lips.

“I can’t handle you,” he murmured against her lips. “I need you.”

“Me too,” she murmured back as he went deeper, his fingers biting into the bedding behind her. As her fingers ran along his ribs, his back, and then his ass, she was breathless, and she pressed her nose to his chest, his body so hot and tempting. When he stopped, she cried out in protest, but then he was pulling her up with him, pressing his lips to hers with so much need she felt it in her soul. As she got lost in his kisses, his cock pressed into her thighs, hard and throbbing, and fuck, she wanted him.

But he pulled away, kissing her nose before he turned her around. “Hold on to the bench.”

A grin pulled at her lips as she slowly, seductively bent down, wiggling her ass at him. “Just like this?”

He looked pained as he licked his lips, kicking out of his pants as he ran his hand down his cock. “Fuck yes.”

Biting her lip, she held his gaze until he came up behind her, entering her as he gently rubbed both her ass cheeks. He filled her completely, to the hilt, and Lord, he was so big and so fucking hot. Her pussy wrapped around him like a vise grip, and she couldn’t find her breath as he started to pound into her. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room along with his grunts and her cries. The sounds were beautiful, like the hottest love song she had ever heard in her life.

When his hand wrapped around her hair, she cried out as he pulled it back, the sting only intensifying her pleasure before his mouth met hers. His body pressed into her back as he stilled inside of her, drawing the kiss out of her. As his tongue swept over hers, she squeezed him, her body crying for him, and she guessed that’s what did him in. Because then he tore his mouth from hers, took ahold of her hips, and started to pound into her, bringing her to her toes as her fingers dug into the bench.

As he came with a shout that sent chills down her spine, her eyes closed while his hands moved up her body, taking ahold of her breasts. Gasping for breath, he lay against her back as she tried to catch her breath, her body vibrating in the most heavenly way. Kissing along her shoulders, he brought her up against him, his cock still deep inside of her as their lips met with so much passion her soul cried out with glee.

She’d never love anyone like him.

The realization scared the living shit out of her, but as he turned her in his arms, kissing her more, his fingers biting into her skin, she knew it was true. But then, would anyone ever love her like Jensen did?

He basically worshiped her.

Something she had never experienced in her life.

Man, did it feel good.



It felt fucking perfect.

As he moved his lips along hers, nibbling on her bottom lip, his eyes opened just a bit in a hooded, hot way before he whispered, “I love you, ma chou.”

And for once, she didn’t pause, she didn’t hesitate, she didn’t even try to stop herself. She whispered back, “I love you too.”

With that, a grin came across Jensen’s lips before he lifted her up and carried her to the bed for round two, three, and even four. While she enjoyed every freaking moment of it, after she had washed her face and found herself lying awake beside him, for once, it wasn’t because of her fucked-up feelings or the constant movement of her little guy, Gunner.

But because of Bradley.

She had no clue what the hell she was going to do.

* * *

“Oh my God! I need this.”

Wren looked over the racks of clothes where Brie was holding up a little tutu onesie that read “My Uncle’s Princess.” “Rod would flip his shit.”

“It’s supercute, he would for sure,” Wren gushed as she picked up almost the same thing, but in blue with no tutu. “Aww, look, they have a boy one. Wells will love it.”

Brie squeaked happily as she threw it in her cart that was overloaded with stuff. How Brie was going to get all that home was beyond Wren, but she wasn’t going to say anything.

Her cart was just as full.

“I’m having a blast! Thanks for asking me to come.”

“Of course. We’re besties, remember?” Brie shot her a grin as Wren sorted through all the puppy- and dinosaur-decorated stuff. She remembered back to a month ago when standing in the middle of a baby store would bring her to her knees in fear, but not any longer. No, now she was excited. “I figured since the boys were all going out to play some pickup, we would need something to do. My mom is currently still planning her brains out, and my dad went with the boys, so I had to hightail it out of there.”

Plus, she wanted to talk to Brie about Bradley.

It had been three days since she’d found out about Jensen, Vaughn, and Wells seeing Bradley at the rink, and she still had no clue what to do about it.

“I thought you and your mom were getting along.”

Wren made a face. “Oh, we’re fine, but now she’s smothering me. Whenever I’m in the room, she’s basically on her hands and knees trying to please me. I had to tell her to go away last night, and then my dad hollered at me. Of course, then he apologized because he doesn’t want me hating him.” She paused, rolling her eyes. “It’s basically normal behavior in the Lemiere household. Everyone is dramatic.”

Brie giggled as she moved toward where Wren stood. “You guys are funny.”

“We’re all insane.”

Brie nodded in agreement as she laughed. “Did Alex stay back with your mom?”

Wren shrugged. “Not that I know. I heard he went with the guys.”

“No, he hates hockey.”

Wren’s face scrunched up. “He’s marrying a hockey player!”

“Exactly. Vaughn doesn’t think they’ll get married.”

Wren laughed. “They’d better. The damn thing is in four days, and my mom is set on there being a wedding. I think even my dad is being better about it. He hasn’t been fighting with Wells as much.”

“That’s good,” Brie said, and Wren shrugged. “But yeah, Vaughn says it’s gonna be a clusterfuck.”

“Oh, I’m sure,” Wren laughed, shaking her head. “But whatever, it’s my brother’s life. I’m there to support him—and for the food I can smuggle without my husband seeing me.”

Brie smiled wide as she nodded. “Jensen is so adorable.”

“He is,” Wren agreed as her heart fluttered. She had thought they were only spending one night in Colorado Springs, but Jensen had other plans. They stayed for two nights and one of the days, and he had the day full of pampering. They had a couple’s massage, a mud bath, and she even got her hair done while he sat by, watching her. It was amazing, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

When they passed a belly-casting set, Wren scoffed. “My mom is making Jensen and me do this.”

Brie’s eyes lit up. “No way! When?”

“Who knows? Probably tomorrow or today. Knowing her, she’ll probably torture me today,” she laughed since she thought it was stupid, but Brie looked all too excited as she reached for it, throwing it in her cart. “But apparently, you think it’s cool.”

“It is. I can have Rodney draw on it!”

“Oh, that is cool.”

“Right?” she gushed as they started toward the shoe aisle.

Scrunching up her face, Wren declared, “They never have cute boy shoes.”

“I know, but they have so much girls stuff. Vaughn is gonna be broke.”

“He won’t care.”

“I know,” she giggled as she grabbed a few pairs of all kinds of pink shoes. Looking around the aisle as Brie for real drove Vaughn to bankruptcy, Wren noticed no one was around them, so she leaned toward Brie.

“I need to ask you something.”

Brie looked back at her, seven pairs of shoes in her arms, before blowing a piece of hair out of her eyes. “That sounds juicy,” she said, dropping the shoes into her cart. “What’s going on?”

“So, say you got pregnant by someone else, and he’s a douche, told you to get an abortion, said he didn’t want you, whole nine

“I think I’ve heard this scenario.”

Wren glared. “Shh, listen,” she demanded while Brie just stared at her, her eyes wide as she fought back a grin. “Well, new guy comes in, loves you, loves your kid, he’s ready for the future, and now you are

“Aww! You love him!”

Wren’s eyes narrowed. “Focus, Brie.”

“Tell me! You do!”

“Yes,” Wren snapped, throwing her hands up, and Brie just grinned. “I do. A lot. And now, the baby’s father could be a problem, and I don’t trust him

“I don’t think you trust anyone, though,” she supplied, and Wren thought that over.

“This is true, but he’s up to something. And now, I don’t know if I should tell Jensen about him, when I’ve been tight-lipped this whole time, or if I should just hope it doesn’t blow up in my face.”

Brie just blinked. “Okay, yes, this is a predicament because Jensen will be upset.”

“Yeah, and the problem is, I think I lied to him.”


“I know, I know,” she protested, shaking her head. “But not really, because he implied he thought he knew who it was, and I didn’t deny it. But I didn’t confirm it, and I’m worried that if he finds out, he’ll get upset because I had the chance to tell him.”

Shaking her head, Brie held her gaze. “It’s that Bradley guy, isn’t it?” Wren’s face must have given her away before Brie smacked her hand to her thigh. “Vaughn said it was. He was convinced, and I told him no. I mean, fuck, Wren, that dude looks like a douche!”

Closing her eyes, Wren let her head fall back. “I know. I’ve known him forever, hot passion, he’s hung, and yeah, it was stupid. Please don’t tell anyone.”

“Oh, you suck.”

“Please, I’m pulling out the bestie card. You can’t tell anyone.”

“Fucking hell. I mean, I really can’t ’cause if I tell Vaughn, he’s going to jail.”

Wren itched her brow in distress. “I know. They’re all gonna be pissed and go after him, and I’m worried he’s gonna try to play it the other way. Try to make me out to be the bad guy. Some would even believe him because everyone knows I wasn’t one to keep my legs shut.”

“No, they won’t.”

“You don’t know that. You don’t know Bradley and his family.”

Brie thought that over, and then her mouth dropped open. “Holy shit, that’s your ex-best friend’s brother. Jesus, Wren, what did you do?”

“I know,” Wren groaned. “I was distracted by a big cock, and I wasn’t thinking. It went on for years, and then he happened,” she said, pointing to her belly. “But I don’t know if I want to tell Jensen because what if he looks at the baby and only sees Bradley? I don’t want to ruin this for him.”

Brie made a face. “Ew, yeah. But I don’t know, I think you need to tell him. Just to be safe. Fuck.”


“Wow,” she drew out, looking at the floor as she shook her head. “Is Bradley coming to the wedding?”

“I don’t know.”

“And we can’t find out without being suspicious,” Brie said, more to herself, and when she looked up, Wren could see she had no answer either. “He was really weird. Do you think he’s gonna try something?”

“I don’t know, that’s the problem. I thought about calling him again because he doesn’t have my new number, but I don’t even want to look at him.”

“Gosh, this sucks.”

“It does. I told you, hot fucking mess express, right here.”

“Like, legit,” Brie agreed, shaking her head. “Man, Wren, if it were me, I’d tell Jensen. But I get why you don’t want to. You’ve made it pretty clear the dude doesn’t matter, but I think Jenny would rather find out from you than in some shitty way since we don’t know this dude’s game. Maybe you should call him, see what he is thinking?”

Wren shook her head at that, though. “I don’t want anything to do with him, and yeah, you’re right.”

“So you’re going to tell Jensen?”

Wren looked away, shrugging. “I guess. I don’t know when.”

“Before the wedding.”

“Yeah,” she said, but she was pretty sure that was another lie.

She had no clue how to look into the eyes of the man she loved and tell him the darkest secret she had in her book.

She was pretty sure that would send him running for the hills.

Especially if Bradley was up to something.

* * *

“I don’t like you right now.”

Laughing, Jensen gazed over at his wife who was huffing and puffing up the hill they were climbing. They had been graced by a cool, beautiful, early morning on the day Jensen had planned for a hike. “I mean, really, you wake me up at butt-crack o’clock, you give me a granola bar when you know darn well I want pancakes and sausage

“I got some sausage right here for you, baby,” he teased, and she glared.

“I don’t want your sweaty dick that has no protein in it!”

He waggled his brows at her. “The protein comes after you get me off.”

She gagged at that. “You’re disgusting.”

“And you’re beautiful.”

She glared as she shook her head. “Don’t try to flirt with me! I’m angry. I want my bed, pancakes, and sleep.”

He laughed as they turned the corner. “You need exercise since we skipped yesterday, and also, I thought inviting Brie and Vaughn would make you happy.”

She flashed him the driest look he had ever seen. “Yes, watching as my petite, fit best friend, who has the cutest little baby belly, run with her equally fit boyfriend up a hill in only shorts and a bra was going to make me ecstatic. I’m enjoying this so much.”

“Well, I think you’re fit.”

“Jensen, the only thing fit about me is if I’m lucky to fit in my jeans on a good day.”

“Well, I think otherwise. Plus, you’re way hotter than Brie.”

She rolled her eyes. “Stop sucking up to me, you’re still not getting laid today after all this torture.”

He scoffed. “I can bribe you with a Snickers.”

She didn’t even bat an eye at that. “Probably.”

Laughing, he reached out, taking her hand with his as they trekked up the hill that Vaughn and Brie were more than likely at the top of. “We used to come out here and run when we were kids.”

“I know. I stayed home.” When he looked over at her, she smiled. “Lazy.”

His heart was full as he nodded. “But still hot.”

“Yeah, that was back when I had a decent metabolism that allowed me to eat pizza and only gain three pounds instead of the ten I gain now.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“I hear that a lot from you.” He flashed her a grin as he brought her palm to his mouth, kissing it softly.

“Because it’s true.”

“Says you.”

He laughed as she rolled her eyes before she changed to subject. “So you think Wells and Alex are gonna get married this weekend?”

His brows pulled together. “Why wouldn’t they?”

“Jenny, you didn’t see the look on Wells’s face when Alex brought his makeup box into the house. I thought Wells was going to scream, especially when my dad saw it all.”

Jensen shrugged, shaking his head. “You know that’s their problem. When I asked him, he said he loved the guy and they were doing it.”

She clucked her tongue. “Brie and Vaughn don’t think they will. Watch them call it off Friday.”

Jensen’s face filled with horror. “He’d better warn us, so we can leave before your mom goes crazy on everyone. I’m pretty sure that will be the moment she kills him.”

“Right?” she agreed, laughing as she swung their hands back and forth. “Like, dead. To the ground.”

“Exactly, and I can’t watch that.”

Wren grinned. “I could, with popcorn. Wells does no wrong, so that would be awesome.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“Aww, I love you too,” she gushed, and he laughed, bringing her in and kissing her temple.

“Why couldn’t you be like this from the beginning? You’re so sweet and cuddly.”

She glared up at him, sweat dripping down her forehead as she pursed her lips. “What in the world are you talking about? I’ve been a joy and a delight this whole fucking time.” She couldn’t even keep a straight face; she sputtered with laughter as he shook his head, kissing the side of her mouth.

“You’ve been a pain in my ass, but I love you, so it’s okay.”

She beamed up at him, leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked leisurely along the beautiful wooded trail. He had so many memories on this trail. He kissed a girl on this trail. He got drunk on this trail. He was pretty sure he stole Wells’s and Vaughn’s clothes one time, and they had to run down it naked. It was a good trail, but it was better when he had Wren up under his arm.

God, he loved her.

Things had been so great between them. Picking the baby’s name. Being together. They were vibing, things were good, and fucking hell, he was happy. She seriously brightened up his day. Even with her complaining about everything he was doing for her with the health and fitness, he loved it because he knew she knew she needed it. Plus, he knew she wouldn’t do it for anyone else other than him. But above all, he was on cloud nine because she loved him.

Wren fucking loved him.

Jensen had thought that moment would never happen. He’d thought he was going to get hurt and she was going to ruin him, but no, she loved him. They were planning things, they were doing things that a family did, and he had wanted that for so long that he almost couldn’t believe it. He was sure he pinched himself daily, yet it hurt and she was still looking up at him with that devilish little grin of hers. He had loved her his whole life, and finally, he had everything he wanted. A great job, a beautiful wife, and soon, a son he could love just as much, if not more than the woman who had his whole heart.

Jensen Monroe was one happy fucking guy.

Bringing her hand up to his lips, he kissed her softly as she said, “Do we have to do that plaster thing when we get home?”

He chuckled. “Elaine is pretty set on it.”

“Ugh,” she groaned. “It’s so weird, and I’m so fat!”

“Shut it, woman.”

She rolled her eyes as she moved away from him, making a face but still holding his hand. “You’re hot.”

“So are you,” he said with a wink, and her face flushed as she looked away.

He swore—and he knew he thought this a lot—she was honestly the most beautiful woman in the world. With her hair up in a tight bun, she wore a sports bra with a light workout tank over it. She was wearing a pair of shorts that showed those juicy thighs he loved. But what he couldn’t get over was how much their son was growing. She was bigger, her stomach stretching, and he was convinced she was due tomorrow rather than September.

He couldn’t get enough of her.

He wanted her, constantly.

She was just fucking luscious.

As his heart sped up in his chest, he bit his lip, unsure how he was going to say what he had to say. He had actually brought her up there to talk to her about his issue, but now, he was getting cold feet. He just hated it; he felt weak. But when Wren looked at him, he didn’t feel weak, he felt like the Hulk. As if nothing could touch him. Or them, for that matter.

“Hey, babe

“I need to talk to you—” she said at the same time, and they shared a smile. “Go first.”

“No, you,” he demanded, but she shook her head.

“Mine is dumb, you go,” she said before looking away, and he noticed that she seemed nervous. He wasn’t sure what that was about, but if he didn’t get this out, he wasn’t ever going to.

“Okay, so, I was wondering, if, um, maybe

“Wow, is this a struggle?” He glared, and she smiled. “Sorry.”

“Actually, it is,” he answered, moving his free hand down his face.

“Oh, my bad. Sorry,” she said, guilt flashing in her eyes. “I’m a jerk.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “No, it’s fine. I’m nervous.”

“Oh. Okay?”

Inhaling hard, he didn’t look at her as he said, “I was actually wondering if maybe, when we get home, you’d go to the doctor’s appointment with me that I had made.”

She scrunched up her face. “For what?”

His mouth went dry as he exhaled through his nose. “To see if I’m still sterile, and maybe working on getting that fixed.”

Her eyes widened, and he bit down hard on the inside of his cheek. He knew she hadn’t asked him to do it, nor had she implied for him to. Also, he didn’t even know if she wanted any more kids after this one. But if she did, he wanted to give them to her.

He wanted to give her the world.

“Really?” she asked, her eyes locking with his as she stopped, which stopped him.

Unsure of himself, he nodded. “Yeah.”

“Jensen, wow this is out of the blue.”

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot since our conversation, and I want to go back, really look into it.”

“Are you sure this is what you want? You aren’t doing this because of what I asked?”

“No, I want this. Because if one day you look at me and tell me you want another kid, I want to be able to give you one.”

“So, it is for me. I would never ask you do something you aren’t comfortable with.”

“I understand that, and yeah, it is for you. But it’s for me too, Wren. So, um, will you go?”

She didn’t move, her eyes searching his as his heart went nuts in his chest. Her lips curved up in a smile as she stepped into his arms, her eyes sparkling with the possibility of their future as her chin dug into his chest. “Of course, I will.”

He exhaled hard, moving her stray hair out of her face. “It freaks me out.”

“Don’t let it, because I’ll be there with you.”

His grin matched hers as he pressed his nose into hers. “Which is all I need.”

“I know, I’m pretty stinking amazing,” she said, kissing his chin.

“You are,” he agreed, and then he smiled as he touched his lips to hers. When he pulled back, he remembered that she’d had something to ask too. “What did you have to say?”

“Oh, I forgot. It wasn’t important, I guess.” Waving him off, she pressed her lips together as she shook her head. But from the look in her eyes, he could see she was holding something back. “Really, it was nothing.” She tried once more before threading her fingers through his hair. “All I care about is our future.”

“Me too.”

“So stop stalling and kiss me.”

She didn’t need to ask twice. He dropped his mouth to hers and fell into the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his waist as she met him with the same demand he felt deep in his soul.

A soul that belonged to her.

* * *

“Am I squishing you?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Mom, this is awkward. My ass is squishing him.”

“It’s not.”

“Wren, he said it isn’t.”

“He’s too nice to say so!”

“I’ll say it. Your ass is huge,” Wells called to her from the bar, and Jensen glared. “I mean, you are a beautiful butterfly.”

“I hate you,” she hollered at him as her mother laid another strip of plaster onto her belly and over their hands that were making a heart. As Brie laid one after Elaine, Jensen smiled, leaning his head into the back of hers. She didn’t want to do this, she wanted to go to bed, but he had convinced to do it for Elaine. Her mom had been so excited when she’d found the set to plaster Wren’s belly. And since he still felt bad about the argument the day he had gotten there, he was all about getting Wren to do something she hated. When she groaned loudly, he chuckled against her neck as his son moved inside of her. “Are we done yet? Even Gunner hates this, he’s hungry.”

“Jesus, Wren! We just got started. Someone feed her, please,” Elaine called back to Vaughn, Wells, and Alex, who were sitting at the bar.

“I’m not. I saw her tits, and it freaked me out,” Vaughn said, shaking his head.

“Right? Like big, sand-dollar titties. Is that normal with pregnancy?” Wells asked, and Jensen decided he didn’t need Wells to call off the wedding because he was going to kill him.

“Mom! I told you I should have worn a bra!”

“I didn’t want lines on the plaster,” her mother yelled back, and Jensen just laughed.

“Yeah, I would have gone with lines instead of seeing those big ole titties,” Vaughn teased.

“I swear, if I wouldn’t have to start over with this, I’d kill you both!” Wren yelled at them.

“But seriously, are your nipples supposed to be that big?” her brother asked, sputtering with laughter. Before she could answer, Jensen set him with a look. “I’m not too good with boobs, but in porn, they’re always so much smaller.”


“Sorry, Mom, but really. Big titties on that girl.”

“Watch it,” Jensen warned.

Silence fell upon all them, and he realized he might have yelled that.

“Yes, sir,” Wells said, saluting to him as Vaughn shook his head.

“I don’t know why you mess with her. Jenny will kill you. He’ll kill anyone for Wrenny-boooooo,” Vaughn sang, and Wren rolled her eyes. “He luvvvvvvsss herrrrrr.”

“Yup, that whip is in full force between those two,” Wells teased.

“So? I’m proud to love my wife and make her happy. I see nothing wrong with that.”

“You gave up hot chicken for her. That’s whipped!”

“He did not,” Wren asserted.

“Yes, he did!”

“I didn’t. I just didn’t eat it around her because it made her sick,” Jensen answered matter-of-factly, and Wren looked back at him the best she could.


“Yeah, you always got queasy when I brought it home, so I stopped.”

As a grin spread over her lips, Vaughn and Wells yelled, “Whipped!”

Winston scoffed from the doorway. “Like the whip isn’t in full force with you two. That boy right there tells you to jump, you do, Wells. And Vaughn, all this gorgeous girl has to do is give you a look, and you come running,” he threw back at them.

“She’s really great in bed,” Vaughn laughed, and Brie’s eyes widened.


“What? It’s true!”

“Well, don’t tell your other parents that!”

As Vaughn and Wells shared a look before giggling like children, Elaine took Jensen’s face in her hands, rubbing the plaster all over him, but he didn’t care. He was getting in the shower after this anyway. Hopefully with Wren, if he didn’t have to kill Wells and Vaughn first. “You are the best thing ever, Jensen Monroe, and I love you. So damn much.”

Jensen grinned as Wren turned, kissing his cheek. “He is pretty great and not whipped at all because he doesn’t need to be whipped to love me.”

“Ha! Please,” Wells called back, shaking his head. But Jensen wasn’t listening because beside Wells, Alex was turning red. When Alex leaned toward Wells, whispering something in his ear, Jensen watched as Wells rolled his eyes.

“Babe, she doesn’t know you like she knows Jenny.”

“It doesn’t matter, my parents love you.”

Jensen looked to Elaine, but she was talking to Wren and Brie about placement while Winston was watching, giving his own directions. No one was paying attention to the hissy fit Alex was throwing.

“They probably don’t want us to get married.”

“That’s not true. They’re happy for us.”

“Whatever, your dad hates this.”

“I know, but he’s still coming.”

“This is bullshit,” Alex decided, getting up and leaving the room, walking out the back door.

When the door slammed, Elaine turned, her brows up in her hairline. “There is no slamming doors in my house

“This isn’t a damn barn,” Wren, Jensen, Vaughn, and Wells all finished for her since they had been hearing that since the dawn of time.

She just nodded. “Exactly.”

“That was creepy,” Brie laughed, shaking her head while everyone else just shrugged. But Jensen was watching Wells, who slowly came off his chair.

“Sorry, Mom.”

“Was that Alex? What is his problem?”

Wells just shook his head, and Vaughn, being the pain in the ass that he was, said, “He’s pissed because he thinks you don’t love him like you love Jenny.”

Her face scrunched up as Wren asked, “Why does it matter? Plus, Mom helped raise Jensen.”

“Which is what I tried telling him, that you guys don’t know him as well as Jensen. Yeah, he’s being a brat. He’s nervous about the wedding. It’s fine,” Wells said, holding up his hands in a calming motion. “Let me make sure he didn’t leave me.”

As he walked through the kitchen, going out the back door, Vaughn laughed from his seat. “Hundred bucks says they don’t get married.”

“Vaughn Johansson, you shut that mouth of yours right now!” Elaine yelled, and he did as she asked, looking down at the food in front of him.

“I mean, I don’t like that he’s gay, my boy, but even I think that guy’s a little bit of a sissy for him.”

“He is,” Wren and Vaughn said together.

Elaine just made a face, looking out the back window. “Well, I don’t care. Wells told me he loved that boy and he wants to marry him, so I’m throwing a damn wedding, and they better get married.”

“Or else we’ll all need to get alternate housing since you’ll probably blow this one up with him inside,” Winston supplied, and Elaine glared.

“That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?”

Winston scoffed as Jensen said, “Not for you.”

She pinned him with a look, and Jensen hid behind Wren as she laughed. “I used to love you, boy.”

“Sorry,” he muttered against Wren’s neck, and she leaned into him.

“I’m the favorite now,” Vaughn laughed.

“No, you’re not. Brie is.”

“Yes!” Brie said, fist-pumping as Wren just laughed.

“You’re the one who put the damn thought in my head,” Elaine said worriedly as she looked out the window and then back to everyone in the room. “Do all of you think it’s not gonna happen?”

“I do,” Brie said slowly, holding her hand up.

“I totally do,” Vaughn added with both hands up.

“We can’t hold our hands up, but we do,” Wren announced, and Jensen glared at the back of her head.

“I don’t!”

“Yes, you do,” she said, and he scoffed but didn’t protest.

Maybe he was whipped.

When a car door slammed outside, with someone calling someone a drama queen, they all looked to Winston as he nodded. “Pretty sure we just wasted half a million, love.”

Sputtering with anger, she threw a plaster strip down and muttered, “I swear to God, I’ll kill him.”

When Wren looked over at Jensen, he smiled before she leaned into him, pressing her nose into his. “I told you I didn’t want to do this.”

He just kept grinning. “I did. I get your ass on me for a solid hour.”

“I mean, if you wanted me to sit on you, I would have done it without this!”

“Yeah, but this way, we make your mom happy.”

She glared as Elaine said, “And this is why he’s my favorite again.”

“Hey!” Brie complained, and Elaine flashed her a grin.

“You’re my second favorite.”

“Hey!” Wren and Vaughn complained, and then everyone was laughing.

And at that moment, Jensen didn’t want to be anywhere else but with his arms around his wife in the middle of his second family’s kitchen, with his loved ones.

He went from having no one to having so much love it was overwhelming, and he wouldn’t change a damn thing.