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Ingredients to Love by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (6)

Chapter Five


“So apparently the dick did cheat on her, was abusive, and Calvin’s family has connections to Alessa’s. A modern day arranged marriage of sorts. She hasn’t spoken to her family, and a close friend to both families indicated that Alessa’s parents weren’t happy about the friends she hung out with. They are all in ménage relationships,” Parker told Roberto.

Roberto narrowed his eyes at Parker. “Alessa has engaged in this type of relationship?”

“No, and she doesn’t date anyone in that circle of friends that we know of or were able to find out. However, the night she was drugged, Roman, Cobra, Ziek, and Lenox watched over her and protected her.”

“Those fucking animals probably took advantage of her drugged up. They’re fucking scum.”

“I don’t think so, but the only way to know would be to ask Alessa, and that wouldn’t be wise.”

“She’s going to find out I know them somehow. Certainly we were seen together at Club Oliva. I’m not too concerned, as long as I can convince her that I’m sincere. I mean, I like her. Don’t you think she would be the perfect mate for me?”

“She is stunning, very sweet, controllable, yet classy, too,” Lane added.

“One hell of a body, even if we’ve only seen her in conservative attire,” Parker stated.

“She looked hot in that pastry chef outfit, who are you guys kidding?” Roberto asked. Both men laughed.

“There are things you could use to persuade her if she’s as timid and shy as she seems, Roberto,” Parker said.

Roberto looked at him and took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled.

“I know what you mean. I wonder though, despite her show of independence and refusal to submit to their demands, if she still seeks their support, acceptance of her professional decision, or even hopes for their approval and love. This could be weaknesses.”

“Everyone has a weakness and knowing those weaknesses gives you an advantage, a tool to control them,” Lane stated.

“Exactly. However, depending on how today goes, perhaps I won’t need to poke at those weaknesses, and instead can gain her trust, her companionship without them.”

“Where are you planning on taking her to dinner?” Parker asked.


“The bar and grill place?” Lane asked.

“Yup. Casual, not fancy, fun, a little loud, but hopefully exactly the kind of place to get her to relax and smile. I would have offered take out again and dining at her place, but she would never accept that not knowing me too well. Perhaps in a week or so, things will be different. Hopefully I can be as patient as I need to be with her.” He thought about Alessa, about her body, the scent of her shampoo and he wondered if he could maintain that patience for longer than a few days. This was going to be a challenge, but one he had a feeling would be well worth it.


* * * *


“What do we do now? That was insane.” Ziek stated once they were alone in the restaurant and away from Alessa and Gisella. One look from Gisella and Ziek knew she was aware something was up.

“What can we do but wait this out and see if she weakens and gives into the attraction,” Ziek stated.

“She is pissed off and insulted. Power of an attraction is not going to get her un-pissed,” Lenox said.

“Well, she needs to accept whatever we can give at this point in time. Any other woman in that situation would have been pleading for us to take her right there on the table. Fuck,” Roman hissed.

“What the fuck are we doing? We want her. Plain and simple, we want her in our beds and under us. What’s the fucking problem besides her being resistant?” Ziek asked.

“The fucking problem is that we made her feel like just another woman we want to screw. That’s the fucking problem,” Lenox told them and exhaled. He and Ziek were sitting at the bar strumming their fingers and looking around the place. It wasn’t busy at all in this small restaurant right down the block from Club Empire. Gisella and Alessa sat at a booth in the corner, talking. Prince and Scotch were nearby. They were Gisella’s security today. There was no reason for Ziek, Roman, Lenox, and Cobra to remain there but they did. They didn’t want to leave quite yet. Cobra was in a dead stare at her. This situation was ridiculous.

Why couldn’t his brother and cousins just admit that they wanted Alessa to be their woman only? That somehow they could work this out and commit to only her despite their jobs, their reputations as soldiers and made men? Things had been changing for all of them. They were involved in their own businesses, training other men in the family to be security and do other jobs they used to do. They could all make changes. Talk to Collin and Fedarro, Mateus and Major about limiting their role as heavies and enforcers, and focus more on the businesses they made money on. It was time. They weren’t getting any younger.

Ziek felt that pain in the pit of his stomach. This was exactly how the others felt. It was an insane move, a change they may not have felt comfortable with and one that would make them appear weak and accessible. People would know that Alessa was their weakness, a means to get to them and hurt them.

He thought about this guy, Roberto. Could he know that Alessa was important to them somehow? That would mean he had inside information or something, because no one knew how they felt about her. Cobra and Roman said that Roberto was a business man. He had no ties to any families, just associates with some smaller groups and maybe Ukrainian businessmen, but nothing more. Of all the fucking women for Roberto to meet and set his eyes on, why was it Alessa? What was the guy into these days? Should they start looking into him?

When he thought about that, he realized that if Alessa started dating the guy, hell, sleeping with him, it was going to eat them alive. Cobra could really lose his shit and do something drastic. He looked toward where Alessa was as his cousins and brother decided it was time to head out. They couldn’t stand there watching her and knowing they couldn’t touch her, or show their interest and attraction. She was insulted and that was something they needed to fix, but maybe giving her time to cool off and perhaps dissect what happened at her place might make her change her mind about them. After all, their encounter was pretty fucking hot. It would be the subject of his dreams until they had her in their arms again. He might just be the one to lose it and do something drastic.


* * * *


“They are totally staring at you. Why can’t you tell me what happened, Alessa? It’s obvious that they made a move of some kind.”

Alessa exhaled. “I want nothing to do with them. They aren’t right for me or good for me. I have too much on my plate right now, and today is my only day off.”

“Well if you aren’t going to tell me then at least tell me about the guys you were with last night.”

“How do you know about that?”

“Seriously? Fedarro said that one of the guys, a businessman or something, may be connected to Cobra and Roman’s past somehow. It wasn’t explained, but Fedarro and Collin knew I was meeting you today and they were asked to have me warn you.”

“They?” Alessa asked and Gisella raised her eyebrows up and Alessa glanced toward the direction of the bar. She then looked back and at her lap as she played with her napkin.

“Yeah, well, I don’t exactly believe anything those men have to say. In fact, they seem to say and do whatever they want and expect submission. For all I know, their so-called concerns could be bullshit and another way to try and make me feel weak or like I need their protection or something.”

“I don’t think they would do that,” Gisella said.

Alessa leaned forward to make sure no one could hear.

“They came onto me at my apartment. Started kissing me, touching me, and then Cobra orders for them to take me to my bedroom. Just like that.”

“Holy shit, that sounds hot.”

“Hot? Gisella, I haven’t seen them in months. They show up at my apartment and they tell me when I was drugged I said things. I was so confused and emotional. I haven’t been the same since that night.”

“Of course you haven’t. It was traumatic for you. Roman, Lenox, Cobra, and Ziek were by your side the entire time. They were very concerned for you.”

“They obviously saw me as an easy lay, but that didn’t happen because I realized how meaningless it was to them, to have sex with a woman. I mean, I know the lust was there, the hunger, but they never even just talked to me, kissed me, took me out someplace, or even flirted for crying out loud. Then suddenly they’re telling me how I expressed my desires for them when I was drugged?”

“Holy crap. I wonder if you kissed them or threw yourself at them and they had to stop you? That drug is powerful.”

“Wonderful, that just makes me feel even better about this.”

“Sorry. Forget I said that. They knew you were under the influence of drugs. The point is, they care. They were looking out for you and they are now.”

“I don’t know about that. They weren’t specific but it sounded like Roberto is their enemy for another reason. The side I’ve seen of Roberto has been kind, gentle, and he’s older, too. More seasoned. Not in a rush to maul me and fuck me on my kitchen table,” she stated firmly.

Gisella laughed and covered her mouth. She leaned closer and stared at Alessa. “On the kitchen table? Seriously?”

“Yes, and after being in my place for all of about five minutes.”

“Damn, no wonder you’re so insulted. But obviously you were enjoying it.”

“Hello? Look at them. I mean, I know you’re taken, but come on. They’re huge, sexy, and fierce, and have that whole mysterious, bad boy thing going, and never mind being made men and enforcers. They kick ass. They run businesses. They are intimidating as all else.”

“So what’s the problem? Sounds like all things that turn you on.”

“Turn me on, yes, but make me sleep with them knowing it will be only sex? Not a good idea. Secondly, my mother would be right, and I would be the whore she claimed I would become hanging out with all my friends who engaged in ménage relationships. I would be a disappointment like she thinks I am now.”

“No. That’s bullshit. Your mom said that?”

“Hello, why do you think I stopped talking to them and finished law school on my own? Got rid of Calvin after he cheated on me with two women. I don’t trust easy. You know that. Add in being drugged and not knowing, not remembering a thing and it eats at me. I don’t feel safe anywhere. I want…I need, a man or men who will be attentive, who will care and aren’t after a piece of ass or their latest interest. I’m not saying that the attraction isn’t there, it is, but I need more, Gisella. Don’t I deserve more after all the shit I’ve been going through? Why can’t a man truly care about me? Put me first and not cheat on me, or use me for something they want?”

A tear escaped her eye and Gisella sobered. She took Alessa’s hand. “I’m sorry. You’re right. You do deserve better treatment. You deserve to feel good about yourself, and to be happy and safe.”

“Exactly. I have a lot on my plate. Things have been tough,” she said to Gisella.

“What else is going on?”

“Just trying to save money. I’m feeling like I’m stuck in a rut.”

“Well, maybe this will help you feel better.”

Alessa squinted. Gisella smiled.

“After the event at the club and those desserts of yours, I got over a dozen people who wanted your name and number to place orders for special parties they have coming up. I hope you have a price list ready. You’re going to be a busy bee.”


“Yes. I hope you can handle it. I was thinking if you needed help, we could hire a few people and you could use the kitchen here or at the penthouse.”

“Oh God, I can’t hire anyone to pay them.”

“I’ll help you out.”

Alessa shook her head. “No. No can do. I haven’t asked for help yet. I’ll make the money for my own shop one day. I need to be prepared and have enough saved. Once I get rid of the college loan—”

“What? What college loan? I thought your parents were paying.”

“Gisella, they relinquished on that promise when I decided to pursue my true dreams and also hang out with all of you guys, my friends. They cut me off. Act like I’m a low life and blame me for Calvin cheating.”


“Yes, but little do they know that I finished law school and I passed the Bar exam.”

“Holy shit, and you don’t want to be a lawyer and make more money?”

“No. It doesn’t make me happy. I love being a pastry chef. Knowing business law will help me a great deal when I have my own business, and save me money. It will happen.”

“It will happen. You’ve sacrificed so much. You’re right. You don’t need men trying to get you into bed and not really caring about you. What can I do to help? Maybe lend you money?”

“No. I won’t accept that. I know that all of you guys, my friends, my true family, would do that for me, but this is a risk. It could fail and I could lose everything that is mine and that I worked for. I’m fine with that, but I wouldn’t be fine if it were your money or someone else’s. It will work out.”

“I think it is starting to. If you could get more of these kind of orders, private parties, private catering, then maybe you could save money faster and then open a small place where you cook everything and people come in to order. Eventually you could have items on display to sell and maybe expand.”

“You think so?”

“Sure. It would be a lot less risky catering events, and making dessert by order per event then paying for a place, getting it up, and running but not getting the sales as quickly as the bills come in. It’s like establishing a name and quality of work before expanding.”

“I like it. Hopefully it works around my schedule. I work every day, plus Sunday midnight to ten in the morning at the bakery in midtown.”

“What? That’s crazy, Alessa. No wonder you’re so tired.”

“I am tired. I’ll probably cancel this dinner thing with Roberto.”

“He wants to take you out tonight?”

“Yes. I told him it would have to be something simple and not too long because I needed sleep. He understood. I would have accepted his offer of takeout, but I don’t know him very well, and it may be awkward alone with him in my apartment. I’m too nervous about that stuff now.”

“I understand, and that’s smart thinking. You don’t know who he is, but he does sound nice. You really think Cobra and them bad-mouthed Roberto so you wouldn’t get involved with him because they want you?”

“I’m thinking that’s exactly what they did. I can’t trust them. I’m better off casually dating with no strings attached and no sex.”

“Well, that may be pushing it too far. I mean, if you’re attracted to someone and it feels right, no need to be extreme and cut off intimacy. Maybe being held and comforted, receiving some empathy, could help gain your trust and make you feel less vulnerable?”

“Maybe,” Alessa said and then her cell phone went off. She glanced at it and smiled.

“Roberto?” Gisella asked.

“Yes. He said he can pick me up anywhere, unless I’m resting.”

“That’s nice of him.”

“He dropped me off last night at the bakery. I was kind of embarrassed, but he was impressed. He felt badly that I needed to work so hard and told me that he would gain my trust and eventually let him take care of me.”

“Oh boy, that sounds serious.”

“Yes and no. He seemed so sincere in his words, but it was his actions. His light caresses. Gentle kisses to my cheek, my shoulder, and whispers into my ear. Taking his time. Easing his way into my heart. I just feel comfortable with him right now. Nothing may come of it, but he’s like a friend first, if that makes sense.”

“I wouldn’t call the guy your friend first, unless you’re serious about shutting off intimacy,” Gisella said and chuckled. Alessa did, too. “Wise guy.” She looked at her phone.

“What are you going to tell him?”

“That I’ll meet him somewhere. I’ll walk a few blocks up though.”

“That’s silly. Just have him meet you here.”

“Here?” she asked.

“Sure. It looks like Cobra and them left.”

Alessa looked over her shoulder and, sure enough, they were gone.

“Okay then. I’ll tell him to meet me here.”


* * * *


“Rogan’s? Seriously?” she asked Roberto, smiling wide. He gave her a wink and kept an arm around her waist, his hand gripping her hip.

“You said casual, and this place has great food, excellent service, and a cool atmosphere,” he told her, and she looked at him and smiled. “Is it okay with you?” he asked.

“Yes, Roberto. This is perfect,” she said, and he kissed her shoulder.


Her cheeks blushed and she looked ahead of them as the bouncer opened the door for them to enter. The music wasn’t too loud, but the place was pretty crowded.


He looked to the right and saw Rogan, an old friend of his and the owner of the place.

“What are you doing here?” he asked and Roberto released Alessa to hug his friend. They gave one another slaps on the back.

Then Rogan looked at Alessa.

“You should have told me you were coming. It’s been so long.” Roberto pulled Alessa close to him again.

“I know it has been. I was racking my brain as to where to bring my friend, Alessa. She wanted something casual and fun. It’s her only day off from work. I thought of your place and knew she would love it. So Rogan, meet Alessa. She’s a famous pastry chef.”

“Pastry chef? Wow, that is impressive and so beautiful,” he told her and eyed over her body, shaking her hand hello. “Damn, you are one lucky man, Roberto.”

“She really is amazing. Ever hear of the pastries from Marchianno’s? She’s the one who makes them.”

“No way. I’ve been trying to find out who that pastry chef is and see if they do orders for other restaurants. I figured it was one of the bakeries, like the one in midtown.”

“She works there, too, and her pastries sell out Sunday morning right away.”

“Roberto,” she said, and he smirked.

“What?” he asked. “He knows of your delicacies. I’m just letting him know it’s you.”

“Alessa, would you consider working something out with me to make private orders for me to sell here? I would make it worth your while.”

“Seriously?” she asked Rogan.

She looked up at Roberto, and he could tell she was shocked and not sure how to handle this situation.

“She will think about it while we wait for a table. You’re open to a light order to start as she’s very busy where she’s working now, so time and delivering may be an issue.”

“I would work out whatever deal you wanted. This could be a great promotional opportunity, too. If you’re not bound to Marchianno’s with some sort of contract,” Rogan said.

“No, I’m not,” she said.

“I’ll talk with her about it, Rogan.”

“Fantastic. It’s pretty crowded. Why don’t you have a drink at the bar and I’ll work on getting a table for you. Then maybe we can talk a little business whenever you have time. I’ll be over to get you shortly,” Rogan said. Roberto shook his hand.

“Thanks, buddy,” he said, and then Roberto guided Alessa over toward the bar and they squeezed in by the corner. He felt her hug his arm.

“Roberto, oh my God, what do I do? I don’t even know where to begin. I mean I met up with Gisella for lunch today and she said she had over a dozen people interested in placing orders for pastries with me. Now this? Oh God. I think I’m having a panic attack,” she said and he chuckled, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her. He caressed her back and looked down into her eyes as she gazed up at him. She looked so precious. So vulnerable he felt possessive.

“I’ll help you figure it out. I bought you some time. We can tell Rogan that we’ll meet up with him another day to discuss options.”

“Discuss options? Where am I going to make all this stuff, and have the time for it all?”

“Stop doing the bakery thing. You don’t need that, or the extra headache and long hours. Maybe cut back at Marchianno’s, too.”

“Oh, no, Michelangelo will freak.”

“I can handle Michelangelo. I own part of that restaurant, you know?”

“You do?” she asked.

He reached up and cupped her cheek. Stroked her jaw. “Yes. So, no worries. We’ll work it out together. What are friends for?” he added and she smiled and then stared at his eyes, his lips, before she lifted up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He felt triumphant. He was gaining her trust. She would never know he set that whole encounter up with Rogan. She would be under his control and eventually in his bed in no time. He hugged her again and she squeezed him back.


* * * *


Alessa was enjoying her conversation with Roberto. Rogan got them a table in the back corner restaurant and bar area that boasted an old western saloon style décor. The atmosphere was fun, uplifting, and the conversation encouraging.

“Now, let’s see how you can accomplish this new business venture. You said that your friend Gisella offered her penthouse kitchen, and even the kitchen at Club Empire for you to use. That’s great. So you have a place to cook things up and create. It comes down to the environment you feel more comfortable in. Second, supplies. You said you have the tools, it’s just the money for the baking materials, the display containers, and transporting the large quantities. I can probably help with that.”

“Well, Gisella has offered multiple SUVs for deliveries if I needed.”

He leaned back and nodded. She wondered if he felt insulted because he got her this opportunity and now she was using everyone else’s assistance but his. She didn’t really know him well enough to give him too much trust, but she was so excited. He wouldn’t have ulterior motives, except maybe to get more intimate with her. The thought made her gut clench and she damned herself for thinking of Cobra, Roman, Ziek, and Lenox. They would flip out, but they didn’t own her. They didn’t want to make a commitment to her, date her, talk about her life, her dreams, and be there for her, they wanted her body. Sex, which would be amazing but temporary.

She stared at Roberto as he suggested other things, and ways to prioritize her time. Then he reached over and clenched her chin between his forefinger and thumb. “I’m here for you, Alessa. You aren’t alone. I don’t want you to worry, and to feel scared, intimidated, or get exhausted. You work so hard, baby, let me help you and be here for you.” His words, the expression on his face and the bold, blue of his eyes drew her in and then next thing she knew, he was kissing her.

What she hadn’t expected was the initial desire and then the sudden thought of Cora, Roman, Ziek, and Lenox. She pulled back, and he squinted at her.

“I’m sorry, Roberto.” She lowered her eyes. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why I’m so scared. So afraid to feel to accept—”

“Shh, no need to explain anything.” He caressed her hair and then took her hand and brought it to his lips.

“You’ve been hurt before. You went through something traumatizing, and trust will not come easy. I get it. But the difference is, I’m not like Calvin or any other man. I’m here for you, to lean on, to talk to, for guidance or advice, and I’m fine with that for now.”

“You are?” she asked, feeling shocked by his words, by the sincerity in his voice.

He held her gaze.

“You deserve respect and support. I have a feeling no one ever gave that to you. You deserve more.”

She stared at him as tears hit her eyes. She hesitated a moment, wondered if he was for real, and fought against the desire she had for four men who weren’t right for her and didn’t really care like Roberto seemed to. She leaned closer and lifted her mouth to his and kissed him. He let her take control of the kiss and it made a huge difference, letting her feel more in control, which was what she needed. To finally realize that the men she had desired weren’t right for her and it was time to move on to someone safer and something more secure. It was the right move to make. There didn’t seem to be a way that Roberto could hurt her. He was a business man, not a made man. This was a safer relationship. 




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