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Inking Eagle (Charon MC Trilogy Book 1) by Khloe Wren (23)

Chapter 22


It was a full week after my punishment before Scout finally gave me permission to leave the clubhouse. I was getting ready to head out when he’d come into my room fifteen minutes ago.

“You come to church before you leave. Be down there in half hour.”

I didn’t argue. I was going to see my girl today. Nothing was going to stop me. Mac was with her today–Taz and he had been taking it turns. I grinned as I thought about how she’d thrown down for me. Silk had walked away from the only family she had, because she couldn’t stand the thought they’d hurt me. Guess that was as public a declaration as she could make about her feelings toward me. No way could Bulldog not understand that one.

Pulling on my cut, I made my way out of the room. My ribs still ached a little and my left knee didn’t always bend quite right. But I was certain nothing was broken beyond repair, and I’d be all healed up in no time. I met up with Taz at the bottom of the stairs and headed down to the meeting room. We’d only been in church once before, twice if you counted the time we came here with those boxes. Prospects didn’t normally get included, so yeah, I was a little nervous about what the fuck this was all about. Especially when I saw Mac sitting in the room.

“Who the fuck is watching Silk?”

The room went silent and all eyes turned to me. I didn’t give a shit if I’d just broken a bunch of rules. If Silk was out there alone, I was out of here.

“Settle down. Nitro and Tiny are watching her.”

Scout spoke as he walked past me, to the front of the room where he calmly sat at the center of the table. I followed Taz to sit beside Mac.

“Either of you know what this is about?”

Taz shrugged and Mac had a gleam in his eye, like he knew but wasn’t going to share.

“Bastard. You fit right in here don’t you? Knowing shit and not sharing it.”

He laughed. “Aren’t you in a peachy mood today? Thought you’d be all happy and shit that you’re going to be seeing Silk soon.”

“Once I see her, I’ll be fucking ecstatic. Until then, I’m going to be pissed at everything that makes it so I’m not already with her.”

“Wow. So this is how you’re going be from now on. Kind of glad I’ve been hanging out with her for most of the week, rather than you. At least she tried to pretend to be normal around me.”

The bang of the hammer on the table thankfully ended that conversation.

“Short meeting this morning, as I know some of us have places we’d rather be.” Bastard smirked at me. “Eagle, Mac and Taz, get your asses up here, boys.”

I got to my feet first, and strolled up there. Could this really be about our patches? Finally.

“Everyone here knows what’s been going on lately, so there’s no need to recap it all. But we all agree, you’ve all more than earned your top rockers. Welcome to the Charon MC, boys. You’re all officially one of us now.”

I watched a little in shock, as Scout, Bulldog and Keys all squirted a ton of super glue on the back of a patch each. Bulldog came for me, spun me around and slapped the rocker across the top of my cut. Then he spun me back.

“You did good. And you’ve more than proven you’re good enough for my girl. Your next job is to bring the stubborn woman back here, where she belongs.”

He turned to grab a cut off the table, but before he could speak again, Scout broke in. “Yeah, Rose has him in the doghouse for running her off. I’m sure he’d like you to be quick about bringing her back. And you three need to go see her about getting your ink done too. Show anyone at her shop your top rocker and they’ll look after you.”

Bulldog handed a cut to me. “Here’s her cut. We’ve added a patch to it. Bring her back. I miss my girl, and not just because Rose is pissed at me over it.”

I held out the cut and grinned. “‘Property of Eagle’, I like it.”

The patch was on the back, above the club insignia. A top rocker with ‘Property Of’ on one line and ‘Eagle’ underneath on the bottom rocker. Fuck, I hope she’d accept it. What if she really didn’t want to come back into the club? The place had grown on me and I wanted to be a part of it.

A hard slap on my back brought my attention back to the room.

“Don’t worry so much. She’ll accept you, and the club. At this point, it’s her pride stopping her from coming back. She knows how we work, beat downs are nothing new to her. She’s just got her panties in a twist because it was you.” Scout turned from me to address the room. “Let the party begin! Taz, you might even find that we’ve had a couple new girls join us. Try to let the others have some pussy too. You don’t need it all for yourself, brother.”

With a chorus of laughter, the meeting broke up and everyone made their way out. Mac was tight on my heels.

“You staying to party?”

“Not yet. I’m going to have your back until you and Silk get back here. Then, we’ll party. I’m sure Taz will do enough fucking damage for all of us in the meantime.”

I grinned. “I’m sure he will. Well, come on then, let’s go get my girl.”

I loaded Silk’s cut into my saddle bag and slid onto the seat of my Harley.

“Damn, I missed this.”

I ran my hands over the bike for a second before I started her up. The rumble beneath me had me feeling instantly alive.

I was on my way to get my girl, and I might even let her do that piercing she wanted to. I groaned as my cock sprung to life. Just fucking great. Now I had to ride with a fucking hard-on. Gunning the engine, I took off toward her shop. I pulled up out front, and Mac slid his bike in beside mine. Tiny was on the front door and grinned when he saw us.

“Congratulations, boys. Finally got your top rockers. Pres told me you were on your way, so I had Gabs make sure she’s free for you.”

Mac stayed with Tiny as I pushed through the front door into the shop, Silk’s cut in my fist. Gabs was leaning against the front counter, working on a sketch. When she looked up and caught sight of me she had a gleam in her eye.

“She’s back in the piercing room, getting prepped.”

Heat raced over my cheeks. “How the fuck do you know about that?”

The woman shrugged. “We’re roommates, and the woman talks in her sleep. A lot, lately. Have fun!”

Refusing to rise to the bait, I didn’t say a word as I moved toward the back, where the closed-off piercing room was located. I didn’t knock, but entered and closed the door behind me in silence. Silk was hunched over the tray of implements when I flipped the lock, the quiet sound alerting her to my presence. With a gasp, she jerked around, and the fear in her gaze hit me like a blow.

“Hey, baby. It’s just me. Fuck. Don’t be scared.”

Fuck, I was a bastard. Of course, she’d be afraid if someone snuck up on her here where she’d been snatched before. I dropped her cut on the chair on my way over to her. She stood still with a hand over her heart.

“What are you doing here?”

I pulled her against me. “Don’t you dare try to act like you don’t know. Scout had me on lockdown until this morning, I got my top rocker twenty minutes ago and now I’m here to claim my woman. I promise, I came as soon as I could.”

She scared the shit out of me when, for about a minute and a half, she held herself stiff and away from me. Then she softened against me and my heart started beating again. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she lifted her face to me. I didn’t wait. I lowered my mouth to cover hers and drank her in. Fuck, I’d missed her so much.


Eagle was really here. This was real, and not a dream. I ran my fingers through his hair and fisted it tightly to hold him to me as he devoured my mouth. A deep moan made its way up my throat, and I loosened my hold when he pulled away a fraction.

“I thought I’d lost you and the club. It’s been a week.”

He cupped a palm around my face.

“Never. You’ll never lose me, Silk. And the club has instructed me to bring you home. You’ve lost nothing. Well, except maybe a little of your pride.”

Heat crept over my cheeks. “I kinda lost my temper when I saw you all beat to shit.”

He gave me a lop-sided grin. “I got that impression. I wished you hadn’t seen me like that, though. You weren’t supposed to.”

“What? So you get to see me all beaten to shit, but I can’t see you when it’s you all bruised up?”

I chuckled when he shook his head. “Two completely different situations, baby. And you know it.” He sighed and stroked my face with his fingertips. “The club brothers are like any brothers–they solve their issues with their fists. Not that I was raised with blood brothers, but from what I’ve seen and experienced in the Marines and now with the Charons, beating the shit out of each other seems to be the way it goes. And it got me permission to have you, so it was totally worth it.”

“Yeah, I know that. I’ve been watching them beat the shit out of each other for fifteen years. I guess I’ve never cared about anyone they’ve laid into before.” I paused and gave him a sly smile as I pulled from his grip. “And now, here you are with a piercing appointment.”

He frowned at me. “Gabs made this appointment for me without any request from me. Apparently, you talk in your sleep, baby.”

“Oh, fuck.” I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh. “Oops.”

He pulled his cut from his shoulders, and when he lifted his tight, black shirt up, my insides melted. Damn, but he really was one well-put together male.

“Strip, Silk.”

He piled his clothes on the chair by the door, left there for that reason. He toed off his boots and popped the top button on his jeans before he made his way over to the piercing chair and hopped up on it.

I stood like an idiot, watching the way his muscles rippled as he moved until he cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow at me. I swallowed. Was I really going to do this? I went to double-check the door was locked before I began undressing. I was. I was totally going to pierce his nipple naked, then ride him to climax. My pussy clenched at the thought.

I turned to face him as I unclipped my bra and let it fall down my arms. His eyes had darkened with heat and he licked his lips when I slipped a thumb in each side of my panties and pulled them down. Naked as the day I was born, I padded across the tiles to him.

“So, which side?”

I pulled the wheeled table over and climbed up to straddle his waist, leaning in to lick each nipple, earning me a hiss. Fuck, how I missed his taste.

“I have no fucking idea. What side do guys normally get done?”

“Normally it’s the left, or you could go with both. You know, same as me.”

His hands were on the nipples in question in a flash and I shuddered over him as he expertly tugged and twisted them.

“Keep teasing me, and we’ll have to fuck before you get a needle anywhere near my skin.”

I leaned in and kissed him deeply until he was groaning. Then, quickly, I swung off him and grabbed a pair of gloves.

“Nope. The deal was you got some metal first, then we fuck.”

I grabbed the sterile wipe and ripped the packet open.

“So, we going with the left or both?”

“Just the left, Silk.”


He smirked. “Nope, but if you want to do the other one, we get to repeat this process some other time.”

I laughed as I wiped him down. “So kinky. Now, lie still and let me work.”

He stopped joking and let his body relax against the leather chair as I got the clamp and moved to start the process. My mind clicked into work mode and I forgot I was buck-ass naked as I expertly slid the needle, then the barbell through his nipple. Tossing the clamps on the tray, I picked up the ball and quickly screwed it in place.

“Done! And you didn’t even flinch. Such a good little Marine.”

I grabbed another wipe to clean up the area around the new metal and moved a couple steps away to toss it in the bin when I was done. By the time I turned back, Eagle was on his feet and prowling toward me.

“Now, for the next part of the deal. Turn around and put your palms on the wall, Silk.”

Fuck, the way he purred instructions had me wet. He clearly got that he’d melted my mind as he took my shoulders and turned me himself. I lifted my palms to cover my breasts on a gasp. How could I have forgotten this room had a fucking mirror wall? Normally clients liked to see their ink or metal as soon as it was done, and it’s just become a part of the room so I forgot the damn thing was here. Clearly, Eagle had gotten some ideas when he saw the thing.

He pulled my hands from my breasts and pressed them against the cool mirror.

“Don’t ever hide from me, Silk. I adore every inch of you.”

He stepped back and peeled his jeans and boxers down his muscled legs. I rubbed my thighs together at the sight he made. He gave my butt a slap.

“Quit trying to get yourself off, baby. That’s what I’m here for.”

He rolled a condom down his length, then he was spreading my thighs and tilting my pelvis back.

“Watch me take you, Silk. See how fucking good we look together?”

He slid his hard cock in deep on one thrust and I threw my head back as I bit my lip to stop from crying out. The walls in this place weren’t that thick. Another slap on my ass had me refocusing on mirror.

“Eyes back on us, Silk.”

His large hands gripped each of my hips, his darker skin tone standing out against my white and inked flesh. I pushed back with every thrust he made, and before long I was whimpering with how close my orgasm was. Releasing my hips, one hand trailed up to my breasts, where he plucked and teased my piercings while his other slid to my clit where he pinched down and sent me spiraling. His hand left my breast and clapped over my mouth as his thrusts turned fast and furious. His cock pulsed inside me and I clamped down on him as he sunk his teeth into my shoulder to muffle his own shout.

Warm arms wrapped around my waist as Eagle pulled me back against him. I wrapped an arm up around his neck to mess with his hair.

“I missed you, Silk. Don’t ever run off like that again.”

“I’ve missed you too, so fucking much. Don’t get yourself in enough trouble to get a club beat down again, and I won’t have to run off when I lose my temper.”

I went to lift my other hand up but my ribs tweaked, making me wince. Eagle pulled from my body and lifted me onto the piercing chair.

“Fuck, sorry Silk. How are your ribs? The bruising is fading out nicely.”

“I went to the docs the day after I left the clubhouse. They weren’t broken, just bruised, so they’re pretty much healed. I just can’t lift that arm above my head yet. I forget that on occasion.”

He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips before he moved over to the pile of clothes.

“We’d better get dressed and back to the clubhouse. There’s one hell of a party going on to celebrate us three patching in, and if we don’t get back soon, Mac won’t get any action because Taz will have done the rounds already.”

I chuckled as I slipped from the seat and began to dress. “That man has quite the appetite, from what I’ve heard. Someone might want to suggest to Scout the club gets more girls to keep up with him. Actually, considering how many girls he runs through, how the hell did he cope up at the cabin for so long?”

“He might like sex–a lot–but he doesn’t need it. He can go without just fine, he just prefers not to. And trust me, he’s been making up for his dry spell all week.”

Once we were dressed, Eagle paused with a bunch of leather in his fist.

“Will you wear my patch, Silk? Walk into the club with me tonight as my old lady?”

A lump formed in my throat at how vulnerable Eagle looked in that moment. Did he really doubt how I felt for him?

I walked up and took the cut from his hands and looked it over. It was the cut I’d left with Scout, but now it had a ‘Property of’ top rocker and ‘Eagle’ on the bottom one, and on the front, just below my Daughter of the Club patch, was another smaller ‘Property of Eagle’ patch. A wide grin stretched my lips as I slid the leather vest on.

“Of course I will, Eagle. I always will.”

He pulled me in against him and kissed me until my head spun.

“I’m going to hold you to that. Now, let’s get out of here.”

Taking his hand, I unlocked the door and led him out the front to be greeted by cheers and wolf whistles from Mac, Tiny, Nitro, Gabs and my other artists. Heat spread over my cheeks and I cleared my throat.

“I think we need to sound-proof the interior walls in this place.”

That made everyone laugh, but I really didn’t care. I was too happy to have Eagle claim me, and have my family back, to be upset about anything.




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