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Inking Eagle (Charon MC Trilogy Book 1) by Khloe Wren (5)

Chapter 4


I stayed silent on our walk back to Silky Ink. I’d told Eagle I needed to prep for a new client, but I’d lied. The piercing room was always left clean and ready to go. It takes moments to grab the right jewelry and equipment. No, I intended to spend the twenty minutes I had before the appointment on the phone with my uncle. I needed some answers, and didn’t want to wait for tonight for them. I didn’t want to get them while others watched, either.

Not even glancing to see where Eagle stopped to take his guard duty post, I headed straight back to the break room at the rear of the shop. Grateful to find it empty, I made myself a coffee before I sat at the table and pulled my phone out. Hitting speed dial, I barely got the thing to my ear before Uncle Clint answered. Typical.

“Hey there, Silky girl. What’s going on?”

Not wanting to drag things out, I got straight to the point.

“Just had an interesting lunch with Eagle. He passed on some things Scout told him this morning.”

A string of growled curses had my lips twitching with a smile. “I didn’t want you told dammit.”

“Yeah, well, tough shit. I’ve been told. Now you need to tell me what really happened between you and Dad before he left Texas. I need to know everything you do, so I can try to work out what, whoever is after me, wants.”

He let fly with a few more curses before he sighed heavily.

“Fine. I suppose it’s too much to ask that you wait till tonight so I can tell you in person?”

“My place is going to be a little crowded tonight as it is, what with Eagle, Mac and Taz all playing guard dog. I don’t want this shit aired to everyone.”

Honestly, it had less to do with people knowing, and more to do with the fact I didn’t want to fucking cry in front of anyone, especially Eagle. I hated being seen as all girly and weak, and I was pretty sure if I had to look Uncle Clint in the eye while he told how my father wasn’t the good man I’d always believed he was, I wouldn’t be able to hold it together.

“I can understand that. I don’t really want this shit aired publicly either. There were only two years between me and your dad. Growing up he always resented being the youngest. He was forever trying to out-do anything I did. It was so stupid and I kept hoping he’d grow out of it. Our folks never treated him as less than me, but somehow he got it in his head he needed to prove he was better than me. When I prospected into the Charons, he–well, he decided it wasn’t hardcore enough for him.”

A tingle ran up my spine as I put together where he was going with this. “He joined the Iron Hammers, didn’t he?”

The Charon MC wasn’t officially a one-percenter club, but the Iron Hammers MC sure as fuck was.

“Yeah, honey. He did. Well, he tried. As far as I know, he never patched in. He lived it up at their parties, enjoyed more than his share of freely offered drugs and women.” I winced and was really grateful I was alone hearing all this shit. My dad had been an asshole. “Not sure how he hooked up with your mom. Rumor had it she was a runaway looking for someplace to belong when she latched onto him. I guess she was looking for club protection as an old lady.”

“If all this happened down here, how the hell did they end up in Boston?”

“No idea what made him run in the end. About a week after we heard about your mom being knocked up, they were gone. Your grandparents used to ring every couple of days when they first left, but after a couple weeks, your dad told them it was too dangerous to keep in contact and he changed his number. Of course, he never shared why, so I’m afraid it’s not much help to you. I did track him down when you were a couple of years old. By then your grandparents had both passed, so it was just me and your Aunt Rose who went up. He actually let us both play with you that day. Then he moved and I couldn’t get hold of him again. Seeing as you looked healthy and taken care of, I didn’t push to find him. Because I didn’t know what he was running from, I didn’t want to risk bringing down shit that would have landed on your head, Silk.”

Everything I thought I knew was being tilted so it now looked different. Every word my uncle spoke had me looking back over my childhood, seeing things in a new light.

“When I once asked him why we didn’t have any extended family, he told me I had an uncle. Just like you’ve told me before, he said it was your connection to the Charons that led to him cutting you from our lives. You both lied to me. Why?”

“I have no idea why he told you that. I simply agreed with what he’d said. Not sure if you remember, but when we came to get you, when I told you I was your daddy’s brother. You asked me if I was the bad biker your father had told you about. I could guess what he’d told you, and with him dead, I didn’t have the heart to tell you he wasn’t as good as you believed. I didn’t see the point. I’m sorry I lied to you, Silk, but the last thing either me or your Aunt Rose wanted was to add to your pain. You clearly thought the sun shone out of your dad, I didn’t have the heart to take that from you. I still wish it I could have left you with that image of him.”

“Yeah well, the rose colored glasses are definitely gone now.”

He roughly cleared his throat. “I always wanted to ask, but wasn’t sure I could handle the answer. Did he ever hurt you or your mom?”

I took a moment to think back. It had been so long ago now, and straight after they died, I pushed the memories down whenever they popped into my mind so I wouldn’t miss them so much. I’d been just a kid, and having my parents ripped away like that devastated me.

“I vaguely remember him slapping Mom, but no idea how old I would have been. I do remember he was so angry. I’d never seen him so mad.” I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me. “He never raised a hand against me. He wasn’t always around, and he was often drunk, or high, but no matter how out of it he was. He was always protective of me. I don’t actually have any memory of him doing drugs, but from what I’ve seen as an adult I know he must have been taking something fairly regularly.”

“Silk, do you remember him, or your mom, saying anything that might help us, the day you last saw them?”

I huffed a breath out. “I remember overhearing Mom tell Dad that this was it, the last time. I didn’t hear his response. Then about an hour later, they dropped me off at Marie’s house.” I frowned as a thought occurred to me. “How did you find me after? If Dad cut you out completely, how did you know I needed you?”

“I guess he wasn’t so certain he was going to survive whatever he was going to LA for. He left a sealed envelope with Marie that she was only to open if he didn’t return. As soon as she discovered their flight was one of the ones that took down the towers, she opened it and found my contact details. Me and your Aunt Rose dropped everything and drove up there to get you the moment she rang us.”

My phone dinged, letting me know I had five minutes before my next appointment.

“Thanks, Uncle Clint. I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll talk to you later.”

“I think I’ll still come over tonight, make sure those boys behave themselves.”

I scoffed. “You know full well they will. Bye.”

I hung up and stared at the now-dark screen. There was so much I hadn’t known, wouldn’t have ever even guessed at.

“Ah, Claudine Bennett. Finally I’ve tracked you down when you’re all alone.”

Instantly on alert, I stood and spun toward the door as I slipped my phone into my back pocket. A man who I’d guess was in his mid-forties stood just inside the doorway.

“What the fuck? This is staff only, you need to go back out the front.”

I didn’t think he was here for a tattoo, but you never know. I’d certainly prefer he was nothing but a client who’d strayed, not some asshole out to hurt me.

“Such language for a lady. I guess you truly are your father’s daughter.”

Icy fingers ran down my spine. I needed to get away from this man, and fast. I moved to the side of the room, hoping to draw him away from the door so I could make a run for it. He was a big bastard, looked like a boxer that had been jammed into suit pants and a white shirt. Hopefully that meant he was slower than me.

As fast as I could, I picked up a chair and threw it at him, but he ducked out of its way as I dashed toward the door. I had a hand on the door frame when his thick arm wrapped around my waist and jerked me backward.

“Always the hard way.”

Something hard pressed against my shoulder a moment before my body lit up with pure agony. Fuck! That hurt like a motherfucker. I slumped against the man, unable to move, and he quickly scooped me up in his arms, before he headed toward the back door. I thought I heard my name being yelled, but the darkness invading my mind took over and I passed out.


After making sure Silk had made her way to the back room of her shop, I headed to my post next to the entrance. Silky Ink wasn’t on a busy street, and there wasn’t much foot traffic around either. Made it an easy place to guard, and to make private phone calls. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Mac, my gaze scanning the street as I waited for him to answer his phone.

“What’s up?”

“Scout spoke to you yet?”

“Told me to get to Silk’s tonight and to follow your lead. You know what’s going on yet?”

I’d spoken to Mac and Taz a few times about what could be behind the sudden need the club had to have Silky under guard 24/7 while none of the other old ladies or daughters of the club were.

“Turns out Silk’s dad was into something before he died that’s coming back to bite her. Word is the mob from LA is after her.” I frowned and shook my head, even though Mac couldn’t see me. “I thought those boys were all but gone now.”

“Nah, I doubt they’ll ever fucking disappear completely. They’re smaller than they were back in the day, but just because they’re keeping out of the media spotlight, don’t think they aren’t as dangerous as they’ve always been.”

I’d heard that a few of Mac’s more distant relatives had been involved with the mob somehow, never thought those ties would come in useful before now.

“Any chance you can ask around, see if you can find out what they want? Scout’s certain they want her alive, so he’s thinking they want something her dad left behind.”

“I can ask. How long ago did her dad die?”

“He was on the plane that hit the south tower.”

“You talking 9/11? That’s fifteen years ago. Why now? I can guarantee it wouldn’t have taken them this long to locate Silk. Something new must have happened.”

“Scout mentioned a reporter hanging around a few weeks back. I’m guessing that happened just before I got put on permanent guard duty.”

“I’ll get Taz on finding the fucking reporter, I’ll reach out to a few people who might know what’s going on. We’ll report in at Silk’s tonight.”

“Thanks, man. See you both then.”

I knew Mac would also get Taz to contact our FBI handler to see if he had any information on this whole thing. I stilled, keeping my phone in my hand when I noticed a big bastard heading for the shop. Something about him had me standing straighter. He wore dark dress pants and a white business shirt. I could see the edge of a tatt above his collar so it wasn’t like he was out of place entering a tattoo shop, but my instincts were flaring. Making the most of his attention being focused on the shop window, I quickly snapped a couple of photos before I pocket my phone. He looked over at me, gave me a chin lift, then entered the store.

Once he was out of my view, I pulled my phone back out and texted the images to Scout.

U no who this is?

Seconds after hitting send, I heard a crash from inside the shop.


I rushed inside and headed down the hallway, just in time to see the bastard who’d just entered the place push open the back door with a limp Silk cradled against his chest.

“Stop right there, asshole!”

I pulled my gun and sprinted after him when he didn’t stop. I didn’t have time to shoot before he was behind the door, but it wouldn’t stay that way. The moment I had a clear shot, I intended to take it. I hit the door seconds behind him, shoving it open hard enough it banged loudly against the wall.

“I said stop.”

He was moving fast, which made locking onto him difficult, especially with a handgun. Fuck! I wished Taz were sitting up on the roof with his sniper rifle. He’d nail this bastard in less than a heartbeat. When he leaned over to shove Silk into the back seat of a car, I saw my chance. I aimed and popped off two rounds at the bastard. Both went true and entered his thigh, I saw the blood splatter from the wounds. After firing, I took off for the car. I’d hoped in slowing down the bastard, I’d have time to reach them, but I didn’t work out like I wanted. Before I could reach them, he’d followed Silk into the car and the vehicle fucking took off, tires squealing as it left black marks in its wake.

Knowing I couldn’t run and catch the damn thing, I focused on the license plate, repeating the number over and over in my head as I turned and sprinted back through the shop to my bike. Within minutes, I was on my bike and roaring down the road but I knew I was already too late. I’d broken my promise to keep her safe, not even an hour after making it, and Silk was gone.

With my mind spinning over what the fuck I could do to find her. I pulled over when my phone rang, and answered it without looking at the caller.


“Where is that man right now?”

Scout’s voice was harsh and sounded raw.

“No fucking clue. In the time it took me to send you that image, he snatched Silk.”

Scout’s voice was a roar over the line. “What the fuck do you mean he snatched her?”

“I mean I fucking busted him leaving out the back of the shop with Silk out cold in his fucking arms. I put two bullets in the son of a bitch and winged him, but not enough to stop him. Fuck! I’ve been searching town for the car but can’t find the fucking thing.”

I slammed my palm against the fuel tank of my bike, beyond frustrated. I should have gone for a fucking head shot. Silk would have landed heavily onto the road, no doubt getting hurt. And the fallout from killing a man on US soil would have no doubt been fucking epic, but at least she would have been safe.

“You get the plate?”

“Yeah, fucking black Escalade with California plates.” As I told him the plate number, the loud roar of another Harley came up behind me. I twisted around to see Bulldog pull up. “You send Bulldog after me?”

“Nope. He came to see me after a phone call from Silk, then he took off for a ride. Listen, that photo you sent me is of an enforcer for the L.A. mob. I want you at the clubhouse right fucking now. Emergency meeting. Tell Bulldog.”


Shoving my phone away I stepped free from my bike. I had no idea how Bulldog would react to his niece being snatched but I don’t want him damaging my bike if he decides to throw a fucking punch at me.

“Wanna tell me what the fuck’s going on?”

“Scout’s called an emergency meeting, we need to get to the club house now.”

In seconds, Bulldog was off his bike and in my face. “Why aren’t you guarding the shop?”

“Because the mob has Silk and I was trying to chase the bastards down.”

As I predicted, Bulldog took a swing at me, but I blocked his punch and spun his arm up behind him to stop any shit before it got started.

“Do not come at me like that ever again, or I will put you on your ass. I don’t give a fuck who you are.”

“You let them take my girl. I’ll do more than put you on your ass, boy.”

I shoved him away from me and stood in a fighter’s stance, ready to defend myself again.

“I didn’t let them do shit. And the longer you piss around trying to pound on me, the longer those bastards have her. I gave Scout the license plate of the vehicle, so how about we quit this pissing match and go back to the clubhouse? I’d like to know if we have eyes on them leaving town, or if they’re staying local for the moment.”

He pointed straight at me. “You better hope we get her back safely, and soon.”

The rest of his threat when unspoken, but he didn’t need to waste his breath. I’d give my life for Silk, and the fact she was snatched out from under my fucking nose was eating me up. But I pushed it all down. I needed to find and save her first. Then I could worry about dealing with the fallout.

Jumping back on my bike, I revved it hard, then took off after Bulldog, already heading to the clubhouse.




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