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It Was Always You by Scarlet Ellis (2)



I was in the middle of my second date with Travis, when Leo showed up at the bar. I shouldn’t have told him where I was meeting my date, but I’d texted him earlier.

Things weren’t going too smoothly on this date. I shouldn’t have taken a chance a second time when the first one was lukewarm. So, when I saw Leo walk in through the doors, I felt relieved.

Travis was sitting across from me at the small romantically lit table. I could sense he was looking for the next opportunity to ask me for a dance. Leo weaved his way around tables, headed straight in my direction.

How did he always know when to make an appearance?

Travis was talking away, while my gaze fixed on Leo. His dirty blond hair, his sparkling blue eyes, that strong jaw and equally strong shoulders. He towered over everyone as he stormed towards us, and I got a revival of that clenching feeling in my stomach. That no other man would ever be good enough. But we were just friends…we’d been just friends for nearly a decade.

“Jessie, we need to talk.” he declared breathlessly when he came up to our table.

Travis was in the middle of saying something, and he turned to look at Leo with crossed brows.

“What? Who is this?” he asked, looking quizzically at me.

“I’m the guy who is going to kick you out of here if you don’t get up and walk away right now.” Leo said to him. He wasn’t raising his voice, neither was he being aggressive, but there was always something about Leo—when he wanted to, he could make any man or woman quake in their shoes.

Travis decided he was going to put up a fight.

“What the fuck is going on, Jessie? Hey, man, we’re on a date here.” Travis said, beginning to stand from his chair.

“Yeah, I know, a sorry excuse of a date in this shit-hole of a bar. I also know you’ve been texting her every hour since you met. Incidentally, your boss, Richard Leviathan, is a personal friend of mine. If you want to keep your job, scram.” Leo went on, crossing his thick muscular arms over his chest.

“Wait…how…” Travis was even more confused now and he glanced at me. All I could do was shrug my shoulders. On any other occasion, I wouldn’t have encouraged this sort of behavior from Leo, but on this particular date, I was thankful for his presence.

“Did I stutter?” Leo growled this time.

Travis sighed, muttered something under his breath and without looking at me again, he walked away. I could see him, walking with his head stooped low and for a moment, I felt sorry for him.

“Did you have to do it like that, Leo?” I asked, watching him as he took Travis’ seat.

He was in his usual business suit…dark navy and silver tie. The white shirt underneath stretched over his expansive chest. He’d already caught the attention of one of the bartenders, and a waiter was sent over for his order.

Single Malt, on the rocks. I knew by now that he rarely drank anything else. He also ordered a repeat of my Martini.

“Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here, or why you know who Travis’ boss is?” I asked him and Leo smirked.

“If you’re dating someone new, I need to look into him, make sure he is who he says he is. There are a lot of crazies out there, Jessie.” he declared.

He was right. This was New York. It’s full of people who could spring a surprise on you when you were least expecting it.

“So, you’re stalking me now?” I asked him with a smile.

“I’m looking out for you. I always have.” he replied.

Our drinks arrived and Leo sat back in the chair, sipping his whisky.

“So, why are you here? How did you know I was looking for an excuse to get out of this date?”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“I guess it’s because I just know you. From what you told me about this guy, I knew you weren’t into him and you were just forcing yourself to be.” he stated.

“So, if you know me so well, you should also know why I’m doing it.” I replied, picking up the martini glass and cradling it.

Leo shook his head.

“You have no idea how amazing you are, Jess. You think you don’t deserve better than these losers, but you do.” he replied.

“I don’t want to be alone either. I’m sick of sitting around waiting for the one to turn up somewhere. I need to look. I need to give people a chance.” I explained.

I could feel my cheeks flushing red under his gaze. It was on the tip of my tongue—to confess to him, after all these years, that the guy I’d been waiting for, was him. I was in love with him.

Leo sighed.

“Well, you might have to put a stop to that, for some time at least. I need your help.” he said.

He wanted me to stop dating? Why?

Since we’d been friends, Leo always had problems with every guy I dated. But he had never outrightly declared that he wanted me to stop seeing other men. Why would he want me to stop dating?

Unless he had his own confession to make.

I was nervous, excited and jittery. Was it possible that Leo was jealous? Had he just realized he had feelings for me too?

I shifted in my seat, waiting for him to continue. Leo stared back at me, searching my eyes. I knew he had something important to say. Whatever he needed my help with, I would do it.

I would do anything for Leo, and he knew it.

All I hoped for in return was that someday he would see how perfect we were for each other.