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Jetsetters: A Funny and Feel-Good Romantic Comedy by S J Crabb (30)


I think that Lonely Beach is my favourite place in the world. We’ve had a marvellous day. After our trip to the bar where we sipped cocktails and ate a nice lunch, we headed back to the death trap hammocks for a siesta.

Then we spent a nice hour playing volleyball and messing around in the sea. The guys were all great company and I don’t think I’ve laughed so much - ever!

By the time we sink down in the seats of our taxi ride home, I have placed all thoughts of the inevitable out of my mind.

It’s only when we return to the hotel that I realise Marcus wasn’t with us. I notice that Elvis is working and looking strangely moody, so I head over to him.

“Hey, Elvis. Do you know where Marcus is?”

Shaking his head, he looks upset.

“He went to meet someone and I haven’t seen him all day.”

I look at him in surprise.

“Who did he meet?”

He shrugs, looking annoyed.

“He met a gentleman in Los Romanticos last night. They were getting quite friendly, and he told me to leave without him. I tried to tell him that I would wait for him but he said he was spending the night with this man and would see me this morning.”

An icy hand grips my heart as I share a worried look with Luke.

“Haven’t you seen him since?”

Elvis shakes his head miserably.

“No, but I’m worried about him, Becca. I asked my Cousin, Enrique, who works there if he saw him leave and he said they left about 4 am. He doesn’t know where they went because he has never seen the man before.”

He looks at me with a stricken expression.

“Do you think I should call the police?”

Now I’m really worried. How did I not notice that Marcus was missing? Today would have been his dream come true, and I was so wrapped up in my own despair that I completely took my eye off the ball.

I look at Luke with worry in my eyes.

“This doesn’t seem right. What should we do?”

Luke takes charge like an officer of the Armed forces would.

“Elvis, call your contacts from the other hotels in the area. If this guy is a tourist they may have gone to his hotel. Then get housekeeping to check his room, you never know they may have returned here, and you just missed him. Once that is all done we can decide where to go from here. We may need to file a missing person report and should cover all possibilities first if we want to be taken seriously. While you’re at it, think about anyone you know who was there last night and phone them. You never know, they may have some information.”

He smiles as he sees our stricken expressions.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Marcus is fine. He can take care of himself and is probably sleeping off the effects of a wild night out.”

From the look on Elvis’s face, he’s not convinced. I don’t think I am either. Marcus should know better than to go off with a stranger from a bar, especially in a foreign land. This spells trouble on every level.

Luke and I head out to the pool and decide to wait it out there. As we reach the sunbeds, I notice that Jenny is stretched out with Flynn beside her. They appear to be fast asleep and I smile. They look such a cute couple. I’m so glad that Jenny found him.

We spread out our towels next to them and Jenny sits up looking sleepy.

“Hey, guys. How was the beach?”

Smiling broadly, I tell her every last delicious detail. Then I remember Marcus and tell her what I know.

She looks worried. “Oh no, do you think he’s ok? I’ve heard of terrible things happening to Brits abroad. What if this guy is a murderer or has Marcus bound and gagged in a dungeon somewhere?”

Pushing the thought away that Marcus would probably be having the time of his life if that was the case, I return her worried look.

“Elvis is ringing around. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Marcus is a big boy, he can look after himself.”

Flynn sits up and looks at us with a worried look.

“I’ll ask around. I know quite a few people who may have seen something. If they’ve been to the beach today, we’ll soon know about it.”

I look at him gratefully as he springs into action. Jenny looks at him gratefully.

“Thanks, honey. Do you want me to come with you?”

Flynn’s eyes soften, and he kisses her gently on the lips.

“No, you stay here, possum. You’ve worked so hard you deserve the rest. I won’t be long, anyway.”

As she watches him go, Jenny sighs.

“I can’t believe I met Flynn. I think my mum must have sent him to me from heaven because he is everything I ever wanted.”

I smile at her.

“Yes, we’ve been very lucky this week, haven’t we?”

Jenny looks at Luke and grins.

“What about you two? What are your plans when you get home?”

I think I’m holding my breath as Luke smiles at me adoringly. He takes my hand and kissing it gently says, “I’m not letting this one out of my sight until I have to leave again. I’m kidnapping Becca and taking her to Somerset to meet my parents. Then we will spend what’s left of our time together locked in my room and she will only be allowed out to eat.”

Jenny laughs and says with interest.

“How long will you be away?”

I find that I’m holding my breath as Jenny unknowingly asks the questions I lack the courage to ask.

“Luke’s face clouds over and he says despondently.

“Three months this time. Unfortunately, I used up my leave allowance for my brother’s wedding. It will be back to work with a vengeance and may be some time before I can get more time off. I don’t want to leave Becca though.”

Jenny looks at us with sympathy but I listen to Luke’s words on repeat in my brain. Maybe he’s setting me up for the inevitable fall. Maybe Kate and Samantha were right and he’s using his ‘get out of potential relationship with a neurotic woman’ jail free card. I will be used and abused and left pining for what could have been.

Luke looks as miserable as I feel and Jenny laughs nervously.

“Well, I’m sure you will work something out. I mean, look at me. Who would have thought my life would change so dramatically in such a short space of time? I’m hoping to return here after I hand in my notice. I only have to give a month so it shouldn’t be too long to wait. I’m also going to see if I can swap with someone who is on the next trip out here. Even if I have to pay them, it would be worth it. So, you see, with a little manoeuvring you can make your dreams come true.”

She settles back on her sunbed and looks extremely satisfied. Luke and I share a look and if it’s any consolation, he looks as devastated as I am.