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Jinxed: The Rock Series book 2 by Sandrine Gasq-DIon (21)


Two days later, I was saying goodbye to Jayden at the airport. I held him as long as I could, reassuring him that he was the only one for me. I’d never been the faithful kind; hell I’d never been more than the one night kind. Jayden changed all of that. We’d spent every night making love and taking pictures. Jayden had a thing about selfies. I guess it was a youth thing. Damn, I suddenly felt old!

Jayden pressed something cool into my hand and then he was off, walking through security. The reality of it hadn’t hit until his warmth left me. I opened my hand and looked at the stone in my palm. My head snapped up and I caught Jayden smiling at me from beyond the security checkpoint. I pressed my fingers to my lips and sent him a kiss. Jayden grinned, pretending to grab it in the air.

God, I was so fucked and apparently dickless. Fuck it.

I left the airport in a daze, not quite sure where to go or what to do. I walked out to the parking lot to find Ransom, Gareth, Harley, and Rebel smiling at me. I stopped walking and looked behind me, then looked back at them.

“What’s all this?”

“We thought you could use some down time with us.” Gareth approached me, grabbing me in a hug.

I hugged him back and squeezed my eyes shut. Fuck, I was not going to cry.

“Whatcha got there?” Harley motioned to my closed fist.

“Jayden gave me a pebble,” I answered robotically.

“A pebble?” Rebel tilted his head in confusion.

“Oh God! That’s so sweet!” Gareth exclaimed.

“Explain?” Ransom’s brows furrowed.

“Jayden is like, totally into penguins. Well, Adelie penguins offer their mate a pebble and then they are mates for life.” Gareth turned to me. “He gave you his pebble. I saw it when I was in his hotel room. It was in this really pretty box.”

I ran my fingers over the smooth stone with a smile. I knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

“Come on, let’s keep you occupied, yeah?” Rebel grabbed me around the shoulders. “You look like you might cry. Don’t worry, you’re rich and we have a jet.”

I laughed.







Halloween found me at the Green Room with the guys. They were trying to keep me busy. I’d already gone shopping with Harley for new clothes, out to lunch with Ransom and to the firing range with Rebel. The man did love his weapons. I sat playing with the straws in my Recycling Bin, wishing Jayden was here with me to drink it. Brandon, the owner, eyed me over the bar and a small smile graced his lips.

“A penguin, huh? That wouldn’t be for your boybander, would it?”

I pulled my penguin bill up and shot him a look. “Yes, it is. He’s Skyping me tonight, and I wanted him to see my costume.”

“He’s sooo FLUFFY!” Gareth squealed behind me.

I turned on the stool and had to laugh. Gareth was dressed as a Navy SEAL, Axel was at his side dressed as a rocker.

“Oh my God,” I cackled. “You guys are hilarious!”

“Yeah? Well, Rebel is Cousin Itt from the Addams family.”

“Aw, Axel. I thought for sure you’d come as Lurch.” I winked.

“Harley is Gomez,” Axel informed me.

“And Stan is Morticia.” Gareth snickered.

“Are you serious?” My eyes widened.

“Yep, he looks pretty,” Gareth nodded. “Ransom came as Pugsley.”

“Oh shit. I gotta see this!” I jumped from the stool and checked out the back of the club. Sure enough, Stan sat next to Harley, his legs encased in fishnet stockings and six-inch stilettos on his size 11 feet. Long, black hair cascaded down his back.


He turned and shot me a sultry look. His face was pale white and his lips were blood red. He broke into a smile.

“Hey, Jinx! Love the costume. Aren’t you hot, though?”

“How did I miss you guys coming in?” I tilted my head, admiring Stan’s long legs. “Did you shave?”

“We came in through the back door and yes, I did shave.”

“Dude.” I shook my head.

“I can’t have black leg hair sticking out of my fishnets. Not very feminine.”

“So, you two make a sexy couple,” I joked as I nudged Harley.

“Well, I dragged this out of the closet. I figured why not? Last year I was Captain Jack Sparrow.”

“Yes, I did love your accent. Savvy?” I grinned.

“I have that itch!” Harley announced suddenly. He shook his hands out. “Gotta play!”

“Yeah? I got a song in mind.” I walked up to the stage and took the steps two at a time. I grabbed the microphone and turned it on. “Where are my guys? Let’s get up here and have a God complex.”

Harley laughed and bounded up the stairs, followed by Ransom, Gareth, and Rebel. We made an impressive group at that moment, dressed as we were. I had to squeeze my waddly penguin ass behind the drum set on stage. Gareth and Harley faced me and I hit my sticks together. I started to play and then Harley turned to the mic. He doesn’t sing solo often, but this song was his favorite. Fall Out Boy’s ‘Sugar We’re Going Down’. I noticed our bodyguards at the bar talking with Stan and as soon as Harley opened his mouth, Achilles spun around. I had to smile; the guy probably didn’t realize Harley could sing.

I felt free again. Music always took me away; it, along with Jayden, was my drug. I pounded the skins as Harley sang, with Gareth and Ransom backing him up. Most of the bar was now in front of the stage singing with us. We loved this part, coming home and playing in our hometown. No matter how famous we’d become, we were still the guys they knew before we hit it big. And we might play hard-core metal, but we also liked other kinds of music. The bar went nuts as we finished, everyone clapping and whistling. The five of us bowed and I grabbed the microphone.

“Drinks on me!”

That got another raucous round of applause and screams. I looked at the time and excused myself. I had about two minutes before Jayden called. I couldn’t wait to hear his voice. I missed him so much. I stood outside the bar, pacing the sidewalk. Thank God I was wearing my penguin costume because it was fucking freezing. My phone jingled and I smiled. Jayden’s face lit up my screen and I almost sighed.

“Oh my God!” Jayden laughed. “I love it! You look so cool!”

“Yeah? I got one for you for next year. We can go together.” I peered at the screen. “You look so tired.”

“I am,” Jayden sighed. “I didn’t know it would be this hard. I’m exhausted, Jinx.”

“You need to eat right and drink lots of juice, okay? Your body isn’t used to the time changes and different climates, so take care of your immune system.”

“I had a blueberry muffin this morning.” Jayden winked.

“So did I. It wasn’t the same without you.”

Jayden looked around and lowered his voice. “I don’t know if I can do this, Jinx. I wasn’t prepared for the concerts, the fans, the lack of sleep.”

“You can, Jayden. Those people waited in line and some refreshed their screen over and over to get tickets to see you. They made you who you are. I know it’s hard, but you owe them to be at your best.”

“I know.” Jayden grinned. “Thanks, I needed to hear that. Any chance I’ll see you soon?”

“I have a few more tracks I need to bang out, but it’s moving along pretty fast. I really need to see you, too.”

“I haven’t been with anyone, I promise you that,” Jayden assured me.

“Neither have I, and I won’t be.”

The door to the bar opened and Gareth sauntered out, taking a deep breath of fresh air. He spotted me and walked over. He leaned into the screen and a smile rose to his lips.

“Hey, Jayden!  How are you?”

“Is that Axel?” Jayden joked.

“Ha ha.” Gareth pointed at the screen. “You looked wiped.”

“I really am,” Jayden admitted.

“Look, I can give you some pointers since I’m the sickly one of this group.”

“Thanks, Gareth. I appreciate it. Can you email me? I have to get some sleep now if I’m going to make it through tomorrow.”

“You bet.” Gareth winked and went back inside the bar.

“Hey,” I said softly. “Get some rest okay? Happy Halloween, Jayden.”

“Happy Halloween, my penguin.”




Thanksgiving arrived and I was with my parents. Harley was in the kitchen with my mother, making rolls from scratch. God forbid we actually bought already-made rolls. My mother would have a fit. I mixed the stuffing ingredients as I kept an eye on Harley. He was laughing at something my mother said. It was good to hear him laugh. His own parents were just sitting around today when I went to get him. They barely acknowledged him as he left. My mother swiped some flour from Harley’s cheek and kissed his forehead. My heart ached for him. I was lucky that my parents loved me, acknowledged me, accepted me. I looked over my shoulder to see Achilles sitting in a recliner next to my father, both watching a football game in total concentration.

Achilles had called me in the morning to see if I was going to invite Harley over and, of course, I had to tell him that I have invited Harley every year for Thanksgiving. I wasn’t sure Achilles knew everything about Harley. But I was getting the distinct impression that he knew quite a bit since he wouldn’t leave Harley by himself.

My phone chimed in my pocket and I rushed to wipe my hands clean. I stepped out back as I answered Jayden’s call. He looked better; his face had color and his eyes were bright.

“Hey sexy.” I smiled at him.

“Hi. Happy Thanksgiving!”

“Back atcha. Have you heard from your parents?”

“Sure did. Called me at one in the morning,” Jayden laughed.

“I’m glad they called. Did you have some turkey?”

“I had turkey and all the fixin’s! Sebastian made sure I got my American Thanksgiving.”

“What about the twins?”

“Nah, they’re Greek. They had gyros.”

“Aw, that’s just wrong,” I winked.

My mother leaned over my shoulder and waved at my phone.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Jayden!” she all but yelled.

“Thank you, Mrs. Jett!”

“Please Jayden, call me Monique, or maybe, Mom?” my mother winked.

“Ma!” I balked. “Stop pushing!”

Jayden cracked up and I shot him a glare. “Stop that.”

“Why? My mother pretty much said the same to you.”

She had. When I’d called them recently, Jayden’s mother had dropped hints left and right about marriage. I was never sure if I was the marrying type, but for Jayden? I’d do it. I scrunched my brows in thought and Jayden cleared his throat. I looked at my phone to see him smiling.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you thinking Jayden Jett or Jinx Dempsey?”

“I wasn’t —”

“Oh yeah, you were,” Jayden flirted. “Don’t worry, I’ll change mine to Jayden Dempsey-Jett.”

“You’d do that?” I asked incredulously.

“HA! You were thinking about it!”

I laughed and Jayden winked at me. I missed him so damn much it hurt. Jayden seemed to read my mind because in the next instant he touched his phone screen.

“I miss you, too.”

“I’m going to see you soon, I promise,” I assured him.

“I …need you, Jinx.” Jayden blushed.

“Me too. Soon.”

“I gotta go to bed. We’ll be in Tokyo soon and the time changes are still fucking with me.”

“Get some rest.”

“Hey, Jinx?”


“Eat a drumstick for me.”

“I will if I can get to it. Harley and my dad usually grab them before I do.”

“Trip them,” Jayden suggested.

“You are so evil. I love it.”

“Night, babe.”

My heart flipped at the endearment and I smiled. “Night.”






Jayden had been gone for two months and I was losing my mind. We talked every night via Skype and we texted all the time, but it wasn’t the same. I had his pebble made into a leather corded choker necklace. I wore it all the time. I sighed in frustration as I waited for the guy at the rock shop to finish making my surprise for Jayden. My phone beeped and alerted me to a new email. I stood outside and opened it. It was a video from Jayden. Ed Sheeran’s ‘Photograph’ began to play and pictures of me and Jayden danced across the screen. There was video of Jayden with his guys holding up my picture, a picture of Jayden asleep on a plane with my picture against his chest. Pictures mixed with video splashed across my phone screen and I realized I’d started crying. Fuck, I was so gone for this guy it was ridiculous.

My heart ached as I listened to the lyrics of the song. I wasn’t going to wait for him to come home. I was going to go to him, like, now. I finally got my present for Jayden back from the rock guy and headed back to my house. I packed enough clothes for a month and then I went to Ransom’s. Harley and the guys were sitting around the table as I entered. They took one look at me and laughed.

“I wondered how long you could hold out.” Gareth chortled.

“I’m sorry if this fucks up the new record.” I began my apology but didn’t get far.

“Shut up. We’ve got this, okay?” Harley stood up and walked over to me. “Go to him, Jinx. I’ve never seen you so happy and miserable at the same time.”

“You going to be okay?” I took Harley’s hand. “I can stay.”

“Nope.” Harley shook his head. “I’ll be fine. We all will, you go get your man!”

“I love you guys, you know that right?” I opened my arms up for them all.

“You love me the most.” Harley grabbed me and held me tightly. “I’m so happy for you,” he whispered in my ear.

“I’ll be back soon, okay? You listen to whatever Achilles says.”

“Yeah right!” Harley chuckled in my arms.

“Group hug!” Gareth plowed into me.

I hugged them all and we laughed. I took a step back and looked at them. We would bleed for each other. I’d never been so happy to have these guys.

“Get outta here.” Rebel pushed me in the ass.

“Tell Jayden we said hi.” Ransom added.

“I will.”




I called Sebastian and arranged to meet up with them after the concert. There was a huge party at some fancy hotel in Tokyo where the guys would be taking pictures with fans and signing autographs. I took a cab from the airport and was dropped off in front of the hotel where Sebastian was waiting for me. He hugged me and I hugged him back, pulling away with a look of surprise. Sebastian just smiled and took my hand, walking with me into the hotel.

“I’m glad you came, Jinx. Jayden’s been missing you.”

“Yeah? Well, I missed him, too.” I fingered the rock around my neck.

“He’s done for the night. Here’s the room key.”

“Thanks, Sebastian.”

I boarded the elevator and my whole body thrummed with excitement. After two months, I was going to see Jayden. I found the room and slid the key card. The door opened and I cocked an ear for any sounds. The shower was running and I grinned as I began removing my clothes before I headed for the bathroom. I cracked the door to the bathroom and gasped. Jayden was behind a clear shower door, his soapy hands running up and down his body. I threw the rest of my clothing on the floor and waited until Jayden turned his back to me. I slid open the door quietly and stood behind him, just admiring the view. My hands finally moved and I placed them on his shoulders.

“Hey!” Jayden shouted, elbowing me in the face.

“Ow! Fuck man!” I rubbed my eye.

“Jinx?!” Jayden squealed in astonishment.

“Um, yeah. Surprise?”

“Holy shit!” Jayden jumped on me and kissed me.

I held him close, groaning at the taste of the man I loved. Jayden coiled around me tightly, his hands threading into my hair as he kissed me deeply.

“Missed you so much,” he breathed between kisses.

“I couldn’t stay away any longer,” I replied in the same fashion.

“Missed your lips, hands, everything!” Jayden plunged into my mouth and I pushed him up against the shower wall. “Want you now.”

We’d already talked about our test results; we were both negative, so I wasn’t opposed to taking him on the shower wall, but lube or something would be nice. I didn’t want to hurt him. As if hearing my thoughts, Jayden reached an arm behind me, motioning to the shower shelf.

“Lube,” he grated.

“You have lube in the shower?”

“Don’t judge, just fuck.”

I grabbed the bottle and Jayden spread some on his hand. He lubed up my dick and then positioned himself right above my hard cock. Our eyes met as he slid down my length.

“Ohhh fuck, missed you!” Jayden choked out.

I gripped Jayden’s ass cheeks as I thrust up into him. His arms wrapped around my neck and we kissed as I filled him, thrusting harder and harder on each in-stroke. It was like we were never apart; we clicked right back into place. Jayden’s legs tightened around my hips and he moved his body with mine, both of us inhaling heavily through our noses as we kissed. It didn’t take me long, I was bareback and Jayden’s ass clamped down on me like a vice, massaging me with molten heat. I came crying out, gripping Jayden tightly as my orgasm shot into his ass. Jayden came seconds later, his dick erupting on my abs and chest. We stayed under the spray for a while until the water turned cold. I helped Jayden dry off and we moved to the master suite. Jayden fell on the bed and held his hand out to me. His eyes widened and he sat up.

“Is that my pebble around your neck?”

“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted it on me all the time.” I crossed the room to my suitcase. “I have something for you.” I removed my gift for Jayden and placed it on the bed next to him. “Go ahead, open it.”

Jayden took great care untying the bow and he cracked the lid of the box open. His eyes filled with tears as he picked up the malachite penguin figurine I’d had made for him out of my grandfather’s rock.

“Jinx …” Jayden ran his fingers over the fine lines engraved in stone. “It’s so beautiful.”

“I got something else for you,” I exclaimed, grabbing the necklace out of my bag. “It’s from the same malachite rock. I made it into a necklace like mine.”

Jayden wiped at his eyes and looked up at me. “Can you put it on me? I’m never going to take it off.”

“Aren’t we a mushy pair?” I chuckled, putting the choker on him.

“If you want to be a badass, we can say they’re collars.”

“Nah, I’m good with it. One more thing, though.” I stepped back a bit from the bed and got on my knees. I’d written the poem two months ago for Jayden and had been tweaking it ever since. I just hoped I remembered it all. I cleared my throat and Jayden sat on the edge of the bed, anxiously waiting to hear what I had to say.

“When I was scared, you soothed me. When I was lost, you found me. When I was unsure, you reassured me. This I promise you; when you are frightened, I will be there. When you are lost, I will light the way. When you are unsure, I will hold your hand. All these things I will keep true, because more than anything, I love you.”

Jayden jumped on me, knocking me on my ass. He peppered my face with kisses.

“I love you, too! I thought you got that, though, when I gave you the pebble.”

“I’m dense, ya know. Actions speak louder than words. I know that.”

“How long are you staying?” Jayden snuggled into my neck.

“As long as the band lets me. I packed for a month, but I can stay longer if you want.”

“I want.”

We got in bed and just stared at each other. I never thought I could love someone as much as I loved him. He loved me, baggage and all, and I loved my little boy bander. What were the odds?

“Hey, Jayden?”


“What kind of car do you drive?”

ALamborghini Countach. Why?”

“Just wondering if you’d like to park it in my garage.

Jayden chuckled on my chest and I peered down at him.

“What?” I asked.

“Is that sexual innuendo?”

“No, I want you to move in with me. I mean, if you want to.”

“Yeah, I do.” Jayden touched my cheek with a smile. “I got my penguin in more ways than one.”

“Yeah, yeah ya did.”

And I got mine.