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Known Desire (Alpha Omega MPreg) (Omega House Book 2) by Aria Grace (12)


I knew it would be good, but I had no idea it would be like this. The fantasies I’ve conjured of being with Freddy didn’t come close to doing justice to what I just experienced. It was probably stupid of me to imagine he would be a loose or…I don’t know…overly experienced. But that wasn’t the case at all.

As soon as my lips were wrapped around Freddie’s weeping cock, I knew that being with him would be unlike any man I’ve ever been with before. He acted as if it was a brand-new experience, something he’d never shared with anyone but me.

And I fucking loved it.

I rub my nose in the soft strands of his hair and take a deep breath of his clean scent. Everything about Freddie is fucking sexy. And the fact that he gave himself so freely, so willingly, makes me want to jump for joy. I could smell his arousal growing all day, and I knew his increase in showers had something to do with it. But when he climbed into my lap and kissed me, I felt my entire world shift.

I no longer cared about anything beyond the omega in my arms as he rubbed his moist crack over my aching dick. As soon as I was inside him, I knew this thing between us was more than just a passing attraction. I could feel the connection growing and building inside of us as he fucked me into oblivion. And even as my knot slips from body and he shifts in my lap to try to hold onto my cock while it shrinks away from him, I know I want him in my life forever.

It seems silly that I could feel such deep emotions for somebody after only knowing him for a short period of time. But I do. And I can’t deny this truth.

I fucking want Freddie to be my mate.

The thought forms unconsciously in my mind, but once the words are there, I know how true they are. This isn’t just a crush or infatuation. The small pieces of Freddie that I know so far are more than enough to keep me interested for the rest of my life. And I’m already completely in love with that little baby. Colby is an absolute doll, and I take every chance I get to cuddle him. I’ve been trying to stay neutral in front of Andy and Ethan because I don’t want to weird them out, but holding Colby in my arms and rocking him to sleep feels so completely natural. Like this is exactly where I should be, and I’m doing exactly what my journey has planned for me.

Thankfully, I’m loving every second of it.

“I should go get cleaned up,” Freddie says against my neck. His hot breath tickles my throat, and I smile and rub my cheek against his forehead.

“I don’t want you to ever move. I like you right here.”

I can feel his grin against my skin. “You say that now…”

“I’m not just saying this, Freddie. I mean it.” My arms tighten around his back, locking him against me as I pull away far enough to look him in the eye. “That was amazing, and I want to do it over and over and over again…for very long time.”

I see shock and disbelief register across Freddie’s features, but eventually, his concern gives way to a smile. “That sounds tempting, but at any second, we’ll be interrupted and I’ll be dripping milk on you until I get to Colby… So, I should probably go get cleaned up now.”

I close my eyes and will my cock to stop plumping up with all the visions Freddie has just put in my mind. “Fine, but promise me this wasn’t just a one-time thing.”

Freddy starts to stand but stops midway, resting his palms on my knees as he looks at me with confusion. “I’m probably just in heat. You don’t actually mean what you’re saying, and I promise not to hold you to anything said tonight.”

I shake my head and place my hands over his. “I do mean it, Freddie. You don’t have to make any decisions right now, but I want you to know that I feel something for you that I haven’t felt before. And I want to explore that.”

Freddy holds my gaze for a long moment before nodding and reaching for his shorts. He barely has them on and is stretching out his lean body when his phone lights up and an ear piercing alarm erupts from it. We both look at the phone, trying to figure out what’s going on before Freddie gasps and turns toward the bedroom, sprinting down the hall toward his baby boy.

It takes me a second longer to figure out what the alarm is. The breathing monitor. The horrific alarm only sounds when Colby has either stopped breathing or is an unsafe position. When we enter the bedroom, Colby is on his stomach and completely still. My heart stops beating as Freddy yanks the baby out of the crib and holds him up so he can listen for a heartbeat.

Colby‘s head lolls from left to right before his groggy eyes open and his face crinkles up in anticipation for letting out an ear piercing wail that will match the alarm still ringing from the other room.

Colby begins to cry, his little lip quivering in fear from being awoken so abruptly. “Oh my god,” Freddie says as he pulls his son against his chest and drops to his knees on the carpet. Tears are streaming down his face as I try to assess what happened. The little blue body monitor is still in the crib. It must’ve separated from Colby‘s shirt, which is why the alarm sounded. I pick up the monitor and turn it off, stopping the alarm and leaving the only sounds in the apartment those of Colby and Freddie both sobbing on the floor.

As I stand over them, I’m unsure what to do next. I consider leaving them in this private moment, but only for a second. The idea of walking away from Freddie when he’s so upset makes my stomach turn. Instead, I drop to the floor beside him and wrap both legs around his body, forming a protective cage. In this position, I can hold both Freddie and Colby against my chest. I slowly rock them in my arms, whispering soothing words to remind Freddie that those strong lungs indicate healthy breathing and that everything is okay now. The monitor came loose, but Colby is perfect. He’s going to be fine. We are all going to be fine.”

Freddie melts against my chest and nods as his sobs slow down. I don’t let up my hold on either of them until Freddie has complete control over himself and Colby has cried himself to sleep.

“I’m sorry,” Freddie says quietly as more tears roll down my chest.

I press a kiss to the top of his head then rest my cheek there. “What are you sorry for? It was a simple accident. Now we know to check that first before we panic.”

“I just thought…” He can’t finish the words. And I completely understand why. I feel the same way.

“I know, baby. I was afraid too. But he’s okay. Our little guy is safe and perfect, and I’ve got you both.”

A full body shiver courses through Freddie as I rub up and down his bicep, realizing his bare skin is cool. “You’re cold, baby. Do you want to lie down for a little while and warm up?”

He nods and allows me to stand up with him still in my arms and carry him to his bed. He gently lays Colby on the mattress then spoons in behind him, just staring at his son as he breathes in and out.

I tuck the blanket around Freddie so he can warm up then reach for the lamp to turn it on. “Did you mean what you said earlier?” Freddie’s question catches me off-guard and I have no idea what he’s talking about.


“About wanting to see where things go with us. I mean, I guess I should ask if you still mean it. Even after what you just witnessed?”

I gently rub my finger over Colby’s soft cheek while looking right at Freddy. “Of course I meant it. And I still mean it. I’m here, Freddie and I’m not going anywhere. If you’re willing to give me a chance, I’ll do everything I can to take care of you and Colby. And I’ll never let anything bad happen to you guys.”

Freddie smiles and another tear leaks out of his eyes, but this time I think it’s a happy tear. “I’d like that.”

I stand over my guys, wondering what to do next. “Are you sure it’s okay for him to sleep with you in the bed?” Freddie has been diligent about not co-sleeping out of fear that he’ll roll over on top of Colby.

He nods slowly with his eyes locked on his son. “I’m not going to fall asleep. I don’t know if I can ever sleep again. I just want to watch him for now.”

“Okay.” I take a few steps away before his hand reaches out from the blankets and stops me.

“Will you stay with us?”

The vulnerability and fear in Freddie’s eyes erases any lingering doubts I might have had about whether he was willing to accept me into his family or not. Without a word, I round the bed and climb in behind him, sliding all the way against his back so that he is cocooned in my arms. After giving a reassuring hug to Freddie, I reach over him and place a protective hand on Colby’s thigh, claiming my new family and promising to always protect them with the gesture.