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Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2) by Dana Arden (8)

Chapter 9


I wake with a start or as much as one can with a splitting headache. I try to move my arms, but they’re stuck together with a zip tie. I rotate my head on the pillow and take in the seedy motel David has stuck me in. I’m not sure how long I’ve been here but it couldn’t have been too long because it’s still dark outside.

“You’re finally awake.” His voice grates on my nerves. I slowly turn my head to face him as he’s sitting in a chair in the corner with his gun on his thigh.

“Why am I here, David?”

“Because when you left, you ruined my life. I had it all. I had you at home to take care of the house and me. I had bitches on the side that would fuck me hard and rough like I like it. I had my job. Everything was great until you grew a conscious and decided you were better than me. Well, your little vacation is over. You’re going back to Tampa with me and you’re going to do as I tell you. You’ll stay home, no need to work once I get my job back. You’ll be a good little housewife.” He grits out.

I just lay there staring at this man I once loved with everything I was who now is nothing but a crazed psychopath. I turn my head to stare at the ceiling. I have to figure a way to get out of here. I wiggle around on the bed and realize my cell is still wedged between my boobs. At least, I have that if I get out of this shitty motel room.

I’m not sure how long I lay in silence, when my bladder starts screaming to be emptied.


“What?” He grunts.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

“Not happening.”

“You know how I get when I’ve been drinking. Please let me go to the bathroom. I promise I’ll pee and not give you any issues.”

He stands slowly and pulls a knife out of his pocket. “If you so much as think about fighting me, I’ll ram this knife into your gut and watch you bleed out.”

I nod my head. “I promise.”

He cuts the ties off my wrist and helps me to my feet. He pushes me into the bathroom. I’m surprised he closes the door, but I’ll take his stupidity. I creep up on the door handle and quietly turn the lock. I go over to the window and look out. We are at ground level so it shouldn’t be hard to climb out of the window.

I turn the water on in the sink and then slowly open the window. I’ve got my upper body outside of the window when he starts banging on the door.

“Goddamnit, Lily. Open this fucking door. I’m not playing around.” He shouts.

I finally have my entire body out of the window and I’m crouched on the ground. I look around and see a gas station not that far away. I take off in that direction when I hear heavy footsteps approaching. I quickly hide in an alley behind a trashcan.

Pulling my phone out, I dial Dani. She picks up after a couple rings. “Lily.” Before I can answer, I hear David screaming my name. I hang up the phone and start running down the opposite side of the alley.

After I’ve made it out the mouth of the alley, I run as fast as I can to the gas station. The clerk looks at me strangely as I bust through the door. She’s in her mid-fifties, short, long graying blonde hair and for a woman of her age has a nice body.

“Honey, are you alright?” She asks.

“I need a place to hide until my friends can come and get me.” I try to say while panting, out of breath.

“Do I need to call the police?” I wish, but I know that the club’ll want to handle this.

“No, my friends will be here soon. I just need to make sure the right friends come.”

“Okay, honey. There’s an office in the back and if anyone comes in looking for ya, I haven’t seen ya.”

I follow her to the back office. When she is about close the door, I hug her. “Thank you.” I whisper in her ear.

“Honey, don’t thank me until you are out of here safe.”

Once she leaves, I pull my cell out again and call Dani. Instead of Dani answering, it’s a man.

“Lily, its Ryker. Where are you, Sweets.”

“I’m at a gas station. I don’t know where I am but I know there’s a motel close. I’m hiding in the back office.”

“Okay, you hang tight. I’m gonna call the guys and get them too you as soon as I can.”

“Okay.” I croak.



My brothers and I have been laying low a mile or two from a Motel 6. We’re hoping this is where he has her, but the longer we wait the more frustrated I get and just want to kick open all the doors to the rooms. I’ll give it another 10 minutes.

Before the ten minutes are up, my phone chimes. “Yeah.” I answer.

“She’s at a gas station not far from a motel.” Ryker explains. “She’s hiding out in the back. Once you get there, call her cell and she’ll come to you.”

I look further down the street and see gas pumps. Starting up my bike and waving for my brothers to follow, we slowly make our way to the gas station, checking out the surrounding areas as we go.

Once I’m there, I park on the dark side of the store, pull out my cell and dial Lily.

“Hello.” A quiet voice answers.

“Babe, its Chase. I’m on the side of the store. Can you come out?”

“Um, can you come in and I’ll meet you at the front?” She whispers.

“Sure, Babe. Coming in now.” I get off my bike and tell my brothers I’ll be right back. They give me chin lifts while scoping out the area.

As soon as I’m through the door, I’m slammed back by a warm body with a head full of matted blonde hair. “Lil.” I growl as I wrap her up in my arms. I pull back and check her for injuries. The only things I notice are blood on the side of her head and whelps on her wrist. That bastard’s going to pay for this. “You good, babe?”

She nods her head as her eyes leak tears. “Can we get out of here please?” I take her hand, but before I can lead her out, she goes to the cashier and hugs her, whispering thank you in her ear.

“Not a problem, honey.” She looks at me. “You take care of her you hear.”

“I will, ma’am. Thank you for letting her hide out. If you ever need anything you call the Southern Chaotic’s.”

“You tell Buzzard Madalene says hi.” She says with a smile.

“I’ll do that.”

I walk out of the store with Lily tucked tight to my side. You can feel the tension release from my brothers once they put eyes on Lily. Every one of them comes over and pulls her into a hug. Her and Toby hug a little too long for my liking.

“Let’s get her back to the hotel.” I say pointedly to my brothers who are chatting like a bunch of grandmas. I know they’re worried but I want to get Lily into the comfort and safety of the hotel.

When we finally arrive to one of the suites the girls have, Dani and Sadie take Lily to the bathroom to shower and check her wounds. I’m glad their taking care of her, but I wanted to be the one to coddle her.

Ginger keeps putting her hands on me and the more I shake them off, the closer she gets. She’s never been this clingy before or maybe I just never noticed it because I was always attuned to just fucking her. Now with my mind strictly on Lily, I don’t want anyone to touch me but her.

“Ginger, please go hover over someone else.” I grit out.

She huffs. “What the fuck, Chase? I’ve been through some major shit tonight and your being a dick.”

I take her by her shoulders and turn her to face me head on. “Bitch, I think Lily had it worse than you. You might’ve been knocked out, but you weren’t dragged off and kidnapped.” I release her and she stumbles back.

“Fuck you, Chase. Next time you want some of this,” she waves her arms down her body like she’s fucking Vanna White, “find it somewhere else. I’m done being your cum dumpster.” She turns on her heel and out the door.

“Don’t you think that was a little harsh?” Spook questions.

“Nope, I never claimed her and we weren’t exactly friends. We fucked, Spook. I don’t need anything else jeopardizing what I want with Lily. I’m done with bullshit. I finally have a prize in my sights and I’m not stopping until I get it. It all changed tonight not knowing if we would get her back or what the fuck he was doing to her. I can’t let her go thinking she isn’t worthy of being protected and cherished.”

“Well fuck me. Little Chase is becoming a man.” Trigger laughs.

“Fuck ya’ll.” I growl.

“I getcha, Chase. Before I had Dani back that’s all I wanted. A good time. Get my dick wet and move on. But when you’ve got a connection with someone like I do with Dani, it’s hard to pass up. Just remember what happen tonight and the time you’ve pissed away fucking whores, and make every day from here on out with her the best she’ll every have.” Ryker declares.

“I’ll try my best. I’ve been the ‘hit em and quit em’ guy for so long, and I’ve never had a serious relationship, so if I start fucking up, I need ya’ll to kick my ass and set me straight.”

Before our conversation can get anymore in ‘Tamponland,’ the girls come out of the bathroom. Sadie’s in front with Dani taking up the back and Lily sandwiched in between.

She makes eye contact with me and gives me a small smile. I’ll accept that for now. She takes a seat on the couch while Dani gets her a bottle of water from the kitchenette and Sadie searches around her purse for what I can assume ibuprofen.

Once they have her situated, they take a seat next to her and the rest of us surround her.

“Babe,” she glances at me and then around to the rest of the brothers, “do you know who took you?” I ask her gently.

“I do.” She swallows. “It’s my ex-husband, David.”

“Seriously, the dude who fucked around on you is trying to kidnap you. Is he mental?” Trigger queries.

“Yes, he has it in his head that I’m the reason his life went to shit after I left, so now he thinks having me back in Tampa will make it better for him. He all but implied that I’d be a prisoner in the house to take care of him and only him.” She responds softly.

“Well, Babe that’s not happening. You’re gonna be staying with us at Dani and Ryker’s or I’m moving into your house.” I state matter-of-factly.

“Chase, really it isn’t necessary. I’ll just pack up and move. Rudy can get me a new identity. I can go to the West Coast and start over there. If I’m gone, he won’t hurt anyone to get to me.”

“Fuck that shit.” I say a little too loudly. “You either stay with us or I stay with you. Either way you’re not going anywhere unless I’m right there with you.”

Lily looks at me dumbly and then at the rest of my brothers who I realize are staring at me like I’m a stranger.


“Um…not too long ago, you were saying I was basically worthless and wasn’t good enough to hang around the club or your kid. Now, I’m supposed to rely on a man who despises me to protect me. Am I the only one who sees the problem?”

“There’s no problem. As of a few hours ago, you became mine.” I growl.

“Yours.” She repeats.

“Yes, mine. Mine to look out for. Mine to take care of and mine to show you how you should be treated. I promise I won’t ever speak to you or make you feel the way I did before.” While I’ve been talking, I’ve been moving to stand in front of her. I kneel down so I’m face to face with her. “Let me be what you need me to be. Let me take care of you, Lil.”

She just stares at me for a couple of seconds before she opens her mouth. “Okay.” And that’s all I need to crash my lips to hers. I place my hands behind her head careful not to hurt her and bring her closer to me. I turn her head to get better access, she moans and my dick pulses against the zipper of my jeans. I’m not sure how long this goes on before someone’s clearing their throat.

I release my lips from her and give her a soft peck. “Alright, we need all the information you can give us on this motherfucker, so we can get eyes on him.” I say softly. She nods her head.

“He’s in the Air Force or at least he was. From what he was spouting, he may not have that either. He’s stationed in Tampa.” Professor’s sitting on one of the beds with his laptop out. Lily gives him her ex’s name, address and any other information that could help track him down.

“I think that’s a start, Lily. If I need anything else, I’ll text you.” Professor tells her.

“Thank you guys for coming and getting me.” She murmurs.

“Alright, well I think it’s time to either hit the road or camp out.” Ryker grunts.

“Okay, the couches in both rooms pull out so I’m sure there’s plenty of room for everyone.” Dani pointedly tells Ryker since he’s adamant about getting her home.

“Fine, let’s bunk up.” Ryker responds.

Dani and Ryker take one of the full size beds, Trigger and Sadie take the pull out and Lily and I take the other bed. The other three leave our room heading to the other room.

When I lock and latch the door behind the guys, Lily’s laying on her side facing the window. I shuck all my clothes but my black boxer briefs and slide into Lily’s back. I wrap an arm around her waist and the other I bury under her pillow. I’m not much for cuddling, but now I know why it’s so appealing having a woman to curl up around.

Lily wiggles a little against my still hard cock and I groan. “Babe, be still. You need to relax and get some sleep. You’ve had a crazy night. There’ll be plenty of time for you to rub your succulent ass up against my cock but tonight isn’t that night.” I whisper in her ear huskily as my arm slides up her waist and my hand squeezes her tit.

She sucks in a breath. “Okay. Night, Chase. Thanks for being there for me tonight.”

“Night, baby. No need to thank me. I’ll always be there for you from now on.”

After a few minutes, her breaths slow and even out; not too long after her, I fall into the deepest sleep I’ve ever experienced.