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Manny's Surprise Baby: An Mpreg Romance (Bodyguards and Babies Book 3) by S.C. Wynne (9)

Chapter Nine



Before the sun came up, I slipped out of bed while Seth was still sound asleep and got dressed quickly. Then I left the house and went straight to Colin’s. Susan’s parents had offered to take Emily to school today, which I was thankful for. I needed to clear my head and think through a few things before spending time with her today. After what had happened between me and Seth last night, I needed to talk to another solar eclipse omega, or I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

When I rang the doorbell at Colin’s place, Riley answered. He looked surprised to see me, but not like it bothered him that I was there. “Hey, Pierce.” He smiled and stepped aside. “Come in.”

“Sorry to just barge in.”

“Not at all. Colin’s in the kitchen feeding Garrett. Follow me.” He closed the door, and I trailed behind him. The house was so huge I’d probably have gotten lost if I’d tried to find Colin by myself.

Colin’s eyes widened when he saw me. “Hey.” He looked uneasy. “Everything okay?”

“Not really.” I glanced toward Riley.

Riley sat back down in his spot at the table, where he had a full plate of food. “Talk freely. I won’t judge. But I’m starving, so unless you two want to leave and go have a private convo, I guess you’ll just have to put up with me in the room.”

My face flushed. I knew he was aware of how much I didn’t like to be around him. But it was his house, and he had every right to be here, obviously.

“Are you hungry?” Colin asked. “I can make you some eggs.”

I still felt slightly nauseous and didn’t want to chance eating anything yet. “No. I’m not hungry.”

Riley scooped eggs into his mouth, watching me. When I glanced at him uneasily, he shook his head and kept eating. After he swallowed, he said, “I’m not going anywhere, Pierce. You’d better get used to me being around.”

I held his stubborn gaze. “It’s just that I don’t know you like I know Colin.”

“And you never will if you keep treating me like a leper.” He sipped his coffee. “What is it you think I’m going to do with your personal info? Sell it to the Enquirer?”


“Write a song about it?”

“Very funny.”

“Colin’s your friend and I’d like to be too. I’m not going to leave the room every time you come to visit. It’s getting a little ridiculous.”

I was so emotionally exhausted from last night, I pulled out a chair and slumped into it. “Fine. Stay. I don’t care.”

Riley glanced toward Colin. “Shit. I think I outlasted the little bastard.”

I frowned. “Is this you not being judgmental?”

He laughed. “I can do better.”

Garrett banged his sippy cup on his tray as if he wanted attention. I glanced at him and smiled. “Hey, kid.”

He smiled and wiggled his arms and legs, blowing raspberries. I laughed and played a few rounds of peekaboo with him until he lost interest, getting distracted by trying to pick up a Cheerio with his little chubby fingers.

Colin sat across from me, pushing a mug of coffee toward me. “You look like shit.”

“Thanks.” I took the coffee and added some cream. “I feel like doggie poo.”

“Is it Seth?”

“Who else?” I sighed, blowing on the hot java. I took a sip and winced when it burned my tongue.

“Sorry. I like my coffee really hot.” Colin laughed.

“It’s fine.” I set the cup down and met Colin’s curious gaze. “First off, thanks a lot for telling Seth about Baxter.”

His face flushed. “He was very persistent. I didn’t think it would hurt anything.”

“You had no business doing that.”

He met Riley’s gaze. “You were right. I should have kept my mouth shut.”

“Told you so.” Riley shrugged. “I knew Pierce would find out. It was inevitable.”

Colin leaned toward me. “I was just trying to help.”

“By telling Seth about the most humiliating time of my life?”

He exhaled. “Look, he’s my friend too. I know him. He truly wanted to know why you’re so guarded with him. I can tell he has a little thing for you, so I figured why not help that little love connection along?”

“Because I’m not looking for an alpha, and it wasn’t your story to tell. That’s why.”

“Well, Seth is a solid guy. I didn’t think it could it hurt for you to finally get involved with a quality alpha? Only good things could come from that,” Colin said.

Riley laughed. “Considering how much you hated alphas until you met me, that’s almost funny coming from you.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I nodded at Riley. “You of all people, Colin. You could barely stand to be in the same room with most alphas.”

“Well, I was wrong to be like that. Just because my brother Garrett’s alpha was an asshole, that didn’t mean they all were. I learned that lesson, and I wanted you to learn that too.”

“Well, now I’m in a mess,” I muttered.

“Why?” Colin frowned.

I slid my gaze to Riley and sighed. “Sure you don’t want to go in the other room and read a book or something?”

He smiled slyly. “Nope. I want to sit here and listen to the plight of my new best friend.”

I grimaced. “God.”

“So you found out that I told Seth about Baxter. Why aren’t you angrier?”

“Because I have a much bigger problem now.” I rubbed my face.

“Uh-oh.” Colin winced.

“Yes. Uh-oh, indeed.” I leaned back in my chair. “You may have noticed the gigantic full moon last night?”

Riley glanced toward his mate. “Yeah. We might have felt a little friskier than usual last night.”

Colin laughed awkwardly. “Just a bit. Although it’s hard to tell since we’re already fairly frisky.”

“Unfortunately me and Seth felt it too.”

Colin bugged his eyes. “Toward each other?”

“It’s not much fun on your own.” I scowled.

“You and Seth had sex?” Riley snorted. “You’ve only known each other like three days or something.”

“Excuse me?” Colin cocked one brow. “You and I had sex the first night we met.”

Riley grinned. “Oh, yeah. I hit on you, and you were more than willing.”

“Well, you were the famous rock star Riley West.”

“True. I think I still am.”

Colin smiled and then turned to me. “So, did it go well with Seth?”

I shivered at the memory of just how well it had gone. “Oh, yes. A little too well.”

“How can sex go too well?” Riley scratched his head.

I exhaled roughly. “We got carried away.” My face felt like it was on fire. “If you get my meaning.”

“Shit.” Colin narrowed his gaze. “You mean you didn’t use protection?”

I winced. “Nope.” I swallowed, feeling queasy. “The condoms were right there, and we both ignored them.”

Colin blew out a shaky breath. “That’s how it is when your instinct has you in its grip.”

Riley nodded. “Yeah. I remember.”

I rubbed my face. “This is humiliating to admit, but I almost felt like I wanted to get pregnant. Now, in the light of day that seems insane. But at the time… it felt normal.”

Riley frowned. “And of course, Seth has no idea that you’re a solar eclipse omega.” It wasn’t a question. “He has no idea that pregnancy is even a possibility.”

“No. Of course he wouldn’t even suspect I could get pregnant.”

“Well, maybe you dodged a bullet.” Colin grimaced. “How do you feel?”

I groaned and looked to the ceiling. “Like I’m pregnant.”

“What?” Colin’s face tensed. “Shit. Really?”

“I know the signs.” I winced. “It’s happened before. Remember?”

Colin blinked slowly. “How could I forget?”

“You’ve been pregnant before?” Riley asked quietly.

I nodded. “Yes. When I was being held by Baxter.” I shivered remembering those gut-wrenching times. “A few of the alphas forced themselves on me without protection. Because my kind are so damn fertile, I got pregnant four times over the years.” I clenched my jaw, trying to keep the flood of painful memories from coming at me. “But Baxter made sure I never got very far in the pregnancies,” I said bitterly. “He gave me mifepristone and misoprostol in large doses each time to force me to abort.”

“Jesus.” Riley looked horrified. “What a bastard.”

“It almost killed me each time.” I shivered. “I don’t think he’d have cared either way. I know I would have rather died.”

Colin grimaced. “Don’t say that.”

My mouth was a grim line. “Sorry. But I mean it.”

“He’ll get his,” Colin growled. “If the Ancients took care of my brother’s piece-of-shit alpha, I don’t believe they’ll let Baxter get away with murdering your babies and almost killing you too.”

I clenched my fists. I didn’t want to argue with Colin. He still believed the Ancients watched over us. But I didn’t. And I’d given up thinking Baxter would be punished long ago. I didn’t believe the Ancients really cared what had happened to me. In the beginning of my time with Baxter, I’d prayed for rescue, but eventually, I’d realized that no one would come for me. Because no one really cared where I was anyway. Not once my grandmother had died.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of those depressing thoughts. “Anyway, I know when I’m pregnant. I’ve been through it enough times.”

Colin frowned. “So you had the eye thing? The painful chills?”

“Yes.” I sighed. “Then I puked half the night.”

“Damn.” Colin sighed. “Did Seth notice anything was wrong?”

I smiled almost against my will, and my chest tightened with emotion. “He was really kind to me. Very nurturing. He wouldn’t leave my side.”

Colin smiled. “Told you he was a good alpha.”

“I’ll give you that he was good to me. But we barely know each other. He has no idea what I am or that I can even get pregnant. He’s going to bail. I guarantee it. It’s one thing to soothe someone who is sick. But he’s not going to be able to handle this weird situation. And who could blame him?” It was too bad, because while maybe I wouldn’t admit this to Colin, I actually was starting to really like Seth.

“I think when you tell him, he’ll want to be a part of your life. He’ll want to raise this baby with you. He really seems into you, Pierce. I’m not just saying that.” Colin sounded sincere. “I’ve never seen him like this.”

“I don’t know about that.” My face was warm.

Colin sighed. “He’s just the kind of alpha you need. When he finds out about the baby, yes, he’ll be freaked-out at first, but he’s going to want to be a family. I’m sure of it.”

“You’re the one who told me he’s a player. Why would he suddenly want to settle down?”

“He’s different lately. Ever since he met you… he’s just not himself.” Colin chuffed. “And frankly, neither are you.”

“Still.” I touched my stomach protectively. “I have to be very careful. I’m not sure I want to tell Seth. What if he tries to make me abort this baby?” Panic filled my gut. “I can’t let that happen. Not again. I need to protect this child. I failed so many times before, but not this time.”

Frowning, Riley said, “He’d never do that. You have to tell him about the baby.”

“Says who?”

Colin looked frustrated. “It’s his baby too, Pierce.”

“He just found out he has an eight-year-old daughter. This is the last thing he needs. For God’s sake, Colin. He’s never heard of a solar eclipse omega. He’ll think I’m a freak of nature. I mean, I kind of am.”

Colin didn’t look pleased. “Our ability to have babies is a gift. Not a curse.”

“If he’s like most alphas I’ve known, he wouldn’t agree. Trust me, he won’t want to know. Ignorance is bliss if you’re a self-centered alpha.”

Riley gave me an exasperated look. “From what I know of Seth, he’ll want to be a part of this baby’s life. He was furious he didn’t know about Emily sooner. You can’t keep this from him, Pierce. That’s just not right.”

I widened my eyes. “He won’t believe me anyway. It’s too nuts.”

“So you talk to him and work this out.” Riley’s face was pinched.

“Riley’s right. You can’t hide this. He needs to know.”

I shot a warning glance toward Colin. “This is my business. Don’t you dare tell him.”

He scowled. “Pierce, you’re being immature. You’re letting your fears run you.”

“I shouldn’t have come here.” I stood and raked a hand through my hair. “I thought you would understand, but you don’t.”

“If anyone understands, it’s me.” Colin sighed. “And if I thought for one second that Seth was the kind of jerk who’d reject you or treat you poorly, I’d be all for keeping this hushed up. But Seth really likes you. I mean, if you could have seen his face when I told him about how Baxter treated you? He was furious for you, Pierce. He was absolutely livid.”

I grimaced. “He’s a protective type. That’s why he’s a bodyguard.”

Colin chuffed. “He is an honorable guy. And you best bet he’d kick anyone’s ass if he witnessed them abusing someone. But this was personal. He was upset for you personally, Pierce. I’m telling you, he is into you like I’ve never seen him with any woman.”

“He was horny and we had sex. You’re blowing this up into something it isn’t.” When my phone buzzed in my pocket, I jumped. Looking down, I saw it was Seth and I frowned.

“He’s calling you, isn’t he?” Colin looked smug. “He’s not the guy who calls the girl after banging. He’s the guy dodging phone calls usually. Trust me, if he’s calling you, he’s into you. And if he wants you, he’ll get you. I know that guy—he’s tenacious as hell when he wants something.”

I pressed a button and sent Seth to voice mail. “I’m not looking to trap an alpha into being with me.”

“Nobody is trapping anybody. He’ll want to step up and be a dad to this kid. Besides, you can’t have a baby all alone. How would you work? You’re being too emotional about this because it brought up a lot of bad memories. Be logical. Talk to Seth and see what happens.”

“Let me get this straight… I’m just supposed to waltz over there to Seth’s place and announce that the first time he fucked a guy, the guy got pregnant? Yeah, that’s going to go over fantastic.” I shook my head in disgust. “You two are dreaming.”

Colin snorted. “Oh, he’s going to blow a gasket. I’m not saying he won’t think you’re nuts at first, because he will. But when he calms down, he’ll get in line.”

“We hardly know each other.” The whole while I argued about why I shouldn’t be with Seth, I had to fight the urge to rush back to him. I didn’t know if it was the pregnancy or what, but I wanted to go home to him, inhale his scent, and let him take care of me. The instinct to give in to him was powerful, especially after he’d bitten me and claimed me. But I needed to think logically about all of this. I couldn’t let my emotions control me, or I might make the wrong decision.

“Don’t let fear drive you, Pierce. Tell him about the baby.” Colin spoke quietly, “Seth will do the right thing. He wants you. I know he does.”

Riley’s gaze was warm as he nodded in agreement. “But you’ll be okay no matter what.”

I held his gaze. “I’m afraid I don’t share your alpha confidence that the world is filled with Care Bears and rainbows. Everything doesn’t always turn out okay when you’re an omega.”

Riley scowled. “What I mean is if Seth turns out to be a jerk, you’ll come live with me and Colin. We’ll make sure you and your baby are safe.”

My face flushed. “Oh.”

He huffed and crossed his arms.

A lump formed in my throat as I realized what a kind gesture he’d made. “I’m sorry. I just misunderstood.”

“Yeah, I know. Because you think all alphas are bad. But we’re not,” Riley growled.

I sighed. “I know you’re a good guy. You treat Colin and Garrett like gold.”

Riley widened his eyes, pulling his cell from his pocket. “Not to screw up the moment or anything, but would you mind saying that again so I can record it on my phone?”

I smirked at him, glad he’d forgiven me. “Repeat what? I didn’t say anything.”

Riley smiled. “Oh, I get it. I see how it is.”

I met Colin’s amused gaze, and I said, “Okay, maybe you got one of the good alphas.”

“Got it!” Riley grinned, holding up his cell. “That is totally going on Instagram today.”




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