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Manny's Surprise Baby: An Mpreg Romance (Bodyguards and Babies Book 3) by S.C. Wynne (7)

Chapter Seven



After school, I dropped Emily off at Susan’s house for the sleepover. She was so excited, her little cheeks were flushed pink and her smile was warm as she waved goodbye to me. Seth had talked to Susan’s mom and dad this morning and felt comforted that the sleepover was real and the parents seemed like responsible people.

On the way home, I stopped and bought some things for dinner. Even though Emily wasn’t going to be there tonight, I still needed to eat. And I didn’t want to admit it, but I also wanted to make dinner for Seth. I wasn’t sure if it was just my omega instincts or what, but I felt an annoying urge to take care of him.

My day was spent cleaning and puttering. It wasn’t really my job to clean—Seth had a lady who came in every two weeks—but I kind of liked straightening and organizing things. Without Emily around, taking care of the home gave me a feeling of purpose. It had occurred to me that since Emily wasn’t here tonight, I could have spent the night at Colin’s, but I didn’t bother calling him to arrange it.

I put the roast in the oven and peeled potatoes for later. Then I had a swim in the pool out back and laid in the sun for a while. My thoughts kept drifting to Seth, whether I liked it or not. Last night in his room, I’d felt so embarrassed that I’d accused him of talking to Colin about me. There had just been something about his expression when he’d looked at me that had roused my suspicions. But he’d been so insistent, I’d been forced to admit I must have misjudged him.

God, he’d looked nice shirtless. My cock stirred just thinking about his toned skin and broad shoulders. He was the first alpha I was actually physically attracted to since my nightmare with Baxter had ended. I’d slept with some omegas in the years since I’d been freed, but I’d avoided alphas like the plague. But now, just thinking about Seth, I shivered with delicious feelings of arousal. He seemed aware of me too, which was surprising since he was supposed to be straight. But every now and then, he’d look at me and I could swear he wanted me.

If he made a move on me, would I want that? Judging by the way my dick ached and my ass clenched just at the idea, yeah, I’d want that. The very thought that I could hunger for an alpha was almost a relief. For so long I’d loathed the sight of all alphas. But if I could feel attracted to Seth, maybe there was hope for me after all. Maybe one day I’d get over my apprehension of alphas and end up with a family of my own.

After soaking up what was left of late-afternoon sun, I went inside to shower and get dressed. I watched TV as I waited for the evening to pass. I felt an odd buzzing excitement as I anticipated Seth’s arrival. It was a new feeling, that was for sure. The idea that I might actually enjoy being around Seth was unusual. By the time nine o’clock rolled around, dinner was ready and I was starving. I’d decided to wait for Seth to eat, but by ten past nine, I was regretting my decision.

Around nine thirty I heard his key in the lock. When he walked in, he looked tired, but when he followed me into the kitchen, his expression brightened at the sight of the roast and potatoes on the table. “You made dinner?” His eyes glittered happily. “I didn’t think you would because Emily is at her sleepover.”

He had his jacket off, and his shirt clung to his lean torso nicely. I tried not to let my gaze linger too long on his body. “We still need to eat.”

He noticed there were two plates set. “You waited for me?”

“I probably shouldn’t have. I’m about ready to eat the plastic flowers on the table.”

“Sorry I’m late. I got held up.”

My stomach clenched as distasteful thoughts rolled around in my head. What did “held up” mean? Had he fucked that porn star again? Was that why he was late? It doesn’t matter because it’s none of my business. “Everything is ready, so go change,” I said stiffly.

He rubbed his hands together, staring at the food. “I’ll be right back.” He left the kitchen.

I brought the gravy over and opened a bottle of wine I’d bought. I didn’t really drink much, but I knew Seth liked red wine. I tried not to fixate on whether he’d banged that stupid girl again. But it was hard because the image of them together seemed to be on a loop inside my brain.

Seth is my employer. Nothing more.

When he returned to the kitchen, I couldn’t help but notice how he smelled like he’d refreshed his cologne. That fact gave me a little flutter in my gut. Why would he care about smelling good for me? I sat across from him and poured wine into both of our glasses. I felt shy about looking at him. What the hell was wrong with me? This wasn’t a date. We were merely eating dinner. Why was I making it weird?’

He scooped a healthy dollop of mashed potatoes onto his plate and a big slab of roast. Then he doused it all in the brown gravy I’d made. “This smells so good. All I had was a crappy turkey sandwich from the set. It was disgusting.” He licked his lips, and a shiver of lust went through me.

Shit. I needed to think of something other than the sight of his tongue and what it might feel like on my body. I glanced out the kitchen window, noticing it was a full moon. Would that affect my libido? Something sure as hell was. I knew a lot of the omegas up at the compound had sworn that during a full moon our inner wolf instincts took over. I’d never really thought much about it until now. But I had to admit, I did feel a little out of control tonight. As if my physical needs outweighed my logic.

He took a bite and studied me, his cheek bulging with food. Once he’d swallowed, he said, “You’re awfully quiet tonight. Even for you.”

I shrugged and stuffed food into my mouth so I didn’t have to talk. Because all I felt like talking about was how good he smelled and how nicely his biceps bulged beneath his short sleeves. Those weren’t exactly things I needed to say out loud. The last thing I wanted was for him to catch on that I was attracted to him. His ego was big enough already.

“What did you do to keep busy today?” he asked.

“Grocery shopped. Cooked. Sunbathed” I sighed. “To be honest, I felt kind of at a loose end.”

He hesitated. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be here. You know… when I got home.”

“I thought about going to Colin’s for the night.”

“Why didn’t you?”

That was a good question. “Not sure.”

He looked pleased. “Maybe you’re starting to like me.”

“I doubt it.” I squashed my smile.

“I’m pretty amazing.”

I snorted. “Well, I know you think you are.”

He grinned. “You’re so mean.”

I laughed, feeling lighthearted. “Somebody needs to help keep that humongous ego of yours in check.”

“I’m not really an egomaniac. It’s an act. I’m overcompensating for low self-esteem.”

I couldn’t help but laugh again, and he beamed.

“That’s a good one,” I smirked.

“I’m so misunderstood.”


He looked around the kitchen. “It’s strange how quiet the house seemed when I got home. I was so used to living alone, the silence never bothered me before. But tonight, the house felt kind of empty without Emily sitting in the front room, doing homework.”

“She’d love to hear that.”

He grimaced. “I’d be too embarrassed to say that to her.”

“Why? I thought you were all about communicating?”

“Volunteering my feelings is still hard.” He took another big bite.

“I get that.”

He laughed. “I’ll bet you do.”

I scowled. “Meaning what?”

“Just that you’re the most private person I’ve ever met.” He shrugged. “But I guess after what you’ve been through, that makes sense.”

I flicked my gaze to him. “What?”

He froze and his cheeks seemed pink. “What?”

“What would you know about what I’ve… gone through?” I narrowed my eyes. I’d pretty much made a point of not sharing my sad story with him.

“Oh, just stuff you’ve alluded to.”

“Well, I don’t need your sympathy.”

“I know.”

I took a bite, not tasting anything. He seemed uptight and he wouldn’t meet my eyes. We ate in silence for a while, and then he set his fork down.

“But you know, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you did share stuff.” His mouth was a disgruntled line.

“With you?”

“Yes, with me.” His voice was husky as he added, “You could tell me your secrets, and I’ll tell you mine.”

“No, thanks.”

“Why? I’m a good listener.”

“So you say.”

“That’s because I am.”

I grimaced. “I have my reasons for not sharing.”

“We all have reasons, Pierce.” He sipped his wine, watching me over the edge of the glass. “But unless we want to be alone all our lives, we have to push past them and trust others.”

I dropped my gaze. “My reasons are more unpleasant than the average persons.”

“Are you sure it’s not just because I’m an alpha, and you don’t trust alphas?”

“That too.”

He focused on his food, a line between his brows. His frustration was obvious from across the table, but he was apparently trying to hold it in. I finished my food slowly, peeking at him under my brows every few minutes. His expression remained tense, and I was annoyed that I cared.

When he was done, he pushed his plate away and finished his wine. He still didn’t speak, and I was surprised by how much that bugged me. I rose and took my plate to the sink. He poured himself another glass of wine, and he stood and went out on the back patio. I watched him walk around the yard, staring up at the big yellow moon.

I rinsed his plate and put all the food away, peeking out the window at him now and then. He stayed out there quite a while, but then he finally came back in. He set his empty glass in the dishwasher, and he started to leave the kitchen.

“Are you mad at me?” My voice was tense.

He stopped and faced me. “I don’t have any business being mad at you.”

“That doesn’t really answer the question.”

“I’m confused by you, Pierce. In more ways than one.”


He shook his head, his eyes dark and intense. “I don’t know.”

“You take it too personally that I don’t talk about my past,” I said softly.

“It feels personal.”

I exhaled. “It really isn’t. I don’t like to think about it, so why talk about it?”

“It’s just—” He sighed. “Never mind. I think I’ve had too much wine.” He shifted uneasily.

“You’ve had a long day. Maybe you should go to bed.”

“I should.” He stayed where he was. “I really should.”

His stare was piercing, so I grabbed the sponge from the sink and began to wipe down the granite counters. “Soon Brad will be here and things will be better.”

He scowled. “Why would they be better?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. You won’t have to live with the most private person in the world anymore.” I mocked his earlier statement.

“Sure. And you can go on never letting anyone in and living like an emotional shut-in.”

His snide tone pissed me off. “Just because I don’t let you in doesn’t mean I won’t ever let anyone close.”

“Oh, is that right?”

“Damn straight,” I snapped.

“I thought it wasn’t personal? That sounds personal to me, Pierce.”

My face warmed. “Fine. Then I guess it is personal. Maybe I like that it pisses you off that I won’t tell you. Maybe I like annoying the shit out of an arrogant alpha like you.”

“Oh, really?” he growled.

“Why not?” I hissed. “It’s obvious you can’t handle being told no. No alpha can handle that.”

“I’m not like those other fucking alphas,” he grumbled. “Stop treating me like them. I’d never do that twisted shit to you.”

His words were like a splash of ice water. “What did you say?”

He immediately clamped his lips tight, looking embarrassed. He turned his back on me, exhaling with frustration. “Crap,” he muttered under his breath.

“What twisted shit?”

“Never mind.”

I felt the blood drain from my cheeks. “No. No. No. Tell me what the fuck you’re getting at.”

He turned to face me, lifting his chin. “I misspoke.”


He stared at me, his mouth a grim line.

“What do you think you know about me?”

His face was flushed. “I don’t think you want to push this, Pierce. You’re not going to like my answer.”

I watched him, feeling nauseated. Did he know about Baxter and all the abuse that had happened? What else could he have meant by “twisted shit”? “God damn you.” I felt like he’d punched me as I took two steps back, staring at him wide-eyed. “What did you do?”

He held out his hand. “I just wanted to understand you.”

“Did you talk to Colin like I thought?”


“You fucking liar,” I yelled, embarrassment stoking my fury. “You did talk to Colin. I knew it. I knew it!” I clenched my teeth against my anger. “I felt like a jerk accusing you last night. I apologized to you, and you let me. And the whole fucking time you really had shoved your nose in my business where it didn’t belong.”


“No. Just shut the fuck up.” I raked my hand through my hair. “I can’t believe you. Fucking alphas just always have to have their way. Your kind disgust me. You just can’t seem to help it. Everything always has to be about you.”

He rubbed his face tiredly. “I meant well.”

I gave a hard laugh. “Oh, Jesus. You’re unreal.”

“Nothing that happened to you was your fault. I don’t get why you are so ashamed to tell people.”

I covered my ears like a five-year-old. “Please stop talking.”

Amazingly, he did.

I bolted out of the kitchen to my room. I was humiliated that he knew all the disgusting things that had happened to me. I was so mortified I could barely breathe. Why had he pushed so hard to find this stuff out? Why? I wasn’t even going to be in his life after this one week. His behavior was so typical of alphas, pushing until they got what they wanted. They didn’t care who it hurt, or if that was maybe the opposite of what someone else wanted. All that mattered was their needs.

I shook with anger as I stood in the middle of my bedroom. I just wanted to run. I wanted to get away and never talk to that liar again. But where would I go? Colin was one of my only real friends here in LA, and now I was pissed at Colin too. I knew it had to be him who had told Seth my pathetic story, although I couldn’t understand why he’d do that. It made no sense. Colin was someone I’d have trusted with my life.

How could he do this to me?

When Seth appeared in my doorway, I wanted to throw something at him. “Go away.”

His shoulders slumped and his eyes were dark with concern. “Pierce, come on.”

“Come on, what?”

Grimacing, his lips moved, but no words came out.

“Exactly.” I shook my head. “Go away.”

He didn’t go; instead he stepped into my room. “I don’t know why I pushed so hard. And seeing how upset you are, I wished I hadn’t.”

“Yeah, well, it’s too late, isn’t it?”

He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “I actually like you.”

“Oh, fuck off.”

Sighing, he continued. “I know that seems nuts since we do butt heads a lot, but I wanted to know why you’re so prickly.”

“Congrats. Your needs have been met. Fuck my feelings on the subject, of course, but then I’m just a lowly omega. Who gives a shit what I want?”

“It isn’t like that.”

“Yeah, Seth, it really is.” I gave a humorless laugh. “I have a right to keep my past private. If I didn’t want you knowing, that was my right,” I growled.

He hung his head. “Fuck. I know.”

I closed my eyes. “Exactly how detailed was Colin?” I felt sick waiting for his response.

He hesitated. “Not that detailed.”

“What did he tell you?” I opened my eyes, searching his face for any signs of pity.

“Just that Baxter tricked you and held you for three years.”

“I can tell by your tone that there’s more.”

He swallowed. “I know that he… he drugged you. I know that… he let alphas hurt you.”

Inhaling, I pushed back the bile in my throat. “He told you that?”

His face tensed. “He didn’t tell me what they did. He just said that these… disgusting alphas… wanted things their own omegas wouldn’t do.”

I shivered, trying to hold back a flood of memories that wanted to return. I was so embarrassed it was hard to breathe. My eyes stung with angry tears. “How the fuck would you like people knowing that happened to you? It’s humiliating. God, Seth.”

“Shit. I know. I’m sorry. I wish I could do it over again.” He raked a shaky hand through his hair. “But I don’t judge you. I fucking hate Baxter, but you didn’t do anything wrong, Pierce.” His voice was hoarse.

“Now every time you look at me… you’ll think about that. You’ll wonder exactly what perverted shit they did to me. Like I’m damaged goods.”

He shook his head. “No. That’s not true.”

“Of course it’s true. I just want to put it behind me. I want to build a new life and never think about that time again.” I swallowed hard. “But that’s never going to happen, is it? Because I don’t know how to be normal, and people notice that. And then they want to know why I’m weird.”

He winced. “No. I just screwed up. It wasn’t just simple curiosity. I thought if I understood you better, then maybe we could get closer.”

I scowled. “I don’t get why you care about being close to me.”

“Me either. At least, not when we first met.” He sounded breathless. “But now I’m drawn to you.”


“No idea.”

My rage was draining away slowly, leaving me emotionally exhausted. “I can’t stay here till Sunday.” I shook my head weakly. “I just can’t.”

“Why?” He moved closer.

“For one thing, I’m pissed at you.”

“Right,” he said quietly. His eyes were a soft yellow brown, different from the usual deep chocolate. “But I don’t want you to go.”

I met his gaze, feeling torn. The omega part of me didn’t want to be angry with him. That side of me wanted to forgive him and submit to him. It was pure instinct and completely the opposite of what my human side wanted. My human side wanted to put him in his place. But it seemed that my omega was more in control of me at the moment.

He flared his nostrils. “How about I tell you a secret of mine, and then we can be even?”

That seemed an odd thing for him to volunteer. But if the moon was affecting me, I guessed it might be influencing him too. Perhaps that was why his eyes were almost the same yellow as the moon.

“Why would you do that?”

His gaze flickered. “I don’t know. I guess to make it up to you.”

“What kind of secret?”

“Something personal. Something embarrassing.”

Curiosity got the better of me. “Okay. Shoot.”

He licked his lips, scanning my body. “I’m… I’m really attracted to you. Sexually.”

My body flushed with surprise and arousal. “Really?”

“It’s been a shock, let me tell you.”

“I thought you liked girls.”

“I do.” He hesitated. “But all I can think about lately is you.”

“And you find that embarrassing?”

“Yes. But I can’t stop.”

The air between us buzzed with an unseen electrical current. “Why would you be interested in guys all of a sudden?”

He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know. But I’m sure that’s why I pushed so hard to find out more about you. You wouldn’t tell me anything, and it frustrated me. More than it should have. I had to know more about you. I just had to.”

Even though I was still mad at him, my curiosity about his revelation was stronger. “Tell me more about these thoughts you’ve had.”

He winced. “You don’t think I’m embarrassed enough already, just admitting that?”

“Maybe. But isn’t that the point?”


“So what kind of thoughts have you had?”

“I won’t lie. They’re dirty thoughts. Fantasies of you and me—” He shivered and moved closer. “I want—”

My legs felt weak at the look in his eyes. “What? What do you want?” If he was thinking straight thoughts, I was the queen of England.

“I’m curious what it would be like with you.”

I swallowed hard. “Sexually?”

He nodded, looking muddled. “When you’re near me, I can smell your scent so strong, it’s impossible to ignore. It’s different from other omegas. It makes me want to touch you.” His eyes glittered. “I keep picturing you under me. Naked. I want… Fuck… I want to—”

If he was any other alpha, I’d have been screaming at him to shut up and get back. But I couldn’t deny I was attracted to him too. “I think it’s the moon,” I muttered.

He scowled. “What?”

“I feel the pull too. I think it’s the moon.”

“The moon?”

“In the old days, the moon directed our mating cycles. Don’t you remember that?”


“Didn’t your parents tell you teachings from the Ancients?”

He swallowed loudly. “They mentioned some stuff. But I don’t remember anything about the moon making straight guys sexually attracted to other men.”

I shivered as he took another step closer. “These things we’re feeling… it’s just our inner wolves responding to the full moon. I’m sure of it. The pull of the moon is strong tonight.”

He clenched his jaw, his expression impatient. “I’m not interested in astronomy, right now.”

“I’m just trying to be logical.”

“Don’t bother.” His voice was urgent. “All I want to know is, have you thought about me, Pierce?”

I backed up until my legs were against the bed. “Maybe I’d rather not say.”

His lip quivered. “I’m baring my soul to you, Pierce. Talk to me.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, wrestling with insecurities.

“Please, Pierce.”

I opened my eyes. “Fine. Yes. I’ve… I’ve thought about you,” I said softly. He was only a foot from me now, and his masculine scent filled my nose and the heat of his body made my skin tingle.

“Do you want me?”

Arousal flushed through me. “Shit, Seth.”

“Do you?”

“My past doesn’t repulse you?”

He scowled. “Hell, no.”

I scanned his gaze, searching for any hint of pity. All I saw was raw desire. “You should probably go.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“You’re confused.”

“No I’m not.”

“I don’t believe you.”

He took my hand and placed it on his bulging crotch. “Do I seem confused, Pierce?”

“Not… not really.” Fighting my own need, I traced the outline of his wide cock through his pants, and it was obvious he was turned on.

“All I need to know is, do you want me too?”

I shivered, achingly aware of my cock pressing my zipper. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Come here.” He slowly wound his arm around my waist, and I let him. “What if I told you I want to be with you tonight. Sexually. Would you want that?” His voice rumbled in his chest as he tugged me closer.

I whimpered at the raw lust in his voice. “This has to be the moon.”

“I don’t care about the moon,” he growled. I shivered as he leaned the length of his body on mine. His cock pressed into my thigh. “Will you let me have you?”

“Oh, God,” I whimpered as need spiked through me.

“I won’t force you. It has to be because you want this.”

I swallowed loudly. “This is nuts.”

“Yeah, it is.” He licked his lips. “But what do you want?”

I touched his rough cheek, almost against my will. “I want… I… I want you.”

He grunted, and my legs almost gave out when he covered my mouth with his. I groaned and opened my lips, letting his tongue tangle with mine. I gripped his biceps, needing something to hold on to or I was going to fall. When he lifted his mouth to catch his breath, I muttered, “I really thought you were straight.”

“Apparently not.” With trembling fingers, he unzipped my pants and slipped his hand inside my underwear. “Oh, fuck.” His voice shook as he cupped my balls and stroked upward along my swollen shaft. “Goddamn, this feels right.”

It was hard to think with his fingers squeezing my cock. But I didn’t want to think. I just wanted to feel and be taken without any real reason other than I wanted him. It was the rawest, out of control sensation I’d experienced in years. For the first time in forever, I was hungry for an alpha’s touch. I craved Seth like he was oxygen, and it felt amazing to just let go.

As if something snapped inside, I pushed him back slightly. “You want to fuck me, Seth? You really want that?”

“Yeah.” He sounded breathless.

I pulled my shirt off and he watched, his gaze pinned on me like a predator. I shoved my pants down and kicked them away. My cock strained the thin cotton of my underwear, and I used two thumbs and yanked them down to my ankles, my cock waving back and forth as I stepped out of them. I felt powerful knowing how much he needed me, but that he wouldn’t touch me unless I allowed it. Need burned in my gut because I ached to give myself to him.

“I’ll let you have me. I want you too.” My voice was faint.

With a growl, he started undressing, tossing his shirt on the floor and scrambling to get his pants and underwear off. He stood in front of me completely naked, his wide cock glistening with precum. God, his body was perfect; no fat, only lean muscles and rippled abs. The yellow of his eyes should have been eerie, but as my instinct consumed me, only lusty excitement filled my gut.

The urge to submit was palpable as it rippled down my spine. I’d never felt this aching need to offer myself to anyone before. And since my escape from Baxter, I hadn’t let anyone, alpha or omega, inside me. I’d topped a few omegas when my hormones got the best of me, but no one had entered me since I’d been freed.

He moved up to me again, running his hands down my shoulders, arms, and hips. His rough palms scraped over my sensitive skin, coaxing soft moans from me. He slipped his hands around to cup my ass, pressing our naked erections together. “You have a nice body,” he whispered with a nervous twitch of his cheek. “So fucking sexy.”

“You too.”

“This should be weird, but it’s just not.” He smoothed his hand over my nipple, the intensity of his gaze unnerving. “I like the rough hairs on your chest and your muscles against mine. I like that you’re all man and you could fight me off.” He shivered. “But you won’t. You’ll let me take what I want.”

My cock ached with every raspy word out of his mouth. “We’ll see.”

“You want to submit. Don’t you, omega?”

“I might fight you,” I whispered, but then I moaned as he slipped a finger between my ass cheeks.

“Why fight what you crave?” His eyes flared bright at the needy sounds I made as he teased my hole.

“Because I can.”

He smiled. “Can you?” He pushed just the tip of his finger into me, and I whimpered, clinging to him as desire jabbed through me.

My mouth fell open as he toyed with my ass. “Oh, fuck, that feels nice.”

He gave a smug laugh. “Get on the ground on your hands and knees.”

Even though I wanted him, a part of me bristled at his demanding tone. “Make me.”

“Always challenging me,” he growled.

“That’s right.”

His nostrils flared and he grabbed my arm, twisting my thumb gently. “Down on your knees. Now.”

I laughed. “You want me to pray to you?”

“Pretty sure you’ll be saying, ‘Oh, God,’ the minute my dick is in you.”

A shiver of desire went through me, and I smiled, dropping to my knees with a smug glance. “You’d better be as good as you think you are.”

“I’ve never had any complaints.”

“Hope I don’t have to go on Yelp and give you your first one-star rating.”

He followed me to the floor with a grin. His cock was stiff and pointing at me, but he hesitated. “Lube?”

“Bottom drawer.” I pointed to the nightstand.

He opened the drawer, accidentally yanking it all the way out, and the contents scattered onto the floor. “Oops.”

We both noticed the condoms on the ground, and it went through my mind to tell him to put one on. But then my omega seemed to take over, and I couldn’t force the words from my throat. I just stared at the little foil packets and didn’t say a peep. He fingered one of the rubbers with a frown, but then he tossed it down and faced me.

Tell him to put one on. Tell him now.

That moment was when I truly realized we were both under the carnal power of our instincts, and that logic and common sense had no hope against them. Maybe for him it was all about it feeling better without a rubber. Maybe the alpha in him simply sought ultimate pleasure and couldn’t be bothered with condoms. But I didn’t have that excuse. I knew exactly what I was and that unprotected sex was insane. I knew fucking without a condom was playing with fire. That I could get pregnant. That I probably would get pregnant. But I didn’t give a damn. In fact, I wanted him to mate me. I wanted him to take me and fill me with his seed. I wanted to be pregnant because that was what my solar eclipse omega yearned for.

Controlled by my lust, I watched him grab the little bottle of lube. He slathered his cock, and my body throbbed at the sight of his thick, bare shaft. A desperate fire burned in my loins, and I whimpered and arched my back, feeling like a wolf in heat. He responded to my yearning sounds, slicking his finger over my hole and spreading gel around the tense rim.

“Goddamn, that’s beautiful,” he whispered. He slipped his fingers over my swollen balls, tracing his fingers down my stiff shaft and swiping the pad of his thumb over my seeping tip.

I clenched my fingers in the thick carpet, feeling desperate and out of control. My skin prickled with anticipation as I waited for him to enter me. “Please,” I moaned. “I need it.”

“Yes, I’ll give you want you need.” He fondled my hole, growling softly as he pushed one finger into me.

“Oh, fuck,” I whimpered as his finger sank deeper and deeper. It had been so long since anyone had entered my tight channel, it felt weird having his stiff finger inside of me. But it also felt good, and I gave myself over to his gentle touch. I’d forgotten how satisfying it was to have my ass teased and caressed by someone who wanted my pleasure as much as their own.

“You like that?” His voice was hushed as he played with my ass, pushing in and out of my hole gently.

“So good,” I panted, shivering at how wonderful it felt. “You’re a natural at this.”

“Some women like anal.” He kissed my shoulder. As he hooked his finger, he hit my prostate, and I hissed and clawed the floor. “Shit. What was that? You like that spot?”

Still trembling, I said. “Careful or I’ll come.”

“That fast?”

I bit my lip. “If you keep touching me there, I won’t be able to help it.”

“Seriously?” He sounded like he didn’t believe me, and he jabbed against my prostate again.

“Seth,” I groaned, shuddering as a lightning bolt of pleasure rocked me. “Stop, please.” My cock was so hard it was painful trying to hold back my orgasm.

“Jesus. That’s hot.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, struggling to control my need to come. “Please, fuck me.”

“Be patient, omega.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” I licked my lips.

“I’m going to touch you some more. Don’t you dare shoot.” He added two more fingers, rubbing and teasing my hole insistently. “You’ll come when I tell you to come.”

He pressed my prostate again, and I almost lost it. “Please, stop,” I begged, my body trembling as I tried to hold back my release. “Fuck me, Seth,” I groaned as a string of precum fell to the carpet.

“You really can’t control yourself, can you?”

“Not if you keep touching my prostate. No,” I moaned. “Fuck me.”

“Yeah.” Putting his palm on the small of my back, he slicked his cock with the lube. “It’s time.” He wrapped himself around me, his hard muscles fitting into my sinewy curves perfectly. As the wide head of his cock finally nudged my hole, I sighed contentedly for what was to come. He pressed forward with a groan, and the pressure was intense at first. He was big and thick, and it had been so long since an alpha entered me.

“Oh, shit.” I whimpered as he flexed his hips, sliding in halfway.

“Shhh, it’s okay, omega.” He paused and kissed my back, stroking my sides and then slipping his hands around to squeeze my untouched cock. For someone who’d never fucked a man before, his instincts were amazing. That was exactly what I needed to distract me from the discomfort of his cock entering me. He ran his fingers up and down my shaft as he slid in deeper, and I cried out as my ass stretched tight around his width.

“Let me in,” he whispered, slowly beginning to thrust. He flexed his hips, tunneling deeper and deeper. “Let me make you feel good.”

“Seth,” I moaned.

“So tight. So fucking perfect.”

Once he was fully seated, he began to move carefully, rocking his hips sensually, stroking my prostate with his swollen cock. It was as if every thrust breathed life into my damaged soul. I almost felt like crying it felt so good. This wasn’t just sex. This was something otherworldly. It was familiar and new, all at the same time. He wasn’t just taking pleasure; he was being careful to give it too. No one had done that for me in forever.

“Fuck me harder,” I whispered, shivering as he responded and his thrusts became stronger.

“I’m gonna come inside you.” He pounded into me, breathing hard, his hands digging into my hips.

“Yes,” I whimpered. “Come in me.”

“Feels so goddamned good,” he growled.

My orgasm hovered just out of reach as I groaned, aching to come. I knew I should tell him to pull out, not to come inside me. But I still couldn’t say the words. I wanted him to breed me. Even though I was scared, I also shivered with the desire to feel his seed flood my insides. This was why I lived. This was the very point of my existence. I was a solar eclipse omega, and I was born to carry the offspring of my alpha.

My alpha.

His thrusts became uneven and staggered, as if he too was losing control. We were both lost in the moment, under the power of our alpha and omega. Our lust was frenzied and harsh, and when he growled and sank his teeth deep into my shoulder, it seemed so right. I didn’t struggle. I didn’t fight him. I simply threw my head back and gave a chest-deep groan as I exploded. I came so hard my arms gave out, and I fell to my elbows as long, thick ribbons of release covered the carpet beneath me.

Then he came too. The flood of his seed was hot, and I grunted at the force of it. He groaned against my aching shoulder, his breath heated, flexing his hips and pressing deeper. “My omega,” he whispered, still rocking into me, emptying every last drop.

Breathing hard, I collapsed to the carpet. My frenzied need to breed slowly ebbed away, leaving me in shock at what had just happened.