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Marked by the Bear (Terrebonne Parish Shifters Book 1) by Kimmie Easley (6)





Fleshy, little goose bumps pepper my arms.

Not even close, Ruby.

The simple statement was full of innuendo and promise.

I swing by the marina store to pick up more candles. They only have citronella ones, but that could work in my favor. I also buy a lighter, some water, and a big ass bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.

The old man was nice and chatty. He seemed a bit lonely, but he’s got roots in these parts. He’s content with his life.

Back at the cabin, or fish shack – which explains so much – I light the bowls full of wax and do a search for any unwanted, slithering fuckers. Once I believe I’m snake free, I unload the bags, lumping the snacks next to the other food.

Yesterday, it was just some peanut butter, jelly, bread, and a bowl of fruit. But now, today, it’s so much more than just some food. He never admitted to it, but I know it all came from Kingston. It was his gesture. He went out of his way. The berries were fresh and washed.

I suddenly feel exposed, knowing that he was standing in this very room while I was sound asleep. I was probably snoring. My face flushes red with heat in hopes that snoring was the least of the embarrassing nocturnal sounds.

I’ve barely even noticed not having a phone. I haven’t heard Robbie’s voice in over two days and that sits just fine with me. Now that I think about it, it has been the best day I’ve had in years. I knew today was gonna be different when I woke up this morning.

I was lying in bed, ignoring the pokey mattress, and contemplating my next move. When I took off, I didn’t have a plan or direction. But other than being almost eaten by wolves and snake food, Ellie Mae breaking down in the middle of the bayou has proven to be quite serendipitous.

I like that word. I like the way it rolls off my tongue. It rolls off my heart. Accidental happiness.

Like showing the big guy up on the water. It was clear by the glazed over expression that I had succeeded in surprising him when I showed up at the dock. I don’t know if I would have made it aboard if it hadn’t been for Wyatt and Fournette.

Those two are a real hoot!

I had the best time. Of course, I was the only one reeling in fish hand over fist. Kingston tried to keep his combination of disappointment and awe in check, but his crew wasn’t about to let that happen. They teased and jeered him. The two of them stayed double over in laughter, the whole time giving Kingston shit.

I hated to see the afternoon come to an end. I hadn’t thought about Robbie, his flailing fists, or my tender ribs in hours.

After enjoying my third PB&J of the day, I grab what’s left of the berries, the bag of chips, and climb into bed.


I refer to it like it’s actually mine. I haven’t owned anything but Ellie Mae for years, and still don’t. But there’s something about this lumpy mattress, sitting on it’s rusted, iron frame.

Tonight, my heart is easy. I’ll take the win.

I only manage to get a couple hours of sleep. When the sun begins to play peek-a-boo with the trees, like a kid on Christmas morning, I leap out of bed. I pack up some sandwiches and race out to the marina. Swinging by the store, I stock up on snacks and bottled water before planting myself underneath the familiar tree.

I wait, all giddy and excited. The sun is now scorching, high in the clear sky. I start to squirm as each boat disappears around the bends and curves of the swamp. The boys don’t take their fishing skills lightly. I can’t figure out what would be keeping them and concern creeps around in my tummy.

I wait another hour before finally giving up.

Hell, maybe they’re hiding from me. Shit, maybe they were just being nice yesterday. They were probably just indulging the poor, little run away. Maybe they’re waiting me out and trying to get rid of me.

My gut sloshes around and my chest tightens. Maybe it’s time to figure out my next step. It’s time for me to move on.

Didn’t Kingston say as much?

I thought you’d be gone by now?

I guess I should have tucked tail when it was still my choice.

I pout and drag my feet, taking my time as I haul my pathetic ass back to the cabin. I can’t help but beat myself up about the bed bullshit, and how it felt like mine.

Embarrassed, and thankful that I don’t have to face them again, I plot out my thoughts. I should be back on the road within the hour, even if I have no idea where the hell I’m going. I’m gonna get in the car and drive.

As I make my way through the clearing, I hear voices with lots of load commotion and banging in the background. I’m scared that someone found out I was alone at the cabin and I hug the side of a tree, struggling to get a decent view at what’s going on while silently praying that Ellie Mae is safe and sound.

It doesn’t matter. I’m not ready for what I see. The sight leaves me even more confused and filled with wicked emotions.

Kingston is hooking up a hose to a contraption in the back of his truck. Fournette and Wyatt are holding up lumber and hammering. It looks like they’re framing something off the side of the shack.

“Hey, missed you guys this morning.” My words send Kingston spinning on the heels of his scuffed up boots.

“Morning, Ruby.” The other two chime in unison from across the yard.

“Hey, guys. What’s going on?”

Kingston steps forward. With two, long strides, he closes the large gap between us. “Look at that. You’ve performed a full fledged miracle and you don’t even know it.” He has a new, goofy grin tugging across his typically hard face.

“Yeah? I’m a regular Mother Teresa. So, what’d I do this time?”

“You got Wyatt Mercier to play hooky. This is the first day in over three years that my baby brother has missed work.”

“Interesting.” I mumble as I try to peek around Kingston’s massive frame. “Wait. Why?”

“We thought you might need a few things to make you more comfortable. We plan on having your place set up before sundown.

I try to ignore the way my mouth dries up like desert. “My place?” I hate my emotions for betraying me when my voice cracks. My knees turn to jelly when he reaches out his hand and brushes a loose lock of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.

“It’s yours if you want it.”


“For as long as you want it.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and throws a glance over his shoulder. “I don’t think you could stop ‘em now even if you tried.”

I feel it growing, snowballing deep inside of me. My cold heart begins to soften. I can’t contain it, no matter how much I try to bury the emotions and before I realize it’s happening, I bound through the air and fling myself into Kingston’s solid arms. I rest my head against his broad chest.

“Whoa,” he says, trying to hide his happy, yet surprised reaction.

He coils his biceps around me and I’m instantly made aware of our size difference. I melt into him, finding great comfort in the growl vibrating through his body and straight into mine.
