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Mated To The Mountain Lion by Terra Wolf (39)







“You? You feel them like this?” I put my hands out to the side and wiggled my fingers, thinking that perhaps I could use my powers on demand. But sadly nothing happened.

“Yes dear, I've always been able to feel it. Even as a child. It was how they knew I would be the leader of the coven.”

“Does that mean I'm going to be the leader?” I had just jumped on board with the idea that I had magical powers, I certainly wasn't ready to lead any group of people. Especially ones I had never even met. I had only recently stopped judging them for their beliefs, it wasn't my place to be in any sort of power.

Ultan crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at my grandmother. He looked as though he didn't know the answer to the question any better than I did.

My grandmother paced for a moment before stopping and looking at me and said, “That's something that the coven will have to decide, once I pass.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Well good, at least I have some time to figure all this out.”

She nodded, “I agree you need time to hone your skills. We haven't even started talking about potions yet. We need to go to the coven with this new information. And they need to accept you. It's the only way to reach the full potential of your abilities.”

Ultan put his hands by his side and looked at me expectantly. To be honest I wasn't quite sure what to say. I took a moment to center myself and found myself reaching for my necklace to rub it between my fingers.

“Okay, let's do this.”

I changed into jeans and sandals and discarded my burned shirt. Ultan came upstairs as I was finishing up. “Knock knock.”

I quickly pulled my jeans up, but he walked in as I was zipping them. I turned around quickly to shield my underwear.

“Are ya stallin?”

“Stalling, no it’s just…”

“Ummm I mean like going? Are ya going or not?”

“I’m coming, just give me a minute.”

He looked at his shoes for a moment. “I’m sorry I yelled at ya down there. It’s just I don’t like ya seeing him, and I guess it’s not just about him being Invidia.”

I turned back to face him. “Then what it’s about?”

He couldn’t look me in the eyes. “About yer past with him. I don’t like that ya were so close.”

“Ultan, that was in another time. I was a different person then. He was a different person.” When he finally met my eyes there was a sadness reflected in them.

He walked over to me and put his soft hands on my face. “I’m sorry.”

“I know. I am too.”

Smiling he said. “Ya know, about last night…ya haven’t said anything about it. Wasn’t it any good?”

I took in his appearance. He had a dark gray tight shirt on today with dark jeans. He was stunning and as I stepped closer, I realized just how good he smelled. I moved towards him so we were only inches apart. “It was unbelievably good.” I was nervous, but for the first time in a long time I didn’t feel like I was betraying Nick. He was a cold blooded killer now, not someone I ever wanted to be involved with again.

“Well we have to go again then don’t we?”

I laughed. “Now isn’t really the time.”

“Paige with ya, it’s never going to be a good time, but it is time.” He wrapped his calloused hands around my cheeks and pulled my face up to his. For a movement I felt like I was floating. He kissed me gently at first and then harder, pushing his fingers through my hair. I let go of my insecurities and allowed my baggage to fall away. Now was my time with Ultan and I had to taste every moment of it. He slowly began nibbling on my lower lip before allowing his kisses to trail down my neck. As I let my neck release its tension and fall to the side Ultan took my moment of relaxation to pick me up with his lean muscular arms. I wrapped my legs around him. I knew I didn’t love Ultan, not yet, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to climb into bed with him. He carried me over to my small twin bed and laid me down on my back before climbing on top of me. He continued to kiss my neck as he removed my shirt, stopping only when he could occupy his mouth with other places on my body. I ran my hands through his dark hair as he drew circles with his lips. God, he was hot. His mouth found its way back up to my lips and then he whispered in my ear.

I used my hand to show my appreciation and dipped it inside his pants to trace along his cuts right below his hips. I rubbed my knuckles back and forth over his right hip before he whispered again, “Yer such a ride lass.”

I laughed. “A ride?”

He pulled away for a moment to catch his breath and a thoughtful look crossed his face. “Uh yeah, what do ya call it? Sexy?”

“A ride… I like it.” I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back down to me, nibbling on his bottom lip when they touched. He pushed his hips into mine and we moved together, blending our bodies into one. He leaned in and slipped his hand around my neck pulling me in to him as his mouth claimed mine. He tasted sweet and alluring. His mouth was hot to the touch and I almost moaned with need. He kissed me softly at first and then his kisses became more fevered as if he needed my mouth on his. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I claimed it. I sucked him slowly, tasting him before I pulled away. Ultan pulled me in again as he was not finished kissing me. His tongue found mine again and our kisses grew more passionate. His hand found my breast and he kneaded it softly. He began pulling off my t-shirt and then tossed it aside. He stopped kissing me momentarily to look down at my breasts that were dying to be released from my bra.

“You are so beautiful Paige. I just love your curves.”

I smiled though all I could think about was what he looked like naked. He unclasped my bra and he pushed me back until I was pushed up against the headboard. His mouth found my nipple and he sucked, nipped and licked it. The sensation I was getting was making my panties wet. I moaned softly as he replaced his mouth with his fingers and pulled on my nipple causing an ache between my legs. Damn, he was good. He continued playing with my nipples causing me to moan as a pleasure built up in my body. My hand reached down and I massaged the front of his pants, I could feel his hard cock pushing against his pants. He smiled at me.

Quickly we tore off our clothes and I laid there naked before him. He looked down at my pussy and smiled.

“Mmm, you look good. I want to lick your pussy.”

I didn't hesitate to lean back and spread my legs. I wanted him between my legs

Ultan dropped down before me and licked my pussy slowly as if he was licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. It felt incredible as his tongue licked the sides of my opening, causing a tingle to run through my body. He took my clit in his mouth and sucked on it causing me to moan loudly as my pussy dripped.

“Oh God...oh God...Ultan that feels incredible.”

He looked up and smiled, “Does that feel good sweetheart?”

“Oh God yes it feels amazing.”

My pussy was dripping and he was licking it up tasting every inch of me. I felt the build up coming. I was going to cum right there in his mouth.

He was sucking on my clit when he buried a finger inside my pussy and started pumping away. It was too much, too much all at once and I cried out softly as I had an orgasm so delicious that I wanted even more. I was aching all over and I didn't want it to end, not for one minute.

“We have to go,” he whispered to me.

“But…” I protested.

He started to put his shirt back on. “Other matters to attend to, we’ll finish this later.”

Ultan walked out as soon as he was dressed and, as soon as I came down from my high, I got dressed and followed him. I was still tingling as I walked downstairs. We really were a weird pair, doing it in places I would never consider. But every time he touched me, I just wanted more.

After I was ready, Gran and I walked out to Ultan’s car. She had the magic book in her hand. I got in the front seat and Gran sat in the back, clutching the book to her chest. She looked around nervously, like she didn't like having it out of the house. We drove into the dark of night and I wondered if anything would ever really make sense again. Or if going to the coven would just lead to more questions.

Ultan drove slowly but it only took a short time to arrive at a small dark house on the edge of town. The house was lit from the inside, but it must've been candlelight. I could tell by the flickering glow. There were cars everywhere, like some type of frat party but it was eerily quiet. The grass was wet and felt slippery under my sandals. I followed Gran to the front stoop and waited for her to knock, but she simply opened the door, letting us all in.

We stepped up into a small foyer. The place was packed, dozens of people stopped moving all at once to put their attention upon us, or should I say, upon Gran. As she passed, many of them bowed or curtsied. I was in awe of the respect they had for her. As she greeted some people we made our way to a small staircase leading up to one large room. It looked as though most of the walls had been knocked out in order to make space. There was a large pentagram in white chalk on the dark hardwood floor. Gran shuffled over to it slowly and placed the book in the middle. Candles surrounded the pentagram and I swore they shown a little brighter once the book was placed.

I watched people ascend the stairs while whispering about the Electi. Some people pointed at me and Ultan with curiosity, while others regarded him with fear. I didn't like being the center of attention and I couldn't understand what was so interesting about me besides that I was new and I was Aine’s granddaughter.

People knelt down around the pentagram and watched Gran for instructions. I wasn't sure what I expected but no one moved, they just kept their heads bowed. Everyone seemed fairly serious, but the whispering continued. I noticed that many of them carried candles of their own and some had satchels of what looked like herbs and plants. Gran had always been like that too, using only organic items and making most of her own soaps and detergents. I had never thought about it until now, but that was probably part of her religion. Be kind to nature and all that.

Gran lifted her hand and everyone quieted down, she had their rapt attention. “My granddaughter has joined us this evening. She has questions about us and we must respect that she has an outsider's point of view. She has come into her powers but grew up outside our world. I would like the young ones to explain to her what it's like to be part of our coven.”

A girl with bright red hair, obviously of our Irish descent, walked slowly to the front and curtsied to my grandmother before addressing me. “We have waited for you. Magic chooses the person, not the other way around. We welcome those who wish to learn, but only some have the gift. I can sense it in you. You are strong with the power, you must believe.” She curtsied again and fell back amongst the crowd.

As she moved away a boy moved forward. He was a lot younger than me, maybe only fourteen or fifteen. His blue eyes shone beneath dark hair and he smiled brightly at me, making me feel instantly better about the situation. “We need you as much as you need us. I know this probably seems a little crazy, but it's all true. Here in Salem, we don't have to hide, we blend in with the regular people. But there's nothing regular or normal about any of us and we flock here to be joined together. It's nice going to school knowing I'm not alone. You're not alone either, you can learn from us, we will teach you.”

He turned and walked away slowly to what looked like his family. His mother and father smiled at him appreciatively and seemed proud.

The last person to approach me was a person in a dark navy hoodie. She slowly removed the hood to reveal her bright blond hair and gorgeous features.

“Joy? What the hell?”

Joy simply nodded, never taking her eyes from my own. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach and my body shook with anger and distress. She had lied to me, our whole friendship could have possibly been just one big lie. Trying to get me here, to the coven, to be one of them. I looked to Ultan and Gran, both of them averted their eyes. No one wanted to be involved in the situation that was about to unfold.

“How could you do this? I don’t even feel like I know you!”

Joy looked hurt and put her hand up towards me but I quickly backed away.

Ultan called my name but it sounded far away. Had tonight with him really not been so long ago? I couldn’t tell what was real or fake anymore. I felt so misled that I just needed a moment to myself. I had to think.

“I’ve gotta go.”

“Paige, don’t. Just hear her out.” Ultan pleaded with me but I shook my head and turned to run. I couldn’t handle another disaster in my life, I wasn’t strong enough yet. I was weak and vulnerable, and they took advantage of that. I flew down the steps as Ultan and Gran yelled after me, but I didn't care. I just had to get away. First they tell me that I have some secret power. Now I find out that the person who had been my only true friend since I arrived has been lying to me the whole time about who she really is. This was all too much.

I gasped for air when I reached outside, the incense had been choking the life out of me. I began to run, not knowing where my feet would take me or where I might end up but anywhere was better than here. I ran and ran until my feet felt swollen in my sandals.

I stopped to take a breath, placing my hands on my knees as I tried to slow my heart rate. After a few minutes I looked up to determine my whereabouts, but everything looked foreign to me. I was lost and no one knew where I was. Maybe that was a good thing because I couldn't see myself going back to Gran’s house anytime soon. But where would I go? Who could I stay with?

I reached into my purse and realized that I left my cell phone at Gran's house. I was still in Salem, if I walked long enough I was sure I could find my way back home. I would grab a few things and call my parents so I could leave. So much for my summer.

I began walking towards the center of town when I felt headlights on my back. I knew better than to stop the car and ask for a ride, too many psychos out there. The fresh air was doing good things to my brain and then I noticed that the car was slowing down. I tried to speed up my walking but the car also sped up to match my stride. Slowly I averted my eyes to the right and looked at the black SUV that had its windows rolling down. I prayed that my good luck, or magic would kick in, but when I saw Nick was driving the car I knew my luck had finally run out. He wore a big, disgusting, toothy grin. He looked almost maniacal like he could do something really dangerous. My fear began to choke me and suddenly the cool night air didn’t feel so good in my lungs.

I didn't say anything to him as he stared at me. I quickly turned my body to the left and sprinted through someone's yard, but he was too quick. I heard Nick yell, “Get her!” I immediately heard feet running behind me. I was never much of an athlete, but when you're running away from the bad guys, speed seems to find you.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. Moving through the person’s yard, I began to yell for help. But no lights came on in the house as I expected. Remembering that it was almost the end of summer I thought that they could be away on vacation. I tried to decide if hiding would be a better plan but unfortunately for me my speed wasn't enough to beat them. I moved to dodge two men as they approached me from the front, but I had nowhere else to go. They quickly grabbed the upper part of my arms and dragged me back to the SUV. I fought and screamed as much as I could, but I was no match for their strength or size. I continued to scream and curse at them, but they never even looked at me. Maybe if they had, they wouldn't have shoved me in the backseat and wrapped the blindfold around my eyes. They gagged me, making it hard for me to breathe. I slowly sucked air in and out through my nose, but I didn’t feel like my lungs were receiving enough oxygen. It made my world go murky. Suddenly I thought about the girl Nick had killed earlier this summer, thinking she was me. Is this what they had done to her? The Invidia wanted me dead and now that they had me I was running out of time. I really was an Electi and now I had to use my untapped powers to figure out a way to get out of this mess.

We drove for a while, I couldn't be sure how long as all my senses seemed to be off. I think it was the extreme fear that finally plunged my world into extreme darkness. Perhaps it was lack of oxygen due to the gag, or my pure anxiety over not being able to see, but I was out for a long time. When I woke up I strained my ears to hear any sounds, I knew that this could be critical if anyone were to try and save me. I'd watched enough movies and criminal shows to know what to do if you are ever kidnapped. But those television shows never bet on this group taking me.

We got out of the SUV and they tried to make me walk but my feet seemed to disagree, so eventually one of them lifted me up over his shoulder and carried me through a cool place. It was clear we weren’t outside anymore as I couldn’t feel the muggy air of August at all. I could hear water dripping in the distance, it made me think of a cave. In this part of New England we could be deep in the forest or on the shores of the ocean. I tried to hear ocean waves but all that I could sense was the distant dripping.

Finally, the thug that was carrying me dropped me and they removed my gag and blindfold. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them as I nastily stared at the group of people that were surrounding me. There were six of them in all, but I didn't recognize any of their faces. I knew Nick and Natalia must be close though. Nick was at least there when I was taken.

Rubbing my arms from the chill, I looked around and realized that I was definitely in a cave. The underground temperature never reaching above sixty degrees was causing me to freeze in my summer attire. I tried not to shiver as I took in my surroundings, careful to avoid eye contact with the group of Invidia in a half-circle around me. My back felt damp against the dark stone that surrounded me. It certainly didn't help me feel any warmer. Eventually I got enough courage to look at some of my assailants. Four of them were men and two were women, all dressed in black motorcycle boots and dark clothing. I noticed something else about them now, they were all young; none of them looked any older than I was. I guess that's when they took people to transform them, they wanted young fresh blood in the organization. Ultan had said he was one of the only children they ever took. For a moment immortality crossed my mind, perhaps these people never aged. But I thought back to the coven and how there were people of all ages on our side. Our side... the coven. They would be the ones to attempt to rescue me and I had recently ran screaming from their place of worship. That probably didn't bode very well with them.

It took a long time for anyone to talk to me but finally the group parted as Natalia walked through, her flaming red hair and eyes causing the other Invidia to cast their eyes to the ground.

“Nick did well I see. And you're alive, not bad.” She smiled devilishly at the crowd, more people arriving by the second. The group had gone from six to more than two dozen in minutes. Nick walked through them to join her and I grimaced in disgust as he kissed her full on the mouth, their tongues interlacing in front of the group. Many people smiled and cheered as they embraced, I did my best not to vomit.

“What do you want with me?”

Natalia broke away from the kiss, placing her hand on Nick's cheek before turning to address me. “You know what we want. You know where the book is?”

“That's what this is about? You came all the way here for the book?”

Nick moved in front of her and closer to me. It was so obvious now that he was not the boy I knew and my heart broke slightly, seeing the anger and darkness on his face. “We also came for you. We can't have another leader take over the Salem coven. And when we kill you, your coven will fall and we will succeed!” He turned around smiling and laughing to his comrades as the group again erupted in cheers.

I had to do something that would take away their power. I began giggling quietly at first and allowed it to become louder as some of the crowd became quiet.

Natalia gave me a nasty glare. “Why are you laughing?”

I continued giggling for just a moment more before saying, “You think you can kill me, that's kind of humorous.”

“Of course we can kill you,” she spat out.

“Oh really? And how do you intend to do that now that I've acquired my powers?”

I heard gasps from the crowd. Clearly I had made an impression.

Natalia grabbed Nick by the throat and put him up against the wall. If I hadn't moved out of the way he would have stepped right on me. I could smell his fear and so could everyone else.

She whispered to him, “You never said she knew about her powers. Or that she had learned how to control them. We're no match for a strong Electi, especially a leader.”

“I didn't... I didn't know!” He stammered.

A young girl with purple hair stepped in next to Natalia and whispered, “Natalia, not now. People are watching. And she's not even a full blood. Her mother doesn't practice, there's no way she's fully aware.”

Natalia released him slowly and turned to look at the younger girl. “You’re sure about this?”

The girl nodded looking very scared and honest. “I can feel it.”

Natalia dismissed the girl and with a cool smile plastered on her face said, “I think it's time for a little one-on-one, wouldn't you say? A little ex-girlfriend on new girlfriend action? You up for that?”

I stood up slowly, trying to thaw out my stiff muscles while still maintaining a strong look. “Whenever you're ready.”

I had no idea what I was doing and there was an excellent chance that she would kill me. I had to make a quick decision. When I fled from the house I felt weak and terrified. But standing in the face of my possible death I realized that was a lie. I was not weak. I was strong. I just had to find the source of my strength. The same strength that got me out of bed when Nick left, the force that had caused me to start painting once more, it was within me, I just had to tap into it. I could do this, defeat her if I had to. Anything to not let her and her cronies get to the book or Gran.

The crowd scattered quickly, making their way to the edges of the cave. They didn't want to be involved, instead like vultures, they waited in the wings for death to arrive.

I tried to think about my luck, as I had always referred to it, but I realized I needed to start to think about it as my power. I closed my eyes for merely a moment and wiggled my fingers, hoping for something to happen, but nothing came. Instead I found myself flat on my ass as Natalia pushed me over a rock. She walked away laughing, knowing that she could beat me in only moments and she was dragging it out for her own sick pleasure. I stood up and brushed the gravel off of my hands.

She came at me again, but this time when she swung, I dodged it and gave her a good uppercut to the chin. She backed up, outraged.

“Going to actually give this a try, are you? You didn’t try hard enough with Nick did you? What about Ultan, going to actually make an effort with him?” She cackled and a few women from the group joined her laugh. It pushed me over the edge. I took a deep breath and knowing it could be my last, I flew at her. Somehow I missed her jab at my head and I curled my fingers around her neck.

“Don’t talk about things you don’t understand bitch!” I yelled while choking the life out of her. I felt my pentagram burn as I clutched her skin. But then her eyes went black and I felt sad. Sadder than I had ever felt before. Like there was no reason to live. What was I doing here? I backed away from her slowly and tried my best to figure out where I was. There was a girl with flaming red hair, on her knees, coughing loudly. I didn’t understand.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I noticed that one of the people in black had beautiful blonde hair, blonde hair that I recognized. It took only a second for me to search around the room and find Ultan's face as well. Seeing the two of them brought back my memory and feelings. Why had I let go of Natalia? She could be dead by now!

As I nodded to my friends, Natalia stood up to face me once more. Now I knew I wasn't completely alone and maybe I wouldn't be killed. The confidence of having my friends with me caused me to propel myself forward and grab onto Natalia's hair, whipping her around as I slammed her to the ground. It must've been the signal for my own people to attack. I felt the power surge through the air before it hit me and, lying flat on the ground, I looked around me to see waves of blue, green and silver flying through the air. It was like watching lightning bolts so close to you. I was frightened but I knew to lie still so no one else would try to attack me. Nick was busy with Ultan and Joy, but not one side seemed to be winning. Nick held a dagger in his hand which seemed to deflect most of their powers off of it. Natalia was still lying on the ground but was slowly starting to get up to attempt to make herself useful to her beloved. And I was still, not knowing what to do, or how to help my friends. I rolled over slightly, watching a particular bolt of light bounce off of the wall and hit one of its own square in the chest. The man was tall and as he fell, it appeared as though he went up in smoke. I had to assume that was the only way to kill them, seize their heart with a bolt of our power.

I sat up immediately and yelled straight to Ultan, “Aim for the heart, it's the only way to kill them.”

When he looked at me his eyes were black like a bear. His one hand looked human, while the other had claws extending from him. He nodded at me as I continued to stand and ran over to where Natalia was crawling on the ground. I saw a rock in the corner and summoned all of my strength to pick it up with both hands and trudged over to her. The streak of magic crossed in front of me and hit Natalia before I had the chance to drop a stone on her head. She fell unconscious and secretly I was happy that I didn't have to kill her. I didn't think I was ready for that yet.

I looked around at the scene and saw many of my own coven, fighting for survival. There was just too many Invidia, and the Electi had walked into their lair. We were outnumbered five to one. Everything seemed to be going wrong. I saw Joy fall to the ground with a gash on her cheek, she was screaming in agony. Whatever type of blade Nick had in his hands, it could clearly hurt my Electi brethren more than anything else. I ran to her side to help her but watching her writhing pain on the stone floor was not saving her from anyone. I stood in a protective stance as Nick continued to fight with Ultan. No one was going to touch her. I wouldn’t let them.

A greasy looking man ran at us and I must've had an adrenaline rush because as he came forward, I dove to the side. When I stood again I was able to punch him square in the face. When my fist connected with his jaw he looked surprised and as he fell to the floor the pain reached his expression. There was blood seeping from his mouth, apparently my right hook was better than I had thought it was, he was even missing a few teeth.

He stood back up and ran at me, blade in hand. I couldn’t think of what else to do but Ultan stepped in front of me and shot a bolt right through his heart. The man was engulfed in the dark smoke, just as the one before him had done. Ultan had just saved my life.

Ultan turned to face me. We were so close I could feel his breath on my face. He nodded to me, smiling slightly, proud of his heroic act. I pushed my hands into the back of his hair and pulled him into me. Our lips connected and my body felt as though fireworks were going off. We may not live through this and there was no way I was going to die without feeling his lips on mine one more time. A level of warmth rushed through my veins when our tongues made contact. When we broke our connection we were both breathless and prepared to fight whatever came next. He held my hand while we turned to face three more assailants.

Suddenly there was a shift in power in the cave, everyone could feel it. My grandmother, dressed in white, slowly walked in lighted by the moonlight and parted the people like the Red Sea, making her way directly to me. None of the Invidia even tried to stop her, clearly she was too strong to defeat and they knew it. Many of them scattered and fled, fearing for their life now that the leader had arrived. The three in front of Ultan and I showed fear in their eyes. After a silent connection between them they ran from the scene, blood still on their hands. Nick even looked afraid but he didn't put his blade down, just held it more tentatively.

She checked on me first, making sure I had no external injuries, at least ones that couldn't be easily healed and then moved on to Nick. His blade shook in his hands as she approached him and he began sputtering out curses at her.

She stopped and simply said, “Enough. This is over. It is time for you and your people to move on.”

Nick mustered up his courage. “And if we don't?”

My grandmother sighed heavily. “I'll be forced to kill each of you. Nick, I do not want your blood on my hands. You loved Paige once, I don’t wish to hurt her further by killing you.”

“We'll see about that,” he seethed and turned to leave.

I looked to the spot where Natalia had been lying but she was no longer there. I felt a wave of fear, knowing she was still out there somewhere. I could only hope she would accept her defeat and put her tail between her legs as the rest of her clan had. But as I searched the crowd for her wicked face I saw something out of the corner of my eye. The moonlight reflected something shining in the air. I watched and realized it was a blade flying through the air at a terrifying speed. I could almost hear it slicing through the air. No. No. No. Shrieking I watched as it flew directly into Gran’s heart. I looked up for a moment to see Natalia’s flaming hair disappear into the darkness. She had climbed high in the cave to a secluded area where she would not be seen throwing the dagger. This had been her plan all along.

Ultan reached out and grabbed my grandmother as she fell to the ground. I screamed in utter terror as the blood began to seep out of her chest. I watched as the snow white fabric turned a crimson color. I had never seen so much blood in my life. Blue light shown from her pentagram necklace, but she wasn’t healing. The light began to fade.

“Gran! Gran, you're going to be alright. Someone get us some help!” I yelled to the fellow members of my coven, praying that someone would know what to do.

I heard hurried footsteps behind me. “That soul sucker is gone,” a man said between labored breaths. “I can’t feel her anymore.” No! How could they not have caught her? She had to pay for this!

Gran lie in Ultan's arms, looking frail and old. Her breathing was labored. I held her hand between my own, shaking so bad we both moved. I looked to Ultan for comfort but silent tears fell from his eyes. I knew she couldn’t be saved. A woman approached us and removed the dagger from her chest. She put her hand on my shoulder and whispered, “It was a Devil dagger, it leaks poison into our magic. The poison has already reached her heart, the center of her power. That woman knew what she was doing by throwing it at her heart. I’m sorry Paige, but she will die. There is nothing we or our magic can do.”

I shook the woman off of me and yelled at her, “She can't die! She can't! You understand me? I won't let her die.” My sobs began to overtake my body and I cried out, hoping for a miracle. My grandmother took my hand and put it across her chest. I could feel her struggling to breathe and I knew we were close to the end. There wasn’t much time left for her.

“My child,” she said, “it is your time. You must develop your powers, your friends and the coven will help you.” She breathed deeply for a moment then her eyelids appeared heavy. Once she opened them again she said, “They will come back, protect yourself. I love you dear one.”

“I love you too Gran. I will do everything I can.”

She smiled at me one last time. I watched as she closed her eyes, as if she had drifted off to sleep, but she never opened them again.

I held her hands and wept for my loss. It was my fault that she was dead, if I had only stayed at the coven house none of this would've ever happened. She would still be alive and teaching me how to use my magic, but instead I was alone. And it was entirely my fault.

The Electi members quickly dispersed, though I could hear the crying as it echoed across the cave walls. Joy stood with my assistance as Ultan lifted my grandmother's lifeless body and carried it back to his car.

“I don't even know how she got here, I made her promise to stay in the house and protect the book.” He continued to mumble to himself all the way back to my home, my grandmother's home. We had to call my mom and make arrangements for the funeral, but first we had to come up with a story.

Joy held ice on her cheek as she came up with a plan. She looked drowsy and kept shaking her head, like her vision wasn’t clear. Apparently her gift was mind manipulation, it's what made it so easy for all of the gallery folks to fall in love with her paintings. She promised she never used it on anyone who wasn't already open to her ideas, but this time she would have to falsify a story and convince complete strangers of it. She suggested that we take Gran to the hospital and she would persuade one of the doctors the Gran had been in a car accident and had died. The doctor would write up a report and then we could call my mother and make funeral arrangements. I sat numbly at the kitchen table as she and Ultan discussed their plan. I wanted no part of it. My whole body hurt inside and I felt as though the world would never have any light in it again. I didn't want to go to the hospital with them, but Ultan didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone. Joy suggested that she could handle the procedure herself and asked if I wanted to say goodbye to Gran.

“No,” I said simply and coldly. “And one of you has to call Mom, I can’t… I can’t tell her.” Joy looked at me with sympathy but nodded and left the room.

I hadn’t spoken to my mother since our fight. I couldn’t explain my guilt to her. That the one thing she had attempted to protect me from was what killed Gran. Magic was dangerous, she had been right.

Ultan sat down next to me at the table and attempted to hold my hands but I pulled them away and put them in my lap. I didn't want to be touched.

“It's not your fault you know,” he said kindly.

I looked at him, my eyes puffy and swollen from crying. “It is my fault. I shouldn’t have left the house like that. It was how they found me, isn't it?”

He shook his head. “They can track me since I'm one of them. I should have never gone to the coven house. I unknowingly let them know where it was. I'm sure they've been circling it for weeks, trying to get you coming out one night alone.”

“What do they want from me?”

He shrugged. “Your Gran and I have been trying to figure that out all summer. They wanted you dead we know that, but I don't know why. Your Gran was still the leader, there was no reason to kill you.”

“What do you mean she was still the leader? Who will be the leader now? Not me!” Surely I hadn’t even been accepted into the coven yet. I couldn’t lead them.

He sighed heavily, this conversation was taxing on him, as well as myself. “With her gone you’re the new Electi leader, it's a bloodline thing.”

I pushed myself away from the table. “Me? But I don't even know how to control my powers! I did nothing tonight that required magic. I can't rule the coven Ultan!”

My panic started to choke me and I went over to the sink and dry heaved. Ultan came over and rubbed my back slowly until I calmed down enough that he could turn me towards him. My breathing was returning to normal but my heart still stuck to my chest. I gazed into his beautiful gray eyes. Ultan had come to save me and I knew it wasn’t because he was my protector. He came to save me, the girl. He took my face in his hands and put his forehead to my own. “You're stronger than you think Paige. Can't you see that?”

“I don’t know that I am.”

“You managed on your own tonight. Without magic. You didn’t want Natalia to get to us.”

“I couldn’t.”

“That’s your strength Paige. It’s who you are.”

When Joy came back, she said the hospital had called my mom and she was on her way. I fell, crumpled on the floor and allowed my grief to overtake me. Gran was gone. I couldn’t even grasp it. Ultan got me her blanket from the couch and as I was crushed by the guilt, my body slipped into a terrifying sleep.