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Mated To The Mountain Lion by Terra Wolf (34)







The next day I arrived early at the gallery. Joy had given me keys to let myself in. I had tossed and turned the night before, wondering if I had followed Ultan what I would’ve learned. So as I crept in near darkness through the gallery I focused all my attention on the office. After entering it I looked through the filing cabinet to see if I could find a list of our clients. If I got really lucky maybe Ultan’s name and number would be in there. There were plenty of clients whose names I didn’t recognize but the one I was looking for wasn’t in there. I don’t know what I would’ve said to him had I been able to get his number. But it made me feel a little bit worse not having any way of getting in touch with him. I knew I could ask Joy for his information but then I would just look desperate and I wasn’t that type of girl. Besides Joy didn’t have any idea about a magic book or paintings that moved around after boys looked at them. She was totally normal, my totally normal friend and I couldn’t risk losing her overlooking crazy.

I walked back out of the office shutting the door quietly behind me almost as if to cover my indiscretion. I didn’t want Joy to know I had been snooping through things, if anything could ruin friendship faster than crazy, it was distrust. She was at the gym so I had at least two hours to kill. I walked over to my painting of Swish, still homeless on the wall. I traced my fingers along the thick brush strokes and imagined having a paint brush in my hand once again. I turned the front door sign to closed and walked down the basement stairs to Joy’s studio.

There were beautiful paintings lining the walls, all landscapes which must be her new project. She never put on a new show until the display had at least ten to twelve pieces. As I walked by, I counted the paintings. She had nine already, something to start September, I assumed. When I arrived at her painters’ stool I was surprised to see a blank canvas on the easel. There was a myriad of brushes and paints of all colors, shapes and sizes lying next to the unused stretched fabric. I touched the fibers with my fingertips and imagined beautiful acrylic paint flowing from a brush. I sat down on the stool and started to paint. I placed my iPod earphones in my ears and allowed music to flood my senses. Florence and the Machine blared loudly blocking out the rest of my questions and confused worries. It was well over an hour before I even realized what was taking shape in front of me. As I stepped back to admire my work I saw Ultan’s beautiful gray eyes creeping out from beneath his dark bangs, and a large silver pentagram in the background. It was almost as if I couldn’t escape this other world that he had dragged me into. And as I smiled to myself, I realized I wasn’t sure I wanted out of it either.

I turned the painting around to dry and put it in a place where I was sure Joy wouldn’t find it. I found another blank canvas and replaced mine with a fresh piece. I heard the chime ring upstairs so I made sure that her area looked undisturbed. I climbed the stairs and I heard her talking on her cell phone with a buyer. She was totally wrapped up in the conversation and never even noticed where I was coming from.


That night Joy came out of the gallery with a smile plastered on her face. I concluded she had landed a new buyer, or sold something sustainable, but what she said surprised me. As we walked home she told me she had finally accepted a date with Dave and apparently I was going to be her wingman.

As we walked into Gran’s house she pleaded her case. “Oh come on Paige! I don’t think you’ve been out at all since you moved here. After you told me that sad story about your ex-boyfriend, I feel like you need a little love in your life.”

I tilted my head at her with a nasty look on my face. “Do I really look like the type of girl who goes to a local bar?” I used my hands to display my vintage smock dress. There is no way I was wearing it to a place for it to smell like smoke, it was from the 1940s! One thing Joy didn’t understand was my taste in fashion. Nothing else could make me feel better than a great day shopping and finding some amazing deals at the local thrift store. It was the New York part of me, it made me feel as though I was still tied to the area, and it was where I left Nick behind.

“All right so I'll let you borrow some clothes. But you have to go with me. I still can't believe I said yes to this stupid date.” Joy sat at the edge of my bed with her head in her hands. Losing all control of herself, she flopped back on the bed, her arms spread out from her body.

I put my hands on my hips, I wasn't going to budge on this one. Just because she had made some stupid deal to go on a date didn't mean I was going to have anything to do with it.

She slowly sat up with a smile on her face and I knew she was up to something. “You know Dave said that Ultan is going to be there.”

I rolled my eyes at her with fake disgust.

“What? I thought you liked him. He’s freaking attractive.” She fanned herself to show her appreciation for Ultan. I couldn't deny that he was really attractive, but was I ready to get back out into the dating scene? I couldn’t be sure.

“I don’t know. I mean maybe there’s something. Did Dave say anything else?”

“Sure, he said that Ultan can’t wait to get your clothes off.”

I knew it was a lie. “Screw you, liar, you just don’t want to go alone.”

She laughed. “Is it working?”

“Negative, but nice try.”

At that moment Gran walked into my room. Since moving here she hadn't really gotten the whole point of privacy yet, but I was glad to see her using the stairs, so I didn’t deny her interruptions. “What are you up here squealing about Joy?” She asked as she dropped a laundry basket on the floor.

“Gran!” I protested, “You do not have to do my laundry anymore. I'm not a child. I can handle it I promise.”

Gran just waved me off, her attention still on Joy. “So what's the news?”

Joy sat up and looked down at her hands embarrassed. She had a lot of respect for Gran and didn't want her to think less of her.

So of course I jumped in for her. “Oh Gran, wait till you hear! Joy has a date with Dave the ice cream guy. Isn’t that fabulous?”

“Oh my! He's quite a catch!” Joy gave me the look of death and I realized I shouldn't have ratted her out. I was going to pay for that comment.

Joy smiled sweetly at Gran. “Yes and Paige’s going to come with me and hang out with Ultan. Isn't that lovely?”

I turned to look at her giving her a stone cold gaze. There was no way I was going on this date, especially not to the local watering hole. But now that Gran was involved, I probably didn't have a choice.

“Well that's just wonderful! You two girls have a fabulous time.” She smiled broadly as she walked out of the room. For a moment I recognized that this might be the time to check to make sure she wasn't coming in my room when I wasn’t there. She might be looking for the keys that were still hidden under my mattress. But I didn't have much time to think about that because Joy was already in my closet going through my things.

When she came up for air, she had a pair of skinny jeans and a black top, one of my very few New York club outfits. “Perfect! You don’t even have to borrow something from me, you hot mama!” She threw them on the bed and said, “Get changed. We’re going out.”

Joy drove us to Spanky's, the local disgusting bar where all the kids our age trolled for dates. It totally wasn't my scene, but I didn't have much of a choice. While I hated to admit it to myself, seeing Ultan again made my heart race.

After showing IDs at the door, we quickly found two seats at the bar, where Joy ordered us Long Island iced teas.

“I guess you're not messing around tonight,” I said. With a Long Island iced tea in me I had no idea where the night was going to go. I hadn’t drank much since Nick left and my tolerance was low.

She laughed lightly. “It's a girls’ night! Besides if I’m going to do this I have to be pretty loose. Not uptight business woman Joy. I want this thing with Dave to go well.”

I shook my head at her. I knew she really did have feelings for Dave and was putting on this insecure front. Being drunk on the first date probably wasn't the best impression, so I let her know that I knew how she really felt. “Joy you can stop lying to me. Dave's really adorable and he owns that ice cream shop. He's got to make decent money. I don't know why you're so worried. I think this could be a really good match. Two entrepreneurs falling in love.” I laughed to myself but Joy didn't join in, she was staring over my shoulder with a look of shock on her face.

“Joy? What's the matter?” She pointed slowly towards the door, the clear disappointment marring her beautiful features.

I turned to see what she was pointing at and was surprised by what I saw as well. Dave walked in with his arm around the red head that we had seen while shopping in town. And right behind her was the boy that I thought looked remarkably like Nick. So much for her date.

I'd never had a lot of girlfriends before Joy and she was the closest thing to a best friend I ever had. I guess that's why I got ridiculously angry at seeing Dave with a smug look on his face. He was so busy being wrapped around some other girl. I took two deep gulps to down my drink and stood up. I swaggered myself over towards them to give him a piece of my mind.

The other guy stepped between what I'm sure would've been an excellent girl fight and took all my attention when he said my name.

“Paige, so nice to see you again. I wasn't sure we would meet up after that little display in town. How have you been?”

I stared at him confused. Perhaps it was the current level of alcohol in my system or was he acting like he knew me? I mustered up all my courage and said, “Actually I'm not doing too well thanks, because your skanky little friend took my best friend's date. And I'm sorry, but do I know you?”

He laughed, it was dark and maniacal. I don't know why I thought he looked anything like Nick, he was clearly nothing like him.

“All that time we spent together Paige and you play like you don't remember me? Really, I'm disappointed.” He faked a pouty lip but I could tell his eyes were on me. He was focused so intently like he was trying to do something. After a little while he looked away like he was frustrated that it wasn't working.

“If you think you're going to get me to listen to you by turning on the smolder, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Oh and what would that be?” He continued to look at me devilishly. It was really annoying.

I had never hit another person in my entire life. But I guess that was kind of a lie. In the second grade, when the biggest bully in school took my lunch box and called me a nerd because it had a Spider Man on it, I’d had enough and I socked her right in the mouth. It got me chalk board duty for two days and no recess, but it had been worth it. I knew that slugging this guy in the face would also be totally worth it, but as I wound up to give it to him, someone else grabbed my arm just before my fist connected with his face. I turned around expecting to see Joy, she wasn't really one for scenes, but instead Ultan was standing there looking mysteriously beautiful as usual.

“What gives? This guy had it comin’!”

Ultan smiled. “I bet he did, but I would prefer that ya let me handle this.” When we both turned around to face the jackass that I almost punched, he was gone.

“Now look what you made me do! He's gone.”

“That worries me more than it worries ya I'm afraid.” Ultan looked around the bar concerned. When his eyes settled back on me his lips curled into a smile. “Ya look nice. Real nice.”

I chewed on my lower lip. The adrenaline still running through my body.

“Come with me.”

He took my hand and pulled me to the back of the bar toward the bathrooms. Secretly I was hoping we weren’t just going to talk.

The bathroom had two stalls and a separate sink with a large counter and mirror. I looked at myself in the reflection as Ultan snaked his hands behind me to lock the door.

He wasted no time and crushed his lips into mine. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and I quickly pulled it off of him. Why was it that even though he made me question everything about my life, that I also wanted him so bad it hurt?

His hard muscles were even better than I imagined. He slowly started to move me back towards the counter and lifted me up. Luckily I had decided to wear a dress and I was easily able to wrap my legs around his hips.

Ultan moved his hands down my body and slowly pushed them up the hem of my dress. Every touch of his left a trail of fire over my body and I could not wait for him to be inside of me. His strong hands ran up my thigh and slowly started to tease me by flicking the elastic on my lace thong. I felt shivers run through my body in anticipation of his touch.

He moved his face down and started to kiss and gently bite my neck. He moved his fingers underneath my thong and lightly grazed his fingers over my slickness.

“You are so wet,” he growled.

The rasp in his voice only made me want him more, and I tightened my legs around his hips. He trailed his kisses down my collar bone down to the straps of my dress and he slowly removed them. Ultan moved his mouth down to my bra line as he used his thumb to slowly rub my clit and pushed his fingers inside me. A rush of pleasure ran through my body as I rolled my hips on his hand.

He moved his left hand around my back and unclasped my strapless bra and pushed my dress down to my waist. He cupped my breast and gently started to suck on my nipple. I let out a slightly moan and I heard him chuckle. He started to move his thumb and his fingers a bit faster inside me. I felt the tingling sensation start to build and I knew that he would soon take me over the edge.

He grazed his teeth lightly across my nipple and added a second finger inside me.

“Oh God Ultan,” I said as I felt the tingling sensation explode across my body. I let out a load moan as I felt the release of my orgasm.

“Keep coming Paige,” he grunted as he pulled my body closer to his. He pulled his hands from me and unbuckled his pants and pulled down the zipper. He quickly pulled me off the counter and turned my around so I was facing the mirror. I heard his pants drop to the floor and I let out a loud moan when I felt his hard length push into me. I grabbed the counter for support as he used my dress that was still around my waist to pull my body toward his.

Ultan pumped his hips into mine and with each thrust, I felt a pressure begin to grow. He tangled his fingers in my hair and gently pulled my head back which pushed me towards my breaking point. With another hard thrust Ultan threw me over the edge and I let out load moans as I felt my whole body release and melt into his.

He flipped me around again, and crushed his lips into mine. He then picked me up and wrapped my legs around his hips as and pushed my back up towards the bathroom stall. I threw my hands up and grabbed to the top of the stall for leverage and tightened my legs around his waist. He grabbed my hips and started to pump inside me again. I felt the stall wall start to rattle, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was him deeper inside me.

The door handle to the bathroom started to jiggle.

“Someone’s in here!” I cried out, and I heard Ultan start to laugh. The woman outside started to pound on the door. Ultan thrust his hips up inside me and held them there. He moved his mouth to my ear.

“Looks like we have to end this soon,” he said.

“Screw her,” I said and I rolled my hips onto his. He let out a low growl and pulled my legs from around his waist and flipped me around. I continued to hold the top of the stall as I arched my back, thrusting my hips up to meet his. He pushed inside me and wrapped his right hand around my waist.

He used his fingers to rub my clit as he grabbed onto my hips guiding himself inside me. I felt the pressure start to mount again with his touch. His fingers started to move faster with his hips and I knew that I would not be able to last much longer. I turned my head back towards him.

“I want you to come with me,” I said. He let out a growl as he nodded and pushed his hips harder into me. I felt my whole body start to shake and I knew I could not hold the pressure any longer. I felt him move faster behind me and I let myself fall over the edge. Load moans escaped my lips and I felt myself tighten around him. He let out loud grunt and I felt him release. My orgasm grew stronger feeling him release with me.

We dressed quickly and we left the bathroom at the same time. Some blonde gave me a nasty look as she went in behind us. Oops.

Ultan walked with me but stopped midway to the door. He looked worried.

“I think it's time that ya and yer little friend went home.”

Unfortunately, I’d now had just a bit too much to drink and was in the mood to party. Besides Ultan didn't own me and he wasn't going to tell me what to do. It didn’t matter what just happened in the bathroom. Or that I wanted it to happen again.

“Forget it. Your buddy Dave ditched Joy. Oh my God, Joy. Where is she? Shit I’m a terrible friend.” I began to walk away, but Ultan caught my arm for the second time tonight.

“Ya need to stay with me, we’ll find her together.”


“I saved yer arse back there. Ya don’t know what he's capable of. Ya may have at one time, but not anymore.” He looked at me, rolled his eyes and began to walk away, but this time I caught up with him.

“What's that supposed to mean?”

He sat down at one of the small tables and a waitress came up to him, smiling like a giddy schoolgirl. Apparently she was also on the Ultan train and he did look good tonight in his leather jacket, it gave him this bad boy appeal. He ordered “the black stuff,” and looked past me towards the door. But I wasn't going to let him get away that easy, I wanted answers.

I waved my hands in front of his stone like face. “Hello? I said what is that supposed to mean? I need to find Joy! Let’s go.”

He acknowledged me and allowed his cool gray eyes to linger on my chest. Finally he said, “What's what supposed to mean Paige?”

“What's it supposed to mean that I used to know him? I have no idea who that guy is. All that I know is that he came in here tonight with some slut that was hanging all over Dave. He was supposed to be Joy's date, not hers. And you were supposed to be mine!” It slipped out before I had the chance to stop it. Right there in the middle of the sleazy bar was my jealously. I was envious of the redhead, the waitress, and any other girl Ultan laid eyes on.

Lucky for me, he didn’t catch the last part. “Natalia is here? Where did ya see her last?” He got up from his seat and began frantically looking around the bar. Maybe she's a crazy ex-girlfriend or something, I didn't know, but for the first time Ultan looked truly afraid.

“Do you know them?”

“Ya don't?” He looked at me inquisitively almost like I was a puzzle that he was trying to figure out. “Yer Gran really hasn't told you anything has she?”

I shrugged. “I guess not.”

“She truly thinks she’s protecting ya. But she’s not. If they’re here she’s only putting ya in danger by not telling ya the truth.” He reached out and touched the pentagram around my neck. I felt a warm sensation under his touch but I brushed it off.

“Okay Ultan, since you seem to know so much, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

“That guy that ya saw, he doesn’t look familiar to ya? Nothing about him strikes a chord?”

I thought back to the first day I saw him in town. How much I had thought that he looked like Nick, but after speaking with him I knew that he was nothing like him. Nick was sweet and calm, he would never be in a scuzzy place like this. Or with girls who stole other girl’s boyfriends. He hated drama, but his eyes, his eyes still looked like Nick’s.

But how would I explain that the Ultan? None of this seemed possible, it just made me feel even crazier. The whole point of this summer was to get back to normal, but suddenly things just seemed so strange here. I resigned myself to telling some of the truth, only because I believed it would gain me more answers.

“Well, I guess he kind of looks like this guy I used to date.”

Ultan raised his eyebrows on her. “Used to date, huh? I've heard it differently. Ya thought ya were going to marry Nick.”

“How do you know that?” I seethed.

“Yer Gran told me. Ya forget how close she and I are.” The waitress arrived with his beer and he paid her in cash, telling her to keep the change. It was a nice tip. He took a long swig and allowed the cold liquid to flow down his throat while I waited impatiently. He was playing a game, I could tell and I realized the only way to get any good information out of him was to play along.

“Fine Ultan, I’ll bite. Why does he look like Nick?”

Ultan set down his drink with a thud and looked directly at me, almost like he was sizing me up to see if I could handle what he was about to say. His mouth went into a thin line before he finally spoke. “Because lass, that is Nick.”


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About the Author - Terra Wolf

I love to write about romance that isn’t your typical love story. My books allow my imagination to run free and explore every possible idea I have. That makes writing less like a job and more like a fantasy come to life.



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