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Mistress To The Beast by Eve Vaughn (5)

Chapter Five

“As long as you keep yours,” Hunter finally answered. “Look, I’ve had plenty of lady friends before, but I’ve never been in an arrangement quite like this either, but it doesn’t mean I’m willing to permit you to set the pace.”

“But I’m sure you can understand my dilemma. I’m not used to jumping into bed with men I barely know. I’m only asking for a little time for us to be better acquainted before we sleep together.” Lila hoped her plea would appeal to his good nature that was, if he had one.

Part of her wanted to run out of here and never look back, but what kept her planted in her seat, sitting across from this loathsome man, was thoughts of her father. After she’d told him Ramsey’s wouldn’t pursue buying his property, he’d seemed to lose all the worry clouding his eyes. He walked around with a spring in his step that had been missing for months and whistled, looking happier than he had in a long time. It was almost as if he’d gained several years on his life. Lila couldn’t have his decline on her conscience, but still, how would she get through this ordeal without losing every ounce of self-respect she possessed?

“I gave you three weeks to back out of our agreement. But the very fact that you’re here tells me you’re fully prepared to honor your end of the deal. No. I won’t allow you to brush me off now because you’ll keep coming up with excuses as to why we should wait. In light of rearranging plans for the megaplex and in essence putting my business reputation on the line, you had better get used to the idea of sharing my bed, and fast. And as for my sleeping with you, I have more productive things in mind than that.”

Lila willed herself to remain still, otherwise she knew she’d slap the bastard into next week. If that was the way he wanted things to go down, she’d make sure she conveyed in every look, motion and sound that she didn’t want to be here. She had agreed to allow him the use her of body, but he never said she had to like it. “Fine,” she delivered between clenched teeth.

The sound of his chuckles tormented her. He was getting off on her misery!

“I like your spirit, Lila Saunders, but if this is to be a battle of wills, I’ll have you know, I don’t intend to lose. And no worries, my dear, there’s no better way of getting to know each other than in bed. I look forward to the experience.”

She kept her head bowed, refusing to rise to the bait. He may have had the right to her company, but there wasn’t anything in their contract that said she had to enjoy it.


“I’m not hungry.”


She jumped as his roar reverberated through the dining room. Defiance raged throughout but to act upon her feelings would probably escalate things. Lila had a feeling that was exactly what the bastard wanted, so she focused her attention on the plate in front of her. As appetizing as her steak appeared to be, her stomach was too tied in knots to ingest a single bite. But still, if she didn’t he’d press the issue. Lila didn’t think she had the strength to continue the argument. She picked up her fork and stabbed a string bean with its prongs before popping it into her mouth. The vegetable could have been cardboard as far as she was concerned. She tasted nothing. “There. I ate.”

Hunter watched her with those devastating green eyes, his expression giving nothing away. Would he take this as an act of disobedience? He lifted his wine glass and downed the remainder of its contents and stood up. “If you’re through, then by all means, let’s retire.”

When he held out his hand to her, panic set in. There had to be a way to buy some more time. Lila shook her head. “Just give me tonight. I promise, I’ll be ready for you tomorrow.”

Nostrils flared as he narrowed his eyes. “Lila, I don’t make a habit of repeating myself. Get up now or by God, I’ll drag you upstairs.”

“Sir, is there anything else you’ll need?” Mrs. Coates poked her head into the dining room.

“Go away!” Hunter growled.

The older woman disappeared as quickly as she appeared.

Lila gasped. “Do you make a habit of talking to your staff that way? You are a hypocrite. How can you expect other people to be courteous to those who work for you, when you don’t know the meaning of the word?”

For his answer Hunter grabbed her by the arm, practically yanking it out of its socket as he hauled her out of her seat and pulled her roughly against his body.

Her fighting instinct emerged. She didn’t care what kind of bargain they had, there was no way she’d let him get away with manhandling her. Lashing out, she smacked his broad chest. “Don’t ever do that to me again! You have no right—”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Lila. My house, my rules. You didn’t have to agree to the terms set before you, but you did so now you’ll have to deal with the consequences. So far my words have had no effect on you so I think the time calls for action.”

Before she could utter another word of protest, Hunter bent over to lift and toss her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The wind whooshed out of her lungs, making it difficult for her to speak. Stunned, she hung helplessly as he strode out of the dining room, took the stairs two at a time and carried her to a bedroom she assumed was his. Once her feet touched the floor again, her ability to talk had returned and she was pissed!

She gave him a shove. “Who the hell do you think you are? I’m not a rag doll you can lug around as you please. I may have agreed to be your companion for the next three months but I certainly didn’t sign up to be abused by you, you fucking asshole!” If her father could hear her now, he’d be probably scold Lila for the language spewing from her lips. But then again, he’d probably be disappointed that she’d put herself in this position in the first place.

Hunter’s response was to loosen his tie and shrug out of his black dining jacket. He was such a large man that her push had barely moved him. He seemed totally unaffected by her anger which only served to enrage her further.

“Did you hear me?” she yelled on the verge of tears. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this mad, but this man had managed to drive her to rage with very little effort.

He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a chest any bodybuilder would have been proud of. It was clear he worked out. Her gaze slid along the crested hills of his torso, sprinkled liberally with dark blond hair that trailed down the center of hard rippled abs. He’d seemed huge with his clothes on, but topless, he was a hulk.

Lila gulped, taking a step back. Shaking her head as though to deny what was happening, she held her hands out in front of her. “Don’t.”

He unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the loops of his pants. “As we’ve already established, there’s no backing out.”

“No. You established it. I didn’t. I don’t think it was asking too much of you to give me a little time to adjust to this situation.”

“But I believe it was. Just as it was a lot for you to ask me to rearrange my plans for a multi-million dollar project, which took weeks of finagling to get the board to agree to. I complied with your plea because I thought you to be a woman of your word. Was I wrong about you, Lila? Are you the type of woman who’ll make pretty promises until she gets what she wants and then doesn’t fulfill them?”

“No. When I say I’ll do something I will…” With a groan, she covered her mouth. She’d basically backed herself in a corner. If she didn’t go through with this, she would look like she was reneging and, judging from the smug smirk tilting those sensually curved lips, Hunter knew it too.

Damn him.

“That’s what I thought.” Kicking out of his pants, he placed his hand on the elastic band of his black boxers.

Lila shook her head, closing her eyes at the sight of his cock tenting his silk underwear. She wrapped her arms around her body, letting her mind wander to any place other than here. Once he touched her, there would be no going back. She’d be no better than a whore.

A cry escaped her lips when he reached out and grazed the side of her cheek with the back of his hand. She didn’t expect his touch to be so gentle but she wouldn’t let that sway her.

“Open your eyes, Lila. I won’t allow you to pretend I’m someone else.” Once again there was steel in his soft words, daring her to disobey his order.

Slowly she raised her lids, her insides churning with nerves. Why couldn’t she stop shaking and dear Lord, why was he so—naked? Though she attempted to keep her gaze above waist level something drove her to look down.

Her mouth fell open. His dick was huge! It jutted forward, not a few inches away from her, long, proud and obscenely thick; she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it.

“Do you like what you see?”

“No.” The word had come out quicker than she intended them to making them a lie.

“The mouth says one thing, but the eyes don’t lie. This is what you did to me. Have you any idea how many nights I’ve lain awake thinking about this moment? How it would be when I finally have you in my arms, and taking you anyway I’d like. I’ve even thought of a few positions that haven’t been invented yet.”

She looked away from his lascivious gaze but he grasped her chin between his index finger and thumb, forcing her to meet his stare. “You don’t have to be so vulgar,” she muttered.

He raised a brow. “Vulgar? What you call vulgar, I call honesty. I’m not going to sugarcoat my words to please your delicate sensibilities. This virginal act of yours doesn’t go with the fiery vixen who came storming into my office.”

Lila pressed her lips together tightly to keep herself from cursing at him. She hated that he could say these things to her and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it. But what she hated most was that his dulcet tones seemed to be affecting her in a way she didn’t quite expect.

“Cat got your tongue?” he challenged.

Still, she refused to reply.

His eyes darkened. “When you came downstairs for dinner, I could barely sit still. I’m so fucking horny, I can’t promise our first time together will be as nice and slow as I’d like it to be. But I’ll make sure you’re satisfied by the time I’m done with you.”

Lila narrowed her eyes. “I won’t enjoy a single second of it.”

That menacing smirk curved his lips. “Sounds like a challenge. I accept.” Hunter pulled her against him, grinding his hardness against the juncture of her thighs before burying his face against her neck.

She stiffened. I will not like this. He can do what he’d like to my body, but he’ll never have all of me, she silently vowed. He ran his hands up and down her spine as he peppered her neck with kisses. Lila willed herself to remain unresponsive to what felt like a pair of masterful hands, gently massaging her muscles. Unfortunately, her body wasn’t in tune with her mind. To Lila’s utter shame, warmth worked its way from her core and spread throughout her being at the gentle press of his lips on her flesh.

What had she expected? That he’d fling her on the bed, hump her a few times and be done? That’s exactly what she’d believed.

Calloused hands slid across her shoulders and pushed the spaghetti straps of her dress down. “Beautiful brown skin,” he murmured, caressing her with what almost seemed like awe.

A tremble made its way up her spine. No! This couldn’t be happening to her. She didn’t want to like this, didn’t want it to feel good. Keeping her arms firmly at her sides, her fists clenched tight, she tried to maintain a steady breathing pattern.

Hunter pushed her dress to her waist with practiced ease. Lila wished she would have worn more clothing but that couldn’t be helped now. Her nipples stiffened as the cool air hit them. He lifted his head and cupped her breasts. His thumbs grazed over the turgid peaks, bringing her to painful awareness of the stirring between her legs.

“Sexy. Like rich dark chocolate.”

“Please” She whispered one last protest, not wanting to give in to the burning ache searing through her system.

“Oh, I definitely intend to.” Hunter laughed softly and dipped his head to flick his tongue over one stiff tip, circling and teasing it until Lila began to shake uncontrollably.

Heat flooded her pussy, forming moisture in her panties. She bit her bottom lip to hold back the moan that nearly escaped.

Hunter pulled the burgeoning point into his hot mouth, sucking with fervent tugs.

Almost involuntarily, her hands found their way to his silky blond tresses, digging into them and holding his head against her chest. It had been so long since she’d been held and touched like this, and she couldn’t believe how easily her body reacted to him. Lila pressed her thighs together to temper the heat pulsing between them. Hunter seemed to relish his task, taking his time and working her body into a frenzy.

He turned his attention to her other nipple, giving it homage, teasing and tormenting it until she whimpered from pleasure overload. He surprised her by dropping to his knees, taking her dress down with him until her garment formed a little black puddle at her feet.

Hunter jerked her panties down and nudged her thighs further apart, before burying his face between her legs, inhaling deeply. “Mmm. I love the scent of your arousal. You’re so responsive. I like that.”

Lila looked down to see he was eye level with her pussy. Why did he have to torture her this way? And why was she so turned on by the simple act of him staring at her?

“I’m glad you’re not completely shaved down here. I like my women to look like women and not little girls and you’re all woman, aren’t you, Lila?” He brushed the nest of tight curls with the heel of his palm.

The warring emotions raging through her were making this ordeal more difficult to bear. Despite his skillful ministrations and her body’s responses to them, she had to somehow get herself under control or she wouldn’t be able to think straight. “Please, c-can’t you just get this over with? I-I don’t want this.”

He lifted his head to look her in the face with knowing eyes. “I won’t dignify that comment with a response, especially when you’re so hot a trail of cream is running down the inside of your delectable thigh.” And to prove his point, he ran his tongue along the very line he’d pointed out.

Lila had to grip his shoulders to remain on her feet, otherwise her wobbly knees would have given out on her. Besides, she was still wearing the black heels she’d donned earlier, and it grew increasingly difficult to hold steady on them.

Parting the slick folds of her pussy, Hunter leaned forward and placed a kiss against her swollen clit and followed it with a long broad lick.

Her nails dug into his skin as she attempted to hold on to the last bit of her sanity. Lila could no longer kid herself. She wanted him. She was probably damned for feeling this way, but by God, the fire flowing through her veins could no longer be denied, especially when he sucked her hot nubbin into his mouth, his teeth grazing against it until she could no longer hold her excited moans back.

“Please.” This time her impassioned plea was not for him to stop, but for him not to.

“Throw your leg over my shoulder.”

He gave her no choice but to obey because he grasped her ankle and lifted it for her, his impatience evident. This time when he lowered his head, he attacked her pussy like a man hell bent on staking his claim, conquering—devouring. With his lips sealed tightly around her clit, Hunter eased his middle finger into her sopping-wet sheath, pushing knuckle deep. In that moment, she was lost. There was no turning back.

Thoughts of why she was here, her father, her vow to not enjoy this had fled completely. All that mattered was the irresolute desire rolling through her core and sliding along her central nervous system. “Hunter, that feels so good.”

Lila ground her hips against the thrust of his finger burrowing inside of her. It was soon joined by another, stretching her walls as though she was being prepared for the intrusion of his cock. He used his mouth and fingers to lick, suck and fuck her wet box until the slow buildup of passion exploded within her.

Her climax came hard and fast. Cream gushed from her pussy and Lila held on to him so tight, her nails furrowed into his skin, breaking it and drawing blood. Hunter seemed unfazed, continuing his onslaught.

Dizzy from what he was doing to her, Lila’s could barely breathe as stars danced before her eyes. The man was after his pound of flesh and there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop him. “I can’t take any more,” she groaned, close to her second orgasm.

Hunter looked at her, green eyes blazing. “Oh, you will, my dear, and so much more.” Pushing her leg off his shoulder, he stood up. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried Lila the short distance to his massive king sized bed.

“My shoes,” she murmured, remembering she was still wearing them.

“Call it a little quirk of mine, but I find it highly arousing to make love to a woman in heels.” Pushing her legs apart, he settled between her thighs and shoved his tongue between her slick folds.

“There’s nothing more satisfying than feasting on a beautiful woman’s cunt. I may not have had dinner, but this dessert more than makes up for it.” He moved his palms over her belly, never lifting his head, until his hands reached her breasts, squeezing and shaping them.

Lila wiggled and writhed, mashing her pussy against his mouth. Never in her wildest imaginings would she have thought Hunter Jamison could make her feel this way, yet she was too caught up in a whirlwind of pleasure to care. There’d be plenty of time to deal with the fallout later. It wasn’t long before she reached yet another peak.

Hunter lapped at her juices, slurping, grunting and savoring every drop. She was too weak to think coherently when she saw him rise to his knees. Grasping her thighs, he yanked her closer.

Closing her eyes, Lila refused to watch his final act of possession. Bracing herself, she clutched the down comforter beneath her as he pressed the bulbous head of his cock against her entrance, moving it up and down her slit, wetting it.

“Open your eyes, Lila. I’ve already told you, I won’t allow you to pretend I’m anyone else. I want you fully aware of who it is inside of you.”

Reluctantly, she complied, not quite looking at him but at some point beyond his shoulder.

He had been so gentle up until this point that it took her by surprise when he slammed into her balls-deep, filling her passage so thoroughly for an instant she believed he’d split her open.

“Goddamn you’re tight. And so wet and ready for me.” He uttered his words through clenched teeth as though he was having difficulty getting them out.

His fingers inside of her had been nothing compared to the feeling of being so completely stuffed by a thick hard cock. Not giving her much time to adjust to the sheer size of him, Hunter began to move, straining and pushing into her until it almost hurt, but it was the kind of sensation that hovered the line between pleasure and pain.

Her mind screamed this wasn’t supposed to happen, but her body was in complete control. Lila gave over to the torrential heat consuming her. Grinding her hips, she met his cock as it plunged in and out of her. She gripped his dick with her pussy, tightening her muscles around him, causing Hunter to grunt incoherently.

They moved liked two dancers in a choreographed piece, so in sync with one another. She held on to him as they bumped, thrust and meshed their bodies together until Lila wasn’t sure where Hunter began and she ended. This time when she reached her climax, it was more intense, raw and powerful. “Hunter!” The cry fled her lips before she could stop it.

“That’s it, baby. Scream my name. Say it again.”





“Hunter!” She yelled his name at the top of her lungs, making her throat burn.

“Oh God, I’m coming.” Slamming into her one last time, he tensed before collapsing on top of her. He rested his sweat dampened forehead against her own as he gasped for breath.

As she slowly regained control of her hormones, reality smacked her in the face. She’d just allowed this man to use her body. What was worse—she’d liked it, couldn’t get enough of what he’d done. Her shame was now complete.

Placing her hands against the hard wall of her chest, she gave him a shove with what strength she still possessed. Once she’d dislodged him, she rolled to her side, scooting to the edge of the bed as far away from him as she could get. Blinking hard, she tried to fight off the tears, but when Hunter touched her back, she lost it.

Stuffing her knuckles into her mouth, she muffled her sobs. Once she began crying, she couldn’t stop. How could she have behaved like this? And how in the world would she be able to stop him from taking her again? Especially when she wanted him to?

Hunter removed his hand.

In her misery, she barely registered him rolling off the bed. It was only when a door slammed that she realized he’d left her alone.




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