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More Than You Know by Jennifer Gracen (13)

Chapter Thirteen
“You should be asking her,” Kelvin said. “Not me. I mean . . . it’s her business.”
“You’re right,” Dane agreed, “and believe me, I plan to.”
Kelvin looked to the bathroom door, then back to him, and sighed. “She said she would tell you anyway, after all this, so . . . I’ll tell you.” Kelvin’s dark eyes leveled on his boss. “But nothing I don’t think she wouldn’t say herself. It just spares her from having to tell it, and relive it.”
“I admire your loyalty to her,” Dane said.
Kelvin nodded, then reached to loosen his tie as he started to talk. “That piece of garbage was Liam McAllister. Her ex-boyfriend. Fucking scumbag.”
Dane saw the ire in Kelvin’s eyes and sat back to listen.
“I don’t know what she’s told you about her marriage to Mad Max,” Kelvin said, “but as bad as the marriage was, the divorce was even worse. When she finally realized what an asshole he was and got up the nerve to ask for a divorce, he and his rich family wiped the floor with her.” Kelvin pulled his tie out of his shirt collar and tossed it onto the table. “They didn’t want some middle-class sexy bombshell singer raising their precious heir to the family throne.”
Dane winced. Shit like that, he was all too familiar with. “How’d they do that?”
“We think his family knew the judge, or bribed him. Max didn’t have to pay alimony, only child support, and that was minimal. She’d been a student at a music college when they met, for God’s sake. Other than sing, even though she’s smart as hell, what was she really qualified to do? She’d been at home with the baby. There was no reason for her not to get alimony. And, of course, she’d signed a prenup. She got almost nothing. She was broke.” Kelvin made a disgusted face as he recalled it.
“What about the kid?” Dane asked.
“Max’s number one weapon. He wanted ownership of that boy.” Kelvin unbuttoned the top two buttons of his crisp white shirt. “He looked down on Jules, said she was ‘nothing but a lowly lounge singer, shaking her ass for money.’ So okay, it was great when he was getting laid, parading her around town like a trophy. But suddenly he was ashamed of her when she was the mother of his child, and she stopped being his doormat. Bastard.”
Dane saw the animosity in Kelvin’s eyes and hated to contemplate how bad things had been for Julia. With each new sentence, his stomach jolted and twisted.
Kelvin ran a hand over his dreads as he continued, “At first, they had joint custody, and she worked two office jobs. I wanted to move in with her to help with the rent and bills, but Max threatened her that if I did, he’d go back to court and say my living there was a bad influence on her son and get full custody. You know . . . a gay black man? Living with his son? Oh hell no.”
Dane scowled and let out a breath. “Sounds like a real prince.”
“It gets worse.” Kelvin’s eyes flickered to the bathroom door again, then back to Dane. “After two years of that, she met someone. Seemed like a great guy. Liam. He promised her the sun, moon, and stars. She was so vulnerable, so desperate for love, and so damn tired, she fell for him, and all his promises. What he didn’t tell her was that he was a recovering drug addict. Heroin. She had no idea. It all came out later.”
Dane shifted in his seat. “Okay. So?”
“So after they’d been dating for about four months, and Julia thought things were peachy, suddenly Liam went back to using. Showed up at her apartment one day, high as a kite. And it was a Friday, so Max was there, to pick up Colin.”
“Colin, huh,” Dane repeated in a murmur. It was the first time he’d heard her son’s name.
“Yup. And little Colin got to watch this heroin addict boyfriend of Mommy’s throw up all over the floor, then pass out in his own vomit.” Kelvin’s face darkened. “Max lit into Jules, took the kid out . . . and never brought him back.”
“What?” Dane felt sick. “He couldn’t do that, not if they had joint custody.”
“Not after that horror scene with Liam. You forget, Max came from money. Julia had no money, and no one in her corner but me and Randi. Her own mother and sisters bought that shit Max was selling, and Max used it against her in court. Said she was an unfit mother, her judgment was obviously for shit if she was dating a drug addict, much less letting him be around their son.” Kelvin shook his head, his mouth twisting as he remembered. “The judge gave Mad Max full custody. Julia’s rights got zapped down to supervised visitation, and no more child support, obviously. So, Max got what he wanted. A son to carry on the family name, and his ‘lowlife slut ex-wife’ out of the picture.”
Dane’s stomach churned violently and he scrubbed his hands over his face. He didn’t know what to say. What was there to say? God. The injustice . . . that poor kid . . . Dane ached for the boy, and for Julia. He wanted to go get her, pull her into his arms, and hold her for a week.
Kelvin shrugged off his jacket, his usually jovial expression glowering now. “Max kept Julia away from Colin, and filled the kid’s head with lies. The whole family did. They convinced him his mom didn’t want him, that she only cared about her singing career. She wasn’t even singing then! She hadn’t in years! After a year, Max moved him back to Seattle, where his family lived, and kept Julia out of their son’s life completely. The kid hasn’t talked to her in a long time.” Kelvin sighed, then leaned in and added in a whisper, “It almost destroyed her. That’s her baby. Her only child. She loves him more than anything. But Max, and his lies, and his connections, shut her out of her son’s life. She feels that guilt and that pain every damn day. Then her own family turned on her. She went through total hell. Can you blame her for that bitchy front she puts on?”
Dane closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. His head reeled from the story.
“And Liam? Max used Liam to nail the coffin shut,” Kelvin said. “And that dumbass junkie disappeared after the custody trial, left her high and dry. She thought he loved her, and she loved him. But almost from that first night, he just fucking vanished. Basically helped her lose her kid, and he never spoke to her again—until tonight.”
“Jesus,” Dane breathed. He ran his hands through his hair and flopped back against the sofa cushions, his mind whirring. “She must have flipped when he showed up.” He slanted Kelvin a look. “What happened, how’d that go down? When Liam came back here tonight?”
“Someone knocked on the door, and she answered it. There he was. She was stunned speechless—which, I can tell you, rarely happens to Jules.” Kelvin couldn’t resist the flash of a smirk. “Liam barreled in, saying he needed to talk to her, to explain what happened. Right away I told her I’d go get security, and ran out to do that. That’s when I bumped into you and Tonio.”
“Good on ya.” Dane rubbed his stubble-covered jaw and sighed. “I hate to tell you this . . . Liam’s been here for weeks.”
“What?” Kelvin’s eyes bulged.
“Tonio noticed him a few weeks ago. He’s been lurking. At every show. Stood in the back and watched.” Dane shook his head in disgust. “Tonio had a bad vibe about him right away, so he’s been keeping an eye on him. But the guy didn’t do anything, so there was no reason he couldn’t be here.” He scowled and huffed out a breath in frustration. “Sonofabitch. I had no idea, obviously, or I never would’ve let the guy even set foot in my hotel.”
“Of course,” Kelvin said. “How could you know? Don’t beat yourself up.”
Dane swore under his breath and sat back again. He glanced at the still-closed bathroom door. “At least he didn’t hurt her. I don’t know what I would’ve done if . . .” His voice trailed off and he shook his head. Kelvin was staring at him. He shrugged. “Look, thanks for filling me in. I’m sure she’ll hate my knowing any of it. I’ll make sure she knows I all but forced it out of you so she won’t be mad.”
“No, you didn’t force anything,” Kelvin said dismissively. “Nobody forces me to do a damn thing.” He half-grinned, but his eyes relayed a lethal promise that what he said was true. “Like I said before, I’m only telling you this because I know she will later. After this debacle tonight, she’ll feel she owes you an explanation. I know how she thinks.”
Dane shook his head and said quietly, “She owes me no such thing. I just . . . wow. Damn. I don’t . . . I don’t know what to say to her.” He looked down at his hands. “God, it’s all horrific.”
Kelvin studied him for a minute. “You care about her.”
Dane’s eyes snapped up to meet his. “What?”
“Yup.” Kelvin nodded. “You do. Okay. Good. You should.”
“You know about us.” Dane didn’t ask it. He was merely seeking confirmation.
“Well duh.” Kelvin rolled his eyes. “Look, you seem to be treating her right, so power to both of you. You’re having fun? Cool. But you’re lucky, you know. Don’t you forget that. Because she’s not only the sexiest thing walking, she’s the most amazing woman in the world.”
Dane grinned softly. “Yeah, she’s all right. You are too.”
Kelvin snorted. “Hey, Miss Thang,” he called out toward the bathroom door, “you need me to call the cavalry, or are you all right in there? Did you fall in?”
“I’ll be out in a minute, you bitch,” Julia called back, sounding more like herself.
Dane chuckled, but said soberly to Kelvin, “Thank you. For telling me, and for before, and . . . just thanks.”
“Thank you,” Kelvin said. “That was a decent White-Knight-To-The-Rescue act y’all had going on.”
Dane laughed. “Nah. Tonio was the muscle. I didn’t do much. Between that, and now . . .” He looked down at his hands as he admitted ruefully, “I haven’t felt so useless in a long time.”
“What?” Kelvin slanted him a sideways look. “Dane, you did good tonight. You weren’t useless. Trust me. She wanted you to stay, right?”
The bathroom door opened and both men turned to look. Julia’s hair was brushed back and secured in a ponytail, her face scrubbed free of makeup and still a little blotchy from her crying jag. She’d wrapped herself in the luxuriously soft white robe Dane had bought for her to keep there. Beneath her drawn brows, her eyes were swollen, and filled with sadness.
And to him, she was heartbreakingly pretty. No, more than that. She was a breathtaking flame-haired warrior, as far as he was concerned. All she needed was a crossbow or a sword. His heart turned over at the sight of her.
Barefoot and quiet, she crossed the room and sat on the couch opposite them.
“You okay?” Dane asked, studying her face.
“Yeah.” She tucked her feet beneath her. “I must look like a real glamour queen right now, huh?”
“Actually, you look beautiful,” Dane said softly.
She blushed and her eyes slid down to examine her manicure. “Dane . . . I’m very sorry about what happened here tonight. Obviously, I’m mortified. And worse, I don’t want any negative incidents harming the reputation of the hotel, or your name—”
“Stop right there.” He held up a hand to silence her. “That didn’t happen. We got him out of here quietly, no one noticed anything. There’s no gossip, and even if there was? So what. You have nothing to apologize for, or to be embarrassed about. Nothing. You hearing me?”
She nodded and pressed her lips together, but her eyes stayed downcast.
He slid forward a drop on the sofa and commanded gently, “Look at me, Julia.”
Slowly, her eyes flickered up to his face.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he said. “Most women, they have some nutjob pinning them up against a wall, they freeze from fear, start to panic, cry, yell for help. Which, of course, is understandable. Not you, though.” Admiration made him grin. “You were shouting in his face to back off. Standing up to him. Fighting him. You’re a fucking fighter. I have the utmost respect for that. For you.” He hoped the sincerity in his voice was getting through to her. She looked so drained. “He attacked you, Julia. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m just grateful we were all here to help you. It’s over. He’s gone. Okay?”
Her eyes bore into his. He held her gaze, willing her to relax, to breathe easier. To feel his sincerity, to know he cared, to recognize . . .
Kelvin grunted at her. “Snap out of it, Jules. Speak up. This is where you say, ‘Yes, Boss, thanks for being so understanding and for even giving a shit at all.’ I know that’s what you were about to say.”
She shot him a withering look. He merely arched a brow in challenge.
“I was getting there. I’m scattered right now.” She sighed and couldn’t help but laugh begrudgingly as she looked back at Dane. “Thank you, Dane. For being so understanding . . . for being here at all. You and Tonio were a sight for sore eyes, I’ll tell you.”
“You don’t have to thank me. But you’re welcome.” Dane chuckled and shook his head as he shot a look at Kelvin. “You’re bad.”
“Very bad,” Kelvin said, grinning proudly. “Very, very bad. Which is good, ’cause she needs me to kick her ass.”
With a laugh and a nod, she acknowledged, “That’s true. And I’m very glad you’ve been doing it for twenty years.”
“You better now, Princess?” Kelvin’s voice softened.
“Much,” she said. Her eyes darted from one man to the other, and she cleared her throat. “So. When I was in the bathroom. You were talking about me, I gather?”
“What makes you think we were talkin’ ’bout you?” Kelvin said dismissively. “You just think you’re the center of the universe, don’t you?”
“You mean I’m not?” she joked back.
“Hell no,” Kelvin said. “I am.” He flashed her a wide smile, and she returned it.
Dane laughed as he watched them and marveled at their bond. “You two are awesome.”
There was a knock on the door, and Dane sprung up to answer it. “Ahh, at last. Thanks, guys. Bring ’em in.” He moved aside as two employees brought in the wide trays. “Let’s eat, and drink. Drink a lot. Especially you, Red.”
After an hour, Kelvin got to his feet. “This has been fabulous, but it’s where I take my leave, I think.”
“You don’t have to go,” Dane said.
“C’mon, Kel,” Julia said. “Stay, hang out.”
“You two aren’t gonna touch each other as long as I’m in this room,” Kelvin said. He shot a look at Dane. “And that girl needs some lovin’. The kind I can’t give her.”
“Jesus, Kelvin,” Julia hissed, her cheeks coloring.
“Oh honey,” Kelvin laughed. “You think he doesn’t know I know?”
Dane grinned as he leaned back against the couch cushions. He stared across the table at Julia, who looked pissed off. She sat on the opposite couch, glaring at her best friend. Dane had to laugh. “Don’t be mad at him, Red. He loves you.”
“That’s the only thing keeping me from strangling him right now,” she said.
Dane smiled at her and stretched out his legs. Three drinks, some food, and some casual talk had helped her relax and regroup. She was fine now, even a little buzzed. He was relieved.
Kelvin leaned down to hug her tightly. They held each other for a long minute, murmuring things to each other Dane couldn’t hear. Then Kelvin giggled, dropped a kiss on the top of her head, and turned to Dane with his hand extended. “Good night, Boss.”
Dane rose to stand and shook his hand firmly. “You’re a good man, Kelvin.”
“Well, thanks. Back atcha.” He half-grinned and said, “Take good care of her tonight, okay?”
“Will do,” Dane assured him.
Julia watched the exchange between Dane and Kelvin in silent wonder. Whatever they’d discussed while she was putting herself back together in the bathroom, they’d bonded over it. Over her. It was interesting.
“Call you in the morning,” Kelvin said to her over his shoulder as he breezed out, closing the door behind him.
Still standing, Dane moved across to sit beside her with a smile. “Ahhh. Alone at last.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and edged closer.
She studied him in silence. Kelvin suggested some of what he’d told Dane earlier, which was more or less everything. Knowing what he knew now, did Dane still want her? Would he still find her desirable, or had her past tarnished her in his eyes? She tried to read him. He seemed the same, but who knew?
His smile slipped a little and he pulled his arm back. “You want me to go too?”
“No,” she said. “No. I just, um . . . everything Kelvin told you is true, unfortunately. And I just . . .” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I’m a little embarrassed. And I feel exposed, and I don’t like it.”
“Shhh.” He leaned in and took her hands in his. “Julia . . . I hate what your ex-husband did to you. There’s so many things wrong with it all, I don’t know where to start. I’m so sorry you were hurt like that. That Max took your son away from you, and that he was a vicious control freak. He sounds despicable. I mean . . . I can’t imagine what all that was like for you.”
He rubbed her hands between his and dipped his head down to make sure he caught her eyes. “But that’s on him, not on you. Same with what happened with Liam. On him, not on you. And . . . I just admire that you’re still standing, much less made a good life for yourself after such tremendous setbacks. You’re an incredible woman.” He stared harder, as if compelling her to listen. “But it’s okay to admit sometimes that it was too much to bear. Or that sometimes, you’re still hurting. Especially when bad flashes from your past pop up out of nowhere and blindside you.”
Her heart stuttered in her chest and she forced herself not to tear up.
“Tell you what,” he said quietly. “Why don’t you let me take you up to my suite? Have some down time in the dark. I won’t . . . no sex tonight.” His brilliant blue eyes seemed to blaze with compassion. “Just . . . comfort. Let me hold you. Stay over. Fall asleep with me, and let me make you feel safe. For both our sakes.” He caressed her cheek as he revealed his feelings, “Truth is, I need a bit of that too. I keep seeing you up against the wall, cornered by that bastard, and I just . . .” A muscle in his jaw twitched and his mouth curved in a frustrated snarl. “I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to make him bleed. So now . . . I need to hold you. Because I’m just so damn glad we got here before that prick could do anything to you.”
Her stomach pitched and her breath stuck in her throat. Jesus, what was he saying, what was he doing to her? No strings, dammit, no strings . . . don’t make me fall for you, Dane. Please. I can’t handle that....
Her throat had closed from emotion, and she couldn’t speak. As strong as her fear was, her desire to be comforted by him was even stronger. She was so tired. So she sniffled, tried to swallow back the lump in her throat, and nodded.
“Good.” Dane stood and pulled her up with him. “Let’s go upstairs.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers so gently, so sweetly, that her bones melted and she thought she’d break into pieces right there on the spot. She felt a little dizzy and her heart pounded in her chest.
“Stop being so nice to me,” she said raggedly.
“No.” He caressed her cheek. “Sorry. In fact, tonight, I might even be extra nice to you. Deal with it.”
Damn him. Damn him and his tenderness and his beautiful eyes and his gentle voice and his seeming to actually care. “Dane . . .” she said, fighting to keep sharp. “When we get upstairs. I want sex. I need it.” I need you. “Make me forget for a while.”
He stared at her, eyes blazing. Then he reached up with both hands to hold her face, kissed her softly, and whispered, “Whatever you want.”
“I want to forget tonight happened,” she whispered back. She pulled one of his hands down and pushed it into the open front of her robe, cupping his hand around her bare breast. The warmth of his hand against her skin felt like heaven. “Okay? Make me forget.”
He stroked his thumb across her nipple and she sighed with pleasure.
“I’ll make you forget your damn name,” he promised, and took her mouth with his.
When they got to his suite, she went straight into the bedroom, silently stripped off her clothes, and got into his bed. He watched her almost cautiously, with that same look he’d had in his eyes all night. Concern. He was worried about her. Which implied caring, feeling . . . that look in his eyes made her uneasy, and she couldn’t ignore it. She needed to concentrate on something else. Think about him, his face, his body, his sexy ways . . . yes, that was something better to focus on.
Without speaking, he also undressed, not rushing. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she let her eyes travel over his body as he revealed it to her, part by mouthwatering part. His broad shoulders, the taut muscles in his arms . . . his chest, lightly covered in hair, and the way his waist narrowed down into sinfully carved hips . . . his solid thighs, long legs . . . and his gorgeous cock, thick and standing at the ready for her. The sight of his hard-on, the evidence that he still wanted her after such a tumultuous night, made all her nerve endings tingle. Good Lord, he was handsome, astonishingly so. She loved his beautiful face, and she adored his beautiful body. She could admit that. Hell, she couldn’t deny that.
Would she ever not enjoy looking at him, would she ever not get that rush of breathless desire? Just look at him like, eh, yeah, whatever? She couldn’t imagine such a day would ever exist. He was physically flawless as far as she could tell. It wasn’t fair. And the visceral response she had to him, every time, was heady and intoxicating. Dane’s body was like a drug, and she was becoming addicted.
Addicted. Like a drug . . .
A flash of Liam’s face burst through her mind. His face so close to hers, the desperate look in his eyes, his rank cigarette breath as he tried to kiss her. “God, Julesie. You look so good. Just one kiss, c’mon . . .”
She shivered.
Sliding beneath the covers, Dane reached for her and pulled her close. “You sure you’re okay?” he asked quietly. He brushed her hair back from her eyes with careful fingertips, then trailed them down her cheek.
His kindness lanced her. The feathery gentle touch, his velvety and soothing tone of voice, the unmistakable worry in his gaze . . . her heart shook. “I’m fine,” she insisted. “And I’ll be better once you throw me around a little. Don’t be gentle.”
His eyes held hers. “Funny . . . I think gentle is what you need right now.”
“No. No, it’s not,” she said, almost desperately. Her heart bounced around in her chest.
“I beg to differ.”
When he looked at her, he seemed to look into her. Oh, God, she did want him to hold her, to caress her, to tenderly make love to her, to make the ugliness go away, to make the smell of Liam’s breath against her face disappear, to make her insides stop shaking from seeing him again and all the soul-crushing memories it had brought rushing back.
Dane sensed that. He knew what she needed even when she fought against it, and that flat out scared her. If she succumbed to his tenderness tonight, as vulnerable as she felt right then, she’d do something stupid like fall for him, or feel something she didn’t want to feel.
Suddenly she realized that she was already fighting that—that she did feel something for him. And it was something big and encompassing, something beyond lust, or mild interest, or friendship. What she felt was a lot like affection, and adoration, and connection.
He was the one she wanted to comfort her tonight. He was the one who made her heart speed up every time she saw him. Every time he looked into her eyes, or touched her. Every time he gave her a wiseass remark or tried to coax a smile out of her. Oh God. It was too late. She’d fallen for him, hard. How could she have not realized it before? When had she gotten so good at lying to herself? And what was she doing?
Panic seized her, washing over her like a tidal wave. Her heart rate skyrocketed and she pushed away from him. “This is a bad idea,” she blurted out, and tried to get out of bed.
“Oh no, you don’t.” Dane grasped her arm and turned her back to him. Quick as lightning, he slid one arm around her to hold her in place, and the other hand came up to cup her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Julia. Please, stop. Just stop. You don’t have to run. You’re safe here.”
Her breath was coming in short, hard puffs and her eyes were wide with alarm. She looked completely freaked out. It made his heart squeeze in his chest.
“Shhh. Take a breath,” he said in his most soothing tone, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “It’s okay now. You’re okay.”
“No, I’m not,” she said, her voice shaky. “I should go.”
His insides churned. Damn Liam for showing up there tonight. Damn the both of them, him and Max. God, what they’d done to her. But Dane’s hand tightened on her face, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Look at me, Julia. I’m not Liam. I’m not Max. They were despicable scumbags. You were alone. And you were vulnerable, at their mercy. You’re not anymore. You never will be again, not to them, not to anyone.” He stroked her face. She was trembling now, and it made his heart shudder and twist. “You’re strong now, Julia. You have total control over your life. You’re not at anyone’s mercy. You know that.”
His voice softened, and so did his touch. “And honey, I swear to you, I’m nothing like them. I respect you. I like you. I don’t want anything from you but your company. I have no agenda. You are safe with me.
Her eyes were wide on his, and her breathing had calmed. Carefully, he leaned in and dropped a featherlight kiss on her lips. “Let me hold you. Tonight, let me love you. Gently.”
Tears welled in her eyes and she sniffed them back. Damn, she was always fighting.
“You don’t have to be strong tonight, not now,” he whispered. With the utmost tenderness, he kissed her forehead, her temple, her mouth. “Even if it’s just for tonight, trust in me. Let me soothe you, care for you. Let yourself take it. Okay?”
She sniffled again, but a lone tear spilled over and ran down her cheek. He kissed it away.
With a shuddering breath, her arms slipped around his neck and she held on to him as if her life depended on it. She trembled in his arms, her breath warm against his throat as she clung to him. He felt her tears wet his skin. “Okay,” she whispered.
Something inside him broke. Fell away, melted. Something like light replaced it. Brightness, warm and powerful. And caring. And protectiveness. And need. And . . .
Holy Mother of God, he loved her. He’d never been in love in his life, but he knew then, without a doubt, that he loved her. Nothing else could describe the overwhelming waves of what was crashing through him. She was it. He loved her.
He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. Shining with tears, she looked back at him with such raw need, such fragile openness . . . the emotions swelled within him as he was consumed with wanting to make her feel his love, to make her feel safe and adored.
And he knew if he told her that, she’d run for the hills and never look back.
So he decided to do the next best thing, the only thing he could. He’d show her.
Caressing her body with light, feather-gentle strokes, he trailed his lips across her skin. He covered her face in kisses, tiny sweet ones, on her cheeks, her nose, her eyelids, her mouth, until her tears stopped. Slowly he continued along her throat, her shoulders, her chest . . .
Her fingers tangled in his hair as he worked his way down her body, covering her in tender kisses until she tugged at him to come back up. Looking into her eyes, he hovered over her and stared as he brushed her hair back from her forehead. Their gazes locked and held. Emotion rushed through him, quieter now but still powerful. He thought the words in his head, trying them on for size since he’d never said them to a woman before. I love you. Love you . . .
“I could look at you all day long,” he said.
“It’s nighttime,” she pointed out.
“I could look at you all night long.”
“Back atcha.”
With her sassy little quips, he knew she was trying to hold on to the last shreds of her defenses. “You’re a very beautiful woman, Julia,” he murmured. He kissed her, long and slow. “And you taste good too.”
A surprised giggle burst from her. “Yeah?”
“Mm-hmm.” He dipped his head to sip from her lips some more. “God, yeah . . .” He deepened the kiss and she opened to him. Their arms entwined, their tongues tangled. They held each other close and kissed for a long time. With his mouth, with his hands, with his body, he tried to make her feel cherished, secure, even revered. Gradually, he felt her body ease at last, the trembling replaced by surer movements.
After a long, dreamy while, the kisses intensified, and then her hips nudged his.
“Make love to me,” she whispered.
His heart skipped a beat. She’d never said anything so soft and so sweet to him before. Not like that. In answer, he cradled her head in his hands and kissed her deeply, with all the tenderness he possessed.




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