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No Good (Good Intentions Book 1) by Kayla Carson (20)

Chapter 20

The next morning, I dropped Zoe off at work and headed to my new building. I had materials being delivered today, and I also had a meeting with Robert Drake. I knew whatever he was going to propose wouldn't be good, but I also knew I didn't have another choice. I drove her car, since my bike was currently out of commision, with the promise that I'd pick her up after work. What she didn't know, wouldn't hurt her.

When I arrived, a car I didn't recognize was parked directly in front of the entrance. It moved when I put my blinker on, but only enough to let me slip by before blocking the entrance once again. It was a black mercedes with tinted windows, and I knew immediately that Drake had shown up of his own accord, no meeting necessary. It was clear he needed me more than I needed him, and maybe I could use that to my advantage.

I walked past the car, avoiding the people inside of it, and went directly to the front door, unlocking it. I left it ajar, and made my way towards the only piece of furniture in the place. An old metal desk, with a rolling chair that was about just as old. I chose to sit on the desk, call it a power play, but looking down on Drake seemed to have it's appeal.

It didn't take long for Drake to make his presence known. Two men walked in ahead of him scoping out the warehouse before signaling to the other two men that all was clear. Drake, and a woman I didn't recognize were sandwiched between the body guards until they were safely inside with the door shut behind them. I motioned towards the old chair, and to my surprise, he actually took it.

“This building will do nicely, Mr. Granger.” The woman said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I haven't agreed to anything.” I said, tipping my chin up in defiance.

“Oh, but you will.” She smiled, tipping her head towards one of the bodyguards.

In an instant one of the flunkies were beside her holding a manilla folder. He handed it to her, and took a few steps into the background where he knew his place was. “This holds the key to getting back what's mine Mr. Granger.” She said, tossing the folder in my direction.

I caught it, barely. Looking into the woman's eyes with question. “What do you mean what's yours?” I asked her, before opening the folder to view it's contents.

“You don't recognize me, do you Wes?” She all but purred.

I studied her then, really studied her, trying to recall her face. I couldn't. “Should I?” I asked.

“It's been a while. Ten years to be exact. You were my.. driver of sorts. Ring any bells?”

“Vanessa?” I asked, with genuine shock. “How? I looked for you. I always hoped you got away.” I said, standing and taking a few steps towards her. “I thought about you a lot over the years. What happened, how the hell did you get mixed up with Drake?”

A bitter laugh escaped her. “There is no Robert Drake. I run this town. Robert over here is my fall guy. Besides, men get a lot more respect in my kind of business. It only seemed right to hide behind someone as sleazy as our so called father.”

“I don't understand. What do you want with Cole?”

“Don't you see Wes? I want revenge. I need it. I crave it. I want to ruin your brand new life, and I started with your baby brother.”

“You're the woman who told him about the shipment.” I said, the pieces starting to fit together. “You made him.”

“Of course I did. Do you really think a nobody can just find a shipment of drugs, and in less than twenty four hours rule the state?”

“I can't say that I'm well versed in drug lords, and the inner workings of their industry.”

“Aren't you cute.” She said, taking a step towards me and placing her hand on my chest. “I killed him you know, our father. I thought it would have brought me some kind of peace, but it didn't. Not really. I wasn't even planning on finding you, but then I read an article. You became a special Ops soldier, while I was in state mandated therapy. My future was stripped away from me little, by little, every time you dropped me off in front of a house.”

“I tried to stop. You know I did. He would beat you, all of you right in front of me. I thought I was doing the right thing. I was trying to help.” I said, attempting to reason with her.

“Do you honestly think the beatings were worse than what happened in those houses!” She spat out. “You have no idea what we went through. What it felt like to have a man three times your age sweating on top of you. Your apologies don't mean a god damned thing.”

“What can I do?”

“Nothing. The wheels are in motion. I just wanted you to know, that when you come crashing down. I'm the reason.” She said, before turning on her heel to leave. Her bodyguards, and Drake directly behind her.



I arrived at the school ten minutes early like Zoe instructed, and I'm glad I did. The parking lot was already packed with parents, waiting to pick up their kids. I watched as one mother scooped up a little red headed girl with pigtails, and I couldn't help but smile. It made me wonder what our babies would look like someday. It was a thought I'd never had before Zoe.

A few minutes later I saw her. She was standing outside talking to one of the parents, a smile plastered on her beautiful face. She was so animated when she spoke, and I couldn't help but smile wide just watching her. The way her hair blew in the wind, sweeping it aside, exposing her soft neck. She wore a khaki skirt, and a button down dress shirt, and suddenly all of my school teacher fantasies came into play. I wanted nothing more than to grab a ruler, and bend her over my knee.

She caught my eye, and gave me a quick wave, holding up her finger to let me know she'd be another minute. I waved back, before pulling out my cell and checking my messages. When I looked up again, it was to see David standing beside her. He placed his arm around her shoulder, and I could see the discomfort in her eyes. They were speaking to a few parents, and it was obvious that she was stuck there, unable to make a move without drawing too much attention to herself. Luckily, I wasn't.

I still never got the whole story about that guy, but from what I did know, I didn't fucking like him. Grabbing the keys and shoving them into the pocket of my jeans, I very purposely made my way across the parking lot. My eyes locked on David's, and after his initial sneer, he quickly stepped away from what was mine allowing me to take his place.

I put my arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple when I reached her. “You ready to go Babydoll?” I asked, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze.

“Yes.” She replied, saying goodbye to the couple she'd been speaking to, and allowing me to lead her away.

When we reached the car, she let out a deep breath. “You didn't have to do that.” She sighed. “I have to work with him every day Wes. I need to be able to handle whatever it is he's trying to do.”

“Tell me.” I said tossing her the keys, knowing that she'd want to drive.

She smiled, climbing into the driver's seat and fastening her seatbelt. When I was fastened in beside her, she cleared her throat. “We only had sex once.” She started, as she expertly pulled out of the busy parking lot. “But when we did, it was... off.”

“What do you mean off?” I asked, my jaw clenching at the mere thought of another man's hands on her.

“He got rough, and not in a good way. He legitimately scared me, and when I asked him to stop.. he just laughed. Like, he got off on the fact that he could terrify me. I came home that night crying, and bruised. Jake thought the worst, and beat the living shit out of him.”

“Good.” I interrupted, enticing a small laugh from her before she continued.

“He's harmless, other than the fact that he's like Norman Bates in the bedroom. I just assumed he would have moved on by now. Especially since I'm with you.”

I placed my hand on her thigh, in a possessive manner. “You need me to talk to him?”

“I don't think it's come to that just yet Wes.” She said in a teasing tone. “How was your first day?”

I laughed, giving her thigh a squeeze, but not removing my hand. “Mostly dealt with deliveries, and had a couple of guys come by to interview. I'm worried I've bitten off more than I can chew with this indeavure.”

“You'll do great. This is something you've always wanted, when you go after your dreams, you're never wrong.”

“Anyone ever tell you how smart you are Babydoll?”

“Only every day. I teach kindergarten remember.” She joked. “Have you come up with a name yet?”

It was something that I had been mulling over for the last week or so. I knew I had always wanted my own contracting business, but the reality never sank it that it could actually happen. I was still reeling over the fact that I'd been able to obtain the building I had wanted. The name needed to mean something, to show my demons from my past that they no longer mattered. That I was better than the men who “raised” me. And then, it came to me. The answer was right in front of me the entire time.

Peering over at Zoe with a smile on my face I said. “Home, Contracting and Construction.