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No Good (Good Intentions Book 1) by Kayla Carson (21)

Chapter 21

I dropped Zoe off at work again the next morning, and headed straight to work myself. The file folder Vanessa had tossed at me yesterday was still sitting on the old desk, and my curiousity got the best of me. I needed to know what was inside. The very first page was a death certificate for our mutual foster father, along with proof that Vanessa had been the one to take care of him. Graphic proof, that had my stomach churning. There was also proof that Cole wasn't the one to kill Dan, the foster father that I had taken care of when I was just a child. Was she planning on blackmailing me?

Digging a little deeper, I came face to face with images of six young girls. The girls who I'd driven. Only one of them was still alive, and she lived in a different state. She'd even changed her name. The cause of death on the first four were all suicides. They'd killed themselves rather than keep being forced into what they were doing. What did she want me to see here? I already felt like shit. I knew I should've done something back then, but what difference did it make now?

The final page was a letter addressed to me. It was written in blue ink, and the paper had been folded and unfolded multiple times, showing it's age. It looked like a woman's hand writing, maybe a girls, it was hard to make out. The date at the top said 2007. Ten years ago. The year I killed the man molesting Cole, and the year I was placed with the same foster family as Vanessa.


I know you're leaving. I heard you talking to one of the boys upstairs. Take me with you. I watched a man make my little sister bleed tonight. She's only seven. Not all of these girls are built like me. Some of them can't take it. I stood up to him once, got a whipping so bad I couldn't lay on my back for a week. It was worth it though, he left her alone. Anyways, if you can't find me when you run, take her, protect her, she's all I have in this world. I know I can survive this, but she can't she needs a hero Wes Granger, and you need to be that for her. I know you helped before, with your last foster brother. Please help me. Help her.


Vanessa had to have been twelve at the time this letter was written. I'd never gotten it. Maybe she never had the chance to give it to me. Was that what was really going on? I changed my plans, I left on my own terms. I didn't need to run, I just let the family keep collecting money for me, and I was gone. No longer being forced to shuttle girls back and forth, or watch beatings so cruel that death would've been more desirable.

I took the easy way out. The system thought I was there, but I wasn't. I should have stayed. I should have called the police. I should have done something, and now the fact that I didn't was coming back to haunt me. I scanned the file again. The other girl, the one who was still alive, she was Vanessa's sister. Now it was starting to make sense. She blamed me for not taking her with me. For not saving her sister. God knows what she had to endure.

Shoving the contents of the folder back inside, I slipped it into the old desk drawer. I was interviewing a couple of laborers today, and they were due any minute. Taking a deep breath, I  pulled myself together and waited.


“How was your day?” Zoe asked, when she slid into the passenger seat of her car.

“I hired a laborer.” I smiled, reaching for her hand. “How about you?”

“We had a celebration of life party.” She sighed. “Eli passed away a few days ago. He hung on longer than the doctors thought he would. These kids are so young, and yet they understand more about life, and death then even I do.”

“I'm sorry Babydoll.” I said bringing her hand to my lips and placing a kiss there.

“You made him really happy Wes.” She smiled at the memory. “Let's go home.”

“Your place, or mine?”

“Mine, but just so I can grab a few things. Your pool's being finished as we speak, and it needs to be broken in.” She teased, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

“I don't know how I got so damn lucky.” I smiled, putting the car into gear.

We drove in silence, enjoying each other's company. She was the one person I could just sit and be with. No expectations, no forced conversations. Just the two of us, together, was enough. I'd never experienced that kind of love before. And the more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt for not telling her about Vanessa. I wanted to, but I wanted to keep her safe. In this case the less she knew the better. At least, that's what I told myself.

When we pulled up to the house, it was to find the garage door ajar. A look of confusion passed between the two of us, before it was quickly erased with understanding. Jake was home. And I was pulling into his garage, driving his sister's car, with her riding shot gun beside me. I had barely shut the car off, before Jake made his appearance. The smile he wore quickly disappeared when he realized it wasn't only Zoe he was greeting.

Zoe slid from the car and gave her brother a big hug. He returned it,but his gaze never left mine. When she pulled away, she gave him a once over, checking for injuries. Finding none, she hugged him again. “I'm glad your home Jake.” She said into his shoulder, before pulling away, and turning towards me. Her bottom lip was in between her teeth, and I knew she was nervous.

I stepped around her, reaching my hand out Jake. He took it, and I pulled him into a hug. “Good to see you brother.” I said, slapping him hard on the back.

“Good to see you too.” He said, returning the gesture.

“Okay I'm making lasagna!” Zoe said excitedly, brushing past us, and practically running into the kitchen.

She was avoiding the elephant in the room, and I couldn't say that I blamed her. Also, I wanted to be the one to tell Jake, and she knew that. Following her lead, Jake and I went inside. He grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge, handing me one before silently stepping out onto the back patio. Zoe stood at the sink washing tomatoes, and before I followed Jake outside I stopped behind her. “Everything will be alright Babydoll.” I whispered in her ear, placing a kiss where my lips had been.

She spun around then, pulling my face down to hers. “I love you.” She said, before kissing me hard, like she was imprinting herself on me. I smiled against her lips. “I love you too.” I said, before slipping away and taking the seat next to Jake's at the patio table.

“You have lipstick on.” Jake said, bringing his beer to his lips and taking a nice long pull.

“Shit.” I muttered half under my breath, before mirroring his action and draining my own bottle. “I love her Jake.” I said simply, setting my empty bottle down on the table.

“You love her?” He asked incredulously. “Do you even know what love is Wes?”

The anger was rising in his voice, and I knew that this conversation wasn't going to be an easy one. “I didn't think I did, no. But, she brought it out in me I guess. She's special. I – we didn't set out to hurt you. In fact I tried my damndest to leave her alone. But there's something about her. She pulls me back in, keeps me grounded. She's... everything.” I said, not knowing how else to explain exactly what I was feeling. Needing him to know that she was more to me than just sex as I'm sure he suspected.

“What happens when something else comes along? Something better?” He asked bitterly.

“There is no better than her.” I said with conviction, just as Zoe stepped out onto the patio.

“Jake?” She asked softly, catching his attention. “I'm sorry. I know coming home, and finding out about Wes and I can't be easy. But, don't blame him. He wanted to tell you in person. We owed you that much.” I reached for her hand, and she came to me, allowing me to pull her down into my lap before continuing. “You left for Iraq, and Eli took a turn for the worse. Wes offered to see him. He took care of David at the gala, and he even told Sharon the realtor off. He's been nothing but a gentleman. And it was me that persued a relationship with him. He fought this, us, because of you. But you can't fight what's meant to be Jake. And Wes and I, we're happy. We're meant to be.”

“Hermana, te amo, pero eres delirante. No tienes ni idea de quien es este hombre. Lo que ha hecho! (Sister, I love you, but you're delusional. You have no idea who this man is. What he's done!)

“Sabes que hablo espanol correcto?” (You do know I speak spanish right?) I said, with a hint of anger in my voice.

“Si.” (Yes.) Jake said before standing, and walking directly past us, and into the house.

“That could have gone better.” I said.

“It also could have gone much worse.” She said, resting her head on my shoulder, and relaxing into my lap. “He just needs time.”

I held her close, closing my eyes, letting the scent of her hair fill my senses. “Does this mean we aren't going home to break the pool in?” I deadpanned.

“Wes!” She giggled, before pressing kisses along the crook of my neck and sighing. “There's always tomorrow.”