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Not Quite Over You by Susan Mallery (7)


DREWS EYES LOCKED with hers. Silver saw the exact moment he decided to make a move and told herself to get the hell out of there. To not under any circumstances give in to—

He closed the last couple of inches between them and kissed her. That was it—just one gentle, sensual brush of his lips against hers and she was completely and totally gone. Any chance of escape faded as her body surrendered to that single kiss.

What was it about lips on lips? Where did the magic live the rest of the time, and who was really to blame—her body, her head or her heart?

Involuntarily, she raised her arms and rested her hands on his shoulders. She was instantly aware that he was bigger and stronger than he had been before. At eighteen, he’d been as much a boy as a man. Now, more than a decade later, he’d filled out and matured and she couldn’t begin to resist that.

He pressed his mouth more firmly against hers. At the same time he settled his hands on her waist, his thumbs lightly tracing her bottom ribs.

He’d always done that, she thought hazily. Touched her like that, kissed her like that. Even as the thought formed, his tongue swept lazily across her lower lip. As if they had all the time in the world. As if there was no question about what was going to happen next.

At the first stroke of his tongue, need exploded. Heat followed, making her ache and whimper and shake. Powerful hunger took control, overwhelming common sense and self-preservation. She wanted him with a desperation that threatened her very being. This was Drew and she’d always been an eager participant in any game he wanted to play.

He eased back a little and nibbled his way along her jaw. “I’ve seen the dragon tat,” he murmured between nipping caresses. “Any other new ones I should know about?”

“There’s a heart on the right side of my back. You already know about the rose.”

“The dragon and the rose.” He shuddered. “You know you’re killing me, right?”

He wasn’t the only one dying here but she wasn’t going to say that. Instead she reached for the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it off in one easy move.

His gaze skimmed over her and he shook his head, then grabbed her hand. She followed him through the house, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. She had a brief impression of lots of space and a big bed, then Drew pulled back the comforter and sheets, opened a nightstand drawer and set out a handful of condoms before tearing off his own T-shirt.

They toed out of their shoes. Jeans and underwear followed. She paused to unfasten her bra and toss it on the pile of clothes.

They were both naked, but instead of reaching for her, he simply looked. She did the same, taking in the thick muscles of his chest, the narrow waist and hips and his very large, very thick erection. He was ready, she thought with satisfaction. She could see the rapid beating of his heart in a vein in his neck.

She saw his gaze roam over her breasts before settling on her shoulder. She turned slowly, letting him see the body of the dragon and how it curved over her shoulder. She kept turning so he could see the rose. He moved close then, pressing his chest to her back and resting his hands on her belly. Her eyes sank closed.

“Remember the first time,” he whispered as he shifted her hair out of the way and kissed along her neck. “I was so scared. I didn’t want to hurt you or disappoint you.”

She smiled and drew his hands to her breasts. His fingers immediately began to tease her tight, sensitive nipples. Heat spiraled down between her legs. She felt herself swelling in anticipation and need.

“Drew, we’d been pleasing each other for weeks,” she said, struggling to keep from gasping at the pleasure as he rubbed her breasts, then rolled her nipples between his fingers. “We could practically make each other come with a joke.”

“But it was different that night.” He let one hand slip down her belly.

She parted her legs to give him room to work. Her eyes opened and she realized they were facing the mirror over the dresser. She could see herself...and him. She watched his hand slip between her thighs, saw and felt the moment his fingers found her center.

“You’re wet.”

“You’re hard.”

He raised his head and met her gaze in the mirror. One corner of his mouth turned up. “Funny how it works out that way.”

“There is something to be said for elegant design.”

His gaze still locked with hers, he moved his fingers around and around. “I’m going to make you come just like this. We’re both going to watch it happen.”

She thought about protesting that she wasn’t comfortable being that vulnerable, only this was Drew and watching was the least of everything they’d ever done. They’d been young and in love, with plenty of time alone and lots of privacy. They’d tried every position, every game, everything they could think of with the goal of pleasing each other. He’d learned her body so well, he could have her wet and ready in less than thirty seconds and screaming out his name in forty-five. Wouldn’t it be interesting if that hadn’t changed?

She parted her legs just a touch more and raised one arm up and around the back of his neck for a little more support, then leaned into him. His erection was a hard ridge between them. He kept his right hand between her legs and used his left on her breasts.

His fingers circled her clit. “Fast or slow?”


“Hard enough?”


He quickened the pace but kept the pressure steady on that one amazing spot. Tension and heat radiated out from her center to the very tips of her fingers. She wanted to close her eyes, but she forced herself to keep watching. Her naked body, his hands moving. Around and around, his fingers rubbing over and over in a rhythmic pace that took her closer and closer to the edge.

She felt her breathing coming faster and could also see the rise and fall of her rib cage. Then he pinched her nipples, sending jolts of electric pleasure through her. She watched her lips part as she moaned. Color stained her cheeks and the top of her chest. Her gaze softened.

He stopped moving. Before she could react, he gently pinched her clitoris and pressed down in a back-and-forth movement, as if trying to get to the very heart of the nerve-filled knot. Need grew exponentially, taking her to the very edge. Her strength left her and she nearly doubled over. Drew held her upright, made the movement again, then returned to the circling only going faster.

She was out of control. Silver didn’t know how it had happened, but suddenly she was so close, she couldn’t stop herself from crying out.

“Almost,” she shouted. “Don’t stop.”


He moved from breast to breast, rubbing her nipples in time with what he was doing between her legs. She was so close, so close. Just hanging there, waiting...

“Come for me. Silver, come for me.”

She let her eyes close for a single heartbeat as she breathed in the deliciousness of his touch, then opened them and met his gaze. She saw eagerness in his eyes and felt his erection flex against her back. Without warning he pressed her clit again and she was lost.

Still watching him watch her, she came with a scream as her body convulsed in perfect release.

Just as the last ripple raced through her, but well before she’d caught her breath, he half carried, half pushed her to the bed. She’d barely fallen back on the mattress when he was parting her legs and urging her to hold herself open for him.

She wanted to tell him she needed a second to collect herself, but then again maybe not, because she knew what was next.

Her only warning was a light whisper of his breath, then he licked the very heart of her. She was so sensitive from her last release that she couldn’t help shuddering. Relaxed muscles suddenly tensed. She went from satisfied to hungry in the time it took her to gasp out his name.

He was relentless. He remembered everything they’d ever done together and now used that information to his advantage. He moved his tongue just the way she liked. He sucked on her clit, drawing it in his mouth in a way that pushed her closer and closer. She dug her heels into the mattress and lifted her hips toward him, then moved her head back and forth as her body climbed higher and higher until climaxing was as inevitable as breathing.

Her orgasm lasted longer than the first one. He continued to stroke her with his tongue, getting lighter and lighter, drawing out every ounce of goodness until she was limp.

If she’d had state secrets she would have spilled them. If he’d wanted anything from her, she would have offered it times three. She’d had lovers since him, but none who were so very skilled at reading her body.

He sat up and reached for a condom, then moved between her thighs, this time his gaze locked with hers.

She reached down and guided him inside her swollen body. Nerve endings cheered as he pushed in deeper, filling her, stretching her. She felt the telltale zinging that promised yet another release—this time with him inside of her. He braced himself on his hands and began to move.

Each thrust was pure perfection. The fullness, the friction, the rhythm. He got it all right. She wanted to close her eyes and sink into the experience, only he was staring at her so intently, she just couldn’t look away.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him in deeper. At the same time, she ran her hands up and down his strong arms, urging him on. She watched him get closer and felt the answering response deep in her own body.

Tiny explosions began inside of her, but she ignored them. She thought of other things and told herself to wait. That it would be better when they came together. She watched, so incredibly close that when he sped up, she nearly lost control.

He swore under his breath. “You ready?”

She nodded, barely able to keep from coming.

“Now!” He groaned.

She waited for his final, deepest push, then gave herself over to her own release. They came together, crying out, clinging to each other, as much one person as they had ever been. Time blurred and bent and for one brief second, she was eighteen and with the man she would love for the rest of her life and it was exactly how it was supposed to be.

Reality returned quickly. Drew rolled off her and sighed.

“Hell of a thing,” he said, then looked at her. One corner of his mouth turned up. “I still owe you dinner.”

She started to laugh. Whatever had been was long gone. The sex had probably been a mistake, but despite the potential consequences, it had been worth it.

“What was it we were having?” she asked. “Steak and something?”

He kissed her. “Pesto risotto and chicken with mushroom reduction.”

“Oh right. Nice that you’re more than a pretty face.”

“You, too.”

* * *

IT WAS ALL Drew could do not to whistle. Nothing showstopping—just the happy mindless tune of a man who had been bedded well by the woman he, ah, admired very much. Because he did admire Silver. She was smart, she was ambitious, she was kind and honest and beautiful and funny and—

“Are you all right?”

The sharp tone, not to mention the question itself, pulled him out of his happy daydream and back to the present. He looked up from his desk and saw his aunt standing in the doorway of his office, staring at him.

“Good morning, Libby. I’m fine, thanks. How are you?”

Her gaze narrowed. “There’s something,” she muttered, half under her breath. “You’re not on drugs, are you?”

He laughed. “I assure you, I’m not on drugs.”

“That wasn’t meant as a humorous comment. I don’t do humor.”

“Of that I am well aware.”

She continued to stare at him for another couple of seconds before shaking her head and walking away. Drew leaned back in his chair and grinned. Oh yeah, he had it bad.

His postcoital smugness lasted the entire morning. At ten-thirty he went out into the lobby to greet clients. The Newports were a young family. Doug and Melissa were in their thirties. Doug was a plumber and Melissa a stay-at-home mom. They’d recently inherited two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from a distant relative and Drew was helping them invest the money to fund their kids’ future and their retirement. While he didn’t usually handle private wealth clients, he’d gone to school with both of them and had taken them on as a favor.

He found the couple in the waiting area, then raised his eyebrows when he saw they weren’t alone.

“Family day,” he said happily. He crouched down in front of a little girl he knew was eight. “You must be Emily. I’m Drew. Your mom and dad told me all about you.”

She had dark hair and eyes and looked like a miniature version of her mother. Her gaze was wary.

“I’m not sure I like it here. Mommy said I had to be quiet.”

“It’s a bank,” Drew told her. “People are thinking a lot, so it helps if we keep our voices down.” He glanced at Melissa and nodded at the small baby she held. “Jacob?”

“Yes. We’ve had him just over a week.” She looked chagrined. “I’m sorry we had to bring the kids but my mom got sick and you said we were just signing some paperwork.”

Drew shook hands with Doug, then smiled at Melissa. “It will be fifteen minutes, tops.” He leaned toward Emily. “Are you excited about your new little brother?”

Her expression was doubtful. “I guess. He cries and his poop smells really bad. Mommy says Jacob is too small to meet Mr. Whiskers, so I take care of him all by myself.”

“Mr. Whiskers?”

“My rabbit. He’s a really good pet.” She eyed Jacob. “He’s very quiet and his poop doesn’t smell at all.”

Drew knew that Doug and Melissa had been unable to conceive a second child so had turned to adoption. They’d been chosen by a pregnant teenager fairly quickly. Although they’d tried to get Emily excited about expanding their family, it seemed her heart had yet to be won.

“I think you’re going to find that having a little brother can be fun,” he told her, then held out his hand. “Would you like to come see my office? I’ll shut the door so you don’t have to worry about disturbing anyone.”

Emily smiled. “Yes, please.” She put her small hand in his. “Do you have cookies?”

“Emily!” Melissa stood. “Sorry. When we go see my friends, they usually give her a cookie.”

Drew winked at the little girl. “You know what? I think I know where I can find cookies.”

“Thank you very much. Mommy says we can trust you with our money. You’re not going to steal it, are you?”

He chuckled. “I am not. I promise. Cross my heart.”

Emily ate two Oreo cookies while her parents signed the paperwork to transfer the money into their account at the bank.

“I’ll be in touch as soon as the money arrives,” he told the couple. “We already have our investment plan ready to go. By this time next week, we should be all set.”

“Thank you.” Melissa smiled at him. “We really appreciate all your help. The inheritance was an unexpected windfall and we were totally unprepared.”

“Happy to help.”

He showed them out, winking at Emily as she turned to wave goodbye. As he walked back to his office, the urge to whistle returned. He managed to control himself but chuckled as he imagined the look of horror on Libby’s face if he gave in. His good mood continued right up until he glanced at his phone and saw he had a text from his mother, then it burst like a punctured balloon.

Good morning, darling. I need to speak with you.

He groaned. His mother wanting to talk to him was never a good thing.

I’m at work. Can it wait until tonight?

Of course. I just arrived in Happily Inc myself. I’m settling in at your grandfather’s and am looking forward to speaking with you.

Arrived as in... “Holy crap,” he muttered out loud. No wonder his aunt was in a bad mood. She was going to be sharing a house with her older sister.

Drew had two appointments after lunch. Once they were done, he shut down his computer and headed for his grandfather’s house. Why was his mother back in town? Whatever the reason, it wasn’t going to be good for him.

He found his mother in the largest guest suite on the second floor. He knocked on the open door and called out, “Hi, Mom.”

His mother, a dark-haired, slim woman of average height, stood to greet him. Irene wore a dark pants suit, diamond stud earrings and a gold link necklace. The outfit was very elegant and probably cost as much as a car. Or five. His mother wore the best, drank the best, lived in the best. Everything in her life was about being the best.

“Darling, you came to see me. How lovely.” She leaned in for an air kiss, then stepped back and studied him. “Let me look at you. You’re keeping fit. Excellent. No one wants to deal with a fat lobbyist.” Her gaze sharpened as she studied his face. “You look young but we’ll try to work that to our advantage.” She clapped her hands together. “Come in and sit with me. I’ll order tea from one of the maids. One would think with so many running around this house the response would be faster, but alas.”

Drew thought about mentioning that the slow service might have something to do with how she treated the staff, but knew there was no win in that for any of them. His mother wouldn’t get the point and would take out her annoyance on everyone who worked at the house.

She picked up a house phone and dialed zero. “Yes, this is Irene. I would appreciate some tea. Quickly, if that’s at all possible. Two cups.”

She hung up without saying thank you, then turned to him.

“Come, darling. We have to so much to talk about.”

She led the way into a small sitting room. When he took the seat across from her, she leaned forward.

“I want you to know I’m going to be with you every step of the way.”

Words guaranteed to strike terror in his heart, even when he didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Mom, I need a subject, first.”

“The bank, of course. Your grandfather is going to be stepping down. You’re the obvious choice for his successor but Libby is going to be a problem. I’m here to run interference.”

“I don’t need my mother helping me at work.” He leaned toward her. “Mom, I mean that. Stay out of my life.”

Instead of being offended, Irene smiled. “Oh, Drew, don’t be dramatic. I’m not going to follow you into the office and make sure your tie is straight. I’ll be working behind the scenes. This is going to happen. It’s part of our plan. You run the bank for two years, then join your father and me at our firm in D.C.” Her expression softened. “You’re going to love it. The people we know. We’re growing in our European influence and isn’t that wonderful? In a few years, we’ll have global reach.”

“Kingmakers,” he muttered, knowing she wouldn’t hear the irony in his voice.

“Exactly. I’m going to ignore Libby and make nice with my father. I’ll play the dutiful daughter so he sees you are the one who deserves to be chairman of the board at the bank.”

“You know it’s not his decision. The board makes it.”

She waved her hand dismissively. “The board will do what your grandfather tells them to do. I’m not worried about him. My bitch of a sister is more concerning, but I’ll take care of her, as well.”

She smoothed her hair. “I will admit, when you first broke off your engagement with Ashley Lauren Grantham-Greene I was very upset. She was a lovely girl and would have made you a beautiful wife.”

“Except for her temper and love of setting things on fire.”

His mother ignored that. “But I’ve come to see it was for the best. Now you can marry someone better, someone who can really help your career.”

If he got in his car right now, how far away could he be by sundown? If he drove east, he would be out of the state. Maybe all the way to New Mexico, and wouldn’t that be nice?

“Mom, you’ve got to stop. I mean it. I don’t want you interfering with my job or my future. I respect what you and Dad have done, but it’s not for me. I want to stay here and run the bank. I’m not moving to D.C. and I’m not joining your firm.”

“Don’t be difficult.”

“I’m being honest. You and Dad have big dreams, but I don’t share them.”

Her mouth tightened. “We’ll talk about that later. For now, let’s just be happy I’m here. Oh! Why didn’t you tell me about your cousin?”

He had several, so wasn’t sure which one she was—He held in a groan as he realized she’d heard about Cade and his engagement to Princess Bethany of El Bahar.

“Clever boy,” Irene said with a sigh. “I wish you’d seen her first. I suppose it’s too late for you to steal her away.”

“Ignoring the facts that they’re wildly in love, that he’s my cousin and best friend, and that it would be wrong, tacky and ultimately unsuccessful, yes, it’s too late.”

“That’s unfortunate.” Irene pouted for a moment. “Still, there’s going to be some kind of event here in town, I’ve heard that much. Her family is bound to attend. Your father and I would very much like to meet the king of El Bahar.” Her gaze locked on his. “You can arrange a private introduction. Some kind of welcome party with just us. Royal connections in that part of the world are hard to come by and very important. El Bahar is one of the wealthiest and most forward-looking countries in the world. You need to get right on that, Drew.”

He glanced at the clock and saw it wasn’t yet four. Too bad, because he was ready for a drink.

He stood. “Mom, it’s been great. I’ve got to go.”

“But we have so much to talk about!”

“I’m sure we do and it’s going to wait.” He leaned down and lightly kissed her cheek. “Have fun with Libby.”

His mother was still calling him back as he headed for the stairs. On the way to the front door, he passed Amelia carrying a tray with tea service.

“Run,” he told the other woman. “Run while you still can.”

* * *

JASPER GOT HOME a little after three in the morning. He’d finished his last signing at nine in Dallas, had taken an eleven o’clock flight to LAX, then had driven straight home. Despite his exhaustion, he was up by seven.

After making coffee, he walked through his house to make sure all was well. The house had started out as a two-room cabin and had been added onto over the years. The charitable description would be eclectic but the more honest descriptor was a big-ass mess.

After moving in, Jasper had added an office and gym. Last year he’d knocked out a couple of walls so the kitchen and living room made sense. The master bedroom was a decent size and had its own bathroom. He figured in a year or so, he would tear down the small extra bedrooms and maybe add a bigger bedroom. Not that he had much company. His friends had their own beds to sleep in and Wynn stayed in his. Now if things ever got serious, her son, Hunter, would be a consideration.

He carried his coffee to the back porch. The morning was cold enough that he could see his breath. He sat in a rickety chair and put his feet on the railing, then breathed in the crisp air. It was good to be home.

The tour hadn’t been too bad. Next year would be better. Longer, but he was looking forward to his time in the trailer. He liked his solitude and he enjoyed a road trip. He could think—about his past, about his book, about life.

His phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his shirt pocket and glanced at the screen.

You back? Want to go hiking this weekend?

His contentment faded a little as he studied the message. The request was simple enough and he enjoyed Hunter’s company. There was only one problem—Wynn.

When Jasper and Wynn had first gotten together, she’d made it clear she had boundaries he was not to cross. They weren’t going to get serious, no one could know and she wasn’t going to introduce Jasper to her then ten-year-old son. What she and Jasper had was between them and no one else.

At the time, he’d been fine on all counts. He’d been relatively new to town and wasn’t looking to get involved with anyone. He’d kept to himself and hadn’t made many friends. He and Wynn had met when he’d gone into her print shop to pick up bookmarks his publisher had insisted he take with him on a book tour. She’d been freaked out because Hunter’s pet snake had escaped its enclosure and she was going to have to find it. Jasper had offered to help. She’d surprised him by accepting.

They’d gone to her house and started looking. Wynn had found the small snake but instead of grabbing it, she’d screamed and jumped on a coffee table. Jasper had rescued the snake, then her. He’d impulsively invited her to coffee. She’d declined, telling him her rules, including the fact that she didn’t want anyone in town knowing she was seeing someone. It had taken him a couple of seconds to figure out there was an excellent chance she was offering to sleep with him, as long as they weren’t publicly an item.

Jasper had modified his invitation to coffee, changing the location to his place. She’d accepted and within a month, they’d been lovers.

That had been nearly two years ago. People had started noticing them hanging out at tournament night at The Boardroom bar and eventually word of their relationship had gotten out. Wynn had been fine with that, but had insisted Hunter wasn’t to know about them.

Last summer, Hunter had shown up on Jasper’s doorstep. He’d found out about Jasper’s relationship with his mom and wanted to meet him. The two of them had started talking. Talking had turned into hiking together. Jasper hadn’t liked going behind Wynn’s back, but Hunter had pleaded with him to keep things quiet. If Wynn found out, she would end things. Which now left Jasper lying to the woman he was sleeping with.

Or we could go fishing, Hunter texted.

Jasper exhaled. He didn’t like lying to Wynn and he wondered what it said about their relationship that he was willing to keep secrets from her about her kid. He supposed it said just as much that after all this time, she didn’t want Hunter to know they were... What? Involved? Dating? An item?

He couldn’t define what they had and he had no idea where it was going. Currently, nowhere, and while he was fine with that, a disquieting voice in his head whispered he should want more.

Not possible, he told himself. When he’d left the army, he’d had a hell of a time adjusting to civilian life. He hadn’t been physically injured, but the PTSD had nearly done him in. Prescription medication, therapy and strong-willed determination had done shit to make him better. In the end, one of the therapists had admitted Jasper might never be whole. His last-ditch attempt to find his way back to something that could pass for normal had been to write about his experiences.

He’d started writing literally day and night. His incoherent ramblings had started to become a story. A different therapist had signed him up for a writing class. Jasper had figured out he might have a novel buried in his hundreds of pages and had slowly begun to put it together. He’d met his agent Hank at a conference and the rest, as they say, was history. He’d settled in Happily Inc, had bought this place and made a home of sorts. As for what he had with Wynn...


Hell. Jasper texted back.

Let’s go hiking. At some point we’re going to have to tell your mom.

No way. She’ll ruin it. She’s weird about guys in my life. Something to do with my dad, but she never talks about him. Gotta run. C U Saturday.

See you.

Jasper tucked his phone back in his pocket and picked up his coffee. Only the cup was cold and the view wasn’t as relaxing as it had been before he’d heard from Hunter.




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