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Obsession: Obsession by E.L Beth (11)

Chapter 11



It took a while for Miranda found a job. Finally she managed to land herself a job working as a receptionist in a five star hotel. She had been there for two month. It paid well and kept her busy. Her boss Jonathan was nice enough. He seemed to have taken an interest in her, which didn't sit well with Miranda. He never initiated anything just offering her work advantages where only she would be rewarded. Employees that had been there a lot longer than her weren't given the same opportunities and this made Miranda an outcast. Everybody believing she was fucking the boss.


Whatever, Miranda didn't need them. They could have their cigarette breaks and bitch to their hearts content. Miranda was very lonely. Missing Alec so much it hurt. She would think of him when alone in her bed and how he would drive her crazy with lust. Soon enough she would be touching herself remembering how he would make her scream from pleasure. Her climax would never compare to when she would orgasm by Alec’s unforgiving touch, she was always left with a sense of emptiness.


Working one night dressed in her uniform, a tight blue skirt that reached her knees, a beige blouse and black sensible heals, Miranda saw a familiar face. Her heart skipped a beat.


"Well hello there stranger." Miranda was caught off guard.


"Um good evening sir. Do you have a reservation?" she asked using her best professional voice.


"Hey Miranda it's me Ethan! Don't you remember? We were at the charity function together?" He looked very handsome with his blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a designer suit and had a killer smile.


"Of course, nice to see you again Ethan." Miranda actually shook, a little afraid if Alec found out she was talking to Ethan. Stop thinking Miranda! Alec is isn't in your life anymore. He didn't want you remember?


"You working here?" He asked with a killer smile.


"Yeah well gotta earn a living." Miranda couldn't shake the feeling that Alec would be furious, she remembered the way Alec punished her for talking to Ethan at the fundraiser.


"Well my dear you look stunning. Let me take you to lunch." Ethan and his million dollar smile.


"Thanks Ethan but rules are clear we cannot date our clients," hoping he wouldn't push this topic.


"Is that it or are you dating somebody? I heard you and Alec had broken up months ago. He actually told me to find you and give it a go?" Miranda's heart dropped.


"He said that?" Fuck Miranda let it go. "Yeah well that's life ay?"


"So what happened between you two?" Miranda didn't want to discuss this with him.


"You know Alec when he's done he's done. Guess I wasn't his type," hopefully Ethan would drop it.


"Shame. But I guarantee you’re very much my type." He gave her a wicked smile.


"I'm flattered Ethan really, but I'm not looking to be with anybody. I'm sorting myself out." She was really uncomfortable talking about dating especially with Ethan. She couldn't believe Alec had told him to look for her! Fuck him! Fuck him for fucking up her life.


"Hey I understand. It's lunch not marriage... Please." He clapped his hands together pretending to be praying. Miranda laughed.


"Mr. Cunningham I'm glad you made it." Jonathan's voice came from behind Miranda.


"Ah Mr. Riley, nice to finally meet you."


"Please call me Jonathan, I hope Miranda's been of assistance." They shook hands.


"Problem is Jonathan that Miranda won't have lunch with me. Seems that it's an issue with work." Miranda looked disbelievingly at Ethan.


"Yes well Mr. Cunningham it's kind of a rule regulation." Jonathan wasn't too keen on Miranda going with Ethan it would seem.


"Mmmm could be a deal breaker there Jonathan. Maybe I should use my business elsewhere."


"No no let’s not be rash. I'm sure we can make an exception this one time."


"Great! I like doing business with a man who knows how to strike a deal. Okay Jonathan book us in for the conference a month from today. I'll call you and talk about specifics. Miranda if you’re ready?" He was waiting for her to accompany him. Shit this was not right.


Miranda looked at Jonathan who was obviously not happy with the arrangement. "Its fine Miranda you can go to lunch with Mr. Cunningham." Miranda looked apologetically at Jonathan.


"How bout we make it an early mark," fuck Ethan was lethal! A man who didn't take no for an answer.


"Of course Sir as you wish." Jonathan was not amused. Miranda shook her head as she grabbed her bag and went with Ethan. Her instincts were on alert, something didn't sit well.


"That's not fair Ethan," she said when he grabbed her arm softly as they made their way out. His car was waiting for him, the valet returned his keys. A Porsche it had to be a fucking Porsche. "Ethan I'm not sure this is a good idea." She really didn't want to get in the car with him.


"Miranda would you feel better if you drove? I'm not going to bite. There's a nice little Italian place around the corner. It's all but five minutes." Miranda felt like she was being juvenile.


"Okay okay." Getting in the car Miranda prayed she had made the right decision.


Watching Ethan take the wheel Miranda relaxed a little. He really was attractive. "Do you like what you see?" He teased. Miranda smiled.


"Full of yourself much?" He laughed.


"My dad’s right he said you had the most adorable dimple when you smile."


"Flattery will get you nowhere with me Ethan. Give it up. That was awful how you treated Jonathan."


"You have to play hard ball if you wanna get somewhere in life. Live hard, play hard that's my motto."


Finally reaching their destination, he was a perfect gentlemen opening her door and holding her hand as they made their way to be seated. The owner knew Ethan so they received special treatment.


"This is exquisite Franco you really are the best chef in town." Franco bowed his head at the compliment.


"Let me take a picture of the love birds." Franco said to Miranda's absolute horror.


"Oh we're not ..." Miranda was interrupted by Ethan,


"That's a great idea Franco! Here take it off my phone." He moved close to Miranda and put his cheek to hers for the shot. Miranda wanted to pull away.


"Say spaghetti." Franco took the shot. Ethan turned and looked at Miranda bringing his hand to her lip. Instinctively she pulled back.


"Got sauce on your lip." He brushed his thumb over her lip as Franco snapped another shot.


Miranda grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth. Excusing herself and going to freshen up. This was a bad idea, she really didn't want to be here.


Returning to the table Ethan had ordered dessert. "I'm full Ethan," she said hoping he would get the picture that she didn't want to be there.


"Okay one bite, you won't regret it. Franco makes the best Panna cotta."


"Ethan one bite that's it. Then I think we should leave," really starting to feel a little trapped. Ethan not seeming to care about the time placed a spoon of the custardy dessert to Miranda's mouth. Miranda looked at Ethan and shook her head "I'm not a child Ethan, I can feed myself."


"I know but it's so much more fun this way," there goes that smile again. Miranda took the spoon out of his hand and ate the delicious delicacy.


"Ethan thank you for a lovely day but I think I should go." Standing up and gathering her phone and her bag Miranda prepared to leave.


"Okay what's the rush? Have I offended you? Is there a reason you feel so uptight around me?" Ethan said as he passed the bill to the waiter.


"No you have been sweet. It's me Ethan I'm not ready to do this. It feels wrong," there she said it. No use prolonging the matter. "I'm sorry if I've led you to believe otherwise," she didn't really know what more to say.


"I get it, you’re still hooked up on Alec."


"No. No that's not it. I'm just not ready." She didn't want word to get to Alec that she was missing him. "Friends?" She nudged him and he laughed.






Alec was having a fuck of a day. Ethan was organizing a conference for all shareholders to attend at the Grand Royale hotel downtown. That would mean an overnight stay as Alec wasn't prepared to travel four hours there and four hours back in one day. That means Crystal needed to be there as she owned shares. Obviously Carlos would need to remain and keep eyes on things here. Alec was in a foul mood. He was working so fucking hard to try and close any opportunity for Ethan so he couldn't use anything against him to take over the London casino. That was Alec's baby, James and Alec founded that casino from a rundown pub and made it into the most notorious club to date. It was their first successful project. From there they built four more casinos in different countries. Being very exclusive and in high demand.


Ethan's goal was to win shareholders so he could take over and have the casino and expand taking all profits for himself. James had given his son his share and that was almost as much as Alec's share. Which meant now Ethan was looking for a weakness so he could use against Alec thus making Alec surrender his share to Ethan. That's where Miranda came in. He fucking gave her up so the prick couldn't use her against him. Security being on high alert and needing to be one step ahead of Ethan. Without Miranda Ethan had nothing to hold against Alec. He didn't care for anything else. Ethan the prick could do his worst.




As the weeks passed by Ethan was always lurking around. He 'asked' Jonathan if Miranda could help him set up for the conference. Miranda reluctantly accepted the fact that she was to help him, although it was the last thing she wanted to do. Helping him set up and organizing his faxes and paperwork in order for the presentation.


Jonathan was doing anything Ethan wanted because at least twenty high spenders were staying at the hotel for the conference. Even the penthouse was booked. So whatever made Ethan happy made Jonathan happy. And of course Miranda was stuck in the middle because Ethan claimed he needed Miranda's help.


"You are a true saint Miranda Branford," praised Ethan. They were finishing of last minute things. The conference was the next day and Ethan was running a tight ship.


"All good, it's my job," she replied trying to keep their relationship purely business orientated.


"No seriously I couldn't have organized this without you. I've asked Jonathan if you can be with me during the presentation in case I need something." Miranda didn't want to do this. "He has no probs with it, but of course it's up to you," yeah right like she had a choice.


"Ethan I'm hopeless in crowds. Maybe Tania can help you. She's great she's actually Jonathan's personal assistant so she knows what she's doing. So much more qualified than myself and I'm sure she'd appreciate the overtime." Please take Tania, please take Tania.


"Miranda I would love for you to be there. You will be my personal assistant for one night. Then I swear to you I will never ask anything from you again. That's it! I know I ask for too much but I feel I can do anything when I'm around you. Be a pal," he winked at her and gave her that heart stopping smile.


"That's it? No more favors after this? You promise?" If this is what it would take to get him off her back than she'd just do it. Bloody hell how did she get herself into these dilemmas?


"Swear to god! I honestly appreciate this." Yeah well she just needed tomorrow over with so she didn't need to be around him anymore. Jonathan couldn't be man enough to say no to him. Money sure talks.


They rehearsed the presentation where she would hand him documents and work the smart board. By ten in the evening she was exhausted. "I'm going home Ethan I'll see tomorrow." She was putting her shoes back on and grabbing her bag.


"Miranda I've booked the whole hotel. Take a room, I insist." Miranda didn't feel like going to the subway to catch a train then a bus to get home. It was late but she didn't feel right accepting the offer.


"It's fine Ethan..."


"I insist. Please it's ludicrous to go home when you need to be back here by seven. Please just take the room."


"Okay thank you," he spoke to Jonathan who led Miranda to her room.


What a night! Miranda had showered and drowned herself in the comfort of the king size bed. For the last few weeks Ethan was relentless trying to involve her in his project. This apparently was part of her job until he left. Jonathan was very persistent and informed her that the clients always right. Especially a client who can hire the entire five star hotel for a week. So she was Ethan's PA for the remainder of his stay.


He tried on numerous occasions to kiss her. Miranda wouldn't allow it. He said he was confused thinking she had feelings for him. He didn't see what the problem was. Miranda would repeatedly inform him they just friends. She reached a point where she threatened him if he continued to make advances at her she would no longer work with him. No longer making attempts to kiss her, but it didn't deter him from flirting with her.


Despite Ethan being very good looking and had an extremely fit body, Miranda didn't find him attractive. Sure he was a charmer but all his charms couldn't make her want him. Knowing that she really did need to move on and perhaps date again, always made Miranda feel anxious. No she was nowhere near ready. Alec's images still haunted her. She would lie to herself and say he didn't affect her anymore and that she no longer feared him that she was stronger now, but deep down she knew she was only lying to herself. Every time Miranda would recall how he dismissed her she would cringe. "Whore! You’re nothing but a fucking whore!" Shaking her head as if to shake him out of her mind. Every night was the same, she would eventually fall asleep recalling their last encounter.




Alec and Crystal had arrived at the prestigious Grand Royale hotel. The valet took his car and the concierge took their luggage. As soon as they entered he noticed the board members gathering around chatting amongst themselves. When they noticed Alec and Crystal they were around them in a second. He knew they were eager to impress him. They knew he could take them far. After shaking hands and kissing the few ladies that were there with their husbands Alec and Crystal excused themselves and were ushered into their rooms. Requesting adjacent rooms because Alec wasn't in the mood to be around anybody. He wanted for this conference over and done with so he could be done with Ethan.


A knock on the door, Alec finishing from his shower opened the door with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He was still wet. And who else to grace him other than the fucker himself Ethan.


"Dude cover yourself up." Ethan smirked.


"Fuck off Ethan what do you want?" Ethan was the last person Alec wanted to see.


"Just coming to give you the rundown." He said as he made his way inside the room.


"Speak then fuck off." Alec poured himself a drink and poured one for Ethan handing it to him


"The conference will be at one sharp in the board room. Followed by dinner in the grand hall of the hotel." Alec looked at Ethan and was trying to figure out his game.


"Cut to the chase Ethan, why do you think I'll change my mind? Even if you get all the shareholders to side with you I ultimately need to agree. Without my signature you can't do anything. So pray tell what makes you think I'll change my mind?" Alec was through playing games.


Lounging on the sofa Ethan nursed his drink. "Let's just say I can be very persuasive. It doesn't have to be war Alec. Give in and nobody will get hurt... Metaphorically speaking that is."


"If that's a threat Ethan then you yourself have declared war. I'll not let this pass. You will get nothing! I'll make sure of that. You are a leech who sucks the life of others to reach your goal. You haven't been able to get one on me yet Ethan. You’re not fucking man enough"


"Temper temper Alec! Let’s not get worked up, it's too early into the game." Standing by the door ready to leave Ethan turns around and scrolls through his phone. "Oh Alec you might like this," he handed Alec the phone and to Alec's disbelief saw photos of Miranda and Ethan together. Like really together. Not wanting to react Alec clenched his jaw.


"Turned out she was easy enough to find. Glad you have no feelings for her, she's such a gem. Anyway I'll see you later." Taking his phone Ethan left the room.


Alec was in a rage. The fucking bitch ran into Ethan's arms! Everything he was trying to avoid thinking that Ethan might hurt her, but never for one second did Alec think she'd fall into his arms. Alec saw red he was beyond angry! The fucking bitch would pay! He would gladly kill Ethan in front of her before breaking her beautiful neck!


Fury clouding his head Alec tore the room apart! He broke everything within his reach! He was furious. He would make her pay. How dare she move on! How dare she seek the arms of his enemy? Alec was working himself up! Did they fuck? Did he hold her? Was he gentle with her? Did she scream his name? Punch after punch Alec dented the wall.


"Alec honey, Alec stop!" Came Crystal’s voice. She pulled at his arms so he would stop punching the walls. He pushed away from her and sat on the bed with his head in his hands. "Alec what happened? Are you okay?"


"She's fucking him Crystal. Miranda's fucking Ethan!" He wanted to rip his hair out!


"No Alec! She wouldn't do that! What would make you say that?"


"Photos on his phone! She's fucking him! I'm going to kill her! I'm going to kill them both!" Alec was too far gone.


"Alec get your head together. The conference is only a few hours away. You need to be on your game. If you’re not Ethan will win. It's a ploy Alec, he's trying to break you! He could be manipulating the whole situation, he obviously figured out you had feelings for her. He is cunning we know this. Make it through the conference and then deal with it."


Crystal was right. He wouldn't let that asshole win. He would endure this meeting. Then he would seek his revenge! Oh how Miranda was going to pay. If she thought he was brutal before she was in for a fucking shock.