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Obsession: Obsession by E.L Beth (24)

Chapter 24



The day of the party was upon them. Miranda promised herself that she would stay out of trouble, especially since Alec's mood had been a little lighter. He was adorable when he wasn't being a bully. Toni found a way to keep the situation a little less awkward by actually addressing the issues as opposed to pretending like everything was normal. Miranda would sleep alone yet find Alec in her bed every morning. He hadn't really touched her since he fucked her in the kitchen. Still Miranda was always apprehensive afraid of his next episode.


Miranda didn't know what to wear she didn't want to overdo it because she didn't want to draw unwanted attention. So she opted for a black simple dress that reached just above her knees with a simple thin gold belt. She matched her shoes to the belt. Miranda never felt overly comfortable wearing heels, yet it completed the look. She didn't want to do anything with her hair so she braided it loosely to the side of her face. It dropped down passed her chest. The dress was spaghetti straps and showed just a little part of her milky breasts. Adding dark eye makeup and a little gloss Miranda was done. Now to get Alec's approval.


Alec was complimenting Toni on her appearance. She wore a silver one piece that looked like she came out of the seventies. Her body looked immaculate. Her hair had a Farrah Fawcett look, flicked back. She looked drop dead gorgeous.


Crystal looked amazing also. She wore a blood red strapless dress that had a Hawaiian look to it. It dropped to the floor with a split on either side. It had a gold braided cord under her breast that tied to the side and dropped down. She completed her look with a red flower in her blond hair. "Wow ladies I'm speechless." Alec was praising them. Now for his little witch to make her grand entrance. Carlos walked in and whistled at the women


"Wow! Better keep these women on a leash tonight dude," Carlos winked at them.


"Why thank you. You boys scrub up okay as well." Crystal was always classy in everything she did. Alec really respected how she always held herself together. His attention was directed to the stairs. He drew in a breath, there she was in all her beauty and innocence coming down the stairs. Fuck she took his breath away. He walked over to her and took her arm sensing she was nervous.


"Is it okay?" She asked clearly seeking his approval. He raised an eyebrow.


"Turn around," she did so this time adding a little sexy edge to it. He groaned and pulled her to him. "Swear to god I'll fuck you here and now," he was hit with a massive erection. She pouted... The little vixen pouted and his cock throbbed. He pushed her with his body until she hit the railing of the staircase. He pressed into her smelling her neck. He wanted in her, cupping her face he kissed her slowly and erotically at first then his need overtook and he ravished her mouth.


Miranda wasn't able to understand his reaction. Toni was standing in full view of them yet Alec couldn't care less. His hands were on her ass pressing her into him. "Ahem... Ahem boss... Guests are arriving." Alec stopped kissing her and pressed his forehead onto hers.


"Fuck!" He adjusted himself and moved to Crystal where they went to greet the guests. Miranda was left dumbfounded she felt very guilty at the display in front of Toni. She looked apologetically at Toni only to have Toni turn away clearly upset. Miranda decided it would be best to leave her alone for a while.


Alec was being a gracious host as was Crystal. Carlos was on high alert security and Toni played the loving wife. Miranda kept to herself for most of the evening. Alec noticed a few men trying to engage her with conversation only to have Miranda cut them short. She was behaving extremely well. Alec was proud of his little rebel, still he was eager to get her alone and fuck her into another world. Toni wasn't too happy with Alec's actions with Miranda, she was trying to act like life was okay. Yet she would make comments when they were alone.


"Did you have to do that in front of me? Not to mention in front of Carlos and Crystal! Do you know how humiliating it is for me to watch? It's one thing to do it in private but so openly?"


"It was unintentional, I'm sorry Toni."


"Sorry? You’re sorry but you'll continue to do it? I can't do this Alejandro, seriously I'm done." He looked at Toni, he was actually shocked that it took her this long to reach this point. "You never loved me did you?" Alec ran a hand through his hair.


"Toni I do love you babe, but it will never be enough. I can't help myself, it's not like I'm fucking every other women it's only her, and it's not all the time."


"It's the way you look at her Alec. It's the way you touch her, like nothing else in the world compares. Why did you marry me?" Alec debated whether or not to be honest.


"Toni please I really don't want to hurt you."


"Yes well that ship has sailed. Tell me the truth it will be easier for me."


"I needed you to keep Miranda put. I threatened to kill you if she ever tried escaping again. I told her I'd slit your throat as she watched." Toni's face turned white. She shook her head trying to take it all in.


"She sacrificed her life for mine and I just tossed her out like she was nobody. And after everything I had done she still stayed and protected me. You really would have killed me? After all the time we shared together? Did I mean nothing to you?"


"Toni you mean something to me I do care about you, but you need to understand I was desperate. I couldn't have her leave me again. I cannot breathe without her. I would have done and said anything to keep her put. She's the only thing that makes sense to me. I really am sorry Toni, I will set you up for life. I never planned for things to get this far. I honestly thought I'd be way over her by this time."


"So this is it? I'm unsure how to feel. I'll call myself a cab." Alec watched Toni walk away. It was for the best. He would make sure she lived well financially. Alec although sad for Toni felt a huge burden lift off his shoulders. After telling Carlos to see to Toni, Alec went to find Miranda.


Miranda was drinking at the bar, she kept ordering funny named cocktails only because she felt bad for Toni witnessing the kiss and she was bored. The barman was cute, he was trying to keep conversation going. "Can I have another frozen margarita please?" Miranda graced him with her dimpled smile.


"Anything for that smile," while watching him make her a drink she felt somebody tap her shoulder. It was Alec looking mighty fine.


"Well hi there Mr. sexy... Where is Toni? Is she still upset with me?" Miranda pulled a frown and tried to show how bad she felt.


"How many have you had to drink kid?" Miranda started counting on her fingers and thinking hard.


"One or two," she scrunched up her face. Moving over to Alec she stood on her toes to whisper in his ears "I love you... But shhhh don't tell Toni, she's my friend again, I think maybe not after today... Don't tell Toni it's our secret master." Miranda was feeling a little light headed, she knew she drank too much. Maybe she should go to sleep.


"Miranda where are you going?" He watched her as she seductively walked away swaying her hips side to side and by god her ass was delicious. Turning her head around she yelled out.


"To bed, I don't want to get in trouble... Shhhhh." Putting a finger on her lips as if to keep their secret. Alec shook his head clearly unable to understand this kid. Her effect on him was unreal. Her unsteady walk caused his cock to come to life. He needed her like he never needed anything before. Ok back to his guests...




Next morning Miranda was ready to apologies to Toni that wasn't fair, it wasn't her intention for Alec to put on a show. Miranda genuinely felt bad for her friend. Wearing a simple yellow summer dress Miranda made her way to the dining room for breakfast.


"Good morning," she greeted them. Surprisingly Toni wasn't there. Alec, Carlos and Crystal were seated having breakfast. Taking a seat and pouring herself a coffee Miranda felt like something was amiss.


"Where's Toni?" She asked. The three of them looked a little uncomfortable. "What? Where is she?" Feeling a little worried.


"She's gone, it's for the best." Alec said so casually. Miranda was struck dumb.


"What do you mean gone? Gone where?" Alec took in an exasperated breath.


"Miranda she went home, it's over between us. She couldn't get her head around the whole you and me concept. Let it go kid. She felt bad for you and blamed herself for everything. I assured her it was purely me to blame. End of story." Miranda wasn't going to let this one go.


"She just left? It was because of the kiss in front of her wasn't it? Oh my god I'm the worst friend in the world. I totally screwed up her life!"


"If I recall Miranda you didn't have any choice in the matter. It was bound to happen eventually. Just accept it and move on." So Miranda thought to herself, if Toni was out of the picture that would mean he didn't really have the upper hand with her. Interesting.


Alec watched Miranda working it out in her head. She would have realized that hurting Toni was no longer a threat. Despite himself Alec started to get pissed, she would want to leave him? His mood went sour and he wanted to remind her who she fucking belonged to. Steady Alec she will slip up eventually and then you can release the beast within.


Miranda was feeling a little relieved that Toni was no longer around. The guilt was eating her alive. Maybe she could ask Alec if she could visit her. Which reminded her of Katie, shit she was supposed to be helping Katie. Ok Miranda put your courage cap on and ask Alec a favor.


Summing up enough courage Miranda walked over to his office, it was midafternoon and she had delayed asking him long enough. Knocking on his office door she waited anxiously. "Enter," he yelled out. Here goes nothing. Walking into his office he was doing something on the computer, he looked up at her then proceeded to type. Miranda was biting the inside of her cheeks feeling a little nervous to say the least.


"Yes Miranda how can I help you?" He looked so fucking sexy in his suit pants and striped shirt, he had a way about him like he owned himself. Very sexy indeed... "Miranda are you going to stand and ogle me or have you something on your mind?" Miranda felt her face flush in an instant. How embarrassing am I? She thought to herself.


"Sorry, um the lady that I worked for at the library isn't feeling all that well. I told her I'd try and check up on her, if you'll allow me to. And um the thing is she is going to lose her shop because she cannot pay the repayments soooooo I was thinking maybe I can get a job and help her out?" She spoke so fast.


Alec listened to her ramblings. He stopped typing and leaned back into his chair. "Miranda for the last fucking time you will not be working! I don't get how you can't process that!" Miranda frowned looking very disheartened.


"Well how am I supposed to help her? Katie is a sick old women who wants to live out her days feeling like she owns something. Tell me what to do and I'll do it."


"Ask me for the money." Miranda looked at him like he was speaking another language.


"Why would I do that?"


"You want to help her out, it's easy done ask me for the money, you know I'm more than capable of helping out. Choice is yours kid!" Miranda set her chin up in defiance. She'd never ask him for money.


"Thank you for your offer but I must decline, I'll think of something."


"What could you possibly think of? Ha? What are your options? Tell me, you have zero options yet you still refuse to ask me. You'd let Katie lose her shop because of your pride? You’re really starting to test my patience kid, I fucking paid a fortune for your clothes yet you prefer to walk around in your brand less clothes. Why? Give me an explanation why you deliberately want to reject what I offer you?" Alec looked frustrated with her. Fuck!


"You want an explanation okay I'll give you one, I'm not your whore! I won't be bought I don't need your things to live. You have taken everything from me, my life, my freedom, my heart all I have left is how I portray myself, so that's your explanation... Master" Alec was rubbing his hand over his goatee. Miranda knew she pissed him off. "What now I'm going to be punished for answering your question? I just want to help her, I will think of something so as to not trouble you."


"Let me know what you come up with" Alec resumed his task on the computer while Miranda all but stormed out of his office.


Miranda was furious with Alec. Why did everything revolve around him being in control? Fuck him! Think Miranda think! How can you help Katie? Throwing herself onto her bead Miranda was frantically trying to come up with something. Nothing, nothing at all. Great Miranda trying to prove to Alec that he's not in control and you come up short.


Then it dawned on her, she'll sell her house. Not that she wanted to but at least she could help Katie and prove to Alec she could still survive without him. Yep she'll lay it on him after dinner. Let him cool off a little.




Alec was agitated with Miranda! He couldn't understand why she continued to fight him. He knew she loved him, but why was it so hard for her to accept his gifts? He loved to see her dolled up and have everything her heart desires, yet she chooses to live a life like material things don't matter. Come to think of it, not once was she awed by his house, or his cars or his jewels, it didn't seem to faze her one way or another. When he did force her to dress up she was always obviously out of her comfort zone.


Alec was stilled dazed by how unaffected she was with his belongings. He'd never met a women who wasn't taken by the better life. Miranda prefers to wear her cotton shorts instead of a Victoria Secret number, she would prefer to wear leggings then Versace pants. Her wardrobe was full of the best and unless forced to wear them she continued to rebel in her own way proving to him that she still was in denial that Alec alone owned everything about her. Thinking to himself that maybe just maybe he'd been letting her get away with too much.


After dinner Alec was dressed in only his David Beckham pajama bottoms having a drink in the informal lounge room. Miranda skipped a heartbeat when she saw his bare chest and the line of hair traveling down his navel. He was sexy as hell, and by god that tattoo was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen. He looked up and graced her with his sexy as hell lopsided grin. Miranda wearing track pants and a singlet walked in and stood in front of Alec.


This should be interesting Alec thought to himself. What could she possibly want at this time of the night? "Spit it out Miranda what is it?"


"Can I visit Toni? Just make sure she's okay?" Alec didn't know how to deal with this kid. He really did need to put her in her place.


"No." Loving her pout Alec could feel his cock stirring. "Come to daddy baby." He was making fun of her again. She moved and sat on his lap.


"Why not?" He put his hand under her singlet and moved to cup her breast. She was braless and his cock sprung to life.


"Cos I said so," he was frustrating her and he knew it. Time to show her why he's boss!


"That's not fair, I have been well behaved give me something!" Alec grinned at her as her continued to knead her breast.


"Give you something? You don't want my gifts baby remember? Your pride won't allow you to accept my gifts," he stroked her stomach with feathery touches. Miranda's breathing quickened. His hand was traveling lower until he reached her sweat pants and slowly bought the elastic down.


"Alec please this is serious," without warning Alec fisted his hand around her hair and moved her in so she was inches from his face.


"Alec! You don't fucking learn do you kid." Miranda wasn't expecting that. His mood swings were unpredictable. "I think it's high time you remember who's the boss," letting her hair go he pushed her onto the floor. "Get up." His voice was calm but Miranda knew there was a lesson to be learnt.


Standing up and looking unsure, Alec's beast came to life. Her look of defiance just awoken the raging beast. "Since when am I Alec to you? Do we have to repeat this time and time again?"


"I'm sorry master it was an accident." Oh no you don't kid, you’re not getting out of this one, Alec was onto her.


"Sorry? Kid I think you use that word just to get out of trouble. Tell you what, I'll whip you ten times and we'll call it even." He saw Miranda's face and knew she wasn't a happy trouper. "No baby you don't like that? What else can we come up with?"


Miranda was started to feel like he was playing a cat and mouse game with her. She really felt like telling him to fuck off. "Nothing." Miranda wanted to slap herself just to shut herself up.


"Miranda you’re really pushing the limits here. I'm starting to think you don't think I'll hurt you." Fuck he needed to fuck her! She looked like she was trying to get herself out of this one, he could see the wheels in her head turning.


"Ten lashes? That's it?" Miranda was hoping to appease Mr. Control freak.


"Ten lashes... Unless you want more!" She rolled her eyes at him. He fucking laughed at her." Babe your killing me! Okay ten lashes that's it no sex afterward." Miranda wasn't sure if she was happy about that at least the orgasm was her reward after being punished. "You don't like that either?" Miranda felt her face heat up.


"Why do you like to embarrass me?" She knew she was pouting but didn't care. He moved directly in front of her and gently kissed her on her lips. He bit her bottom lip softly.


"It's what I do baby, and your body loves me for it." How could she argue with that? Her body adored him, he was the sexiest man alive in her eyes.


"Can I call you Alec for good measure?" Alec laughed again, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder taking her up to her room. He slapped her hard on her butt and told her that was for good measure. Little smart mouth was actually teasing him.


Once in the room Alec lay on her bed with his hands behind his head waiting for her to get prepared. "Really do we have to do this? I said I was sorry…" She whined.


"I've already let you get away with way too much. It's gotta be done." He was happy watching her try and get out of it.


"Pleasssseee," she gave him her best dimpled smile and he laughed again. She actually stomped her feet when he laughed clearly frustrated with him.


"I can run away you know. I'm fast, I actually used to be an athlete at school... So there." Alec was still amused but only a bit, his hard on was dying to get in Miranda.


"I fucking dare you to run, makes it more fun when I catch you and really punish you. Choice is yours kid, I'll even give you a head start. I'll count to ten before I go after you... One... Two..."


"This is ridiculous stop counting."


"Three... Four... Five…" He continued to count she was getting nervous. "Six... Seven..."


"Okay okay I give up you win," The asshole looked victorious.


"I always win kid, come here," she walked toward him biting the inside of her cheek. He grabbed her hand and threw her over his lap, she gave a scream not expecting this. Alec pushed her pants and underpants to reveal her bare bottom. He hissed in a breath. He bought his hand hard on her cheek and Miranda let out another scream, from pain this time. "Start counting baby."


"One... Ouch!" she yelled as the second smack found her ass.


"One what?"


"Master... three master...Ouch!" Alec was clearly enjoying her misery.


"No, no, Miranda counting starts with one. Let's start again..." Alec was relentless, he smacked her hard loving her screams and the way her ass was reddening up. His hand prints were embedded on her ass. When he completed his ten slaps he started to knead her ass. She was crying but she also let out a moan. Just to make sure he was sure about her he moved his fingers to insert into her pussy and sure enough she was fucking wet. By god she was made for him.


He let her up and wiped her tears? She turned away from him upset that he got joy out of her pain. Despite himself he laughed again. "You don't love me anymore? The mean man hurt you?" She turned and gave him a go to hell look, which just made him laugh all the more.


Without warning Alec grabbed her and lay her head on his chest while his arms were around her. She was still sort of angry... Sort of, he was too fucking sexy to stay angry at. But she still wanted to get one in. "You know master, I'm starting to think you have fallen in love with me." Did she push too far? His body tensed up. "No need to get angry it's our little secret okay?" She kissed his chest and fell asleep.


Alec lay awake listening to her breathing. He knew she was asleep. She left him speechless with her comment. If he was in love with her why couldn't he admit it? Wasn't a big deal. So why did his world seem to close in on him when he would even begin to believe he was in love with her. Something was wrong with this scenario, he couldn't love her because you don't hurt what you love. He loved hurting her he knew that, he loved her smile, her witty remarks, her defiance, her obedience, the way her body responded to his touch. He loved her smell her lips her eyes, there wasn't a goddamn thing he didn't love about her. But he loved to hurt her and that can't be classified as loving somebody... Or could it?