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Obsession: Obsession by E.L Beth (12)

Chapter 12



Miranda was in the conference room with Ethan. She was in her uniform and her hair was in a neat low bun to the side. She had minimum makeup because she had spent the night in the hotel. Sorting out coffees and refreshments for the meeting Miranda was very busy. Ethan was on a high and buzzing with excitement. She would be so happy when this was over. The room started to fill with board members and shareholders. Ethan introduced her as his PA.


"Thank you for coming everybody we are just waiting on two more people and then we can start." Ethan was a wonderful host chatting to everybody making them feel welcome. Miranda was sorting out the smart board when to her absolute horror Alec and Crystal walked in.


In that moment Ethan put his arm around Miranda drawing her to him and giving her a kiss that lingered too long on her cheek. Miranda almost dropped to the floor. Her body started shaking, Alec was staring right at her. She knew those eyes and they yelled bloody murder!


"Ah Alec, Crystal so glad you can make it. You remember Miranda Branford? She's my PA and my special somebody." Miranda was silently shaking her head. She was backing away from them. She wanted Ethan to shut the hell up and let her go. Control yourself Miranda! You’re in a room full of executives he wouldn't do anything to you here.


He wouldn't do anything to her at all. He wanted her gone. She was nothing more than a whore to him. Screw him! He has no authority over her. She was no longer his captive. Saying these things didn't ease Miranda's fear! She was literally shaking in her boots.


Alec clenched his jaw. Crystal smiled with a "how do you do?" and entwined Alec's arm as she led the way to their seats. Of course Alec was on the head of the table. He was in such an internal rage that he thought he might crack his jaw from the tension. It was true! They were fucking! She looked petrified and so she should. There was no way she was going to survive this. He would make her suffer long and hard before ending her life! He could tell she still feared him, he was always able to read her like a book.


And to add salt to the wound she was working with the fuck! She wasn't only working with the enemy the bitch was sleeping with the enemy. Oh the rage that was building up inside… Alec was about to erupt.


Miranda wanted to run out of the room and hide. Seeing him again reminded her of why she feared him. Hadn't he told Ethan to look her up? Why did he look so furious? Sexy as hell but furious. Crystal looked immaculate in her Gucci suit. Her heals alone looked like they cost as much as the suit. As Ethan started his presentation Miranda proceeded to hand him papers and work the smart board showing graphs and statistics. Miranda was lost trying to figure out how to avoid Alec after the presentation.


"Ahem... Miranda the file?" Ethan spoke. Miranda was obviously not concentrating. Alec noticed her hands shake. He noticed how she kept her eyes downcast. She was working with this prick! He wouldn't have believed it if he didn't see it himself. Crystal had her hand on his arm stroking him to sooth his anger and try and keep it contained. He wasn't listening to a thing they said. After presentation was over, questions were being asked and answered.


Miranda noticed Alec hadn't said a word. She was too afraid to look at him. Her heart couldn't handle this. She had missed him so much but recalling the fear he invoked in her decided it’s best to leave as soon as she could. Never would she allow herself to be in somebody's utter control. Never ever again.


"Miranda can you please give our guest some refreshment." Forcing a smile Miranda poured coffees and mini drinks and walked around to serve. Holding her breath not wanting to pass Alec. She started on the far end of the table hoping to avoid Alec for as long as possible. Making her way around Miranda finally reached Alec and Crystal. Biting the inside of her cheeks Miranda kept her eyes down. Thankfully Crystal grabbed two drinks and thanked Miranda. Quickly Miranda returned to the kitchenette placed the tray down and moved to whisper in Ethan's ear.


"I have to go," trying to make her way out Ethan grabbed her arms stroking them in full view of Alec. He thanked her quietly and kissed her on her mouth. Miranda pulled away as fast as she could. What the fuck! Ethan was trying to cause a scene.


"You can't go now honey, Alec is going to give us his verdict. You and I have worked so hard to get to this point. I insist you stay till we know if our hard work has been paid off." Ethan spoke loud enough for everybody to hear.


Alec gave them his lopsided grin. The entire room went silent. Alec stood up and his mere presence demanded respect and attention, he walked around and stood at the front where Ethan had presented his argument.


"Firstly I would love to thank you all for your ongoing support and loyalty. James sends his regards, apparently he wasn't invited to this event. Ladies and gentlemen Ethan has proven to be a very serious player. He wants new ideas and expansion. I ask you this, why have something that everybody else has? Vegas can give you the craze! Many more casinos and clubs will give you the same thing. My club is untouched by the craze. If clients want to be discreet they come to my club. We are in such high demand and why is that? Because we are exclusive. Everybody who is anybody wants to get in. But only I decide who's allowed in. I will only have the best in my clubs. I will not allow anybody of the streets to enter my casino. It's a process. Once you become a member then the fun can begin.” The way he spoke was with such authority, so much charisma.


“So no Ethan I'm sorry it's not going to happen. If by chance you disagree with my decision please feel free to organize a date where we can discuss this. Ladies and gentlemen please a showing of hands as to who's interested in changing our ways."


Miranda was awed by Alec. Wow, he put Ethan in his pocket. He didn't need papers and facts and graphs. He held charisma and he oozed power. Nobody raised their hands. Ethan seemed furious. Alec nodded his head not looking at Ethan.


"Would be my pleasure to celebrate with all of you. I will see you all at dinner" Alec was triumphant!


The members were up and about discussing things with Alec. This was her chance to flee. She moved away from Ethan and hurried out the door. Not stopping for a second Miranda made her way to the front foyer. She walked out the main doors, hoped into a taxi and went home.


Her mind was racing. After Alec spoke so calmly and effectively he didn't seem affected by Miranda's presence at all. She really didn't mean anything to him. He couldn't care less if Ethan had his arms around her or not. Wow Miranda for almost six months you cried over him. Hoping he didn't mean what he said. And only to be humiliated by his lack of emotion towards you again!


It hit Miranda hard, he really didn't feel anything at all towards her. She made herself believe he might have developed feelings for her. Crystal was right, it was her body's way of enduring the shock of being controlled by him. Miranda realized it made it easier for her to believe he cared for her that way when her body reacted to him she didn't feel too guilty.


Miranda called in sick the next day. She wouldn't be caught dead at the hotel until the week was up. Alec had totally ignored her. After all she suffered under his captivity he had the ability to make her feel worthless. That's it! From here on end Miranda was going to take control! Ethan could go to hell, as could Alec. No more being the victim, it was time to take charge.




Alec was furious. All through dinner he charmed his guests. Reassuring them they made the right decision. He forced himself to smile. If they had gone against Alec then it would have been tricky. Ethan would have found a loophole where majority wins. Alec was grateful for their loyalty.


After the conference Alec looked around for Miranda. She had left. He noticed her struggling to compose herself through the meeting. At least he could still affect her whether or not she was fucking Ethan. Ethan toasted to Alec at dinner saying that the better man had won. Alec bowed his head graciously a show for the crowd.


Alec was biding his time. Miranda was going to pay for her disloyalty. First thing first, Ethan would die.




Miranda decided to do nothing today. She lounged up on her sofa in her track pants and her jumper. It was raining heavy outside and it was freezing. All day she lounged around drinking hot soup and watching soap operas. It was getting dark outside. Miranda heard the doorbell and was wondering who would visit her. Opening the door to see who it could possibly be, suddenly the doors fully opened and Ethan was standing there all bloodied up. He looked so afraid, before Miranda could register what was happening Alec came in behind him with a gun.


Miranda froze in her spot. Ethan looked like he needed serious care. He was stumbling in and fell down. Alec kicked him hard. "Get up!" Ethan was struggling to stand. Miranda on instinct went to help him when she saw Alec's face and stopped dead in her tracks. "Lock the door," without thinking Miranda was quick to obey his order.


Alec had reached breaking point. Ethan the fuck continued to make comments about him and Miranda. Instead of heading home Alec decided enough was enough. Not being able to think of anything but Miranda and Ethan fucking caused Alec to lose his self-control. Hardly ever dealing with scum anymore that was Carlos's job, Alec couldn't contain his rage. He dressed in jeans, joggers a hooded jumper and was more than ready to find Ethan.


Lucky for Alec the phone rang it was Carlos. "Yo boss got some news." Carlos explained to Alec that Ethan's guard who was secretly working for Carlos had informed him that they would be bringing Alec down. Carlos gave him the time and place and Alec was ready.



Ethan didn't know what hit him. His guard were taken down one at a time. Carlos truly was the man. He looked out for Alec no matter how far he was. Body guards Alec didn't know that were guarding him, organized under Carlos's command

. Secretly they protected him and in this case pretty much saved his life. One by one Carlos's men bought Ethan's crew down. They were ordered to leave Ethan for Alec.


Stunned Ethan looked at Alec. "What's the problem? Can't fight fair?" Alec was more than ready.


"Alec this is stupid. I don't want to fight you," with that Ethan swung and his punch landed smack on Alec's jaw. Alec moved his jaw and turned smiling menacingly at Ethan.


"Aim to kill Ethan! It's the only way you’re going to survive. I will kill you if you can't beat me" Alec saw the fear in Ethan's eyes. And it was on. They fought for their lives. Ethan didn't stand a chance. Alec was too outraged to stop. He kept punching Ethan with no remorse or empathy. When Ethan passed out he ordered Carlos's men to secure him. When they placed him in the car Ethan regained consciousness.


Miranda couldn't think. Her body went into shock. Alec had pushed Ethan onto the carpet where he bled on her rug. Alec took a seat on the sofa. He looked unconcerned that Ethan needed help. Then he turned his eyes on her. Miranda's fear resurfaced. "Why? Why are you doing this?" Miranda needed to get through to him, one way or another she needed to help Ethan.


Alec's eyes were the color of night. Miranda swallowed and tried reasoning with him. "He's going to die if he doesn't get help. Let me tend to him. Please" remembering that her pleading for mercy never ever impacted him before, but it was all she had, hoping to reach his humane side.


"What? Afraid for your lover? Afraid he's going to die?" Alec was caressing the gun on his lap. "Remember what I told you would ever happen if you ever fucked anybody else kid?"


"I… I haven't been with anybody else. Why would you say that?"


"DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!" He stood and walked towards her. Miranda walked back trying to get away from him.


"You sent him to look for me! You discarded me like I was trash! Why do you care?" Trying to summon courage from within. Shit there goes that lopsided grin. What was she going to do?


Alec watched Miranda back away from him trying to feel her way. Oh how she was going to pay. What's worse she was actually seeking to help Ethan. A sick thought occurred to Alec. "Clean the fucker up!" He saw her eyes look at him with uncertainty, she was afraid to proceed. "You have five minutes."


Miranda bolted to retrieve the first aid kit. She sat beside Ethan and started to clean his wounds. Fuck Alec sure did a number on him. She bandaged him up as best as she could. Miranda tried to get him to drink a little water. All the while Alec never took his eyes off her.


"Get the fuck up," his order sent her shivers down her back. "Strip!" Oh hell no not this again. Miranda shook her head looking to run and escape. "Miranda run! I dare you! I love the fucking chase, just make sure I don't catch you!" What the hell was he playing at?


"Please stop! Please stop this," he watched her plead for his mercy.


"He's your lover right? Strip and fuck him, go on, no need to be shy it's nothing I haven't seen."


"He's not my lover Alec, I mean sir... I mean ..."


"You lying little bitch!" He was standing directly in front of her. "You lie to my face?"


"I'm not lying to you sir I promise you," that's it Alec wanted to play. He grabbed her arm and turned her so her back was on his chest. An instant fucking hard on. He had his arm around her stomach holding her to him. She was physically shivering and Alec knew it was from fear. It felt so good to smell her fucking hair. His hard on was reaching a point where it was painful. He bought the gun down to her cheek and started to caress her with it. Slowly making his way down to her neck.


"I could fucking blow your brains out in one shot," he placed the gun under her chin. Miranda was frozen with fear. She was terrified of his erratic behavior.


"Please…" She cried, as if praying to herself.


"Let's have some fun kid," Alec moved the gun so he was pointing it at Ethan. "Hold the gun Miranda."


"I'm begging you not to do this. Please I will do anything you want. Please not this." Miranda was openly sobbing. He was going to kill Ethan and she could do nothing to stop him.


"Do you love him Miranda?" He asked his voice dark and quiet.


"No sir. I love you, I belong to you, you’re my master you’re my god! I'm begging you sir!” Miranda was praying to get him to come around. Not knowing where her words were coming from. It was like a chant etched into her mind.


"You playing a game! You wanna play with me?" He was so turned on by her submission he was going to fuck her till she couldn't walk straight.


"No sir," she could feel his erection rubbing on her ass. She was so confused. She needed to get Ethan out of here. She would take whatever Alec threw her way but she couldn't be responsible for somebody's death. Ethan was tied with sturdy rope and was going in and out of consciousness. Alec grabbed her hand walked her up into her room. How the hell did he know where her room was?


He leisurely walked in and threw his jumper off. He kicked off his shoes and socks and unbuttoned his jeans. Alec laid casually on the bed with one hand behind his head and the other hand stroking his cock with his hand in his jeans. Miranda waited nervously. The gun was set on the bed beside him.


"Give me a fucking show," he said. "Nice and slow take off your clothes." He was so aroused by the sight of her. Her eyes were almost green an indication of her fear. She stood not moving. “No? You really think you’re in a position to disobey an order?" Miranda choked back a sob.


"I'm not disobeying you. I've never lied to you. I've never been with anybody else. I've cried for you every day for six months. You didn't want me. I thought you cared at least a little. You threw me out. You fucked people in front of me. You beat me up you whipped me and still I loved you."


Alec watched her pour her heart out. He was beyond a sick fuck! He had totally turned her life upside down. "I love you sir, I love you but your killing me," she approached the bed and sat beside him crying uncontrollably.


Alec was not falling for that he wanted revenge. Alec was out for blood. "Poor baby, was so hurt she ran straight into my enemy's arms. Did you think of me when you fucked him?" Just talking about it made his rage resurface. With that he grabbed her hair and threw her onto the floor. "That's it baby that’s where you belong, at my fucking feet," he was in such an aroused state he loved her tears, they hardened his cock like nothing else could. "On your fucking knees."


Miranda silently obeyed him knowing it was fruitless to fight. This was one big nightmare that wouldn't end. He released his enlarged penis and rubbed it across her mouth. "Open your fucking mouth," he slapped her with his cock repeatedly until she opened her mouth. "Hands behind your back, and if you break your position you'll be sorry." Miranda couldn't stop her tears. She knew she was in for it. Not understanding why he was reacting this way frightened the fuck out of her.


Forcing his cock into her mouth, Miranda almost gagged, she was finding it very hard to take his penis all the way in. Alec was relentless shoving his cock as far as he could into her sweet mouth. She was almost choking. Alec continued his onslaught, "Did you suck his cock? Did you enjoy sucking him off?" Faster and faster until he was almost on the verge of his climax. With one last thrust he ejaculated into her mouth.


Miranda almost chocked as his come oozed out of her mouth onto her chin. She quickly wiped her mouth disgusted by his actions. Never taking her eyes off him afraid of his next move. "Clean yourself up. You look like a fucking tramp." Miranda didn't need to be told twice she hurried into her small bathroom and washed herself.


When she finished her quick shower Miranda was surprised that he wasn't in her room. Quickly dressing in tights and a jumper. Miranda cautiously made her way downstairs. Ethan was still on the floor, he was very much awake now. Miranda looked at him sympathetically. She mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to him.


Looking around for Alec she noticed him in the kitchen. He had opened her uncle’s liquor cabinet and was fixing himself a drink. Miranda moved to see if Ethan was okay. Slowly, making her way to him only to be startled by Alec's harsh voice. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" She jumped.


"Can I give him some water and some painkillers please?" She thought she'd give it a go. Alec came towards her with such a menacing look that Miranda took a step back.


He grabbed her by neck and pulled her close to him applying enough pressure to make it hard to swallow. "You’re signing his fucking death warrant! How bout I deal with him now that way it's only you left to deal with?" He tightened his grip around her neck. "No? You’re afraid to lose him?" He shoved her away from him. "You fucking disgust me! Everything about you disgusts me!"


Miranda looked away hugging herself. His torture knew no limits. She was hoping Carlos would come and sort this out. Alec was irrational and allowed his temper to get the better of him.






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