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One Good Reason by Michelle Maris (20)

Noah Westlake

After returning from the hospital, Natalie hadn’t returned to her happy self. She’d wake up sometimes in the middle of the night in an absolute panic, perspiration dampened her hairline and she’d yell out because of a nightmare she had about Sean and his brother. It would take me half an hour to calm her down.

She continued to speak about the guilt she felt for inviting this trouble into our lives. Nothing I could say convinced her it wasn’t her fault. I thought the news of Gregory being killed in a prison fight would help a little to calm her mood; it didn’t. She was constantly on edge from the experience and from the guilt she felt. She insisted she brought this into our lives and she felt horrible for considering applying for the job as Erin’s nanny when she knew she had an awful past that could come back to haunt her.

“Natalie, I need you to stop saying that,” I begged her. “I knew about your past the moment I had my private investigator look into it. It would not stop me from bringing you into my life.”

“Noah, I love you for that but you didn’t see Erin’s face when Gregory taped up her little mouth.”

I cringed at the thought. “Natalie, the bastard is dead and I need you. Erin needs you. I want you back the way you were before all this happened.”

“I’m trying Noah. I promise I’ll be better. When our child is born, he’ll erase all this awfulness.”

“Fuck, I’m not waiting until then.” I threw back the blanket and cuddled into Natalie rubbing her pregnant belly. “Let’s go away.”

“We just got back from Colorado.” As a distraction, I took Erin and Natalie to Colorado to visit venues for our wedding but nothing seemed to snap her out of the guilt she felt.

“Somewhere else. Let’s go to France.” I suggested.

“Will Dr. Poletti let me?”

“We’ll ask, but you’re thirty-one weeks into your pregnancy, it shouldn’t be a problem.” I paused. “And if it is, I’ll take him and his wife with us. They can stay in the guest house.”

“Can we do that, anyway? I’d feel so much better if I knew my doctor was nearby.”

“Yes. I’ll do anything to make sure you relax and we enjoy ourselves.”

“What about Erin?”

“She’ll understand. She was just telling me how bad she felt because you looked so unhappy.”

Natalie broke into tears. She cried so often and I knew it was because of her hormones and everything she’d been through.

The next day we sat in my office together and put a call into Dr. Poletti. He approved of the trip to France. He felt Natalie would be in no danger. Then Natalie interjected.

“Dr. Poletti, I think I would feel much better and enjoy the trip if you and your wife are in France while we're there.”

Before Dr. Poletti could respond I broke in. “Dr. Poletti, if you and your wife could get away, I’d like to treat you to a paid vacation in Beaune, France.”

“Well, I’d normally ask my wife but I think this time, I’ll go out on a limb and say yes before asking her.”

Dr. Poletti’s response made Natalie laugh, and it sounded like sweet music to my ears.

“Wonderful and thank you.” Natalie squealed.

“I should thank you and your husband. Thank you, Mr. Westlake.”

“Call me Noah and if it’s okay, I’ll have my assistant call you tomorrow with all the details.”

“Yes, I’ll call the nearest hospital to Beaune to let them know I’ll be vacationing there in case I need their facilities.”

“Good Idea. Enjoy the rest of your day.” Just as I disconnected the phone call, Natalie hopped on my lap and covered me with kisses. She was already coming back. 


The flight over to France in my private jet was a peaceful one. Natalie slept, walked around the cabin when she wasn’t sleeping and talked to Dr. Poletti’s wife. We flew into Geneva Airport then flew in my helicopter over to my property in Beaune.

Dr. Poletti and his wife were staying on our property in the guesthouse. They’d have their own private pool, and the guesthouse had a fully equipped kitchen. I informed them they had all their time to themselves, and my staff would be at their beck and call, but I insisted he’d carry his cell in case we needed to reach him for Natalie. They were thankful and thrilled and even asked if they could treat Natalie and me to dinner one evening while in France. We’d love to have dinner with them, but I suggested we do it towards the end of the trip since I intended on being selfish and not sharing Natalie with anyone for the first week.

My home in France was a gift from my father before he died. He happened upon this house about ten years before he fell ill and about six months before his death he purchased the home for me.

The home had ten rooms with a guesthouse. Surrounding the property was a field of lavender and olive trees. It had a beautiful view of the pond with intricate paths lined with Cypress trees. There was a heated pool, pool house and tennis courts and room enough for my helicopter airstrip. The inside of the house had four bathrooms, five bedrooms, high ceilings and a full gourmet kitchen. The home made of natural stone had all period fireplaces and chimneys. The colors of the home were the same throughout every room, cream and black with no exceptions.

My staff ran out as soon as the helicopter landed. They swept up our bags and hurried back to the house.

I introduced my Butler, Leo to Natalie then to the Mr. and Mrs. Poletti. I asked him to show them to the guesthouse while I showed Natalie around the property. I informed Leo that they would need some of the staff to take care of all of their needs and a car service if they needed to drive in the surrounding area.

As I walked hand in hand with Natalie, I enjoyed the sweet scent coming off her skin as the breeze rushed over her. She finally looked relaxed, and I knew my decision was the right one. Coming here would bring my sweet Natalie back to me.

“Noah, Thank you, I’m happy we’re here. I need this time with you alone before our new baby comes into this world.”

“I agree. I want to love you, spoil you and cherish you while we are here. Then do it all over again when we return home.”

Natalie pulled me toward her and kissed me. I moved my hand along her belly, and with the other, I caressed her cheek. “Would you like to change and take a dip in the pool?”

Natalie took in a deep cleansing breath. “Yes.”

I walked Natalie through the home and gave her a quick tour, and I promised to give her a detailed one later on. Upon entering our master suite, Natalie’s eyes grew wider. “Noah, this is magnificent.” A large cream-colored upholstery headboard adorned one wall and on the opposite wall large French doors that opened to the pool. Large glass chandeliers with small cream and black lampshades hung from the center of each room, and every room had a wall made of natural stone.

It was simple, elegant and breathtaking.

Natalie stepped into the bathroom, and when she finished, she came out wearing a pale pink bikini. She looked adorable. Her body hadn’t changed at all except for the tiny baby bump and plumper breasts. I was just stripping out of my clothes when she came out, and she saw how much I appreciated how she looked.


“Yes, Natalie.”

“Do you want a quickie?”

“I’ll take it any way I can get.”

Natalie strolled over to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I moved my hands down her silky skin and rested them on her behind. As she sucked on my lips, I breathed out a request. “Natalie, I want to turn you around and move that tiny postage stamp size bikini off to the side and fuck you from behind.”

Natalie pulled away and granted my request. She turned around, and I took a moment to stare at her sweet little ass cheeks playing peek-a-boo with her bikini bottom. I sucked in the air between my teeth and hooked my finger along the hem of her bikini and moved it off to the side. I slid my finger between her thighs and felt the hot sweet wetness of her lips anticipation. I fisted my cock and brought it near her sweet spot. I teased her by moving the head of my cock up and down her wet slit then slipped it in and grabbed onto her hips and thus began the rush of desire flowing through my body in a torrent.

Across the room hung a mirror that gave me full access to Natalie enjoying the same pleasure. Her tits bounced forward and backward as I pounded into her. She leaned forward gripping the silk comforter with one hand and with the other she held onto the footboard. I reached around with my hand to rub her clit circling the sweet bundle of nerves as I watched Natalie climaxed. Thus began my onslaught, pounding into her mercilessly, she climaxed again, but this time she cried out my name begging me for more.

I slipped out of her and lay on my back so she could straddle me. She teetered forward on my cock and rode me hard and fast until she was coming again. Something about seeing her pregnant body, pleasuring itself on my cock made me so fucking hot. Watching her was my undoing. I saw tears run down Natalie’s face from pure, intense sexual pleasure and I lost all control. I released an anguished moan, “Fuck,” then yelled out her name.

When we finished, I pulled her towards me, and she rested her body next to mine using me as her body pillow. I always had a healthy sexual appetite for Natalie, but now it was magnified. I never imagined that a pregnant Natalie would be my new kink.

A few days in France and I already noticed a difference in Natalie. She slept through the nights and relaxed during the day. We spent our time traveling around to the neighboring towns, enjoying exquisite meals and beautiful scenery.

One afternoon, we drove to the Abby of Cluny and watched a horse show then ate lunch the La Halte De L’Abbaye. We stopped in at the farmers market before we left and stocked up on beautiful fruits and vegetable, which we brought home to make a feast for the Poletti’s and ourselves.

It was the first night I ever experienced entertaining guests with my significant other. Having the woman I loved sitting next to me as we talked with Dr. and Mrs. Poletti about children, traveling, and the future felt… normal. And normal was all I ever craved.

I watched as Natalie listened intently to Dr. Poletti tell a story about when his youngest daughter got a pea stuck up her nose. Seeing Natalie laugh as he recounted all the steps he took to get the pea out of his daughter’s nose made me grateful.

Yes, I was grateful and in awe of how life had a funny way of working things out. I thought about the drawer in my desk at home where dozens of applications sat in a folder. I thought about Natalie’s picture and how I knew the moment I saw it I needed her in my life. And here she was after everything, sitting next to me with her hand resting on my thigh, squeezing it every so often, as a reminder of what would come later.

We had only a few more days in France, and we’d be heading home. I realized coming here was the right decision as I stared at Natalie asleep on the chaise lounge. She wore another one her tiny little bikinis as her baby bump moved up and down with each breath she took. I turned on my side to stare at her as she slept. Her long golden brown hair moved in the breeze, and the sweet scent of it passed over my skin. I inhaled taking her scent in deeper.

Small drops of perspiration beaded on the skin between her breasts and it took all my strength to not lap them up with my tongue. Her skin was turning brown even though I covered her with sunblock.

Unable to resist her, I brushed my fingers against her arm. She opened her eyes and turned her head towards me a smile stretched across her face as our eyes made contact.

“Did you sleep?” She asked as she reciprocated my touch by brushing her fingers along my arm.

“No, I watched you sleep.”

She smiled. “Noah, I love you.”

“Natalie, I love you.” I stretched my arm across her chair and rested my hand on her belly. “Natalie, Do you know what I want right now?”

“What?” She gave me a coquettish grin.

“I want to make you orgasm.”


“Why not?”

“The Poletti’s, the staff, Leo.”

“It’s our house; they won’t mind.” Before Natalie could refuse me, I stood up and sat on the edge of her lounge facing her. I rubbed circles over her belly. She let a soft moan escape from her, and I moved my hand down between her legs. I slipped two fingers under her bikini and circled her clit. She closed her eyes as I watched as pleasure washed over her face. She moved her hips as I continued to circle her clit. I slid my fingers a little further down and invaded the wet silky skin, then slid them back up circling her clit again. With my other hand, I palmed her breast over her bikini top and brushed my thumb back and forth across her taut nipple. Natalie bit down on her lower lip, and I could feel her body let go.

She convulsed as she whispered my name and grabbed on to my forearm to steady her. Her lips curled, and she opened her eyes. “Noah, let’s go in. I need you inside me, now.”

Natalie and I walked through the sliding glass doors that led right into our bedroom. We left them open to allow for the breeze to come in. She untied her bikini and let it drop to the floor as I dropped my bathing suit and flung it over the oversized chair in the corner of the room. Natalie crawled onto the bed and positioned herself on all fours. Standing on my knees behind her, I circled her bottom with my hand. I gave it a slap, and she giggled. Fisting my cock in my hand, I positioned the tip of it along her wet seam. I moved it up and down her seam then with one firm thrust I entered her. Grabbing onto her hips I pounded into her.

“Noah, I ache for you always. Push harder, deeper.” She moaned. “It feels so good.”

I reached my arms further up on her sides right under her swollen breasts and pulled her deeper into me.

“Yes!” She screamed.

I felt her tits hitting against my hands with each thrust.

“Noah, faster. I’m right there.”

I quickened my pace, and I held back my orgasm as long as I could. The sound of Natalie’s ass slapping against my skin, the view from behind as I pounded inside her, watching her body quiver as she began to orgasm and her smoky voice hit every sexual need I had, and I exploded.

“Oh fuck, Natalie, fuck you feel so good.” I brace myself as my come filled her, and it felt like it wouldn’t end. I collapsed on top of her and dragged her down and onto her side pulling her closer to my body. With one hand resting on her belly, I felt our baby kick.

“I think he just high-five'd you.” Natalie giggled.

I laughed and kissed the top of her head. “And if it’s a girl, I hope she has a backhand like her mother because if she looks like you, she will need it to keep all the unsavory boys away.”

“Awe, Noah, now I feel bad.”

“Don’t baby; I deserved it.” I cuddled my lips closer to her ear. “Anyway, I think it knocked sense into me.”

Natalie turned her head to kiss me.

“I only wish you did it sooner!”