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Only the Perfect (Only You Book 2) by Elle Thorpe (9)



Nathan jumped on the lounge, the springs creaking beneath his little feet every time he hit the cushion. “Look, Jamison!” He raised his hands and I caught him mid jump, setting him down on the ground.

“Hey mate, I know you’re super good at those front flips, but I think Mum might get angry if you’re doing them on the lounge. Don’t you think?”

He tucked his blond hair behind his ear and stuck his bottom lip out. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Right answer,” Elodie said as she came back into the room. I cringed and mouthed the word sorry whilst giving her my best puppy dog eyes. She shook her head, her hair swishing around her face. “Nate, it’s time for bed. Say good night to Jamison, please.”

“Good night, Jamison. Thanks for teaching me front flips!”

I ruffled his hair as he ran by me to his mum’s outstretched hand. “Good night, mate. Next time we’ll work on backflips.”

Nathan cheered and Elodie shot me an exasperated look.


I straightened all the cushions on the lounge, because I knew it would bother Elodie to see them all over the place in her otherwise perfectly spotless living room. I flicked the TV onto a tennis match, but nervous energy made me too jumpy to just sit on the lounge and watch it. So, instead, I paced around the living room as I waited for Elodie to put Nathan to bed. Every photo frame on every wall held photos of Nathan at various ages, and his artwork was displayed proudly on wall clips. I bypassed the family photos that included Rick.

Even after spending all day with Nathan and Elodie, I hadn’t had enough. Playing with Nathan had been a ton of fun, but he’d been the centre of my attention. Just being in Elodie’s presence hadn’t quenched the thirst that had developed over the world’s longest week. Emailing wasn’t enough, and being with her today, but not really being allowed to touch her or talk to her about anything other than which ride to go on next, had been a sweet agony. It had only drawn out the pull I’d felt, and I couldn’t wait to get her alone.

From the bedroom Elodie’s voice rose up, sweet and calm, as she sang Nathan a lullaby. Her voice was beautiful, easy, and flowing, and I closed my eyes for a moment just to listen. She was a good mum. I’d never dated anyone with kids before, but I had three nieces and a nephew. I liked kids. I certainly didn’t want any of my own right now, not when I was so close to finishing Uni and actually being able to start a real career, but I had no problem with other people’s.

Elodie didn’t need to tell me the two of them were a package deal. I knew it from the first moment I’d seen them sitting together at the wedding. The way she smiled at him when he wasn’t looking. The gentle way she touched him. I instinctively knew she’d do anything for that little boy. He was always going to be her number one priority and that was how it should be. I didn’t need kids of my own to understand that.

But I hoped she had room in her life for something more.

Elodie padded back into the living room on bare feet and leant on the doorway. A small smile played over her lips and her hair was mussed up on one side from where she’d lain with Nathan. “Who’s playing?”

She still wore the long skirt she’d had on at the racecourse, but she’d hiked it up to mid-thigh and tied it in a knot on one side, so she wouldn’t trip on the hem without sandals on. My eyes travelled up the length of her leg, over the flare of her hip, to the narrowing of her waist. “I don’t know.”

Elodie laughed. “You’ve been out here watching it for fifteen minutes and you don’t know who’s playing?”

I shrugged. “I think I forgot my own name when you walked out here looking like that.” She bit her lip, something I was coming to recognise she did when I said something she liked. “Is Nathan asleep?”

She nodded.

“Then why the hell are you all the way over there?”

She crossed the space, until she stood in front of me, then pushed me gently, urging me backwards until my calves hit the lounge. I sat, the lounge creaking as it accepted my weight, and Elodie’s hair fell around her face in a waterfall as she stood over me. My heart hammered in my chest at the look of lust and need that swirled in her expression. I knew it was probably mirrored in my own.

My fingers found and travelled up the smooth length of leg she had on display, stopping just under the knot she’d tied. I gave it an experimental tug, watching as the waistband slid down her hip an inch, exposing a sliver of skin between her skirt and top. I leant forward and brushed my lips over the space. Her body swayed before she lowered herself to kneel in the space between my legs. Heat flashed in her eyes as they met mine. I lifted one hand and slid it along the side of her face, so my fingertips curled into her hair. My other hand found her hip, my thumb brushing over the sliver of skin my lips had kissed just moments earlier. I don’t know if I leant in, or if she was the one to narrow the gap between us, but our lips hovered inches away.

“Thank you for today,” she whispered.

“You’re welcome.” My eyes dipped to her mouth. Soft and pink. She’d worn lipstick earlier in the day, but it had long worn off. Her tongue darted out to run over her lips and I fought back a groan.

“There’s something really sexy about a man that likes kids, you know?”

I chuckled. “No, not really. But if you’re calling me sexy, I’ll take it.”

“You’re sexy, Jamison.”


“Mmmhmm.” She swept her lips over mine, and my grip tightened on her hip. “Really damn sexy.”

Her lips returned, her tongue immediately seeking to deepen the kiss. I couldn’t hold back the groan I’d been supressing as her tongue found mine. My fingers tightened in her hair as I slid forward on the lounge and pulled her close to me. Her lips were demanding, controlling the pace and intensity of the kiss and I followed her lead. Her hands palmed my thighs, inching higher up my legs, my cock thickening with every centimetre her fingers covered. She pulled back, giving me a little smile before she looked down and flicked open the fly of my shorts.

“Stand up,” she whispered. I obeyed, my shorts falling down my legs without the support of the button and fly. My cock strained behind my boxer briefs, begging to be set free. Her gaze lingered on my dick, and my heartbeat picked up. My stomach rolled in anticipation.

Elodie’s fingers trailed along the waistband of my briefs, before she slid them down, just low enough to free my cock. It sprung out, thick and hard, and her gaze lifted to mine as her pink tongue shot out and circled the head. Shiiiit.

I was almost as surprised as she was when I put a hand on her cheek and stopped her from lowering her mouth over me.

“Wait, El. Nathan…”

She shook her head. “Once he’s asleep, he’s out cold. We won’t hear from him until morning.”

I relaxed a little, though the thought of his little blond head poking around the corner as his mother bobbed over my dick was horrifying. Elodie’s hot mouth closed over me, heat spreading through me like wildfire. Her hand wrapped around the base, following her mouth as she slid over me, her tongue stroking the sensitive underside. My hand fisted in her hair, but I wasn’t controlling her. This was her show. Her tongue swirled around me again and pleasure rolled through me, but…


I couldn’t stop thinking about Nathan just down the hallway. It was making me paranoid and distracting me from the warmth of her mouth. Which is exactly what I really wanted to be focusing on.

“El, stop.”

Her head lifted, her eyes slightly unfocussed. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?” Her eyebrows drew together, and embarrassment flickered in her eyes. The alpha male in me loved that she wanted to please me. That was hot.

“Fuck, no. I love it. I just don’t want to do this here. Nathan…”

Her sigh stirred a loose hair at the side of her face. “I understand.” She sat back on her heels and pushed to her feet. As she moved away, I saw the disappointment in her eyes.

Yanking up my shorts, I chased after her and spun her around, her body crashing against mine.

“I didn’t mean we should stop altogether, El. Where’s your bedroom?”

The edges of her mouth turned up. “Down the hall. Next to Nathan’s room.”

“Fuck!” My cock throbbed at how close she was.

Mischief glinted in her eyes. “The bathroom is at the back of the house, though. And it has a lock…”

Fuck. Yes.

With my head rushing, I followed her down the hall, tiptoeing when she looked back at me and placed a finger over her lips as we passed Nathan’s room. She took the last door on the right, pulling me into the white and blue tiled bathroom, and locked the door behind her. Hands grasped at skin and lips slammed together as we found each other again. She moaned into my mouth, and satisfaction rolled through me, as my hands dipped to cup her ass. I lifted her to sit on the white porcelain of the sink, sending a small brush and some other torturous-looking makeup devices clattering to the ground in the process. She spread her legs to make room for me, as our kisses grew from demanding to frenzied. Lust and need pulsed through me, the sensation pooling in my balls. I flicked a glance at our reflection in the mirror behind her, and excitement pounded through me. She needed to be naked. Now.

My fingers found the bottom hem of her shirt and I broke our kiss just long enough to pull it over her head. Her tits, a perfect handful, covered in delicate white lace, just begged for my mouth, and I couldn’t resist the need to lay my mouth on her. I abandoned my quest to see every inch of her bare for just a moment and sucked her nipple through her bra. A fresh wave of desire crashed down on me when her nipple pebbled under my tongue. She was so fucking perfect, with her smooth skin and her body responding to my every touch.

I ditched my own shirt, and her eyes travelled down over my pecs and abs. I stilled, wanting desperately for her to say something. I wasn’t weightlifter built, I knew that. But I was long and lean and had the muscles that came from hours of running with Low every week. Did she like what she saw? I wanted her to be as turned on by me as I was by her. She pushed my waistband down, freeing my straining cock, before letting her gaze travel back up my body. Her eyes lit up as she looked at me. Like I was a fucking Christmas present with her name on it.

I kissed her hard whilst fumbling to find the clasp on her bra, and I pushed the straps down her arms. She moaned again as I cupped her naked breasts, and I pressed my tongue in her mouth to keep her quiet. Nathan’s room wasn’t that far away.

I trailed my hand down her ribcage and over the curve of her hip, delighting in the feel of her. I took my time, my hand gliding over her bare skin, then down over her skirt before I found the knot she’d tied in it. My fingers snuck underneath, trailing up the inside of her thigh, her legs parting even further as I reached the lace that covered her.

I pulled the soaked material to the side, sliding my finger through the wetness I found waiting there for me, and groaned. “So wet,” I murmured into her ear. My heart pounded. I wanted that wetness wrapped around my cock. But not yet. Her head dropped back, clunking onto the mirror, and I dropped my mouth to her nipples as I stroked her clit rhythmically. I remembered how she liked to be touched from the first time. I needed to work her, needed to make her scream. Liquid pooled at the tip of my cock, desperate to join the party, and I gave it a quick stroke.

“Fuck, Elodie,” I whispered as I leaned in to suck her neck. “I want in.”

Her eyes opened, and she pushed me back so she could slide off the sink. Her tits bounced as she moved around the small space, and I ached to have them in my mouth again. She opened the under-sink cupboard and pulled a box of condoms from the very back. She shook it, and with a grin I grabbed it from her before fishing out a foil packet. Elodie threw the box back in its spot and turned to hoist herself back onto the sink, but I grabbed her round the waist.

I had a better idea. I spun her around, so we both faced the mirror.

Elodie’s nipples were still wet from my mouth, and her lust-filled eyes stared back at me. I smiled slowly as I positioned her hands on the sink and nudged her thighs apart. She looked back over her shoulder at me, and I shook my head and whispered in her hair. “Watch.”

A pink blush broke out over her cheeks, but she did as I’d asked. I kissed a path along her shoulder toward her neck, flicking my tongue over her skin and letting my teeth graze her most sensitive areas.

All while I held her gaze in the mirror.

I hooked my thumbs inside the waistband of her skirt and pulled the skirt and her underwear slowly down her legs, leaving her naked in the reflection. My cock pressed hard into her back and the thought of thrusting deep inside her almost had me losing it right then and there. Her breaths came in soft pants, letting me know she was as turned on as I was by the visual display.

I ripped the top off the condom packet, tossing aside the rubbish and rolling the latex over my cock. I stroked it twice, letting her watch in the mirror, before I moved in behind her again. My palm flattened at the base of her spine and slowly dragged upwards, pushing her upper body down gently.

The blunt head of my cock found her opening, sliding along her wet heat, but I wouldn’t press in until I knew she was ready. Instead I leant over her so my chest pressed against her back, and reached around to squeeze her nipple. My other hand sought out her little bundle of nerves and when I found it between her legs, slick and swollen, I rubbed my thumb over it. Over and over I repeated the motions until she moaned loudly. She turned her head again, her mouth seeking mine, her hips jerking.

“I want you inside me,” she panted out, a hint of frustration lacing her breath. Her hips pressed back once more, searching for something only I could give her in that moment. And I wanted to give it to her. I wanted to give her everything I’d been thinking about all week. Orgasms and affection. Loyalty. Trust. Everything she’d never gotten from Rick. I lined myself up again, and my cock found home as she sheathed me in one long stroke.

“You’re so warm,” I mumbled into her neck as I pushed into her, before retreating, then pushing back. My fingers rubbed her centre, and her legs parted even further as she leant over the sink, pushing her ass and hips back. Our eyes met in the mirror as I straightened to pump in and out of her. The green depths of her eyes were hooded yet full of want, and they spurred me on. My pace increased, and she changed her rhythm to match me. A delicious pinkness glowed on her fair skin, her nipples darker and erect. So fucking beautiful. Her eyes closed, head tipped back. I was on the verge of falling into a pleasure abyss and I hoped to God she was too. I wouldn’t let go until she did.

“There,” she moaned. “Right there.” As her walls clenched around me, I fucked her harder. Our thighs slapped in the otherwise quiet bathroom, her orgasm sending me crashing into my own. I rode it out, thrusting slower until her legs trembled.

She leaned hard on the sink, and I braced myself over her, enjoying the shivers coursing through her body. She turned in my arms and pressed her palms to my lower back as my arms circled round her. Her head tilted, and I dropped my mouth to hers, waiting for our heart rates to slow. Long, wet kisses. Open mouthed. Sloppy. I missed her the instant I moved away to pull the condom off and throw it in the bin.

“That was incredible,” she whispered when I had her in my arms again.

“The best.” My heart pounded, but I wasn’t lying. That had been some of the hottest sex I’d ever had. I knew I’d be replaying it in my head for weeks. “I’ll turn on the shower for you.” I reached for the shower door, but she shook her head and grabbed a towel from the rack beside the bath. “I’m just going to check on Nathan. Though I assume we didn’t wake him up since he isn’t banging on the door.” She gave me a smile. “Plus, the shower is tiny. You go first, and I’ll jump in when you’re done.”

I frowned as she wrapped herself in the towel, hating that she was no longer naked. “One question?”

She stopped, her hand hovering over the doorknob.

“Are there any other rooms in this house that have a lock?”




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