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Paranormal Dating Agency: Oh, Bite Me (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of the Deep Book 1) by Chris Genovese (7)

Chapter 7


Sneaking out of the hospital with Thane was the most invigorating thing she’d ever done. Penny was nervous, but she was excited at the same time. Not only had he revealed his secret to her, but he’d told her that he wanted her and that he wanted to take her home. She’d never had anyone talk to her the way he did. And that kiss. Every kiss prior had felt like it was only a step toward something else, more like a tool used to move her dates on to third base.

Not Thane’s kiss. His kiss was everything. It stood on its own two legs. His kiss was that, and that alone, it was an explosion of emotions, sensory overload, all in what must have only amounted to a minute. As he held her in his arms and carried her out of the hospital, she felt loved. She felt cared for. She felt protected.

With her arms draped around his neck, he led her to a car driven by someone else and placed her gently in the backseat. From there, she was taken down to the docks, where he once again picked her up and carried her onto a boat, which was also driven by someone else. It seemed he had it all worked out. He’d had a driver and a captain and who knew how many others waiting to whisk her away.

What if I’d said no? What if I’d refused to go with him?

Who was she kidding? She would have never said no. Not to this guy. Thane was everything she wanted. Her life had been an endless carousel of waking up, sitting around in her pajamas to type away at her computer, heading to her next medical appointment, and then going home to a lonesome dinner with maybe a phone call from Sylvia. She’d go to sleep watching a TV show she had little interest in and then she’d wake up and do it all over again. Wrapped up in Thane’s arms, she felt life might be different. It might mean more.

“I don’t know about going out on the water again,” she whispered to him as he lay with her on a bed below deck.

“Rest,” he told her. “Sleep. When you wake up, we’ll be there. I’ll stay awake and make sure nothing happens to you. I promise.”

She didn’t want to rest. She was exhausted, and her body begged for sleep, but her mind told her she might wake up and find that this had all been a dream. The doctor had given her some pretty good drugs the day before, and she wouldn’t have been surprised to find out this was all a hallucination.

“You won’t leave me?” she asked.

He pulled a blanket up to cover her and slid his body down so his face was closer to hers. His fingertips touched her chin, so tenderly, and then he whispered, “I’ll never leave you again.”

“Never is a long time,” she said.

“Never isn’t long enough,” he replied.

She closed her eyes and the last thing she felt was his lips caress hers softly.

When she woke, she felt none of the stiffness in her leg. At the hospital, it had been wrapped in bandages and filled with ointment. Yet, the pain had been constant. She’d felt an itch she could never scratch and an annoyance that nagged at her constantly. But now it was gone.

Penny was alone in the room below deck. Throwing off the blanket, she was completely naked. Her hospital gown had been removed and the bandages on her leg were gone. So were the cuts and the dried blood. Scars had formed where the deep grooves had been torn into her leg by the shark’s teeth, but other than that, she was completely healed.

What the fuck? This is a miracle. But seriously, what the fuck? Is this even possible?

She’d heard the stories of shifters being able to heal people, but she’d heard so many tales that it was impossible to tell which were only rumors and which were truth.

The cool sea air on her pussy reminded her she had better cover up before someone came into the room.

He saw me naked?

An invisible foot kicked her in the stomach and the cramp made her almost nauseous. It was a mix of hunger and disappointment that the first time her man saw her naked was when she was completely knocked out and looked like shit. She hadn’t been able to put on sexy panties and her favorite bra. She’d worn a fucking hospital gown, white with little blue diamonds on it.

This is great. Just fucking great. He’ll never want to see me again.

“Hello, are you awake down there?” someone asked.

It was a male voice, but it didn’t belong to Thane. In fact, this one sounded Spanish, which struck her as odd given all the other accents she’d heard since arriving in Queensland had been mostly Australian aside from a few British or American tourists she’d met at the hotel.

Oh my God! How many people have seen me naked?

“I’m awake!” she yelled. “But I’m not dressed! Please do not come down here.”

She searched around her for some clothes but found none.

“Mr. Thane said to check in the drawer to your right. He put a dress in there for you!”

She leaned over and opened the drawer. Sure enough, he had put a soft, yellow sundress in there, the kind of dress one might slip over her bathing suit had she been wearing one at all. Thankful for the gesture and the fact that she wouldn’t have to walk naked off the boat, she pulled the dress over her. Unfortunately, he hadn’t left a bra or panties to go with it. It would have been weird if he had she supposed. What were the chances he would have guessed her sizes?

Nice. Scoring points here. But where the hell are you and why am I having a conversation with some strange person yelling at me down the stairs?

Once she was dressed, Penny made her way up the stairs, careful to pin her dress down at her sides with her arms in case a strong wind decided to blow through and lift it up over her head. That would be a great way to make a first impression with Thane’s friends.

An older Hispanic man took her hand to help lead her to a ladder and down to a small rubber dingy tied to the side of the boat. The water around her was so crystal clear that she could see small fish racing around and crabs burrowing beneath the white sand. It was a scene she could imagine seeing in the Bahamas or maybe even in Hawaii, but here she was off the coast of an Australian island, and it was beautiful.

“Mr. Thane is waiting for you on shore,” the older man said as he helped her on to the dingy.

“Why didn’t he stay with me on the boat?” she asked the man.

“It’s umm…it’s complicated,” the man said. “Maybe he will tell you if you ask him. I do not know. I will leave that up to him.”

Did he not know that she knew Thane’s secret? And what did that have to do with leaving her alone on the boat in the first place? She would have to ask him herself since the old man seemed worried about giving away too much information. As soon as the man had the motor running, and he drove the dingy around to the front of the boat, she saw the island and a few people standing on shore waving at her. Thane was there, in a fresh change of clothes, with one hand in his pocket and the other in the air beckoning her forward. She smiled and waved back.


“She’s very pretty,” Kino said at Thane’s side, as he too lifted a hand to wave. “Small though, man. Are you sure she’s…woman enough for you?”

“She’s all woman,” Thane assured him. “She’s everything.”

“I mean she’s cute and all,” Kino said, “but everything…”

“Shut up,” Thane told him.

It seemed to be his favorite thing to say to Kino, who always shrugged it off with a laugh.

“Yes, babe, shut up,” Ruby said as she moved in front of Kino, so he could hold her from behind. Kino knew his place and quickly put his hands around her to rub her pregnant belly. Ruby waved at Penny and Thane felt warmth in is heart. He knew they might have issues with the new pure human woman headed to their island, but even if they did, they pretended to be happy to see her. Tiko, Malena, and Little Ricky, the kids, also waved at her. She was being welcomed with open arms.

When Juan Diego finally moored the dingy and Penny stepped into the knee-high water, Thane wanted nothing more than to run to her, to pick her up and spin her around, to let her know how grateful he was that she trusted him enough to bring her here. But he couldn’t. If even one of his toes touched the water, he’d begin to shift, and he wasn’t ready for her to see that yet. It was the reason he’d left her in the darkness of the early morning.

He’d tried to wake her to change into the dress, but she was out cold. Whatever medication the doctor had given her had worked. She didn’t budge the entire time he removed her clothes. Not looking at her body had been one of the most difficult things he’d ever had to endure. Of course, he’d wanted to see her. He’d barely been able to control the rising of his cock at the mere thought of her being naked so close to him, but out of respect for Penny, he’d kept his eyes on everything but her body. Then, once he had her clothes off, he realized he wasn’t going to be able to put on the dress without putting her in some compromising positions, so instead, he covered her with the blanket and left.

Diving into the water, and changing into his other form, he’d wished so badly he could be normal long enough to help her off the boat and take her to the island. He’d promised her that he would never leave her, and there he was, leaving her on the boat. He’d been so worried she’d wake up and freak out the second she found she’d been left alone.

Now, here she was, stepping off the dingy and making her way onto dry land. Wind blew through the dress, threatening to pull it up, but she smooshed it back down against her body. Her tits were magnificent, and he loved the way the fabric reached her nipples and hung down from there. She was so fucking sexy. He hoped he’d get up the nerve to take her, and he prayed she’d let him when the time came. He needed to be naked with her, to feel her body against his, to savor the feeling of his cock sliding into her pussy.

Save those thoughts for later. You can’t get hard right here, right now. Save it for later.

The moment her feet touched dry sand, Thane rushed to her, lifted her off her feet, and held her tightly. His left hand grabbed her waist and his right pulled the back of her head, so her face came to his. Then he kissed her, harder than he had the night before, making sure she could feel the neediness of his mouth. She was desired, and he needed her to understand that. Her mouth opened, and their tongues met.

“Ahem,” Kino said. “We can uh…we can go if you want.”

“No, please,” Penny said.

Thane couldn’t stop himself from smiling. She was so perfect.

“Sister,” Ruby said as she moved to Thane’s side.

Thane set Penny down on her feet and Ruby instantly hugged her. Kino walked over and did the same, wrapping his arms around both women.

“This here is Tiko and Malena and Little Ricky,” Thane said, patting each of the kids on top of their heads. “Tiko and Malena belong to Kino and Ruby. Little Ricky is Rickshaw and Paisley’s kid. You’ll meet them later.”

Penny leaned down to shake Tiko’s hand. Then she complimented Malena on her dress and ruffled Little Ricky’s hair.

“Where’s everyone else?” Penny asked.

“The others were afraid you’d be intimidated if they all showed up. They’re waiting to meet you tonight,” Kino informed her.

“Tonight?” Penny asked. “What’s tonight?”


The day had been spent mostly inside of Thane’s cabin. He wanted her to relax and make sure she wasn’t too tired. Now, she stood in front of a roaring bonfire on the beach. The old man from the dingy played a small guitar, singing a song in Spanish that Penny didn’t know, but knew she could grow to like. The kids were eating roasted chicken on sticks. Penny had already eaten her fill. Now, she sipped a very fruity wine drink prepared by one of the other women in camp, Hailey, while Thane stood next to her with a beer bottle in hand.

Hailey was a tall, thin, black woman with short, almost boyish hair. Beside her was one of the guys, a man Thane had introduced as Jagger. He looked like he belonged in a heavy metal band. His long hair hung down over his shoulders and his entire upper body was doused in tattoos. Daggers and skulls and wisps of tribal markings decorated his torso. Penny wasn’t sure if these two were a couple or not. They seemed to stay close to each other, but they weren’t touchy-feely enough to be in a relationship. Penny figured they might be fuck buddies.

Of course, Kino and Ruby were next to Thane. Kino was a muscular, tanned man who wore his hair short, barely long enough to pull back in a ponytail. Any part of his hair not pulled back was shaved bald. He too was covered in tattoos. Penny thought he was sexy in a beach bum kind of way. She could tell he was the type who never took anything seriously. That, in itself, was attractive, but she could see why Ruby seemed to give him a hard time. She had to keep him in line. Penny liked Ruby. Her black hair was curly and hung down to her shoulders. Her adorable pregnant belly only added to her beauty.

Faith had long, straight, brown hair that hung down to her ass and she was quite comfortable in her skin, wearing the skimpiest bikini of all the women. She had almost as many tattoos as Jagger. Of all the women, she was the one Penny would least like to tangle with. She was the toughest chick of them all and every story she told only proved it more. She seemed to be single.

The opposite of tough was Oliver. He, too, seemed to be on his own. He was slim, dainty even, and had fashion model good looks. While the other guys seemed all about being macho and proving themselves as studs in the pack, Oliver was laid back and didn’t seem to say much at all. Something about the way he stood, or his mannerisms, gave Penny the idea that he might be gay.

Rickshaw and Paisley were the horniest of the bunch. A big, black male with tattoos too dark to make out well in the bonfire light, Rickshaw had big eyes that were honest and full of joy. He looked like a physically fit teddy bear, but Penny supposed he was a force to be reckoned with. Paisley was the curviest of the women, thick in all the right places, with cheeks that begged to be squeezed. Rickshaw’s hands stayed tucked in her waistband, at the front of her shorts, where Penny couldn’t help staring too long, imagining his fingertips pressing on the spot above her pussy.

If Thane held me like that I would fucking melt. God, make him hold me like that. Make him grab me from behind right now and slide his hands up my dress.

The wine was hitting her hard. Her head was fuzzy, and everything was hilarious. Everyone was having a great time. Even Poet, who was the most solemn of the group. With pasty white skin, Thane’s albino friend seemed to feel out of place with the others. While they were always hooting and hollering, Poet kept his head down, buried in a small notebook he liked to scribble in.

“Poet, read us something,” Kalina said as she danced along to Juan Diego’s music.

Kalina was the most beautiful woman Penny had ever seen, other than maybe who she now thought of as the bitch, Evelyn, from the yacht. She was almost the exact opposite of Evelyn. Blonde, with long hair that hung in curls down the side of her face as if she’d gone to get her hair done before a wedding, and full lips, she was perfection. The mere sight of her made Penny feel inadequate, as if she wasn’t good enough for Thane, not when he had a girl like Kalina on the island with him all this time. He’d fucked her. She was sure of it. The way she stared across the fire at Thane, she was pretty sure they’d had something together at some point in the past. This bothered Penny…a lot.

I can’t be the jealous girlfriend. I’m new here. I need to get along with everyone. And they’re all so nice to me, even Kalina.

It was true. Kalina had been very welcoming, telling her it was about damn time Thane found a woman to dote over. She said she was sick of seeing his dramatically sad face all the time. Penny had laughed at that, but now she wondered if it had all been for show. Was Kalina really happy that she joined them or was she only saying that because people were watching? What would she say to Penny later, when nobody else was around?

“No, it’s okay,” Poet said. “I don’t have anything good.”

“You always have something good,” Kalina said. “Stop being modest.”

Penny wanted to hug Poet. He looked so sad all the time. She’d only known him one evening and already she felt like she wanted to be best friends with him. She could only imagine the amount of knowledge he had written on those pages.

“Everyone,” Kalina said. “Shh, Poet’s going to read.”

“I’m not,” he said.

“He is,” she argued. “J.D., stop the music for a moment.”

Juan Diego, who apparently went by J.D., stopped strumming his guitar and set it down on the beach next to him.

As Poet prepared to read, Penny felt Thane move to her back, where he wrapped his arms around her and set his hands down at the small of her stomach, right where she’d prayed they’d land. She leaned back against him and rested her head against his chest. His lips found the crown of her head and she felt a light kiss against her scalp. The alcohol flowed through her body and she loved the feeling of euphoria, the bliss of letting go and forgetting all her troubles. Her pain seemed to evaporate in his arms and as the warmth of the fire danced across her face, Penny felt truly happy.


It shows her

The breeze

It blows her in


Knows her


She wears like skin



It holds her


The glow she’s in


Controls her


She sheds like sin


Her eyes

They stole him

Her smile

The sweetest grin

Her heart

So swollen

She’s beauty

Both out and in


This my friends

Is why he chose her then

Now life begins

At a balanced spin”


Everyone remained silent. Penny’s heart fluttered in her chest.

Was that poem about me? Was it about Thane and me?

All eyes were on Penny, and she didn’t know what to say. All was silent except for the swoosh of the sea meeting the sand and the crackling of the fire.

“That was beautiful,” she said.

“Thank you,” Poet replied. “Maybe it’s not any good, but I write what I see.”

“Is it about me?” she whispered, barely audible at all.

Thane leaned in close to her ear and whispered to her, “Absolutely. You’re my queen now, if you want to be. But we can take things slow. No pressure. I’m here if you want me.”

Oh, I so fucking want you.

The words flowed through her mind, but she couldn’t speak them. She raised her glass and sipped from it, finally downing what was left of her drink. Before she could think to ask for another one, Rudy was ladling some out of a cooler and into her glass. She sipped from the refreshed drink and felt a throbbing between her legs that only came from a mix of relaxation and desire. She wanted to fuck Thane tonight. She would fuck Thane tonight. If he wanted her.

“It was a great poem,” Kalina said, raising her beer in Poet’s direction.

Penny thought she might have seen pain in her eyes, and again, she wondered about the history between Thane and her.


Her skin was there beneath his fingertips, only the thin fabric of the dress keeping him from reaching all the way to her clit and caressing it softly. Thane wanted to taste her so badly. He wanted to spread her legs and put her pussy in his mouth. His human side wanted to eat her as badly as his shark side. He could smell her, and he knew she was getting wet for him. Women could never hide their arousal from him.

That poem. The words rang so true. There was even more to the story though. He wanted her for so many other reasons, none of which a poet could put down in verse. He believed now there was someone out there for everyone, and he knew he’d found her. God wouldn’t make a second person for everyone. That much he felt was absolute. If Penny turned him down, he would be single or would have to settle.

Kalina would have him settle…for her. She knew his feelings. He’d been honest with her, maybe brutally so, but she needed to know the truth. Letting her believe there was a chance between them would have been crueler than ending it. From across the fire, he could see the pain he had caused her, the hurt that he was still causing. She didn’t deserve that. She was a wonderful woman, and she had been quite warm and welcoming to Penny.

This wasn’t Kalina’s night. As much as he felt sorry for her sadness, he needed to focus on Penny, the woman he’d brought to the island. She was the reason his heart felt as if it were bouncing around clumsily in his chest, like a pinball trying to find its place to settle down. She was the reason his cock throbbed. He leaned down and kissed her neck, allowing his tongue to lick at her skin only enough to satisfy his desire to taste her. She leaned her head left, opening her neck up more for him. Her ass moved, sashaying slowly, and he was sure she was doing it on purpose, playing with him, teasing his cock.

Her head leaned back and rested on his shoulder. Thane moved his mouth up from her neck to her cheek to her lips and opened her mouth with his tongue. She accepted him, kissing him softly, lazily in her alcohol-induced haze. She moaned into his mouth and he thought he might lose it.

“Come with me,” he told her, as he pulled her hand and led her away from the bonfire.

“Where are you going, brother?” Kino yelled after.

“Don’t be stupid,” Ruby said.

“Make that magic happen, bruh,” Jagger called out.

“Speaking of that,” Hailey said, “Show me that move again, the one you did on me the other night?”

Thane heard all the banter going back and forth but he could concentrate on none of it. His cock was solid with the knowledge he was going to take her. He would never force himself on her, but if she didn’t push him away, he was going to devour her tonight. Jagger and Hailey ran past them and into their cabin. Thane was grateful for that, as Hailey was the loudest of the women, annoyingly so usually, but since he didn’t want others listening in on his night with Penny, he was happy she couldn’t contain her pleasure.

Thane practically knocked his cabin door off its hinges as he hurried inside with Penny. She giggled playfully in the dark, but he wasn’t in the mood for games. The time for sweetness was over. He needed her, needed to be inside her. If he’d wanted to take the time to do it, he would have lit a lantern, but he couldn’t wait that long. Her back was to him when he pounced on her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her head back so he could taste her mouth again.

“Ohh,” she squealed.

“I can’t wait anymore,” he said. “I need you, Penny. I’ve always needed you.”

“Yes,” she muttered, as she raised her hands to the ceiling, letting him know she was his for the taking.

Thane reached for the bottom of her dress and lifted it over her head, dropping it to the floor. Then he stepped back. He needed to see her. Only a few slits of moonlight shone through the window blinds, but it was enough for him to see the roundness of her ass, the softness of her sides, the smoothness of her back, and the hair hanging down over her shoulders.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Thane pulled his own shirt off and let it fall to the floor. Then he unfastened the button on his shorts and let them fall. He didn’t bother with underwear since he constantly shifted, ripping his clothes. It would have only meant wasted underwear too. As his shorts dropped, his cock sprang to life, bobbing free without constraint. He looked down at himself, at his long, thick, solid cock and thought about how he’d be inside her soon.

“There’s nothing wrong at all, my queen,” he said. “I just have to look at you. I have to admire you.”

She turned around and faced him, the moonlight highlighting her nipples. Dark red circles wrapped around her erect nubs, and he wanted to take one in his mouth. He wanted both between his teeth, but to do so would be taking himself out of the moment, and he liked the vision in front of him.

Penny’s face was like an angel, her soft lips turned upward in a lazy grin. Her eyes squinted ever so slightly, hunger shining from within. He traced her body with his stare, making his way down her neck, between her tits, over her stomach, and down to the trimmed thatch of hair between her legs. That’s where the treasure lay. His stomach growled, and his cock twitched as he imagined her in his mouth. Then he could wait no longer.

Dropping to his knees, he looked at her pussy now at eye level. It was so pretty, so clean, and he loved the way her clit led to her pussy lips there in the darkness. It was a shadowy pouch of sweet nectar he couldn’t wait to bury his mouth in.

“I want it,” he said.

“Take it,” she told him.

He’d seen so much pussy in his life, but he’d never taken the time to admire it the way he was with Penny. This was his pussy. When he finally slid his tongue between her lips, he enjoyed the taste of the saltwater still inside her from when she’d rinsed off earlier that afternoon. Fresh saltwater would cause him to change form, but dry salt only made him desire the meal beneath the seasoning.


When Thane dropped to his knees, it caught Penny by surprise. She’d wanted to kiss him at least. His mouth was always so warm. She loved the way her clit tingled each time his tongue entered her mouth. The only thing better would be if he…

Oh…oh…oh now that…

His tongue slid between her folds softly, carefully, gliding over her with its slickness, and her legs shuddered under his breath. His left hand reached around to grab her ass and his right pulled her pussy open with his thumb and he…

Oh shit. Ohhhh fuck.

He wasn’t aggressive. He was tender, tapping at her clit with his tongue, playing with her, and each time his tongue dashed out to flick at her, her legs jerked. He did it again and her legs went weak. She fell backward, and thankfully, his bed was there to catch her. She bounced once on the mattress before Thane had her pinned down, his left hand at her pelvic bone, pushing down, applying pressure as his tongue continued to dash against her clit.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he dipped down and licked her again, wide, all the way up through her pussy lips, spreading her folds and encircling her clit.

“Holy fuck,” she said out loud.

Holy fuck. Did I say that out loud? Okay…keep it down. Keep it quiet. Keep it…

“Ohhh….oh fuck!” she yelled.

His hand pushed down against the bone right above her clit while his tongue plowed into her, licking at her, lapping up her juices. She lifted her head, searching for his cock, her fists pounding against the mattress as she frantically tried to figure out a way she could repay him for all the pleasure he was giving, but he gave her no way to do it.

“This is about you,” he told her. “Don’t worry about me. I want you to come for me.”

“Oh shit,” she whispered. “Right there…right there…right…right…oh shit!”

She wasn’t usually so loud during sex, but his mouth was fucking amazing. She lifted her ass, trying to fuck his face, but he pushed back down against her pelvic bone while he tongued her pussy so good she thought she might pass out. Then he did something she’d never experienced in all her life.

With his mouth still on her, he reached both of his hands to her waist and pulled, hoisting her up. Her legs wrapped around his face and she kept fucking his mouth as she bucked her hips, trying to force his tongue deeper into her. With more strength than any normal man would have, he lifted Penny high up into the air. There she sat, her legs over his shoulders, her pussy in his mouth, and her hands reaching for one of the wooden beams at the roof of the cabin. She found one, and she hung on for dear life, shoving her pussy into his mouth.

“You’re incredible,” she said softly. “You’re so good to me. Oh my God. You’re so good.”

Thane went crazy. She had a firm grip on the beam, so she wasn’t going anywhere, and it seemed as soon as he realized that, Thane went wild. He shook his head from left to right, his tongue out, wiggling over her clit and into her pussy and all around, tearing into her, torturing her with his ferocity. She was going to come.

I’m going to come. I’m going to come, Thane.

“Thane!” she said loudly, suddenly outside her own head. “Thane, I’m going to come.”

“Good, baby,” he said. “Come. Come for me, my queen.”

Her howls nearly rocked the cabin walls. She was a bit shy at first, but once her insides lit up on fire and she felt the insane pleasure rocket through her body, she no longer gave a shit if anyone heard. She was coming, and everyone needed to know that!

“I’m coming,” she whispered. “Oh…I’m coming.”

Thane didn’t stop. He picked up the pace and fucked her with his mouth, carrying her through her orgasm. When she finally stopped twitching, he put her down onto the bed again.


Her taste was so sweet, and her body was so beautiful. Thane felt pre-cum dribbling down his cock as he held her on his shoulders and licked her pussy. She was so fucking delicious. When she came, he knew it was time. He wanted her to come at least once from his mouth, so he could finish the job with his cock. Once she relaxed and stopped spasming, he opened her legs and climbed onto the bed between them.

“I need to feel you,” he said. “I need to be inside you right now.”

“Yes, please,” she begged. “I want to feel you inside me.”

He spread her pussy lips with his hand and touched her juices, spreading her wetness over the length of his cock, hoping it would get him wet enough to enter her. He was blessed with thickness and hoped he wouldn’t hurt her when he entered. She didn’t seem to care.

With the head of his cock touching her lips, he hesitated. She was the one, he knew that, but what if he hurt her on the first night? What if she wasn’t prepared to handle him. These were the thoughts running through his head when he felt the heels of her feet dig into his ass and pull forward with all their might. His cock entered her much more roughly than he’d planned, and she cried out, her face twisted in pain.

“Oww,” she said. “Oh God.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I can stop.”

“Don’t you dare stop,” she said. “Push in, please. I need you. I need to feel you.”

He pushed a little more and felt her fluids start to lubricate him. Then he worked it, slowly rotating his hips, entering her little by little, her juices soaking his cock. He entered her only a few inches, and then he stopped. She gained control of her breathing and he eased in a few more inches. When he felt her relax, he went in all the way, until he couldn’t press any harder.

Her fingers reached around to his back, nails raking his skin, digging in, making him feel some of the pain she was dealing with. He pulled his cock out slowly and then re-entered her. Again, and again, until they fell into a rhythm, and then it was straight fucking. The desire was too strong for lovemaking. Yes, he loved her, and he was sure she’d already begun to feel that way about him, but this was some hardcore fucking. He slammed his cock into her, driving in as deep as he could go, and she spread her legs open wider.

“Feels so good,” he said. “Your pussy feels so good.”

“Don’t stop,” she begged. “Keep going. I want to come again. I can come again. I feel it.”

He drove into her hard, grabbing her shoulders and gripping them tight, pulling down on them as he rammed his cock into her. Then he eased up and gripped them again, stretching her pussy wider and wider around his cock. This was his pussy and she needed to know that.

“This is my pussy now,” he told her. “Do you understand that?”

“Yes,” she said. “It’s your pussy now.”

“This is my pussy whenever I want it,” he said.

“Whenever you want it.”

“It’s mine,” he said, and he knew he would come soon.

Her pussy squeezed around his cock and dragged it out of him. He wouldn’t last much longer. As he picked up the pace and fucked her faster, he used his left hand to tap at her clit, teasing it as he fucked her. Finally, her head swished left and then right. Her hands grabbed at him, scratched at him, and her voice seemed to be caught somewhere between a laugh and a cry. She was coming again.

Thane was right there too. Her pussy became wetter and he kept pushing, fucking, and bouncing his balls off her. He grunted and yelled through it, dragging her cum out of her and bringing his on in full force. He was right there. So fucking close.

Yes, fuck yes. This is how it should always be. Fuck…

Thane wanted so badly to come inside her. He wanted her to feel him when he let loose, but he knew it wasn’t time for that yet. He would be all for it, but he needed to make sure she knew what that could mean. Spilling his seed inside her shouldn’t happen until she made it clear that she truly understood what her role in his life was. She needed to be committed.

But that orgasm was coming, and he was seconds away from saying “fuck it” and coming inside her anyway. But he couldn’t. He was barely a second away when he yanked his cock out, put his hand around its base, and pulled back, jerking his cock over her belly. His cum shot at her belly button and kept spurting all over her stomach. She gasped at first, surprised, but then lay her head back and relaxed until he was finished.

“Damn, you really had to let loose,” she said.

“You have no idea,” he said. “I’ve thought of nothing but you since the yacht. I want to come inside you so bad.”

“Why didn’t you?” she asked. “Stupid question. I can’t believe I asked that. Of course, I know why you didn’t. I can’t believe I would have let you.”

“Yeah,” he said. “When that happens, we need to be sure we’re ready for it.”

She understood. Thane found an old t-shirt and wiped her stomach off for her. Then he helped her put her dress back on and walked her down to the water. He waited on the shore while she went in and washed herself off. She looked back at him as she rubbed sand over her stomach, and she smiled. He returned it and he knew this was one of those moments he’d remember forever.




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