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Paranormal Dating Agency: Oh, Bite Me (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of the Deep Book 1) by Chris Genovese (9)

Chapter 9


Thane stayed gone the rest of the day. As Ruby put it, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to be with her, it was simply his way of making sure she was safe from harm. In their school, or group, the males often did that. They would patrol the waters and protect their home. If Evelyn was on the loose, nobody was safe. Surfers, divers, and snorkelers were in danger any time she felt the need to hunt. Penny thought of all the people she’d met at the resort and realized any of them could go out on an ocean excursion at any time. Any of them could be Evelyn’s next victim.

Sitting next to a small campfire on the beach, Penny thought about Thane and what it must be like to run with him toward the ocean, dive in, transform, and then race beside him through the water. It sounded fantastic, but Thane always seemed to make his life sound far from glamorous. She needed to get the truth from the others.

“Do you like being shifters?” she asked.

Jagger, who’d been lying flat on his back looking up at the stars with Hailey’s head resting on his chest, lifted his head to look at her.

“Sometimes,” he said. “Most of the time. I didn’t like it at first.”

“At first?” Penny asked. “You mean when you were a kid?”

“No,” he said. “I wasn’t born a shifter like the others. Hailey wanted me all for herself and the only way to make sure I wouldn’t grow old so quickly and die was to change me.”

“Couldn’t have that handsome face and that rockin’ bod fall apart on me,” Hailey joked.

Penny had seen enough werewolf movies to know the Hollywood version of a wolf biting its prey and by the next full moon the victim was a full-blown shifter. She never knew how much truth was in those stories. If that were true, were sharks able to do the same thing? Could Thane change her? Jagger looked so used to it as if he’d been this way all his life. She could adapt too.

You’re all so chill. You’re like that gang of vampires in the movie “The Lost Boys.” But more care-free. Like those vampires mixed with the bank robbing surfers in “Point Break.”

“You don’t get older,” Penny said softly.

“Well, we do,” Ruby corrected her. “We do age, but we age much more slowly than your kind does. I’d say maybe we age one year for every five of yours.”

“The change. How does it happen?” she asked.

“You don’t want this life, baby girl,” Ruby said. “Trust me.”

“I like it,” Hailey said.

“It sucks,” Poet replied. “But you get used to it.”

“Ask me on a good day and I’ll say it’s great,” Paisley replied. “But on a bad day it’s the worst damn thing in the world. So, I have my ups and downs. Rickshaw loves it. He wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.”

“It’s a dangerous lifestyle,” Oliver said. “Yes, there are the good things and the bad, but in general, we spend a lot of time protecting ourselves from harm. From discovery from the humans and from other predators in the sea. Like those fucking whales. We can kick ass in most battles, but whales are fucking monsters.”

“And you?” Penny said, turning her attention to Kalina. “What do you think?”

“I think you have to do what you want to do,” she said, “but make sure you know what you’re getting into.”

“Like what?” Penny asked.

“Like it fucking hurts, to begin with,” Kalina said. “Imagine your entire body exploding on the inside, kind of like one of those crash test videos when the car hits the wall and the windshield shatters. That’s the inside of your body. Your bones completely reform. Nothing about it is normal, and you feel all of it. You feel every millisecond of that transformation.”

Yeah, I don’t know if I like the sound of that.

“And you get used to that?” Penny asked.

“Believe it or not,” Ruby said. “You do…eventually. But you will cry like a baby the first twenty times or so.”

“The good thing,” Kalina added, “is it happens so quickly and it’s not something you can stop, so you deal with it and you learn to get used to it.”

Penny stared into the fire. She knew she wanted to stay with Thane, and she knew her body wouldn’t last much longer, but was this worth it? Would he even let her change? Of course, she’d seen all the movies and knew the guy would always try to talk the girl out of it. He’d say something about how this isn’t the kind of life she wants and how there’s no turning back once it’s done. He’d probably tell her that she can never see her family again. That part she could deal with. Her father was the only living relative she had, and he was a lousy drunk. The man drove eighteen-wheeler trucks and when he wasn’t out on the road, he was holed up somewhere drinking himself half to death. It was one of the reasons she’d moved to an entirely different city.

“So how does it happen?” Penny asked again, since they’d seemed to avoid answering the question the last time she’d asked.

“Here,” Kalina said, handing Penny a bottle of beer.

She accepted the beer and was about to say something about the avoidance of her question when Ruby finally spoke.

“It’s kind of hard to explain,” she said, her motherly side obviously taking over. “It’s a combination of things. First, your consent. The psychological part of it is as important as the rest. Our kind can’t force this on someone. There’s no such thing as rape that turns you into a shark. However, you must know that the process is rough. Have you ever seen how sharks fuck?”

Penny hadn’t. She shook her head.

“Well, in the water, the male shark bites the female, really hard too, often tearing into her flesh and leaving a mark. Then, when he’s got her and he’s holding her still, he positions himself in a way that he can shove his…it’s not really called a cock in shark terms, but let’s go with cock. He shoves it in her and fucks her hard.”

“Sounds…kinky,” Penny said.

“So, in human form, it’s kind of the same thing. He will need to bite you on the shoulder, like this…”

Ruby pulled the neck of her t-shirt down and Penny saw a gigantic scar in the shape of teeth. It looked painful.

“Kino put this mark on me,” Ruby said.

“Does it hurt?” Penny asked.

“It always stays tender,” Ruby said. “But it’s…”

“Orgasmic,” Kalina said. “Or at least that’s what they say. You can see I don’t have the mark.”

“Orgasmic is a good word,” Ruby said. “If I press on it, I can practically feel Kino inside me. We’re connected through this mark.”

Now this part I kind of like.

“Anyway,” Ruby continued. “He bites you, he fucks the shit out of you, and then a tiny amount of shark sperm seeps out with his regular sperm.”

“Shark sperm?” Penny asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “Shark sperm. It stings a little, but then…well…it’s nice.”

“Nice?” Penny asked. “You’re just going to leave me hanging like that?”

“Well,” Ruby replied. “If you’re serious about this, maybe you’ll find out for yourself.”

Ruby stopped talking and her expression changed. She sniffed the air.

“Get behind me,” she told Penny. “Quickly.”

Kalina, Jagger, Hailey, Oliver, and Poet all lined up next to her, shielding Penny. Out of the water crawled five naked bodies, on their hands and knees, looking like dead things approaching the beach. As they reached the dry sand, they stood up, and Penny saw that Evelyn was out in the front.

She approached the campfire, her long black hair hanging down over her tits, her body as tight and toned as Penny had imagined. Her pussy was shaved into a racing stripe. Penny couldn’t imagine stepping out in front of others completely naked. Then she was drawn to the men around Evelyn. Each was totally naked, his cock swinging. Men of all sizes, gigantic to small cocks. None of them seemed to care about being naked. When she saw that Axel was one of them, the guy who’d pushed her off the boat, she nearly lost it, but she knew she needed to keep her cool.

“Evelyn,” Ruby said. “You’re not welcome here. You know that.”

“Where’s your fearless leader?” she replied.

She threw her wet hair over her shoulders, exposing her bare tits.

“Is that…is that his pet?” Evelyn asked, standing up on her toes to try and look past the others. “It is, isn’t it? Well, she seems to have healed quickly. Left you a few scars to remember me by, huh babe?”

Penny hated the woman for what she’d done to her and she couldn’t stop the anger growing inside. Penny might not have been the biggest of women, but she wasn’t a coward, and she wouldn’t be talked to like one.

“I’m nobody’s pet,” Penny said.

“Shh,” Kalina said as she looked back at Penny.

“She’s got some spirit,” Evelyn said. “Maybe I should rip that right out of her.”

Evelyn’s face turned so cold, so quickly, that Penny was worried she’d gotten herself into something she wouldn’t be able to handle. Yet, she was already sick, and her body wasn’t going to last much longer. This woman had more to lose than Penny, so she decided to speak her mind.

“We came here to try and form a truce,” Evelyn said.

“A truce?” Ruby asked, followed by a chuckle. “You’d never do that.”

“We should stop fighting,” Evelyn said. “We can put an end to our squabble and focus on the one thing that matters…keeping the humans out of the water. This is our home. They don’t belong here.”

“And there she goes again,” Hailey said.

“Just go, Evelyn,” Jagger said. “You’re not wanted here. You know we’re not going to make that deal with you so you’re wasting your time. Get off our island.”

“Your island?” Evelyn said and scoffed. “This was my island long before you got here, you fucking half-breed. You’re no better than this tramp.”

Evelyn pointed at Penny and finally, all the anger pent up inside Penny reached the surface and came flowing out.

“Tramp?” Penny said. “You’ve got some fucking balls calling me that you dumb cunt. Especially after your lame ass sharks failed to kill me in the water. Looks to me like you’re nothing but a sorry ass leader with a team of fucking flunkies.”

“Oh, you are so fucking dead,” Evelyn said as she stepped closer.

Penny’s new shark shifter friends formed a solid wall in front of her.

“You won’t touch her,” Ruby said.

“Who’s gonna stop me?” Evelyn asked. “You, the knocked up one? Or the blonde hooker next to you? How about this Metallica wannabe half-breed or his negro dyke of a girlfriend? Or the gay pretty boy? Or the chubby monkey? How about the albino mute? Can anyone in this ragtag band of fuck ups oppose me?

She looked back at her men and laughed. They laughed along with her. Then Penny saw him. His face had been shrouded in the darkness, but he’d leaned to the side enough for moonlight to illuminate him and she saw that one of his eyes was missing. The flesh had been melted or regrown to cover the missing eye, but it had to be the shark that had attacked her that day in the water. Fear finally hit her, but so did rage.

“You,” Penny said as she pushed past the others and was about to walk past Evelyn when the female leader grabbed her arm in a strong grip. “You’re the asshole who bit my leg in the water!”

Evelyn might have stopped her from moving forward, but she couldn’t stop her from getting her words out.

“Tasted like chicken,” the guy with the missing eye said.

His band of brothers all laughed. Evelyn put her nose next to Penny’s hair and sniffed, inhaling her scent.

“Smells like chicken too,” she said. “Would you like to talk shit now? Now that the others can’t save you in time?”

“Get your hand off me,” Penny warned.

“I could rip this arm out of its socket,” Evelyn hissed back.

“I said, get your hand off me,” Penny said again.

“Or you’ll do what?” she asked.

Penny knew that the time for talking was over. She’d seen the evilness of Evelyn’s ways and knew that this woman was about to do something to prove to all the others who was in charge. There was no getting out of this, not without blood being spilled. She just needed to make sure it was Evelyn’s blood spilled first.

Without further hesitation, Penny gripped the neck of her beer bottle, keeping it tight to her side, preparing to strike.

“You know what?” Evelyn said. “I should turn her. I should take her into my group and turn her myself. Thane won’t like that one bit, and I’m counting on that.”

She turned to walk away, pulling Penny’s arm to drag her toward the water.

“Evelyn!” Ruby yelled. “Get away from her.”

“Nah, this one’s coming with me.”

It was her only chance.

“Hey,” Penny said. “What’s happening to your face?”

Evelyn stopped and put a hand to her face.

“What?” she asked.

“This,” Penny said as she swung the beer bottle upward and slapped it against the side of Evelyn’s face.

The glass broke and cut her. Evelyn howled and let go of Penny’s arm.

“You’re fucking dead!” Evelyn yelled. “Get her!”

“How about you don’t?” came a strong voice from behind Penny.

She looked back to see Thane, Kino, Faith, and Rickshaw walking toward her, all completely naked. Like ancient warriors stepping onto the battlefield, they moved out of the darkness of the ocean and into the moonlight, each dripping wet. The beauty and power of these four were on full display.

“Look what your bitch did to me!” Evelyn yelled at Thane.

“What are you doing on my island?” Thane asked as he reached Penny and held out a hand to help her up.

Penny took his hand and stood, finding herself in his arms.

“You okay?” he asked her.

“I’m fine,” Penny promised.

“She’s not fine,” Evelyn announced. “Look at her. Smell her. You all know it.”

“You should leave,” Penny said.

“Bitch, be honest,” Evelyn demanded. “You’re here for a reason. You want him to cure you.”

“Stop it, please,” Penny said.

She’d been tough so far, but she didn’t know that Evelyn knew about her sickness. Nobody did except Sylvia. What would Ruby and Kalina and the others think if they knew she was dying? Would they still accept her as one of their own? Or would they turn her away?

“What is she talking about?” Kalina asked.

“Tell them,” Evelyn said. “Go ahead.”

“I have leukemia,” Penny admitted. “I have adult-onset leukemia…and I’m dying.”

“Oh my God,” Kalina said from behind her.

“She’s fucking dying!” Evelyn said, followed by a laugh.

“That’s enough!” Thane said.

“Is it?” Evelyn asked. “I don’t think it is. Tell them why you’re really here, princess.”

“I’m here because I want to be,” Penny said. “I’m here because I’m falling in love with Thane.”

“Love?” Evelyn challenged. “You barely know him. You don’t love him. You only want the shark dick and some of that good shit running through his veins, so he can heal your fragile ass. You’re fucking dying. Get off this island and go back to your hospitals. You’re not wanted on this island. Or on any of the others around here.”

“I said that’s enough!” Thane yelled.

He stepped toward Evelyn angrily. One of the sharks, a big brunette with a goatee moved between them. It happened so quickly that Penny could barely register it. Thane shot out with one of his hands and struck the man in the throat. The guy’s eyes went wide, and he clutched at his neck, trying to breathe. Thane swung a fist upward, catching the guy’s chin and sending him flying backwards onto the beach.

“Enough,” Thane added. “Unless one of you wants to be next.”

“I think I got my point across,” Evelyn said. “I’ve tried to talk sense into all of you. We could team up, but you choose human lives over your own. Something’s coming. I can promise you that. And you’ll all suffer for it. For now, have fun with your sick little bitch.”

Evelyn snapped her fingers and then backed away, keeping her eyes on Thane as she and her group made their way back to the ocean. When they all finally turned and ran, it was too dark for Penny to see them change, but they were gone in the blink of an eye.

Thane turned to Penny and rushed at her. At first, she thought he was angry, but then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, holding her so tight.

She wanted to melt into his arms and join him in his skin. She hated her own weak and breakable body.

“I hurt all the time,” she said, tears finally falling from her eyes.

Somehow, being exposed the way she had, seemed to make her situation ten times more real. She’d spent so much time trying not to think about it or speak about it and now it was out in the open.

“It always hurts, and I always feel like shit,” she added, “but when I’m with you…it hurts so much less.”

Thane held her head against his chest as he spoke to the others. Penny closed her eyes and listened to him.

“You all heard what she had to say,” he said. “But I don’t give a shit. This is my woman. She will be treated as such. If she hurts, we’ll help her. If she’s in danger, we’ll protect her. Penelope is my woman. That’s all that matters. None of this other shit.”

All around her, she heard the others murmur words of acceptance. They didn’t hate her. And Thane had made it perfectly clear that she was his.


He’d arrived in time to make sure Evelyn didn’t tear his woman into bloody bits. Penny was naïve. She had no idea the trouble she was getting herself into. Fighting Evelyn wouldn’t be like fighting any other pure human. The evil bitch was as strong as she was savage.

She was mean too. The information she’d exposed to everyone was cruel. Penny was dying. He’d known something was wrong with her, but he had never realized it was something so serious. He’d already been afraid of losing her, of not being able to protect her, so hearing that she might die regardless was like a dagger to his heart. He wished she’d told him sooner, but it didn’t matter now. The story was out. The strength of him and his people was something they took for granted every day. He couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to have that stripped away from you over a fucking disease.

Now, with Penny in his arms, he didn’t want to let go. His cock pressed against her stomach and he wished he could take her right there in front of everyone. He wanted to make love to her and make her understand how much he needed her and help her understand how he couldn’t live without her now.

For fuck’s sake. You were almost taken from me. If I’d been only a few seconds later, Evelyn would have killed you.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’ll live,” she said. “Well…for now.”

She looked up at him and smiled through her tears. Her ability to make light of a situation even when it wasn’t funny at all, was something he truly admired. She had so much strength in her.

“I’m so sorry for not telling you,” she said. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore.”

“I want you even more,” he told her. “But we need to talk.”

The others caught on quickly that it was a moment the two needed to spend alone, so they retreated to their cabins. Alone, standing on the beach, Thane had never felt so at home. He had his woman in his arms, her warmth against his chest, and the sound of the waves breaking behind him.

“Do you think the others will hate me?” Penny asked.

“No,” he said. “Never.”

“I swear I didn’t come here for a cure,” she said. “I didn’t seek out Gerri Wilder. She found me. But…I guess there’s a small part of me that likes the idea that you might be able to help me too.”

“I might be able to,” he said. “But it’s not something simple. It’s complicated…and it hurts.”

“I’ve heard the horror stories,” she said. “Bones cracked like glass.”

“Yeah,” he replied.

He inhaled, taking in the scent of her hair and closed his eyes to keep it in his thoughts forever.

“Don’t do that again, please,” he said as he took her face in both of his hands and forced her to look him in the eyes.

“Do what?” she asked, smiling back at him.

“Provoke her,” he said. “You have no idea how vindictive she is. She’s incredibly strong too. The shark is in our blood, even when we’re in human form. She’s ferocious.”

“I’m pretty ferocious myself,” she said. “Once you get to know me.”

He leaned down and softly bit her shoulder. She didn’t bear the mark, but he wanted her to. If he’d changed her, he knew that setting his teeth against her mark would have her coming right there in his arms. He wanted Penny to come again.

“I’m counting on that,” he finally replied.

“Take me into the water,” she said. “Show me your world.”

“I can’t do that,” he said. “It’s too dangerous.”

“We can stay close to the shore,” she said.

“Not out there,” he said, pointing toward the ocean. “Evelyn could be out there watching us, waiting for the right time to attack.”

She leaned her forehead down and touched it to his chest.

“Wait a minute,” he said. “I think I know a place.”

Twenty minutes later, he pushed through a wall of trees that led to a beautiful salt-water lagoon. It was a scene straight out of a romance movie. The moon shone down from above and a small waterfall provided a gentle, soothing roar. Trees and foliage surrounded the water, all except the small beach area that led into the water.

The lagoon seemed to glow in the moonlight. Green and blue fluorescents from something beneath the water. Thane had always loved the majestic quality of this place. He’d stopped coming here when he discovered the freedom of the ocean. But this was perfect for his time with Penny.

“This is amazing,” she said.

“I haven’t been here in a long time,” he said. “I prefer the open sea.”

He held her hand and walked closer to the water.

“That’s salt water?” she asked.

He nodded.

“So, if you touch it, you’ll…”

“Yep,” he replied. “I don’t know about this. If you see me that way, you might freak out. You might want nothing to do with me after that.”

“There’s nothing you could do to change how badly I want you,” she said.

Thane looked down at his own naked body and wished she were no longer wearing her dress. She seemed to get where his mind was going, because she reached down and lifted the dress over her head. She dropped it to the ground, and Thane felt his throat go dry. She was gorgeous, and her tits begged to be touched. He cupped one in his hand and circled her nipple with his thumb. Goosebumps rose around it, like braille beneath his fingertips. The sensuality of the moment caused his cock to stir, and when she reached out and took hold of him, he grew in her hand. Her touch felt so fucking incredible.

She looked up at him and her eyes seemed so big, so hopeful, so adorable. Her lips, so pouty. When she slowly dropped to her knees, he considered pulling her up, but she was a woman who knew what she wanted, and when her hand cupped his balls, he knew there would be no stopping her.

Her fingernails ran over his skin, and the slight scratch of them was like a jolt of lighting through his body. He jerked and stood up on his toes. She laughed and when he looked down at her, he loved how she stared up at him as she leaned her head to the side and licked the underbelly of his cock. She was a seductress in a cute, innocent woman’s body.

Pulling her hair back into a ponytail and holding it with her free hand, she finally opened her mouth and put her lips around the head of his cock. He closed his eyes and savored the feel of her warmth around him, sucking him, taking him all in. Finally, he reached out and held her ponytail for her, so she would have both hands free. She showed her appreciation by wrapping her fist around him and pulling down hard, tightening his skin as she lowered her mouth, grazing her teeth against him. Then she pulled up on him as she pulled her mouth away.

She repeated this motion, eating his cock, showing him that all other women had nothing on her. She might not have the strength of Evelyn and she might not have the stunning, natural beauty of Kalina, but she had something neither of them possessed. She had a tenacity, a power, a feistiness, and she aggressively took that out on his cock.

She pulled her mouth away and he looked down to see her smiling.

“Make love to me,” she said.

“I thought you wanted to swim with me,” he said.

“I do,” she said. “Will you let me?”

With that, he turned and dove into the water, instantly exploding into his shark form.


Penny hadn’t thought he would agree to swimming with her, but then he turned and disappeared into the water. She expected to see him come splashing up to the surface, but he didn’t. For a few seconds, nothing happened at all, but then she saw the fin break the surface, and she realized he was in shark form, and he was swimming in circles around the lagoon.

Every one of those shark horror movies came back to her all at once. She knew deep down that Thane would never harm her, but here she was about to willingly step into a body of water where a tiger shark was doing laps.

This is absolutely nuts. This is crazy.

Penny closed her eyes and stepped forward, shuffling her feet one after the other as she inched her way toward the water. The sand slid up between her toes and then her feet were touching the warm lagoon water. It dawned on her that if she were to be turned into a shifter, she wouldn’t be able to touch salt water again without turning into a shark.

The fin made its way past her again, and when it was on the opposite side of the lagoon, she took a few steps closer. At a little deeper than thigh level she felt the warm water on her pussy and found it odd that she was completely naked and willing to go swimming with a shark. A dolphin she could totally understand, but a shark?

Then, when the fin passed her again and circled around to the far end of the lagoon, she closed her eyes and leapt into the water. There, treading water to stay afloat, she saw the fin coming her way and it took everything in her power not to scream. Who willingly goes swimming with a shark? The fin disappeared under the water, but she could feel Thane pass by. The water near her legs swirled as it moved out of the way of the shark’s massive weight. When it did, a cool wave swished between Penny’s legs, tickling her clit, and she had to wonder if he’d done it on purpose. Surely, he hadn’t. Yet, when he did it again, she thought otherwise. It was quite possible that he was trying to get her aroused even in his shark form.

On his next go ‘round, his fin stayed above the surface and he slowed down enough so she could reach out and touch him. Her fingertips slid over the slippery, yet slightly rough skin of the tiger shark. Her body shuddered with chills.

I’m touching a fucking shark!

Then he passed again, and this time, she reached out to him and grabbed hold of his fin, allowing him to move her carefully around the lagoon. With her head tilted back, the water swept her hair to both sides, ran over her face, and rolled over her neck and shoulders. She loved it. He was inviting her into his world. When he dipped beneath the surface, she held her breath and went with him, holding her naked body against him. Her eyes remained closed, so the salt water wouldn’t bother her, and that only intensified the unexplainable sensuality of the moment.

To anyone watching, it would be nothing more than some crazy woman swimming with a shark, but there beneath the moonlight, with her skin against Thane’s, she felt like she’d snuck off to perform some forbidden underwater dance with her lover.

It was all feels. Breathless, naked, and slightly afraid, she pushed her body harder against him, feeling her tits pressed tightly against his side. She opened her legs and did her best to wrap them around him, so he could feel her pussy against his rough tiger shark skin. Her pussy felt good against him, and she wanted him to turn back into a human, so he could fuck her properly.

Am I masturbating against a shark?

The thought came as she began to slowly grind her pussy against him. Thane returned to the surface, so she could breathe, and then dipped back down again. It was an underwater waltz, two naked beings enjoying each other’s presence. Of course, she wouldn’t fuck the shark. The thought was absurd, but knowing the beast was Thane and its gigantic form was between her legs, turned her on more than she could have imagined. She needed to be fucked.

The shark sped up beneath the water, dragging her around the lagoon, and even in swimming he was rough. It was his animal side, and she couldn’t wait to climb out onto the shore and fuck him. Then, just like that, he raced her back toward the shore and turned sharply, bucking her off him. She fought to catch her breath and crawled onto the beach.

She couldn’t see him approaching from behind, but she could hear the loud rush of water coming at her, like a lustful tidal wave, and then the heavy thump of his feet landing on the sand. Then he was on her. On her hands and knees, she looked back at him, his naked human form so hungry for her. She crawled to drier sand, so he could be far enough away from the salt water.

When he grabbed her ass on both sides in his powerful grip, she smiled, because she knew what was coming. Thane kicked her knees open, and she felt a cool wind against her folds. Then the head of his cock was on her, and she was so fucking horny she didn’t need time to get wet. He entered her roughly, like a man who couldn’t wait another fucking second for his woman. Her eyes shot open and her forehead hit the beach as the entire length of his cock drove into her from behind. She slapped the sand, fighting against the pain.

Her breath came out in gasps and she fought for air nearly as much as she had underwater as each time he entered her, she couldn’t breathe. She whimpered and dug her fingers into the sand, curling them and feeling it slide between her fingers as she tried to remain quiet. His cock was too good. Every inch was delicious, and he gave her all of them, fucking her the way she imagined he’d wanted to in the water. Her quiet, shy sighs of pleasure erupted in a cry of ecstasy.

“Fuck me, Thane,” she said. “I’m your woman.”

He leaned forward and grabbed her right tit, pinching the nipple between his fingers, and kept thrusting into her.

“Make me one of you,” she said. “I think I’m ready. I want to be like you.”

He stopped mid-thrust and stayed there with his cock pulsating inside her. She backed into him, trying to force him in deeper, but he held her ass steady with his hand.

“You don’t understand what that means,” he said.

“I do,” she replied. “Ruby and Kalina told me everything. I know of the dangers, but I love you, Thane. I’m dying. If you will keep me here until my last breath, I will gladly go in your arms, but if you want me to stay here with you forever, then you need to do this.”

“It would be selfish of me,” he said.

“I’m giving you permission,” she replied. “I’m asking you to do this. Make me yours forever.”

As she spoke those final words, he turned her around. He sat down on the beach, his ass in the sand, and gestured for her to come to him. She stood and sashayed toward him, doing her best to be a tease.


She had no idea the power she had over him. She could have asked Thane for anything and he would have done it. Especially when she had that look in her eye. His desire for her was too strong. The feel of her body against his underwater was intense. He’d never swam with a pure human like that before. The way she’d pressed her pussy against him.

God, is there anything about this woman that isn’t spectacular? Is there anything about her that doesn’t drive me crazy? Fuck being a shark. Fuck Evelyn. Fuck patrolling the shores. Fuck everything else about life. Give me Penelope.

The way she’d opened up for him, allowing him to shove his cock into her like he had, meant she was up for practically anything. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. But she wanted to be turned into one of his kind and that was a bad idea.

Yet, she insisted. Now, she stood over him, her pussy drenched and waiting for him. As she sat down on his lap, facing him, he held onto her waist with his left hand and steadied his cock with his right. She carefully sat down on him, the head of his cock sliding between her folds and inching its way deep into her core.

“Oh God,” she whispered, and he mentally repeated the phrase as he enjoyed the heat of her pussy and the way it wrapped around his cock.

Her pussy devoured him and there she sat, balls deep. She rocked ever so slightly but stayed still for the most part.

“I know this is crazy,” she said, “but I feel like I love you, Thane.”

It was crazy. They hardly knew each other. But he’d been willing to say those words from the beginning. Unlike her, he had an ability to sense who was the right person for him, and she was it. So, the words came naturally. For her, it was a giant risk, a leap of faith. And he loved her even more for it.

“It’s not absurd,” he said. “I’ve fallen in love with you too.”

She smiled and bit her bottom lip as she began to grind her hips, sliding her pussy onto his cock and away from it in a fluid motion. Thane leaned forward and took her left nipple in his mouth. He loved those fucking nipples. Then he held onto the right and pushed them both together, so his tongue could lash at them both.

Penny’s hand grabbed the back of his head and her nails dug into it. She used the grip as leverage and fucked him even harder and faster. Her pussy was in control. When she leaned back, reached under, and grabbed his balls, he thought he might lose it. Her torso stretched out and he got a full view of her entire body. Her face, so lovely and horny. Her shoulders and arms, so soft, and her tits so perky. Her stomach and all the way down the length of her body. But that wasn’t all. The way her body jerked each time she slammed her pussy against him was so fucking sexy he thought he might come. He couldn’t come inside though. Not unless she was sure about becoming one of his kind.

“Penny,” he said.

“Yes?” she asked. “Ohh…ohh…yes? Fuck, Thane. I can’t handle this. Make me one of you, fast, before I come and ruin it.”

That was all he was waiting for. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer. When he’d fucked Penny from behind, he’d nearly lost it, and all that pressure was still built up inside him. She continued to ride him, but he pulled her body close to him so that her tits were mashed against his chest, and each time she bucked, he drove up high into her. He felt it in his balls first, that slight pinch that told him he was about to explode. His toes curled, his stomach ached, and his cock began to jerk inside her.

He was about to let loose and once that was done, it would be too late.

“This is going to hurt,” he told her.

She closed her eyes.

“I’m ready,” she said.

He opened his mouth, and as his cock began to pulsate inside her, he shifted only enough so that his teeth became razor sharp and then he bit down into her shoulder. She screamed. He knew how painful it would be, but he couldn’t let go now. Like the way sharks fuck underwater, she was his prey right now, and nothing mattered except his need to come inside her.

Forcing her onto her back, his teeth still clenched in her shoulder, he licked at the blood as it ran down her arm and onto the sand. With her still in his grasp, he used that grip he had with his mouth to hold her still as his cock grew another two inches. She cried out and screamed and slapped his back and tried to kick her feet, but his giant member was buried inside her. And his teeth would not let go. They never would, not until he’d finished his orgasm.

“Oh God!” she yelled. “Please!”

“You wanted this,” he reminded her through clenched teeth.

“I do!” she replied. “Keep going. Oww fuck!”

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, giving him better access to her, and he continued to drill into her, pounding away at her pussy, as he held onto her shoulder. His cock began to tremble, and then finally he let loose. She became drenched in cum as he exploded inside her, a mixture of human with a tiny bit of shark semen, just enough to turn her.


It couldn’t be possible. He was already so deep and then he seemed to get bigger. It was as if his cock grew inside her. It hurt so bad but felt so fucking good. The pain in her shoulder was immense, but she knew what she was getting herself into, so she held on and accepted it. She loved the aggressiveness, the raw desire he showed when he put her on her back and slammed his cock into her. It made her feel wanted.

When he began to twitch inside her, she knew it was coming. This was almost over and then what? She could think about that later because right now was…

Ohhhh. Ohhh shit. Ohhh yaaaaassssss!

Warmth filled her insides as Thane’s cum filled her, coating the inside of her pussy and dripping down over his cock. It was different from anything she’d ever experienced before. As if it contained some sort of drug, she was in an instant state of euphoria. She couldn’t concentrate. She could only lie back and enjoy. She was numb, yet she felt everything. More than everything.

When Thane pulled his teeth off her, she lifted her head and cried out in pain. Then her head fell back and the throbbing in her shoulder seemed to trigger a new sense of ecstasy. She felt the blood running down but she didn’t care. Her mind was in a different place, and if given the option, she would choose to stay there forever.

Penny felt the wind through the trees and the bugs landing on leaves and the fish swimming through water. She felt the shooting star that shot across the sky and the baby kicking from within Ruby’s stomach. She felt joy and pain and laughter and rage and even a mixture of emotions all at once. Something was changing inside her. Her senses became stronger. Where before, she’d felt his cock inside her, now she could feel every cell of her pussy as his cock slid in and rubbed against her.

What’s happening to me?

“Thane?!” she called out. “What’s happening?”

“Ride it,” he said. “Enjoy it. It’s part of the process.”

She wanted to lie back and enjoy it, but that felt selfish, so she pulled away from him, pushed him onto his back, and sat on his cock. She wanted to ride him through this. To feel him deeper inside. He continued to come inside, and each drop sent her deeper and deeper into a strange state of being. She laughed at nothing funny, and she loved the feel of her hands on her own body. She played with her tits, rubbing at her nipples as she continued to fuck him.

“It feels so good,” she said.

“You’re becoming like me,” he said.

She laughed and giggled, and she never stopped fucking. She wouldn’t dare. She wanted this feeling to last forever.

“Tell me you love me,” she said, trying to stifle her laughter.

“I love you,” Thane said as he bucked his hips, so he could fuck her harder.

She looked at her shoulder and saw that it was caked in blood. Normally, she would have freaked out, but whatever his cum contained had her so fucking high she couldn’t worry about shit like that. She continued to sit on his cock and fuck him until she blacked out.




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