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Piece of Tail: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance by Milly Taiden (15)


Rise and shine, valentine.” Jay nibbled on Becca’s ear, whispering.

Her eyes opened and she rolled over with a stretch. “Jay? What time is it? It looks dark out.”

“Six a.m.”

Both eyes blinked open and she turned to stare at the clock on the night table. “Six a.m.! Jaylon, are you a sadist?”

He pulled the covers from her and she shivered, rolling into a ball. “Oh my god! What did you turn the A/C to? Arctic?”

“And it’s going to get a lot colder once we get moving. I’ve arranged for hot coffee and a continental breakfast to be packed for us. The concierge has everything waiting downstairs.”

She scrubbed her face. “Downstairs? Now? I thought we were sleeping in this morning and then having a picnic in the park this afternoon?”

He laughed. “Nope.”

“No picnic?”

With a smirk, he tugged her up from her pillow. “We are still picnicking, but I’ve changed the venue. Get up and get that sweet ass of yours in the bathroom or you’ll make me ruin the surprise.”

She slipped her hands from his, putting them up in defense. “Okay, okay, boss. I’m up.”

Getting out of bed, she shivered again. “Why did you say it was going to be cold? Has mother nature gone postal and decided to drop snow in mid-June?”

He laughed. “Nope, but it’s always chillier the closer you get to the water.”

“Manhattan is an island, Jaylon. If we were any closer to the water we’d be swimming.”

He scooped her up over his shoulder fireman style and carried her into the bathroom. “THAT can be arranged.”


Laughing, he flicked on the shower and dumped her in before stepping into the spray with her. “What do you say to a little mouth-to-mouth? I wouldn’t want you to drown.”

She slid her arms over his shoulders and giggled. “Well, better safe than sorry.”

* * *

East River Heliport, please.” Jay gave the cabbie the address and they pulled into the early morning rush.

“Heliport? As in helicopter?” Becca looked at Jay as he leaned back from the driver.

He nodded. “I thought a half hour flight would be better than sitting in traffic for two hours.”

“Where are we headed? Montauk? That’s two hours from the city.”

He smiled, closing her hand in his. “Someone’s been googling my hometown.”

She gave him a sheepish grin. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it. Besides, it made for very interesting reading. Deep Water is also the name on a ton of businesses. Is that you, too?”

“Yep.” He nodded. “I told you we’re pretty mainstreamed. Our businesses are mostly tourist trade. Hikes, water sports, hotels, beachy summer stuff, but we also own vineyards and hotels. It was my great-grandfather’s vision to make Deep Water self-sufficient and solvent financially.”

“Looks like he succeeded.” Becca glanced out the cab’s window, quiet.

“You okay?” Jaylon asked.

Nodding, she turned to look at him. “I can’t help but feel like this is a dream.”

He laughed. “Except, it’s not.”

“I know, but still.” She laughed a little to herself. “It’s funny, really. I never thought I’d want this sort of thing. But now—”

“What thing?”

She shrugged again. “You. This. Oh, I don’t know. Everything.”

The taxi turned into the heliport and pulled around to a private deck. The helicopter sat on its pad across the tarmac and Jay lifted a hand in its direction.

“Well, love. It’s all there for the taking.” He opened the door and slipped from the backseat, holding his hand out for her. “All you have to do is grab hold.”

The cabbie took their one bag from the back along with the hotel’s packed breakfast and handed it to Jaylon. With a nod, he paid the man and then stood with Becca as one of the ground crew walked to take the items to stow them in the back of the helicopter.

“Ready?” Jay asked.

Becca looked across the dark polluted water of the East River and the sun peaking over the top of the buildings. “I guess. I wish I knew where we were headed, though.”

The helicopter’s engine roared and its blades whirred, stirring the air around them into a whirlwind. He slipped his arm around her waist and steered her toward the open passenger door.

The ground crew helped them in and then shut the doors, giving the pilot a thumbs up.

The pilot handed Jay two sets of headphones and shouted for them to put them on. Jay slipped his over his ears and Becca did the same.

“Welcome aboard.” The pilot’s voice crackled through their headsets.

“Thanks. Looks like yesterday’s rain finally passed.” Jay indicated toward the sky.

The man nodded. “It’s clear as a bell. Forecast shows a high ceiling and perfect visibility. We should make New London in about a half hour so sit back and relax.”

The helicopter rose and Becca squealed as her stomach dropped at the unusual sensation. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” She laughed, poking the pilot on his shoulder.

He turned for a moment and winked. “Piece of cake.” The blades whipped at the water as it rose, and before they knew it, they were above the buildings and heading toward the northeast.

“The pilot said we were heading to New London. Isn’t that Connecticut?”

Jaylon nodded. “Yup.”


He grinned, sitting back and closing his eyes. “You’ll see.”

They landed about thirty minutes later and a car service was waiting next to the terminal building. Jaylon nodded to the driver, handing him their bag. “How we doing on time?”

He took the duffel from Jay’s hand and stuck it in the front seat. “Fine. The captain is waiting for you at the dock.”

Becca got in the town car and stared at Jay. “I think I figured out where we’re going and why.”

He smirked. “I was wondering what took you so long. You’re usually a thousand and one questions and have the answer figured out before you even ask.”

She laughed. “You make me sound like a know-it-all.”

He shrugged. “No. Just a very smart lady.”

“So are you going to tell me or not?” she pressed.

“Don’t be a spoil sport.” He chuckled. “I have everything planned to make this a day you’ll never forget. Save the twenty questions and just enjoy it. Today is all about you, Becca.”

The cab pulled up to the dock and the two got out. Becca inhaled, and the scent of the ocean made her smile.

“This way, Bec. Follow me,” Jaylon said and pointed toward a gorgeous fishing boat.