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Piece of Tail: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance by Milly Taiden (18)


Well, you don’t smell different,” Lyssa commented with a laugh.

Becca looked across to her friend in the driver’s seat. “Why in the world would I?”

Lys shrugged. “Because you said you lost count of how many times you got off with that wolf.”

“Again with the wolf thing. Give it a rest, Lys. He’s a guy. A guy I really, really want.”

Lyssa made a sad attempt at a low whistle. It sounded more like a croaking animal. “Still.”

“He didn’t mark me, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Lyssa pulled over to the side of the rural highway and put her truck in park. “He didn’t mark you? How?”

Becca flipped her hair back. “No bite marks, Sherlock. See?”

Her friend ran her hand over the nape of Becca’s neck, feeling for anything different.

“Oh, for the love of all that’s holy. Seriously, Lyssa? Find anything?”

Lys pulled her hand back and shook her head. “No. Just the faded marks that have been there for ten years.”

“Twelve, but who’s counting.”

Lyssa pursed her lips, considering. “What did your wolf say when he saw the old marks?”

“He didn’t.” Becca shrugged.

“Wait. He didn’t see them or you didn’t tell him?”

“Both. And why should I bring it up? It was so long ago, it doesn’t matter anymore. What’s dead and buried should stay that way.”


She shook her head, not letting her finish. “No, Lyssa. I haven’t been this happy in forever. Jaylon and I have so many real obstacles ahead of us, why add one more with this irrelevant story from my past? I’ll tell him when the time is right. I’m sure I’m not the only female shifter in history to make one bad choice.”

“And how do you know this one isn’t another bad choice?”

“Because as you were quick to point out just days ago, Ms. Wilder is never wrong.” Lyssa went conspicuously quiet and Becca hid a smirk behind her hand.

“Speaking of obstacles, the council is waiting.” Lyssa put her blinker on and pulled back onto the road, ignoring the last comment. “They asked me to bring you straight from the train, but I think we can stop at your cabin first.”

Becca shook her head. “No, let’s go. I want to get this over with as soon as possible so Jaylon and I can move forward. His pack wants a traditional mating ceremony, and since we robbed them of a scenting rite courtesy of the glamorous Ms. Wilder, I want us to do it up right.”

They drove in relative silence until Lyssa pulled her truck into the circle of cabins, tires mud-spattered from recent rains on the Leap’s unpaved roads.

“Jaylon is going to have to get used to backwoods living if he goes through with this marriage with you,” Lyssa said, cutting the engine.

Becca laughed, climbing out of the passenger side cab. “And what makes you think I won’t move to Long Island and take my place as the queen of the South Shore shifters?”

“That’s funny, Bec. You and those hoity-toity matrons and snotty brat females? You forget you’re the one who took their most eligible bachelor off the market.”

She closed the truck door. “I didn’t take anything that didn’t want to be taken. Jaylon was willing and ready.”

Lys walked around the front of the car. “So you’ve said. A lot.”

Becca grinned. “And don’t you forget it.” She reached for her phone in her back pocket. “Speak of the devil.” Becca scanned Jaylon’s text and made a face.

“What?” Lyssa asked, concerned.

Bec shook her head, still reading.

“He texts you, and now you’re frowning. What gives? Is this meeting with the council now a moot point?”

Becca shoved her phone into her pocket again. “Just the opposite. Jaylon is coming here. Tomorrow.”

“Wow, talk about moving fast.”

Shaking her head, Becca chewed on her lip. “Something’s wrong.” Distracted, she fell into step beside Lyssa as they walked toward the council cabin.

“I don’t mean to pry, but what are you talking about?”

Becca smiled at her friend. “First, prying is your favorite sport. Second, I don’t know why.” She shook her head. “Chalk it up to intuition.”

“It’s not too late, Bec. You should call the wolf and tell him everything. Rumors don’t die. They become ghosts that haunt us, even if they’re false.”

“No.” Becca shook her head. “What happened is dead and buried along with my father and my brother.”

Lys looked at her. “And Nick.”

Becca’s eyes shot to her friend. “Why would you say his name? Why?”

Lyssa met her friend’s annoyed gaze. “Because Nick is part of it, Bec. Part of your story. He died in the flames the same as your father.” She frowned. “Not that losing a pig like Nick Reece was a big deal.”

Lyssa pushed open the council door and held it for Becca to go in first. She didn’t say another word as everyone was assembled.

“We’re glad you’re back, sweetheart,” Lucilla said with a forced smile. “Lyssa told us you found yourself a mate.”

Stunned, Becca shot Lys another look and her friend shrugged, mouthing the word, sorry.

“Uhm, yes. His name is Jaylon Ross.”

Lucilla nodded. “Yes. He’s a wolf, I gather.”

Becca replied with a curt nod.

“I’m sorry you went through all that, dear. Especially now as a solution closer to home has presented itself while you were in New York.”