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Piece of Tail: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance by Milly Taiden (16)


Becca couldn’t contain her shock. “We’re going fishing?”

He gave her a sly shrug. “Could be. You said you loved all things ocean.”

She picked up her pace to keep up with him as he walked double time toward the gang plank. “I did, but I never said anything about fishing.”

Glancing at a few white tubs along the dock filled with fish guts and blood, she swallowed back on her breakfast. “Oh my God, I think I’m going to be sick.”

He laughed, taking her by the hand to pull her up the ramp onto the boat. “That’s chum, but it’s not for us. We are just spectators on this jaunt.”

“Your idea of fun is to watch people fish?”

“No, silly. Not to watch people fish, but to watch the largest fish in these waters.” Jay smiled, watching the surprise bloom on her face.

“Well, mammals, actually,” he continued. “Whales aren’t fish. They’re warm-blooded and nurse their young.”

A large grin took her mouth and she laughed out loud. “Whale watching? For real?”

He nodded. “Why else would I wake you at such an ungodly hour? It takes two hours from here to get to Block Island. We can whale watch on our way there and then spend the rest of the day enjoying one of the most beautiful places in New England.”

Becca stepped onto the deck of the boat and looked out into the harbor. The water was so dark and blue.


She turned as he moved beside her to look out at the water as well. “This is perfect, Jaylon. Really.”

“Just wait.” He kissed the side of her head, moving his arm around her waist.

The boat pulled out of New London harbor and started the two-hour journey to the island. The water was calm, with barely any chop and they made good time. About halfway, the captain called from the upper deck, pointing toward the port side.

Three dolphins jumped in a perfect arc almost synchronized in time with the boat.

“It’s an old wives’ tale that dolphins are a sign of luck and that three in a row like that is an omen the universe is watching and approves,” Jay stated with a nod.

“Approves of what?” Becca asked with a small grin.

He pulled her in for a kiss. “Of whatever it is you’re doing at the time.”

She tucked herself under Jay’s arm and smirked. “You made that up.”

He kissed her hair with a chuckle. “Yup. But it sounded good.”

With a sigh, she watched the horizon and the expansive water as the dolphins played. “They look so free and happy. I wish we could swim with them.”

“We can. All we need to do is dive off the boat. The captain will stop for us if we want. It’s our charter.”

She shook her head. “Isn’t the water too cold yet? I know it’s June, but it’s notoriously nippy even in the dog days of summer.”

He smirked. “Dog days, cat days. We’re shifters, Bec. It won’t affect us like it does humans. One of the perks of being dual-natured. Plus, dolphins are super intelligent. They recognize us as one of their own from the animal kingdom. They won’t shy away and they don’t see you as a threat or as prey. We use that particular perk back home. It has made our tours the best in the business. The sea life always shows up to play.”

A gray shadow passed beside the boat, its curved fin breaking the surface. “Uhm, Jay—is that what I think it is?”

He nodded. “Yup.” He nudged her toward the boat’s railing. “Still want to swim free and happy?”

She elbowed him in the ribs. “Not funny. I thought you said sea life didn’t see us as prey?”

He laughed. “I didn’t mean sharks. They have their own rules, kind of like vampires.”

“Yeah, well. Let’s just say I never want to be face to face with either of those species.”

“Who does? But what about that species?” Jaylon pointed ahead about fifty yards to a bumpy shadow in the distance.

“Oh my God! It’s a humpback!”

As if on cue, the whale’s fluke broke the surface and then slipped beneath the waves again. All was still and Becca held her breath, waiting. Then with a massive wave, the mammoth breached the water, its dark body twisting in midair giving them full view of its white-lined belly before diving into the depths again.

Tears pricked Becca’s eyes along with the salt spray from the enormous animal’s display.

“Pretty good, huh?” Jaylon asked, pulling her close to his side.

“Best day ever.”

“It only gets better from here, babe.”

She exhaled, tightening her arm on his waist. “I don’t know how you’ll top that.”

He smiled against her hair, giving her temple a kiss. “Give me a chance and I promise you won’t regret it.”

The boat docked a short while later and as they maneuvered into its slip, Becca smiled taking in the picturesque view.

“Welcome to Block Island,” Jay said.

Becca took in the boats in the marina and the one moored off the shore and the sweep of beach and country road ahead. “It’s beautiful.”

“This is called Old Harbor.” He gestured toward the dock. “C’mon. I want to show you everything.”

He slung their overnight duffel onto his shoulder and helped Becca off the boat. A porter directed them street side and Jay flagged down a taxi. The cab took them down the rocky coast, finally letting them out at a little cottage off the beaten path, on a deserted stretch of beach.

“I thought we could make this base camp and take things from here, maybe a bike ride to the village or we could spend the day alone on our own little piece of beach.” He gestured to her. “Lady’s choice.”

Becca looked at the entire serene scene and inhaled. “I’d vote beach and maybe even get a chance to see a few more dolphins, but I don’t have a swimsuit.”

“Why do you think I picked this particular cottage? It’s secluded, Bec. Bathing suits are optional.” He winked.

She shook her head. “Oh, no. That water is freezing!”

Dropping their bag on the porch, Jay kicked off his sneakers and picked her up in his arms. “Not with me to keep you warm.”

She squealed, kicking and squirming. “Don’t you dare! Jay! I mean it! No!”

Ignoring her, he walked straight into the water until they were waist deep and completely soaked.

“I’ve been imagining you in a wet t-shirt since this morning in the shower. How the wet fabric molds every curve and puts each hard nipple on display, just waiting for my hands and my mouth.”

He cupped her breasts and squeezed. “I can’t get enough of you, Becca. No sooner do I come inside you than I’m like rock again.”

A wave crashed against Becca’s back, knocking her off balance and she stumbled against Jay’s chest.

“Between you, your words and the waves, I can’t keep my balance,” she murmured.

“I want you off balance, Bec. I want you on your back or on your knees. Any way I can have you.”

With a gasp, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist and Jaylon took her mouth, holding her close as he pushed through the water toward the beach.

“Does that cottage have a bed or am I going to be digging sand out of my ass for the rest of the day?” she asked with a breathless laugh, breaking their kiss.

“Bed, sand, I don’t care. All I know is we’d better find it fast or I’m going to fuck you here in the surf.”

He carried her toward the cottage and she reached to turn the knob. It was unlocked. The entire place was like a beachside dream, flowers and food and a soft, plush rug in front of a low burning fire.

“You really did think of everything,” she said, sliding from his arms.

“Right now, I can only think of one thing and that’s my cock so deeply inside you, we can’t tell where I stop and you start.”

Becca moved to the plush rug and stripped off her wet clothes, leaving them with a small wet spat on the hardwood.

“You said lady’s choice, right?”

He licked his lips. “I did.”

“Good. You mentioned a bike ride. I think I should practice my straddle, first. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a terrific idea.” Jaylon stripped as well, leaving his clothes with hers before lying on the thick rug. She climbed over his hips, letting the tip of his cock just graze her soft flesh.

“Hmmm. I might have to adjust the seat on this one. It might be a little too big to take in just one go. What do you think?”

He grabbed her hips and yanked her onto his waiting cock, her knees hitting the rug.

* * *

Jay added another piece of driftwood to the fire pit and then squatted beside the stones, watching the flames lick at the wood.

“This whole day has been amazing, Jaylon. Thank you.”

He straightened, wiping his hands on his thighs before stretching out next to Becca on the blanket. The sun had set, yet the full moon left the white sand illuminated, the sound of the surf behind them, calm.

“What did you like the most?” he asked.

She wiped her mouth and scooted up beside him. “You mean besides these amazing baked clams and roasted corn you made, the wonderful cottage, the whales and dolphins and the gorgeous setting?”

He ran a finger down her cheek. “Is that all?”

“There’s the mind-numbing sex.”

He smirked. “And?”

She crawled up to tuck herself under his arm, resting her head on his chest. “Let me see. Oh yeah, and the fact none of this would matter if it wasn’t you I was sharing it with.”

“Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner.” He kissed the top of her head.

“You really don’t need to fish for compliments, Jaylon. This is perfect. You’re perfect. I couldn’t imagine a better day if I tried.”

“So, what do you think? Are we compatible then?” His words were a whisper against her hair.

She snuggled up even tighter. “Like a hand in glove.” She looked up from his chest. “I just have one question, though. How are we getting back to the city tonight?”

“We’re not,” he replied. “The cottage is ours until late tomorrow and I arranged for everything, including getting you back to the Pinelands.”

She nodded, but couldn’t help the wave of disappointment that crashed.

As if he could read her mind, he pulled her up so he could search her eyes. “We have to head back, Bec, regardless of how much we want to stay right here, right now. You know it and I know it. But going home is only so we can let our clans know it was mission accomplished. Mates found. Where we take it next is up to us, not them, right?”

She nodded. “Right. Want to come and tell them that for me?”

He laughed, giving her a quick kiss. “It’ll be fine. Let’s give it a few days. A week tops. They’ll settle down and then it’ll be smooth sailing.”


He kissed her again. “Cross my heart.”