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Playboy by Logan Chance (32)



Declan will be a plastic surgeon once his story comes in 2018, but during this story, he’s still in medical school. So this scene was removed for a few of those reasons.

* * *

A few hours later, I decide to meet Declan for lunch. I’m kind of nervous for our meeting. Only because I feel like at any moment I may shout out the words ‘your sister is modeling swimsuits’. I won’t, but still it’s a thought that crosses my mind frequently.

I head into one of our favorite places to eat. A little small diner off Broadway. The door swings open as a group of guys exit out.

“Hey Playboy, over here,” Declan calls, waving his hand.

I spot him in a back booth and I easily make my way past all the other customers. “Hey.”

My nerves settle when I sit and he launches into his night with Zanna. I guess they went home together.

“I’m already loving the fact Chelsea isn’t living with me anymore. I feel free.”

“Yeah, great.” The nerves are back. “Did she get everything packed up?”

“I think so. Listen, you know how these LA guys are.” He laughs. “I mean, they’re kind of like us. Different girl every night of the week, right?”

I smile. “Yeah, I guess.”

“I just don’t want her to get mixed up in all of that.”

I nod as the waitress stops by to grab our order. “Let me ask you something?”


“Hooking up with Zanna, would you ever grab the magazine to check it out.” Let him say no, please let him say no.

He shakes his head. “No need. I’ve seen it all, my friend.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Cool.”

“That one girl was digging you last night. Who did you end up taking home last night?”

“Uh, I took home your sister remember,” I say, grabbing a straw and sticking it into the Coke the server just placed in front of me.

He doesn’t say anything right away. His eyes dart back and forth between mine. “But, nothing happened, right?”

I lean back. “Come on, dude. That’s your sister, and she passed out on my couch.”

He relaxes, and I don’t. I also don’t tell him how she ended up in my bed. But, I’m sure that was the liquor, or the extreme discomfort of my couch.

Either way, nothing happened. And nothing ever will happen. Case closed.

His phone chimes and he reaches into his pocket and stares at it. “Fuck.”

“What is there a boob emergency?”

“No,” he shoves the phone in my face, “fucking Zanna. She wants to hang out.”

I glance at the text message and sure enough, she wants him. “Tough luck.” I laugh.

In all actuality, I’ve heard Zanna is a pretty nice girl. I’ve never hung out with her much, but maybe Declan should give her a chance.

But, knowing Declan that would never happen. He’s a hit it and quit it kind of guy. And he really is too busy to even think about dating.

What with the boobs and all. He says they need his constant attention.

“She has great melons. But, she isn’t that smart,” Declan says, leaning back against the booth. His sandy blond hair appears disheveled and I’m sure it’s from the stress and him running his fingers through it all day long. Maybe if he cut his fucking hair. Or used gel like the rest of us.

Also, Declan is a total tit guy. He loves them, which is perfect for the job he has.

I guess we’re both kind of lucky in that aspect.

“I’ve heard Zanna is a real catch,” I say after our food arrives.

He takes a huge bite of his burger. “Not interested.”

I drop the subject because honestly, I am not here to be Declan’s matchmaker in his journey to finding a soulmate.

I honestly think there isn’t a woman around who could handle the likes of him.

“So, back to Chelsea.” He squirts a little ketchup on his plate. “She’s trying to start dating now. I don’t know, but just watch her. Make sure the guys are on the up and up.”

“Yeah, of course.” Images of Chelsea bringing guys over to the apartment fire off in my mind. I haven’t had a roommate since Declan back in junior college before I dropped out. And I’ve never lived with a girl.

One brother, only girl I’ve ever lived with is my mother.

So, it will definitely be something to get used to. Then the images switch to all things girly taking over my house.

Makeup in the bathroom. Bras and women lingerie all over the place. Ok, I don’t know what girls do, like I said, I’ve never lived with one. But, I’m sure there’s going to be an overabundance of feminine things.

I’ve lost my appetite.

Just kidding. I’m like Declan, I could eat while watching open heart surgery. Well, maybe not that but I can hold my own.

“What are your plans tonight?”

“It’s Monday. What do we do every Monday night?”

“Just checking to see if you’re still on,” he says.

“Of course I am. It’s a chance for me to win everyone’s money. No brainer.”

“Not tonight. I’ve been studying.”

“Yeah, ok,” I say with a hint of sarcasm. And by hint I mean a lot.

“We’ll all be at your place at seven.”

“Yeah fine.” Hmm, wonder what Chelsea will think of four drunk guys betting on video game battles?

“Tell Chelsea she’ll have to leave,” Declan says through a mouthful of fries.

“Dude, it’s her first night living there. I can’t kick her out.” I crack a smile.

He shrugs as he polishes off his burger. “Whatever. It’s guys night.”

“She’s your sister. You can tell her to leave.”