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Playboy by Logan Chance (38)

3. Erik

Flying back to Florida, I tried to remain calm. I messaged with Belinda almost the entire time while on the island of St. Thomas, and our conversations turned from fun and flirty to personal real quick. I enjoyed getting to know her.

For the first time in a long time, I was excited.

Somewhere along the way, I lost myself in the hustle and bustle of flying. My life had become sedentary, and I didn’t date. Maybe Lexi and Marley were right. I did need someone.

When I stepped into my high-rise apartment, I tossed my keys onto the glass table by the front door. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I glanced down and smiled when I saw another message from Belinda.

Don’t you just hate when you lock your keys in your car?

I’m stuck waiting on my friend and wondering if it could get any hotter today.

Hope you’re having a good day, and welcome back to Florida. If I don’t melt, I think we should meet up on Friday.

I grinned as I read the message again. Friday was doable. It was really fucking doable. I typed my reply.

Friday sounds great. Let’s meet at the Clevelander. Around seven?

The leash is optional.

I smiled, pressed send, and went into my bedroom to get ready for another night out with Connor.

* * *

“So, you need a date for Steffie’s wedding? Why don’t you just look around? Plenty of hot girls here.” Connor laughed as he glanced around Club Ariana.

Even over the music, his words rang loud and clear—I was stressing too much about this wedding.

“I met someone on that dating site,” I said, leaning in to be heard over the music.

“Oh yeah? What’s she look like? Big tits?”

I took a long pull of my Heineken as I stared at Connor holding his hands to his chest to mimic a nice set of boobs.

“I haven’t actually met her yet, but I will on Friday.”

He drew his brows together. “You’ve seen her photo though, right? Come on give me the deets.”

“No, I haven’t seen her photo either.”

Connor perched his elbow on the wood table, leaning closer before hitting me over the head with his left hand. “Are you a fucking moron? What if this girl is a complete hag?”

I sipped my beer through my grin and set the bottle back down. “I don’t know man. She seems cool.”

“You pussy lacking mother fucker. That’s your problem right there, you need to stick your dick into something, and quick. Check it out.” He pointed to a blonde seated at the bar, and my eyes locked with hers from across the room.

She was stunning in a short red dress held up by two thin straps. My heart hammered in my chest. Connor waved his hand in front of my face as I smiled to her. “Go talk to her.”

Forcing my eyes away from her, I shook my head as I held tight to my bottle of Heineken. Connor set his beer down and stepped away from the table. He grinned. “Wish me luck.”

I laughed and raised my beer to my lips. He made his way over to her, and I laughed even harder as she shook her head and he walked back.

“She’s cold. Don’t even bother.”

I was even more intrigued.

She stood from her seat, and I couldn't look away as her sweet, round ass swayed off to the dance floor.

Her shapely hips rocked as she closed her eyes and let the rhythm overtake her. She was a sight to see—both arms above her head, her dress inching up her long pale legs a bit. Her tits bounced slightly as she danced. Nice. They were real. A few men stared along with me, mesmerized, as she continued moving.

“Dude, give up. She’s uppity.” Connor tried to get my attention but my eyes remained glued to her.

After a few minutes of watching her, I resumed chatting to Connor about the previous Heat game.

“I’ll be right back. Need to drain the main vein,” I said as I stood.

Connor shook his head. “If that’s your main vein than I feel sorry for the rest of you.”

I laughed. “I’ll be right back.”

I headed away from the table and skirted past the dance floor in search of the restrooms. When I turned the corner, I ran smack into someone.

“Shit, I’m sorry.” My eyes widened when I saw the blonde from the dance floor.

“Watch where you’re going,” she snapped.

“Let me buy you a drink and make it up to you,” I said, nodding toward the bar.

Her blue eyes were striking, and I smiled as she tugged on the bottom of her dress to reposition it.

“No, I’m ok. I’ll see you around.”

“Are you sure? Come on, let me at least buy you a drink.”

“No, I’m fine. I need to get going,” she said, taking two steps away.

“Can I at least get your name?”

She stopped and glanced over her shoulder and her sweet, pink lips curved upwards. “Kayla.”

As I headed home that night, I thought about Kayla for a second too long. She was unlike anyone I’d ever seen before. Her cute button nose, sparkly light-blue eyes, and her curvaceous body kept my mind occupied as I drove my truck.

When I stepped through my front door my phone lit up with a message from Belinda, and I clicked it open.

Clevelander works for me. I’ll be in a green dress and sitting at the bar. Hope your day has been better than mine.

Maybe you can send a few arrows my way, just for fun.

I opened the app and clicked on the arrow button and sent her a few. She was right, it was fun. The cartoon display of Cupid pulled back his bow and shot the arrows. They would land right on the person’s profile pic, in turn hitting them.

I clicked a few more, just for good measure, and then wrote her back.

I’m sorry you had a shitty day. Hope you got everything taken care of with the car. Want to talk about it? Or in this case, type?

I flipped on the TV and changed my clothes. Sinking onto the soft leather of my sofa, I waited for the ping from my phone. Maybe she didn’t want to discuss her bad night with me, but I hoped she would. Just when I started to doze off, my phone pinged beside me.

It’s ok. I’m much better now. Ever have a day where your whole life is thrown into perspective? You think you’re heading down one path, but life throws a curveball and turns you in another direction.

What got you into flying?

I knew exactly where she was coming from. My life was set on a certain course, until Steffie crushed my heart. Even now, I couldn’t pick up the pieces to better myself. I got up and grabbed a beer from the fridge, cracking it open. As I sank back down onto the couch, I opened the Cupid app to write her back.

Yes, I know the feeling all too well. Sometimes things happen for a reason, or so I’ve been told. I’m still undecided about it all, though.

I was in the military, and, well, planes are kickass. After I left the Navy, I got this job and haven’t ever thought about doing anything else.

I love flying. It’s freeing in a way.

Imagine you’re driving in your car, and the roads are empty. You just drive. Now, multiply that by ten thousand. That’s how flying feels to me.

I hit send and closed my eyes imagining how bad her day was.

The phone pinged another message.

I like that.

All of it.

Sometimes I think my life isn’t destined for much. Don’t get me wrong, I love baking, but I hoped for more.

Are you happy? I know that’s a loaded question, but are you happy?

I thought long and hard about her question and didn’t know how to answer. Almost fifteen minutes went by before I hit the reply button.


I shut my phone off and headed into my bedroom to get some sleep. Tomorrow. I’d meet her tomorrow.

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