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Powerless (Power Series Book 1) by Lauren Cooper (28)


We reach my flat, after swinging by Liam’s place for him to grab an overnight bag. I’d plucked up the courage to ask him to stay over, wanting to rectify the whole panic attack incident with a much nicer one. I had stayed in the car, but he promised to show me around soon. I didn’t care any less, all I knew was that Liam was staying the night with me, and that meant countless round of sex.

Liam busied himself in my kitchen after carrying the groceries up and insisting on helping me prepare our food. I’d given up half way through stirring the pasta, after he kept arguing that I was cooking the spaghetti wrong. How many ways are there to dump the spaghetti into a pan of water? I grabbed the bottle of wine we picked up, along with two glasses, and I watched him from my stool at the island. He looked good in the kitchen. His shirt sleeves where rolled to his elbows, the top three buttons of his shirt undone and the pretty floral piny wrapped around his midriff really accentuated the housewife look. A tea towel was draped across his shoulder, as he concentrated on not burning the pasta sauce. I can’t help but smile behind my wine glass, watching him move around the kitchen with great ease.

“Who taught you how to cook?” I asked before taking a sip of the wine.

Continuing to stir the sauce, he flicks me a sideways grin “My mother” his eyes move to meet mine and I realize that he might just be a mummy’s boy. A million questions burn into my head about his childhood, was it a happy one? Did he have many friends? I know about his sister, but does he have any other siblings? I huff at the memory of ever calling him a daddy’s boy, when now I can see that’s possibly far from the truth. I spend the next few minutes just watching him glide around the kitchen, the marble counter tops are littered with ingredients, but the smell of traditional Italian pasta fills my nostrils and my stomach rumbles. Liam notices and busies himself to cook faster. Once we’ve eaten in a comfortable silence and I’ve cleared the dishes we curl up on the sofa. Some nature program is rambling on, but all my senses alert me to how close I am to Liam.

“You’re a pretty good cook, I’ll give you that. What other secrets are you hiding?” I question, hoping he’s in the mood to share. His hand stills from stroking my hair and his chest inhales beneath me.

“What do you mean?”

“Where are you from?”

“Essex, I grew up there. But my parents have always had a place in the city, so we used to come here a lot. I moved here after I graduated and started at the company”

“Do you have any more siblings?”

“Nope, just my sister. Jess is younger than me and a royal pain. I then I have my nephew”

“How old is he?” I smile up at him, hopefully encouraging him to reveal more, loving hearing about his life. From the distant, ego maniac that was stood in my boardroom a few short weeks ago, he seems so different now.

“He’s three, his name is Arthur. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“Not that I know of, but it’s possible my father has some that I don’t know about”

I feel Liam shift beneath me and decide to steer the conversation in a healthier direction.

“Did you always want to work for your father?” I lay my fingers across his broad chest.

“I guess. I never really thought about it you know? I always wanted to be a solicitor, the fact that he owned a company was just sort of a given. That’s why I invested and bought a few other businesses, some things I could call my own, he’s an arsehole to work with”

“David?” I question, secretly hoping he will give me some more dirt on him. The impression he gave me was always happy and professional, it was one of the reasons I had signed the deal in the first place.

“Yep. You have breasts. You’re not a threat to him”

I gawk in surprise, he’s a sexist?

“Is he stuck in the past like that?”

“Yes, I could say that you’re lucky that you’re merging with me and not him” he laughs.

“Big headed” I scoff before returning to the Tv. The fact that I feel the most comfortable and safe than I have in years doesn’t escape me. This man has gone from being the biggest headache I’ve ever come across, to the one sat on my couch, stroking my hair and telling me little snippets about himself. I feel guilty that I won’t offer him the same pleasure. I sigh, resting my head against Liam’s shoulder when his hand comes up and he turns my face gently towards his.

“What’s up?” his eyes twinkle in the low light of the lamp on the side table. The electric fire we lit earlier is casting a dancing light against his hair. I smile up at him, he seems to have that effect on me. I can’t stop smiling when I’m around him.

“Nothing” I give him a closed mouth smile, hoping that he will drop it. Chewing the inside of his cheek he debates something with himself before deciding on an answer.

“There are only so many free passes I can give you. That was your final one” his voice is deep with authority and I know he’s serious.

“We’re going to be working together, it’s inevitable that we will find out things about one another soon enough. I will find out the things you don’t want to tell me. But you will, in time”

“What makes you so sure?” I argue, sitting up on the sofa and moving slightly away from him. Grabbing my wrist in his large hand he tightens his grip, but not to the point where it’s painful. My chest instinctively starts to rise and fall faster than is normal, and panic slithers across my chest leaving a trail of slime in it’s wake.

“You need this” he glances at where his hand is holding me. “You’re intrigued, I can tell”

I flick my eyes to where his long fingers circle my wrist before my attention is brought to the dampness growing between my thighs. How can I be turned on by this? Surely there’s something not quite right in my head.

Bringing his free hand up to my face, he forces my dark eyes to look at his light ones.

“Don’t overthink it. It’s perfectly normal to want to erase certain memories that you hate with similar ones that you can love and enjoy. You can turn a painful memory into something beautiful”

No truer words had ever been spoken to me before, and they ran around my head, bouncing between all the shitty memories I have.

“How can you tell?” I let my wrist relax in his hold, trusting him to hold me safe. Shifting closer to me, and bringing his eyes down to my level, Liam glances quickly between them and my parted lips.

“Your pupils are dilated, your skin is flushed, your breathing has changed. Much like everything I told you in my office”

Memories of the way he had spoken to me then, and the way he moved his fingers down my body set my skin on fire.

“You need someone to take the control away from you”

“No, I don’t!” I huff, without believing my own words. The idea makes my skin hot and cold at the same time, sending confusing signals to my head. I wanted this didn’t I?

“Yes, you do, and I need to control you. I may not be able to in work, but I sure as hell can here. You’ll thank me later” I go to interrupt him, but he continues and I’m polite not to cross over him. “You will learn to tell me the things I want to know about you, without me having to prompt it out of you. And in time I’ll do the same in return”

I was prepared to throw myself head long into an argument about how wrong he was, but that last part had be rethinking. That’s what I wanted wasn’t it? To get to know him and see where this goes. But at the same time, I enjoy arguing with him, I love seeing his head about to explode. I shuffle slightly on the sofa, the ache between my legs has only increased the more he’s talked, and it’s confusing the hell out of me. My body is telling me I need this, but my head is kicking and screaming that this is far from what I need.

“Why?” I manage to whisper back at him.

“I don’t know Amelia. But what I do now is that from the first time you walked into that boardroom I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You where fucking beautiful, powerful and then you spoke” He grabs my chin gently, tugging my eyes back to his face. “That soft, sexy voice of yours is all I could think about for days. And the way you put me in my place in my own damned office. I wanted to bend you over the boardroom table and fuck the sass right out of you. I know you feel this, between us. I know you do. God, when I first kissed you my brain turned fuzzy” He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes briefly before snapping them open again “and that first time I had you beneath me, you made my eyes cross” a hint of a smile hits his lips and I can’t help but giggle. I never giggle. I suddenly feel like we’re teenagers, both experiencing things we should have years ago.

“I don’t judge you Amelia. I know panic attacks, I grew up with them. I know you’re this strong as fuck, confident and sassy ass girl and I have no idea why you turn into this timid little kitten around me. You deal with your attacks with such grace, both you and my sister amaze me. Her past has stayed that way, in the past. I know yours hasn’t”

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. He reads me like I’m an open book, like no one else has ever taken the time to. It’s scaring me shitless than he sees right through the cage I’ve spent years building myself and I’m powerless to stop it.

“No, it hasn’t”

“I will find out what’s going on Amelia” his gruff voice tells me he isn’t kidding and that just rubs me the wrong way.

“Why are you so fucking sure of yourself?” I pull my arm away from his grip and stand.

“Back with the attitude I see” he smirks, leaning back on the sofa and running his long pointer finger across his plump lips.

“How can you go from being nice to an arsehole in such a short space of time?”

“I get things done Amelia. It’s called punctuality. If I want it, I get it” he says it as if it’s the most common trait in the world.

“Well you’re getting shit from me” I turn my back on him and move to the window. “fucking daddy’s boy” I mutter under my breath. That’s what he is, regardless of the nice guy I’ve seen recently, that’s who he is deep down. Suddenly I’m spun on the spot and Liam presses his open hand to my neck, pressing me against the window. His grip should frighten me, should make me panic. At least that’s what I was expecting to feel as his fingers tightened slightly on my throat. But all I felt was aroused. My nipples hardened against my bra, my knickers grew wetter any my mouth parted with anticipation for unspoken words. Fuck, am I in trouble.

“Say it again” he hisses through clenched teeth, his oceanic blues boring down into my soul.

“No” I spit back, spiting myself in the process. His fingers tighten even more, forcing my head back against the window and my eyes to look up at him.

“Say it”

I swallow the excited lump in my throat and wait a second before answering him, relishing in the feeling of being utterly powerless against his hard body.

“You’re a fucking daddy’s boy” I reply with vigor, wanting to piss him off more than anything now that I know the reward will be a good fuck.

I roll my lips as anticipation courses through my veins, making my blood drum in my ears.

Liam snaps, pulling his hand away from my neck I sag against the cold glass but only for a brief second, as he bends in front of me and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal as I’m bent upside down, getting the perfect view of his taught backside.

“Liam! Put me down!” I smack at his bum with weak arms, earning me a harder slap across my own cheeks.

“Shut up” he starts towards my bedroom and I chew at my lip as I bounce along on his broad shoulders, totally helpless to this situation.

Once we reach my bed he practically flings me on top, and I can’t contain the laugh that escapes me. I go to turn over to face him, but Liam is on my back his weight lightly pressing me into the mattress.

“Something funny Amelia?” his voice is dark and smooth as he runs his nose along that sensitive line between my ear and my shoulder. A shiver runs through me, awakening all of my nerve endings to his touch.


“Good. Tell me to stop and I will” his words send my brain into overdrive, but I don’t have any time to give them thought as he lifts off me. Pulling me backwards by my hips, he brings my bum into the air before hitching my dress up over it. Cold air mingles with the throbbing heat between my legs and I have to stifle a moan. Smoothing his palm over one of my cheeks, his hot touch nearly sends me over the edge.

“I warned you that if you ever called me that again I would put you over my knee and I’m done ignoring your attitude. Every time you piss me off from now on, this is what you’ll get”

Moving quickly, he sits down on the edge of the bed and positions me right over his thick thighs. Holy shit this is hot. Palming my goose bumped flesh, he moves his hand away and I whimper at the loss. I hear the swoosh of his arm before his hand connects with my skin.

“Ahh” I jerk forward on his legs, splaying my arms out just in case I fall. Heat blooms across my skin, where he rubs it gently back to life before bringing his palm down again. I never thought I’d enjoy being spanked, but the clenching of my core and the pooling of creamy wetness in my lacy knickers tells me otherwise. I’m seriously surprising myself these days.

“Will you ever call me a daddy’s boy again?” he questions before spanking me again. I want to tell him yes, yes, I will if this is how you treat me.

“You’re enjoying this Amelia” he acknowledges by running his pointer finger under my knickers to my soaked core.

“Yes” I whimper as his long finger finds my opening and he runs it around the outside, teasing me with his touch but never breaching me. I push backwards to try and gain some friction, but he only moves with me.

“Don’t push me Amelia. You’ll have it when I decide to give it to you”

I moan, his words sending shockwaves to my already dripping core. I never in a million years thought I would enjoy handing over control this much when it came to sex. I’ve always stuck with the slightly sexy but majorly vanilla sex, but this, never.

“Please Liam” I beg as I arch my back and try my hardest to wriggle onto his finger. I hear the swoosh of his arm again before his large palm smacks against my reddened skin. The thought of him marking me just turns me on even more, and I don’t even care that I’m begging him. I want him to mark me, to bruise me. After gently rubbing his palm over my pink bum cheek he trails his finger up my spine. My back bows into his touch before he grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls me backwards towards him. I kneel in front of him between his splayed legs and he tugs on my hair gently, forcing me to look up at him.

Dark, lust filled eyes gaze down at me, and I lick my lips in anticipation. Liam growls as he leans down, his hand still twisted in my inky locks and sucks my bottom lip between his teeth.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” his gravelly fills the quiet of my bedroom, releasing my lip with a pop. My joints have turned to liquid marrow, and it takes everything in me to nod against his grip.

“I need to hear you say it Amelia” he runs his nose along the curve of my jaw, my skin heating and my core clenching with need.

“Yes Liam”

As soon as the words leave my lips, he lets go of my hair and quickly unbuckles his belt. Pulling his suit trousers along with his black boxers down to his thighs, his thick cock bounces to his stomach. Standing to attention, as long, wide veins rim the outside. Pre-cum beads at the tip and I lick my lips in anticipation of finally getting to taste him. My dark eyes flick to his before he clasps his hand around my nape and brings me closer to his center. I wrap my hand around his base before darting my tongue out and swiping at the beading cum at his head. I hear him hiss as I close my eyes and let my tongue travel downwards, licking every vein as I do before bringing it back up again. I wrap my lips around him before hollowing my cheeks and sucking more of him into my mouth, slowly, inch by inch.

Liam moans as he fills my hot mouth, the sound vibrating through me until his tip hits my end point. Thankful that I don’t have a bad gag reflex, I still can’t take all of him, but I try. I move slowly, taking him in and out before my mouth adjusts to his size. My jaw starts to ache as I move faster, Liam’s moans only egging me on even more, especially when his grip in my hair tightens to almost painful.

“Fuck Amelia” he hisses through clenched teeth, his hand tugs on my hair but I stay put. I want him in my mouth, I want him everywhere.

“Stop” he pulls again, and I reluctantly pull away.

“The only place I want to come is in your pussy” he pants. Reaching out for me he pulls me to my feet, pulls the rest of my dress off so I stand before him in my lacy underwear and stockings. His eyes close as if he’s in pain and I can’t help but bask in the realization that my body does this to him.

Liam leans over me, his chest to my spine as he brushes my hair away from my shoulder. I feel his hot breath at my ear before he whispers “This is your punishment for ever assuming I was a Daddy’s boy. I’m anything fucking but” as he finishes his sentence he nips my ear lobe at the same time he pushes his length inside me. I cry out at the welcome intrusion, I hadn’t even realized he’d pushed my knickers to the side. He stills his hips, my inner walls clenching around his thick, hard length.


“Ask me” he demands against my neck. His lips are like ice against my burning body as he sucks on my skin, bringing it into his mouth and licking, biting and sucking at it. A small moan escapes me, and I forget what he just said.

“Ask me to fuck you Amelia” he demands again, his voice bringing me back to the thick throbbing in my core. My senses are on over drive, my nipples are aching with the need to be pinched, twisted against the lace of my bra and my arousal is dripping down my thighs. Liam’s hot breath lingers across my nape, the heat of his chest burning my back that arches into his touch.

“Fuck Me Liam” I demand, rather than ask.

“Ask me nicely” he runs his tongue against the edge of my ear before pulling it between his teeth.


And he does, his chest is gone from my back as his hands find my hips before he pulls out leaving me empty only to thrust back in to the hilt.

“Ahh” he’s so big, it’s almost painful. As turned on as I was, I can still feel the burn of his size tearing into me. I relish in the slight discomfort as he starts to move faster, giving me no time to adjust to him. Leaning back, he grabs onto my waist with bruising force as he slams into me. Every nerve ending is rudely awakened, and quickly I feel the building of my orgasm. His hips smash against my slapped cheeks, only enhancing my senses before he slaps me again.

“Fuck!” my back arches at the overwhelming need to come. I feel like he’s going to rip me in two with the pleasure he’s building inside me.

“Don’t come Amelia” he seethes.

“What? Liam, I…”

“I said don’t come!” he growls.

His thrusting becomes more frantic, as the noise of our skin slapping together fills the room, along with the animalistic grunts that seem to be coming from me. How the hell am I not supposed to come? The coils deep in my core are at breaking point, the way his thick cock slams into me from behind, forcing them to the brink in just seconds. I mentally try and stop myself from succumbing to the orgasm that’s threatening to rip through my skin, as fire burns through my veins and I my muscles lock.

“Liam! I need to come” I pant, earning me another slap to my deliciously sore skin. Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he tilts my head back as he leans further over my arched back. Pushing himself somehow deeper into me, his hips hold themselves still as he grasps my jaw in his hand and turns me to face him. Sweat glistens on our skin and we’re both breathless as he pulls my bottom lip between his teeth.

“Come for me” he demands breathlessly as he grinds his hips into me, shoving his thick length into me. Wrapping an arm around my waist, his skilled fingers seek out my clit before he starts to move it with renewed determination. Smashing his lips against mine he picks up his pace again, and not long after I’m screaming into his mouth as he grunts into mine. His cock swells inside me, pushing further into my shredded walls as he spills his pleasure into me.

Collapsing in a heap in the bed, he gets up to remove the condom I hadn’t notice him putting on, but grateful that he did. Seconds later he joins me in my post-fan-fucking-tastic sex slumber and pulls me into his chest.

“Fuck” I practically whimper against his damp skin. Liam chuckles before turning my chin up.

“You okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” his baby blues flick around my skin, looking for any signs of damage.

“No. That was amazing” I kiss his chest as he tightens his arm around my shoulders.

His breathing is still heavy, his chest rises and falls against my cheek. I run my fingers along the lines of his muscles, admiring how anyone can have that much dedication to the gym. His fingers stroke through my hair, spreading the tangled strands and sending me into a dream like state. I’d never felt lighter and carefree as I did lying next to this Greek god. I’d given in to every one of my doubts and just gone with it. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face as pure happiness and contentment spread through me like wildfire. We spend the next few hours curled up against each other, kissing, licking and fucking to our hearts content, although twice was more love-making than the brutal fucking we had earlier. We both lay spent and sore, tangled in a mess of sheets and limbs until we both fall utterly exhausted, totally pleasured out into a deep sleep.




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