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Rax (Rathier Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Maia Starr (35)




“Be on the lookout for anything suspicious. We don't know what this potential virus looks like. So just keep any and all Draqua away from the water tanks. Ravinn is speaking with the King now, and I am sure he is going to double security. But I had to get over here as soon as possible just in case. I will need a water sample in order to get tested,” I said to one of the stationed guards. I knew all of the Draqua that were currently working, and they were to be trusted. One of them nodded in response, “Yes, Commander, right away.”


He went to get a large jug with a rope attached to it. He dumped it into the main water source. He closed the cap and handed it to me.


“Remember, be on the lookout. No one gets near this tank,” I said to them before I flew off in the direction of the king's palace.


“I am here to see the king; tell him it is Commander Cerik Hade,” I said to the guard on duty outside the palace.


Minutes later, I was walking into King Hydros’ chambers. Ravinn was still there.


“I have the water sample. I have given the guards at the water tank the warning. They are on the lookout,” I said, setting the sample on the table.


“Good. Yeqor is  here to test the water,” the King said as he nodded at a Draqua that was waiting against the wall. We watched as he poured the water from the jug into various containers and began to do tests.


“You gave him the device with the file?” I asked Ravinn.


“Yes, he did. I must commend you on a mission well done, Commander. You will be rewarded for your efforts. You went through great pains to get it, and you succeeded,” King Hydros said to me.


“Thank you for your praise, my King,” I said as I nodded.


“It’s clean. I will take a copy of the file and analyze it. We will need to start working on a vaccine right away, just in case,” Yeqor said to the King. I was relieved that the water was clean.


“Good, go and do your work. Thank you, Yeqor,” the king said.


Yeqor left, and Ravinn and I were left with the king.


“If I may be dismissed, King, I have a newly arrived human female to attend to,” I said.


“Oh yes, the human female you used as bait. How is she adjusting? Did Ephane harm her?” the King asked.


“Not as far as I can tell,” I said.


“If she will have you in return, then she shall be your mate. I grant it. You deserve the reward for your work, and we will discuss your promotion to Captain,” the King said.


“Thank you, King Hydros,” I said with a nod and left. I flew back to the village. It was then that I saw Maria leaving the healer’s hut. Hekan was leading her across the bridges. I stayed at a distance and watched. I knew that Ravinn gave him orders to see Maria to an empty hut, but not the healers. Why was she there?


I waited and watched as Hekan showed her inside a hut. They were in there a few minutes with the door closed, and my jealousy was starting to get the better of me. Why was he taking so long to come out? He did not even need to go inside! I was beginning to fill with rage. But then Hekan finally emerged from the hut and flew off. I sighed in relief.


I flew to the hut and landed outside on the platform. I was not thinking straight. I was in a rage after seeing Hekan with Maria. Why were they at the healer hut? They were keeping a secret. I barged right into the hut. Maria let out a scream. I looked and saw that she was in the tub. She sat up quickly and grabbed a piece of cloth and put it across her body. But it was too late. I already got an eyeful of her beautiful and plump breasts. Flashes of her underneath me as I took her came back to me. I felt my cock growing hard. Only an instant of seeing her naked flesh was all that it took.


“Cerik! What the hell are you doing?” she shouted at me.


She was wet. Her long brown hair was drenched and sticking to her beautiful face. The cloth she was using was now drenched and sticking to her wet body in the water. It was hard to restrain myself and not get in that tub with her.


“What were you doing at the healer?” I asked.


“How did you know? Were you spying on me?” she narrowed her eyes at me.


“No, I came to check on you and saw you leaving the healer with Hekan,” I said.


“I just had a headache is all, and he offered to take me to the healer,” she said. I could tell that she was not telling me the truth. I took a step toward her.


“Don’t come any closer,” she said.


“Why not?” I asked.


“I don’t want you near me,” she said.


“You’re are still angry with me. How many times must I apologize that I did not tell you about the mission? I could not. You must see that,” I said.


“No. I don’t. You can apologize until you are blue in the face and it won’t matter,” she said.


“Blue in the face?” I asked.


“It’s an expression. Now get out. I just want to enjoy my bath and relax. I need to sleep,” she said.


I felt guilty once more. She was tired and not feeling well, and it was my fault. I cared for her, and I wanted her to be comfortable. I knew that I really cared for her because the old Cerik would not care for these things and would march straight over to that tub and join her. I would seduce her until she was begging me to fuck her. But I wasn’t going to do that now.


“There should be food there,” I said pointing to the food preparation area. “The water has been cleared. There is not a virus in it, so it is safe for drinking,” I said as I got one last look at her. She was not budging. She was being stubborn and headstrong.


“I will check on you later, Maria,” I said.


“Don’t. I don’t need you checking on me. I just need you to leave me alone,” she said.


I wanted to argue with her. She did need me. She was alone on an alien planet damn it! But I did not. I turned and walked out the door, closing it behind me. There was a lot of sexual tension and anger built up inside of me. I needed to cool off. I ran and dove off the platform and spread my wings wide. I soared in the air and made my way out to the ocean. I flew fast and hard and dove straight into the water. I don't down into the depths; I needed a good hard swim. I spread my wings and push the water behind me over and over as I swim through the deep. Seeing the various life forms of my beautiful planet was good for me. It gave me a sense of calm. I stayed in the water for a long time before I finally emerged and shot straight into the air. The sun was beginning to set. The thoughts of Maria still raced through my mind. I could still see her naked in that tub.I could still feel her as I pushed my cock inside of her. It was enough to make a dragon insane. What the hell was she doing at the healers really? I knew exactly who would know the answer. I needed to go find Hekan. I swam over the crashing ocean waves, zigzagging up and down. I flew toward the village and to the warrior barracks. There I found Hekan working on the closing responsibilities of a mission. I landed in front of him.


“Hekan, I need to speak to you,” I said marching to him.


“Yes, Commander, what is it?” Hekan said as he put the box down.


I whispered, “What was Maria doing at the healers? Why did you take her there?”


He was quiet, and I could see a bit of panic in his eyes. Then he calmly said, “She was not feeling well. Her stomach was bothering her, and I offered to take her there. That is all,” he said.


Maria said she had a headache, and Hekan was saying that she had stomach problems. They were both lying. Their lies did not match. I wanted to punch the truth out of him.


“Commander,” Ravinn said as he flew down and stood next to us. It was probably obvious that there was tension between Hekan and I and once again Ravinn was stepping in.


“Yes, Ravinn?”


“The King has doubled the security at the water tanks. I think our mission is done for now. I told him about the preparations you saw on the space station and how you think that it could be preparations for a battle or an invasion. First thing tomorrow the barracks will be prepared for such an invasion. For now, our mission is complete.”


“That is good to know,” I said.


“Did you check on Maria? How is she adjusting?” Ravinn asked.


“She is not feeling well,” I said looking at Hekan. He looked away.


“It is a hard adjustment for any human. Perhaps I shall have Amelia visit her in the morning. Maria will need her rest tonight. But Amelia is a friendly face, and she has been through this before, years ago. I think it is always best for a new human arrival to be greeted by another human; it will make her feel better.”


“I think that is an excellent idea, Ravinn. Thank you,” I said, knowing it was exactly what Maria needed.


“Speaking of Amelia, I have been away from my wife for too long. I will go to her now. Hekan, will you go to the water tanks and make sure that everything is in order right now?” Ravinn said.


“Yes, on my way,” Hekan said as he stepped away from us and then flew away. I knew that Ravinn had given him the order in order to put space between us. It was probably for the best. I knew that he was hiding something and I did not know what. But I was going to find out.