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Red Moon Secrets (Deadly Beauties #3) by C.M. Owens (4)

Chapter 4




Gage went home rather reluctantly last night, but he finally ceded and drove off with the bored incubus passenger. Now I'm lying here in Kane's bed as the morning light wraps me in its warmth.

I stretch out, frowning since Kane has abandoned me. Wrapping up in the sheet, I take a second to feel the healed marks on my body. Not even a shred of proof remains to show I've been bitten repetitively throughout the night.

I hear a clattering as the front door slams and a raging argument comes to life between Kane and Amy.

"I've already told you—I don't give a fuck!" Kane blares, growling slightly at the annoying, relentless bitch most likely on his heels.

"Kane, I'm begging you to just give this up. She's a witch—you're a night stalker. It's not meant to be. We are!"

Something crashes to the ground, as though a tabletop has been raked clean. Sounds of shattering glass, clanking objects, and hollow rolls ring out to aid as background music to his fury.

"Go to hell! I'm so sick of this. I fucking hate you, Amy! Do you understand what you've driven me to? I can't stand the sight of you anymore. I'm never, and I do mean never, going to be with you."

I almost hear her tears ripping through her eyes, and I stand to pull my clothes on the human way. I've been using way too much magic lately, and I think that's contributing to my headaches, crazy spells, and weird gut feelings.

"Don't go. Kane, just let her leave and get out of our lives," Amy cries, her voice breaking on almost every word.

I'm so sick of her. As bad as I hate to see him leave his coven, I think the sooner he does it, the better. She's going to keep on pushing him, until he snaps. He might be an incredible guy, but underneath that beautiful facade, he's still a killer. That's something I have to remember, though I've never really felt threatened by him.

She's a killer, too, though. But Kane is so much stronger than her. I've seen that with my own eyes.

"Kane, I need you. I'm sorry, but I need you."

The door to the bedroom opens just as I finish pulling my tacky, short shirt into place. Last night, this felt sexy. In the daylight, I look like a tramp. I can't believe my Ms. Hyde half found this to be her style.

Good grief. I look like an absolute slut.

Kane shuts the door behind him, ignoring Amy when she starts knocking. "Kane, let's talk about this."

She doesn't know I'm here? Or does she just not care?

"Hey," I mumble, sitting down to pull on the ridiculous heels I wore last night.

"She's here?" Amy squeaks, disbelief and disgust pouring out.

"Go the fuck away," Kane grumbles, exhaustion tainting his tone.

"She missed my car?" I ask, not really believing the never-ending cycle of drama this house holds.

Amy huffs while storming away, leaving us alone. Kane drops to the bed in a languid motion while scrubbing his face with his hands.

"Sorry. I actually took your car to a friend’s house to hide it until Sierra could check it out. It's too open here."

"I'm confused," I drawl out through a yawn, tilting my head.

He takes a deep breath, while devoting all of his attention to me.

"You had blood all over the back seat. I'm sure you don't remember how that got there."

He looks at me expectantly. I can actually feel the color drain from my face. "Blood?"

My voice might as well be nonexistent. He reaches over and pulls my hand in his, concern drenching his eyes.

"Alyssa, it was a lot of blood, but I have no idea where it came from. Sierra finally came down from the red moon high, and she went to find out if it was human or immortal. She couldn't have shifted and sniffed it here with so many able to see her. I can't sniff blood out like that. We need to find out what's going on with you. It's pretty clear you weren't yourself last night, but I had no idea to what extent that was. In the meantime, let's go deal with the Were. Maybe Drackus can help explain this."

I'm racked with so many confusing, terrifying, and horrifying emotions, that I don't know what to say or do right now. A battle is warring within me, and I'm worried the hidden darkness is going to win.

Please let there be a good explanation.

"You don't have blood on you, so maybe there's something else going on?" he says hopefully, making it sound like a question.

His attempt to alleviate my absolute shock and dread is feeble at best.

"I'm a witch, Kane. One wave of my hand and bloodstains disappear."

I lean over to press my head against the palms of my hands, praying one memory will surface. I don't know if I really want that or not though. What if I lost it so badly that I actually—oh no—

"If you took the time to clean your clothes, then you would have cleaned the car, too," he says, interrupting my own tormenting reverie.

Not if I was so dark that I didn't really give a damn about anything but looking like a mess. What heartless monster is inside me?

I start holding back the floodgates, and his arms wrap around me to steady my dizzying state.

"Hey," he murmurs gently, treating me like cracked glass, as a few tears drip from my eyes. "Babe, I'll take care of this. We'll figure out what's going on. Right now, let's focus on the Were meeting, and then we'll go from there."

He kisses me softly, not letting me fall apart in his embrace. I steady my nerves and just nod numbly. He pulls me up, keeping me supported with his arm wrapped around me.

"You'll tell me when Sierra finds something?" I ask, my voice hoarse and crackling.

"Yeah," he murmurs too quietly, making me question if he really will or not—if it's something he knows I won't want to hear.

"I wish I could remember something from before I got here."

"Don't worry about it right now. It could be anything. Someone could have attacked you for all you know. Just keep quiet about the blood. If anything comes of it, I'll just claim it. I'm a night stalker. As long as the body is disposed of, no one can touch me."

Bile rises to my throat in that instant, and I dart outside to heave over the balcony. Kane runs up beside me—using human speed—as all the lake walkers and joggers glance up to see me in the freezing cold, wearing next-to-nothing, and hurling my guts up over a railing.

A warm jacket wraps around my body as Kane pulls my hair back. Before I collapse, I feel his arms around me, picking me up, cradling me to his chest. Seconds before my eyelids fall shut and unconsciousness takes over, I feel his lips press against my forehead as he sighs out wearily.


The car rolls to a stop, and the slight jarring of it going into the parked position wakes me from my accidental slumber. I look over to see my very concerned night stalker letting his gaze wash over me, his brow crinkled with tension.

"You okay? I know that's a stupid question right now, but I'm worried. I shouldn't have said anything, but I didn't want to keep it from you."

"No," I strain out with a tired voice. "Don't ever keep anything from me. I'm tired of people keeping stuff a secret because they're worried I can't handle it. Whatever I did, I'll make it right somehow, and deal with it if I can't."

"Just keep it quiet. Let it fall on me."

He's so serious right now. He's willing to take blame for something I could have done. I'd melt if I wasn't so distracted by my dread.

"Has Sierra called to say if she's found anything yet?" I ask, proud of how even my tone sounds despite my inner turmoil.

"We'll talk about it when we're alone," he whispers, tugging at my hand and pulling me onto his lap. "There're about five Were out here right now. They just arrived. I feel their presence burning strong."

"I didn't know night stalkers had that ability," I whisper back.

"Most don't, but I do," he says in a nearly muted tone. "Just with were-creatures and lycans. And it's stronger around red moon times."

"Obviously you can't sense witches," I add, keeping my voice as nearly inaudible as his.

He uses his head to motion for us to get out, and then he pulls me from the car with him in one smooth motion. His fingers thread with mine, and my scalp suddenly starts to tingle with anxiety. The prickling sensations only grow as we near the front door.

My eyes give Gage's car a quick glance, and Kane's hand tightens on mine when voices from inside the house reach us through the open window.

"You're damn lucky you made a deal with Zallus, Drackus. I don't fear you in the least," an unknown voice snarls out. "We're not leaving until the dredger has checked her memories. If you speak the truth, then she'll have nothing to fear."

"You're not touching her without me ripping your claws from their sockets," Drackus blares, making me cringe when a gory visual creeps into my mind.

"He's going to give your relationship to him away," Kane whispers just before barging in unannounced.

"A dredger won't hurt her, Drackus, and you know it. What is it about this girl that has your panties in such a fucking wad," the crude man spews, his aged accent both dark and deep.

Kane's hand tugs at mine as he leads me to the room that is hosting the dispute. Then we hear Gage at the end of the long hallway as he takes his turn in the feud.

"Reese, be reasonable. A dredger could put a mortal in a coma, should they fuck up and take a wrong turn inside her mind. Alyssa hasn't gained her immortality yet."

"He'll just comb through. He won't ignite anything, and he won't force his way through any blocks."

"And I'm supposed to trust you?" Drackus growls.

"Trust me? You have no choice, Drackus. Meeting here was a stupid idea Zallus should never have agreed to. I'll speak with the light council about this girl, and then I'll head to the night stalker's council next."

Kane doesn't wait any longer. He pushes through the doors to the library and joins the mafia-looking setup. Several guys in dark shade glasses, black leather coats, and black shirts stand with their arms crossed. It's so cliché it's almost laughable.

Gage's hair is tousled, as though he's been rubbing his hands through it over and over. He looks up to meet my eyes, his exhaustion weighing in on his face. He looks broken right now, and I know that's my fault.

Drackus is dressed in his black pants, black shirt, and long leather duster. His jaw is so tense that I'm worried it's about to snap off.

Then there's the alpha in the middle of the room. Just as one would expect, he looks the part—hair slightly longer, just grazing his neck, his eyes dark, hiding the autumn that would stir if his werewolf was provoked. His black button-up shirt has long sleeves that have been rolled up to his elbows.

With Kane's black tee tightly fitted to his body, he fits right in. It's as though midnight threw up in here and decorated all the men—or creatures, rather.

"Dredge my mind, but I won't let you touch Alyssa," Kane asserts, fearlessly taking on the alpha in a stare down.

The alpha turns the rest of his body to face us, an eerie smile playing over his immortally sexy lips. I really hate immortals.

"Oh, don't worry, night stalker, you'll get dredged. As will she."

"You have no idea who you're fucking with," Kane growls, tucking me behind him as he steps toward the alpha.

"Castine's lapdog. Yeah, I've heard of you. You forget we've grown stronger these past few centuries. I'm not afraid of you, just like I'm not afraid of your sire or your new friends," he rolls out, tossing a pointed glare toward Gage and Drackus.

I thought Gage was supposed to be friends with the Were. Apparently, he overestimated himself.

Kane cracks his neck, doing his best to keep his temper from flaring, as his warning blues rise to the surface. His stance stays protective, which seems to pique Drackus's curiosity as he regards him with a studious gaze.

"Let's find out how much stronger you are then, because I'll be damned if I let your dredger touch one hair on her head."

The alpha moves toward us, ferocity seeping from his now turned eyes. It looks like autumn is sparking to life and taking over with its red and gold medley—nature stirring.

"Love to," he growls.

Kane smirks, relishing the challenge and not looking concerned at all. I'm almost worried he's overestimating himself. His arrogance could hurt us more than help us if this goes wrong.

"When I win, you don't touch her," Kane says while motioning toward the door.

"When I win, my dredger finds her fucking memories without any further interruption."

"I don't think so, night stalker," Drackus says while coming to halt their exit to the hallway. "You don't get to make such calls."

"I just did. No one here is more determined to keep that dredger away from her than I am. I can assure you of that."

Drackus seems dumbfounded by Kane's fearless persona. I know for a fact if Drackus can take down Castine, Kane won't prove to be a challenge. Kane knows that as well, but he doesn't seem to acknowledge such a fact.

He keeps his dominant stance, and Drackus tightens his lips. Is Drackus really ceding? Did I miss hell freezing over?

"You better hope you can take him."

Kane moves his gaze around to the beta wolves who are all still wearing their dark shades and mob attitudes.

"You just focus on the rest of the pack. Wolves don't fight fair unless they're winning. If they try to intervene, fuck em' up."

The wolves all head outside for the duel that is not far from taking place. Personally, I'd rather fight for myself, but I don't know a damn thing apparently. The alpha claims they've gotten stronger. I thought them to be so much weaker than a night stalker.

"Drackus, you can't be serious about letting him do this," Gage growls, joining our small circle of whispers.

Drackus shakes his head while massaging his temples. "As much as I hate to risk it, right now it's our only option. Reese's pride drove him to bargain. Nothing else would have made him back down. If he takes this to the light, Alyssa will be exposed for who she truly is."

Kane tilts his head, looking to me for clarification. I suppose he's wondering which part the light would most disapprove of—the fact Airis Devall is still alive or the fact I'm essentially Freya's chosen chess piece who's destined to destroy the world if I unite with Gage.

"I trust Kane," I insert, feeling like I should have some input on the matter.

Kane pulls me to him and ignores my father's extreme disapproval when his lips find mine in an appreciative kiss. The touch of a vaporizing breeze lets me know Gage couldn't stomach the sight.

When Kane pulls back, Drackus's jaw is clenched shut, but Gage is nowhere to be found—just as I suspected.

"Fine, but don't you dare touch her like that in front of me again," Drackus warns, venom seeping through.

He doesn't know I've told Kane the truth about the dark mystery being my father. If he knew that Kane knew—oh boy. He'd light him up for that little show of disrespect.

As Drackus vaporizes from the room, I slap Kane's arm for his slip. He stifles a grin and offers me an unapologetic shrug in response. We don't speak for fear of being overheard. Instead, we silently make our way out with our fingers interlocked.

"If you see one of them making a move, blast the fuck out of them," he says while snaking his arm around my waist.

"They're that dirty?"

The wolves all let the snarls be heard to show their disapproval for Kane's overheard remark. He doesn't acknowledge their menacing growls or autumn-infused eyes, nor does he answer my question.

He kisses the back of my hand before walking over to stand across from Reese.

The alpha smirks while pulling his shirt off over his head, dropping it to the ground seconds later. When he starts undoing his pants, I look away quickly, avoiding the sight of yet another naked man.

It's frigging freezing out here, and I'm still wearing the sexy bullshit I put on while I was crazy. I shiver noticeably, wishing I hadn't left Kane's jacket in the warm car we abandoned. Right now, I'm wondering how I avoided the chill so easily last night.

In a smooth motion, a leather jacket finds its way around my shoulders, and I look back in time to see Gage walking away. He doesn't meet my eyes as he focuses on the fighters ahead.

His jacket smells just like him, and it brings me the warmth left over from his immortal body. I think I'd rather be freezing.

Kane doesn't seem as ramped up as the adrenaline-buzzing beast who has finished stripping down to nothing. I shouldn't have looked. Damn.

Nudity doesn't bring shame to the Were who are all devoid of any modesty. In a breeze of motion, he shifts, his skin turning to fur before my eyes. A strangled, painful groan turns into a bone-shaking roar. And before he lands to the ground on all fours, the change has completed.

His beastly size is a surprise. He's almost the same size as a lycan, but Were are supposed to be so much smaller. His jet black fur ruffles under the winter wind, and his autumn eyes seem to be even more lively.

The sharp contrast of his onyx fur and the stark white snow draws my attention. I gauge how much larger his paws are than what I expected. They pound each white section with predatory precision as he circles my night stalker.

Kane doesn't waver in his stance when Reese starts growling, baring his intimidating sharp teeth. In a blink, he lunges with a wolf's snarl, and hurls himself toward Kane.

In midair, Kane catches the wolf by the throat and tosses him back with a forceful thud ringing out when Reese's back cracks against a tree. In wolf form, he looks to weigh at least two-hundred pounds, but Kane made throwing him look as easy as tossing a pebble.

Just as Kane suspected, shredding fabric sounds out as the rest of the pack drop to all fours, wolfed out before they hit the snow. Drackus smirks when they yelp from running into the force field they never knew he projected.

My hands are circled by silver orbs, but I extinguish the dark magic when I see my father has it under control. Containing all six of them with effortless ease, Drackus turns his attention back to the fight underway.

I somehow missed the second strike Reese made. Kane is standing up, wiping blood from his arm as he glowers at the alpha jerk. Then something inside both of them snaps as they become a blur of fangs and fury, both fighting for dominance.

My mortal eyes can't keep up. Zee runs over to me in the middle of the fight and cringes, making a pained face.

"Why the hell is Kane fighting a werewolf?"

"Long story—I can't tell what's going on, can you?"

"Um... I hope he's holding back," Zee says while cringing again and shielding his eyes.

Gage curses, spewing multiple profanities as he looks on. Obviously Kane isn't doing as well as he hoped he would. That's really, really not good, and it's hard for me to hold back when I know he's out there getting his ass shredded.

Why doesn't he use his freaky powers?

Each spray of blood that escapes the blur of crazed malice makes me sick. If that fucking alpha hurts Kane, I'll do my best to make him crumble when this is over.

A loud yelp rings out as the blurry motion stills, and I look to see a bloody mess of a night stalker pinning a rabid wolf by the throat. Reese growls and tries to wiggle free, but it's no use. Kane proves his dominance when he succeeds in restraining the mutt.

The betas of the pack do their best to break through Drackus's barricade to help their fallen comrade, and they finally succeed in shattering the force field. Fangs bared, howls released, and fur ruffled, they all dash to rush Kane.

Kane entrusts us with the task of fending off the wolves as he concentrates on the still struggling alpha that would most likely rip his head off if he got free right now. In an effort to thwart off the attack, Gage starts flinging several blue swipes of energy, knocking the wolves to the ground.

Drackus just smiles as his eyes dilate dangerously, his power flowing freely before I even realize he's launched an attack. The ground vibrates beneath the flow of power and the wolves all cry out at once.

Drackus smirks menacingly as the darkness fills him, draining the sanity from his eyes. In a cloak of ominous energy, he moves too fast to be seen. Blood finds the air, and I scream out for him to stop.

My attempt is in vain. If he kills these wolves, we're fucked. With absolutely no fully formed plan, I throw a shock of my own power at Drackus. It doesn't do much, but it stuns him temporarily.

In his blind, insane state, he charges me. When he grabs me by the throat, Gage is on him, tossing him aside with more power than I knew he possessed. Drackus loses his hold on the whimpering wolves as he turns to face the dark user.

Gage's hands burn red with power he shouldn't wield. That dark red energy has been lost for centuries. How does he have it?

His eyes narrow as he studies Drackus, waiting to find out what his next move will be.

Reese shifts back to his nude, human form when he surrenders. Both he and Kane stand to watch the new duel in play. My heart pounds in my ears as Gage gives me a wink, and before I know what's going on, both he and Drackus have disappeared.

"What the hell was that?" Zee murmurs in stunned astonishment.

"Gage will handle him. He usually does," Dice chirps as he joins us from out of nowhere. Then he faces the naked man who has been bruised and beaten like a human. "You made a deal. Dredge the night stalker's mind, but don't touch the girl. I can promise there's enough power here to make you regret a double-cross."

Reese mumbles something about this isn't the end, but I don't hear the full details of his possible threat. I turn to Dice, curious as to how he knows what's been going on.

"How did you know?" I ask, baffled by his sudden appearance.

"Gage sent me a text to inform me of the festivities in play. I got here as fast as I could," he says, shrugging.

Reese pulls his pants back on, avoiding making eye contact. Wolves hate losing any battle, but had he been taking on an average night stalker, he would have won. How is that possible?

Kane's eyebrow is cut, along with his lip. Black and purple spots cover him, and he wipes blood from his mouth. His tattered shirt gets thrown to the ground, and the claw marks ravaging his body shine all the more with blood oozing from their wounds.

I rush over to him, feeling like crying and slapping him at the same time. His arms wrap around me as I try to inspect his many injuries.

"You looked like you were doubting me," he murmurs as blood trickles down his chin.

My heart beats faster, making me wobbly. His blood looks so tempting on so many disturbing levels. I feel hypnotized by the crimson flow as it mesmerizes me, igniting something primal within me.


"You okay?" Kane asks, as he studies my crazed eyes.

Licking my lips, I nod and then I pull him to me to taste his breath, his kiss, his...blood. It almost feels intoxicating and soothing as the tang of his sweet flavor finds my taste buds. He grips me tighter as something stirs the both of us. I have to ignore the sick fact that I enjoy his delicious taste of red. It'd be troubling if I dwelled on it.

Did he just find a way to use poison's kiss? Do I have a cut?

I feel the venom's effect, and I have no idea how to fight this. But right now isn't the time or place for us to get unruly and savage.

Before I can question it further, the effect of the blood vanishes, leaving us without the carnal urge.

"What the hell was that?" he asks breathlessly, seeming just as entranced as I was.

His confusion matches mine. I thought it was him.

"Do I have a cut or something? That felt like poison's kiss."

He tugs at my lower lip with his thumb and then his tongue slips into my mouth to invite me into a powerful, heart-pumping kiss. He pulls me at the waist, and that same stir repeats itself.

Just when I'm ready to succumb to the intoxicating draw, he releases me and it fades as quickly as it came.

"Alyssa, that's not my venom, or we wouldn't be standing here fully dressed right now. It's like—I don't know. It has the same signature as poison's kiss, but it lacks the strength of the venomous pull."

It takes me a second to catch my breath. The kiss was mind-blowing, but it shouldn't have left me reeling so viciously. What freaks me out a little is the fact that I tasted his blood and loved it—wanted more. Stop thinking about it.

I glance over my shoulder at the fuming werewolf who has fully redressed and is staring us down. His betas have gathered their whimpering bodies off the ground, and they go to join him, licking their wounds while still in wolf form.

"Let's deal with them before we try to figure anything out. There's someone you still haven't met, and you can't meet her until they're gone," I mumble.

He nods, knowing who I'm referring to. Even though our voices are hushed and cautious, I'm not taking any chances of them listening in. I've underestimated wolves before, but now I know better than to make that mistake again.

"I think he could have taken Zee or Deke down without a problem. I also think he's stronger than a lycan," I murmur softly as the wolves follow Dice through the front door.

"I know. I wasn't prepared for his strength. Things evolve, but I usually keep up with the times. He didn't have the girl he loves depending on him though. That gave me the edge I needed."

I smile like a fool, and Kane's arm snakes around my waist. His battered appearance should leave him looking wretched and unappealing, but instead, he looks sexy and rugged. It's amazing what an absolute hormonal fool I am—it’s pathetic really.

"I love you," I mutter while leaning against him.

Despite his miserable beating, he doesn't seem tired or weary. His strength is as refreshing as his unexhausted posture. He kisses the top of my head, allowing his breath to heat me through my hair.

"I love you. Don't worry. I've dealt with dredgers before. I won't let him view anything I don't want him to see. They won't know what the bitch spirit said to you."

That's curious.

"You can keep them from seeing too much?" I whisper, barely keeping my voice in an audible register.

"Baby, I can do more than you ever thought possible. Don't worry," he says with his sexy, smug tone that makes me fight the urge to spark up that kiss again.

"I trust you."

He smiles as we head in, and his fingers entwine with mine. "I know. And it feels good to know that."

"I need to head out. I have to go check on a tip about Castine," Zee whispers while walking up close to us.

Kane's jaw clenches and he nods. "Call me as soon as you have something."

Zee quickly leaves us, driving too fast down the winding dirt path through the forest. Immortals—always in a hurry.

Reese is congregated with his pack when we walk in. They've all shifted back to their human forms, and they don't bother to cover up anything on their bare bodies. I haven't seen such a blatant lack of modesty since my time with Thad.

"I'll fetch them some robes," Dice chuckles out when he gauges my heated cheeks. "They sort of ruined their clothes."

The men all just whisper amongst themselves, as if this is a boy's locker-room or something. This is absurd, and frankly, it's scarring.

Kane snickers under his breath at my unease. I'm sure he's rather used to nudity since Amy and Sierra have wild blood in them. I doubt very seriously Amy does much to shield her naked sight from his eyes when she's in between shifts.

"My life was once so simple, and I thought it was too complicated then," I grumble, allowing his chest to become a burial ground for my burning eyes.

He laughs a little louder, and then he kisses the top of my head.

"You boys are in luck," Dice chirps as he enters the room. "Drackus has quite a few shifter friends, so he tends to keep such things on hand. Otherwise, you'd be risking an arrest for public indecency."

"Every form of shifter usually carries a change of clothes in his or her bag," Kane interjects, inserting his insulting tone without hesitance. "It's sort of rule number one."

I turn as the boys finish shrugging on their decent wraps, and Reese leans against the table—being the only one who didn't shred his black ensemble to pieces.

"We bunked out at a friend's house on our way here last night in an effort to avoid the red moon's fate. The boys didn't get their clothes off in time, and we didn't bring another set of spares. This was supposed to be a friendly conversation."

Kane narrows his eyes. "You're the one who pushed it into the physical by demanding to dredge a girl who is still mortal. She's mine. I've already claimed her; therefore, I have the right to fight for her."

He's claimed me? What does that mean?

"It's funny you say that. Gage told me the same thing. So who is it exactly that owns the girl?" Reese spouts, poking the night stalker more than he should.

"Nobody owns me," I growl, tired of being talked about but not talked to. "I happen to be standing right here. In case either of you have forgotten."

Kane stifles a grin, as if he enjoys my angry retort. Dice doesn't hold back his laughter. Reese doesn't seem impressed or amused by my words.

"Careful, pretty girl. An unclaimed mortal among our realm puts you in danger. Are you sure you're the only one who owns you?" Reese asks, narrowing his brown eyes at me as he awaits my answer.

I'm a witch. Not just a human. He can't fucking touch me. It's illegal, damn it.


"As I said," Kane interrupts, "she's mine. Mortals can't claim themselves."

Reese smirks when he sees my deadly glare cast toward Kane, who ignores me completely. When I realize arguing will only make this situation worse, I bite my tongue. Later—I'll kick Kane's ass later for this.

I turn back to Reese to feel him out on a witch level. His aura is cloaked for the most part, hidden from my witch eyes, but I can still see the vibrantly colored scandalous inclinations he holds. He's done well not to act the least bit interested in me for any other reason than to slit my throat, but now I see it. Strangely enough, I see it on all of them—

lust? Surely I'm reading it wrong. I've not been on my game lately. Not to mention, people usually hide their emotions better than this.

All the wolves sniff the air in unison. It's almost comical to see a bunch of full grown men sniffing at nothing the way a dog would.

"Incubus, put it away," Reese says, exasperation in his tone as he swats the air.

Ah. That's why they're radiating lust.

Dice shrugs innocently. "It's not me. I haven't got it in me right now. I need to feast to leave a heady rush like the one in here. Did you guys bring a succubus? Because that's a female's tug, not a male's."

Reese rolls his eyes, not buying Dice's denial. I don't feel anything, but then again, I seem to be immune. Kane tugs at his shirt collar, proving the itch is finding him as well.

"Dice," I grumble. "Please."

"I swear it's not me."

Right. Jackass.

"Let's get this over with. Where's your dredger?" Kane asks, growing irritated with Dice and his leaking seduction.

I'm sure it's not too much fun to have someone filling the room full of an aphrodisiac when your girlfriend is the only female around. Not to mention, I'm literally surrounded by wolves.

"Very well," Reese says while clearing his throat and trying to shake off the lust-laced toxic air.

I'm really glad it's not bothering me. Dice closes his eyes as if he's studying his mind. I bet that's a really scary place to go—the mind of a moral-free incubus.

Kane disappears into the study, waving me off when I try to follow him. He really doesn't want me anywhere around the dredger. A hand on my back results in a squeal from my lips, and I leap away, unsure of what filthy mongrel is touching me. I sigh in relief when I see it's merely the wolf without fur. Dice.

"Don't sneak up on me in a room like this," I hiss, my eyes pointing to the robed brotherhood.

"Sorry," he chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Care to explain?"

"About why I don't want to feel strange hands on me in a room full of barbaric wolves who think of women as nothing more than property? Is that rhetorical?" I ask, half scoffing.

"No," he murmurs, his eyes narrowing while his I-know-a-secret grin grows. "Just curious as to why you're the one secreting succubus," he whispers, barely leaving the words loud enough to hear.

I cough out a laugh, drawing all the unwanted attention my way. The men stare at me, wondering about the reason behind my seemingly random outburst. Dice's eyebrows cock up, proving he's amused by my laughing denial.

He's lost his mind.

"Wrong, incubus. So, so wrong."

I continue laughing while moving away from him, shaking my head in comical disbelief. He'll say anything to get a rise out of someone.

"I'm serious, light one."

I roll my eyes. "Where's Drackus and Gage?" I ask, shifting the topic to one that actually makes sense.

He glances toward the wolves who have all resumed their interrupted conversation, no longer interested in us.

Before he can answer, Gage is materializing in the room with us. He dusts his shirt free from an ashy residue, grumbling as the same gray dust falls from his hair.

"What happened?" I gasp, covering my mouth when I take him in.

He looks almost gray. I'm curious if he found a pit of ashes and rolled around in them.

"Wrong plane," he murmurs vaguely, and then he waves his hand over him, clearing the remaining dust from sight.

He runs a hand through his clean hair, but the ash returns on its own, cloaking him again with an unforgiving cling. Dice chuckles when Gage's head drops back in frustration.


"Wrong plane?" I ask, stumped by the foreign residue that refuses to be banished.

"Stupid fucking pixies," he grumbles, vanishing from sight again.

I hear creaks coming from upstairs just before the pipes hum. He's taking a shower?

"What's going on?" I ask, growing all the more irritated.

Dice chuckles more, shaking his head. "Gage takes Drackus to various planes when the unaligned powerhouse loses control. He dumps him there and makes him cool off. Don't worry. Drackus will find his way back when he comes down."

"And the pixies?" I prompt.

He laughs louder, almost roaring out his amusement, which draws attention our way once more. This time the wolves only glance at us briefly.

"Pixies. Yes. Pixies are vicious little buggers with a wicked sense of humor. If you crash their plane, they love to have a little fun. He'll be in that shower for a while."

I almost smile. Gage was bullied by fingernail-sized beings.

"I didn't realize pixies existed on a different plane."

"Only during red moon cycles. Pixies get hunted during those times. They're a delicacy for black widows, and the red moon is the only time it's legal to hunt them."

I cringe. We've still got to explain things to the widow council. After seeing how terrible the were have handled this, I dread dealing with a bunch of furious deadly beauties with webbed restraints and vicious venom.

"Don't worry. The dredger can't hurt a night stalker," Dice says, misreading my cause for concern.

Of course, now that he's brought me back to the here and now, I am worried about Kane. I wish they had stayed in sight.

"How long is it supposed to take?" I ask, my anxiety growing as my eyes fixate on the closed door Kane is behind.

Dice nods to the door as it opens, answering my question. Kane returns, promptly wrapping me up in his arms as he smiles. Apparently, all went well.

"The girl and night stalker are innocent of all charges," Reese grumbles to the others, seeming disappointed. He's followed by a dark-haired man I never saw enter.

He disappears from sight, leaving me curious. He didn't vaporize like a witch or warlock, but he just vanished.

"When did he get here?" I ask, looking up to the relieved eyes of Kane.

"The dredger? I assume Drackus let him in. He was waiting in that room when I got in there. Let's sweep out the trash and get on with our day," he murmurs before offering me a sweet, chaste kiss.

A few snarls erupt from the husky group of mutts. Kane ignores them, pretending as though they no longer exist.

"You'll deliver your findings to the widow council?" Gage asks, walking down the stairs.

I inadvertently glance up to catch sight of him—shirtless. His hair is wet, seeming darker under the weight of the water still clinging to his strands. I look away, refusing to be tempted for any reason.

"Yes," Reese growls, not too pleased with his defeat.

He tugs at the collar of his shirt, seeming to be sweating more as he curses Dice with his eyes.

"You need to learn to cap your shit off," he snarls while motioning for his betas to exit.

They all filter through the door, heading toward the outside. I reserve my breath of relief, waiting for the last one to leave.

"It's. Not. Me," Dice hisses, acting offended.

"Whatever," Reese murmurs dismissively. "I'll be in touch. We want to know who helped the witch. Obviously, she had another who changed their appearance to look like the night stalker. We'll handle them."

I tense up. "What if it was just a human who didn't know what they were doing?" I ask, instantly dreading his answer.

His eyes glisten with menace as he smirks. "Don't ask questions when you can't stomach the answers, light witch."

Kane's grip tightens around me as he glares at the heartless alpha. Reese lets his malevolent grin slide into a proud placement before turning to follow his pack.

I visibly relax once I hear their cars cranking up. Gage closes the window to the outside, making it soundproof in here again.

"It's her!" Dice blurts out randomly, pointing his finger at me with a touch of anger.

Gage cocks his eyebrow, and Kane lets his bemusement show on his beautiful face.

"What's her?" Kane asks before Gage can.

Dice scowls, irritated even though no one has provoked him.

"The damn seduction-crawl in this room. It's even affecting me, and quite frankly, it's pissing me off. How the hell does she have succubus blood when she's clearly a light witch? The two species can't procreate. Only like species can produce children."

I roll my eyes, quick to rebuff his absurd accusation—again. "You're crazy, Dice. I am just a light witch."

Gage and Kane both look at me with bemused glances. Kane then meets Gage's gaze. Why does he look worried?

"Is it possible?" he asks Gage.

"She told you?" Gage growls, cutting his eyes toward me.

I look between them in rapid repetition. Told him what? What the hell is going on?

"Of course she fucking told me," Kane barks. "Now, is it possible?"

Um... I’m confused.

"Not here. Not in front of him," Gage mumbles, motioning toward the seething incubus.

"I'll be damned if I'm kept out of this loop. Why does she wreak of succubus? What the fuck are you two hiding?"

"Go, Dice. This doesn't concern you," Gage says dismissively, shooing Dice away.

"No, damn it! I'm not going anywhere. Tell me what's going on!"

The door swings open as a dangerous grin pops up on Gage's face. "Go," he murmurs in a breath, and Dice is flung from the room. He squeals as he thuds outside, and then the door slams back shut.

Dice could simply walk back in, but I think he knows better. Gage really is stronger than I thought.

"Finally," a beautiful voice interjects as my mother gracefully descends the stairs, drawing all eyes to her.

She's a vision in a long white dress with a train that softly trails behind her. I glance out to see Dice throwing a tantrum, though nothing he says can breach the house. I'm sure he is releasing several choice words right now. He finally gets in a car, slamming the door once again. I'm glad all the sounds are muted.

"I thought you'd never get rid of him," Mom continues, bringing my attention back to her.

Gage looks so broken right now. I wish he wasn't in my line of sight, but he's right next to the stairs.

"Drackus?" Mom asks.

"He'll be back soon. The other planes douse his craziness," Gage says with effortless nonchalance.

Mom's eyes come to rest on my night stalker, but he accepts her scrutinizing gaze. Her lips tighten as she returns her gaze to me.

"Kane?" she asks.

I nod, and then I lean against him, letting the gesture tell him I've got his back. Wisely, Mom refrains from saying whatever she really wants to.

"Very well. What was the incubus saying about Alyssa being a succubus?"

Gage grumbles something about this being the last thing he needs right now as he wipes away some sweat.

"He was trying to say I'm some sort of succubus. He's crazy," I gripe.

Mom seems fine. Completely unaffected. Kane and Gage aren't as cranky as Dice and the wolves were.

"I think it's starting," Gage says through a weary sigh.





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