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Redeeming Ace's Heart: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 3 by M.T. Ossler (15)

Chapter 14


The turns life takes, I’ll tell you, not all are good. One day Jules is pregnant with our baby and the next our baby is no more. My poor girl has been through hell and back. She’s doing better with each passing day, thankfully. It’s been hard on her, well, both of us. I’ve never cried so much, not just from our loss, from seeing my girl so broken.

I suggested we wait to try again after the shit we’ve gone through, but Jules won’t hear of it. She said after her next cycle, no more condoms and what will be will be. I will give her what she wants, cause I can’t deny my girl, even though I would rather wait a while. I hate wearing condoms with her, but I will for a while, if it means her healing, then getting pregnant and carrying to full-term.

I know she’s missing the baby and that’s why she wants to try right away. I miss our baby too and want another one but not at the cost of losing Jules.

A few years ago, one of my brother’s, Rooster, from Maddox’s Club, ol’ lady had a miscarriage. The doctor hadn’t realized she was pregnant with twins. I’m not sure exactly what happened, I just remember she had some procedure done when she was 18 weeks pregnant. The doctor did her thing thinking she was only pregnant with one baby. A week later, his ol’ lady almost hemorrhaged to death. He found her in bed, much like I found Jules, took her right to the hospital and she had to have another procedure. She died on the table and they revived her thank, God. After that, she couldn’t have kids, but he had her. While we were staying at Maddox’s, I saw Rooster and he told me they just adopted a little girl. They were lucky, but he could have lost her. I couldn’t survive it if I lost Jules. I need her to breathe these days. She is my heart and if I lost my heart how would I go on, I couldn’t.

So, that’s one of the reasons I want to wait. Don’t get me wrong, I still want a baby with Jules more than ever, I’m just scared of losing her. I’ll follow her lead on this and do what she wants. I talked to Sam and she said it should be ok. So, we’ll let the cards fall as they may, right, isn’t that what people say.

Next week is Thanksgiving and I’m looking forward to it for the first time in... forever. My true family will be together, my brothers and sisters. Maddox and some of his guys have even planned to spend it with us so that should be fun.

Having the girls here as changed all our lives for the better. All my brothers seem happier these days. All except Blaze actually. He’s still involved with Club business and our little group, he’s just... off, sad. I think seeing Beast and me with our girls is having him rethink things. He may be ready for his unicorn as Jules says. I hope he finds her, or maybe he has and can’t have her. That could be why he’s acting this way. Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time he got laid. I want to say Biketoberfest, but I still don’t know where he ran off to.

Well, I’m sure I’ll find out soon. Until then, I have a duty to my other brother today. Beast is taking Bella to the doctors for some test and ask me to go. Jules insisted on coming along. Beast and Bella don’t know about Jules and the baby. She didn’t want to burden them with it. I’m not sure why, but I won’t push her on it. Eventually they will find out.

Our entourage today is Blaze, Snake, Hawk, Ryder, and Ces. Since Jules and Ces wanted to come, Beast and I decided we needed extra eyes with us. Ryder won’t let Ces out of his sight, so he was a given. He hasn’t claimed Ces officially with the Club, yet. We all know they are together and no one cares. We’re all happy for our brother. I’m sure he’ll make it official soon. Maybe he’s waiting for a special occasion or holiday. Maybe Christmas, that’s when I plan to propose to Jules, so he better not take my thunder. I’ll kick his ass if he ruins it for my girl. I’ll have to pull him aside and talk to him soon.

Snake and Hawk volunteered to join us. They’re both off today. They do security work for Throttle, Shadow, and Cowboy, at their company. All the guys do their share to help out, especially when they have big jobs. I’ve done my fair share of jobs for them through the years.

After Bella’s test, she’s hungry so we head to lunch. We hit one of my favorite diners on our way home.

We all enjoy a wonderful lunch together. Juicy cheeseburgers and fries all around. As we’re finishing I notice Bella’s eyes getting heavy. With her belly full, the twins must be making her tired. It’s around the time she takes her afternoon nap.

Beast grabs the bill and treats us all as thanks for being here today for them. When he’s done paying, we all get up to leave. He needs to make a pit stop with Bella first, then he’ll meet us outside. As we get up my phone rings, I look at the screen and see it’s Gator.

Beast looks at me curiously as I answer. Gator’s probably just calling to see when we’ll be back. We have a run planned soon and need to finalize the route.

“Hey, brother, we’re leaving in five. What’s up?” I say givin’ him a heads up.

“Got trouble here, man. Need you back, now,” Gator says panicked. I wave Beast off to take care of Bella. I’ll talk to him after I find out what shit went down since we’ve been gone.

I grab Jules hand and we head out of the diner.

“What the fuck happened now?” I ask thinkin’ how bad this could be. Jules, Bella, and Ces are with us and safe, Gigi is with Dusty and he won’t take her off the compound. So, this must be Club shit.

“Is Beast by you?” he asks. Oh, fuck, now what shit is comin’ for Bella.

“He’s in the bathroom with Bella. Gator, spill,” I demand not wanting to play games here.

“Gigi is missing. She stole Dusty’s phone and left the compound. Throttle is working on tracking the phone and findin’ her ass, no luck, yet. I gonna beat that kid’s ass when she gets back here.

“But he found some other shit. He searched Dusty’s phone records and it’s not the first time she’s taken his phone. This shit’s been going on for months under our noses. She texted her friend Abigail and she set up a fake Facebook account. She was only connected with a few of her old friends, until today, that is. A burner phone belonging to Antonio, messaged her, three hours ago. The message was for her to meet him or he would kill you, Beast, Bella, Ces, and Jules in Beast’s cage. You need to check his shit for explosives.

“Antonio sent her a picture of y’all leavin’ the compound and having lunch at the diner. He was proving to her that he could get to you guys. He wanted to scare the shit out of her, so she would go to him.

“He’s still working on the phone. Get your asses back here now. I’ll contact you if he finds anything else.” Shit, shit, and shit. Bella is gonna flip her lid. We can’t let her find out. Beast is gonna have to keep it from her. It’s for her own good.

“We’ll check his shit then get out of here,” I say, hanging up.

“Guys,” I yell for them to come to me. They all gather around, and I pull my girl into my side. I know she heard what Gator said.

“Hawk, Snake check Beast’s cage for explosives. Antonio has Gigi and has been keepin’ tabs on us today. Check his shit and be ready to move after I speak to Beast. Ces, you and Jules need to get in the cage when they are done.”

The guys do their thing and Ryder takes Ces to the cage. He gets him settled and I see him sneak a kiss, then Ryder mounts his bike, scanning the area.

“Blue, we can’t let Bella find out, she’s too fragile. We can’t risk her losing those babies,” Jules says holding back tears.

“Don’t worry, kitten. I won’t let anythin’ get to her.

“I love you, and we are gonna get Shorty back and keep Bella in the dark, I promise you, babe,” I say and kiss her on the lips. As she gets into the cage Beast and Bella come out of the diner.

Beast sets Bella in the passenger seat and then comes to me. I tell him what I know, and he looks like I just punched him in the gut. Before I finish Gator calls back.

“Gator,” I say and he cut’s me off yellin’.

“We have a lead, get your asses back here, now. I called Church in 30,” he orders and hangs up.

Beast is calmin’ Bella down when I walk over to her door. I give him a look that we need to head out and he gets her settled. I mount my bike and we’re off.

We make it back to the Clubhouse, and Beast get Bella situated in their apartment. He has to leave her to attend Church. I kiss Jules and she follows them up. I run to Throttle’s room to see if he knows anything else. Gator is in there when I enter.

He has nothin’ new and what he does have he’ll announce in a few minutes to all the guys. He found her at a hotel off the highway and they have men from Maddox’s Club on watch.

We’ll get her soon, we just need a plan. The three of us head to the meeting room. We just have to wait for Beast and Bella’s brothers. Five minutes later they enter and Beast attacks Dusty. I don’t blame him. I wanted to do the same when I saw him.

Blaze and I peel Beast’s ass off of Dusty. He’s choking him. Gator orders him to stand down and he finally does. Dusty coughs and looks like he wants to cry. He feels guilty enough without Beast attacking him and making him feel worse. He loves Gigi and would never hurt her or let her be hurt on his watch. Poor kid is in hell. I think that’s why Beast let him go, he can see the pain in the kids face.

Once they calm down and Beast takes his seat, Gator calls Church to order and hands the floor over to Throttle.

He informs us she’s at a hotel, a few miles away. Antonio must be staying close in hopes to get Bella, Jules, and Ces. Never gonna happen. We got this and by tonight we will have Antonio hanging in our shed.

We devise a plan and get things ready to leave by midnight.

Gator called all the nearby Prez’s earlier and ordered some of their men here ASAP for back up.

We’re taking 50 of our best men with us to get her out of there safely.

We have a dozen men, from Maddox’s Club, guarding the hotel, to make sure they don’t leave. If they do they are to follow them.

Three hours later Church wraps up and Gator’s phone rings. Prospect Torch is calling to inform us that Bella found a note in the drawer of her nightstand from Gigi. She also received a text on her cell and now she’s hysterical.

The second Beast and her brothers hear they book it to her. We all follow to check on her. I go straight to my girl, needing to make sure she’s okay.

We enter the apartment and find everyone in the master bedroom. Bella is panic-stricken, screaming and crying as she tries to get out of Cindy’s arms. Sam is taking her blood pressure, my Jules is behind her, rubbing her back and holding her in place. Ces is in front of her, trying to keep her calm.

Jules sees Beast first and then me. She leaves Bella and comes to me, Beast takes her spot. The second she’s in Beast’s arm she relaxes. Sam removes the blood pressure cuff from her arm and gives her an ultimatum. She either calms her shit down or goes to the hospital. She can’t go to the hospital, so I hope she can calm her shit here.

Beast hands out orders to all of us. He gives me her phone to deal with along with everything for our mission tonight.

Then he orders Cindy, Gigi, Jules, and Ces to the Clubhouse kitchen to make dinner. My girl loves to cook, and it will keep her mind off of things. Then he orders us all out, so he can be alone with his wife.

We all leave, except, Gator and Maddox stay. I usher Jules out to the Clubhouse.

“You good, kitten?” I hate that I have to leave her, at least she won’t be alone.

“I’m good, just do what needs to be done and bring Gigi home,” she says, and I kiss her. I leave her in the kitchen and head back to our meeting room.

When I get settled in my chair I check the phone. The last text is for Bella, Jules and Ces to meet him at the fence. That’s where the prospects found the hole Gigi got out of. It’s sealed up tight now, so that ain’t happenin’.

This guy is such a tool if he thinks we would let the girls and Ces out after Gigi left. I need to text him back and buy us some time.

I text him back, that she needs more time cause she’s on bedrest, doctors’ orders and can’t move too fast. She’ll get back to him soon. I assure him they will come to him, they just need time. They need to be sneaky to get away from their captors. If he believes we’re keepin’ them somewhat against their will, that will give us an edge. I also throw in that if they leave too soon, every biker in Florida will be on their asses.

He texts me back five minutes later saying, she has until the morning to figure something out or he’s going to bomb our Clubhouse.

I text him back that she will.

Once that’s done, I get to work on finalizing our plan and gettin’ our supplies ready with the guys.

Jules comes to get us two hours later. The guys and I eat dinner and then finish up. When we’re done we wait in the bar for Beast and Bella to emerge. He needs an update on things.

Gator and I head to his office to discuss things away from the guys.

When they finish their dinner, Gator and I enter the room. Jules comes to me and I take her in my arms.

“Beast, we need to talk to you about tonight. Do you want to do it here or in my office?” Gator asks, concerned about setting off Bella again.

“If it’s about my sister, I would like to hear what they have to say, please,” Bella says in a sleepy voice to Beast.

Beast warns her to stay calm or he will leave, she agrees, and Gator starts. He updates him on the events for the night. Everything is ready, and the target is still in place. Then he hands the floor over to Val.

“First, let me tell you, the guys and I had our suspicions about this person, in the beginning, then we cleared him. He’s the one who helped us lay low the whole time and get here undetected to you. He also knew Jules contacted Gio and kept it quiet. He wanted Gio to get you all away and keep you safe. He knew Gio was the only one who could protect you with us MIA. He also knew how you two felt about each other growing up. He did what he could with Ces and helped the men that came for him escape undetected,” Val says looking at Bella.

He goes on to tell her about their inside man and how he’s keepin’ Gigi safe. He hasn’t told her who the asshole on the inside is yet.

“Vito is our inside man, I spoke with him this afternoon and found out all that bastard’s dirty little secrets. I know what he has planned if he gets his hands on all three of you girls and Ces.” Now, I’m growling and holding Jules closer to me. That bastard is never gonna get his hands on my girl. Never! His reckoning day is here, and I will be part of taking him to ground.

We did find out all their dirty secrets and it’s not pretty I’ll tell you that.

“While we are gone, you are going to stay here in the Clubhouse in Ces’s room for the night, on lockdown with him and Jules. Aunt Cindy will be staying down the hall in a guest room. Gator has taken all the precautions to make sure you are all safe while we’re gone. He will tell you that part since this is his house.

“We’re going to get her back. Bells, he hasn’t touched her, and he won’t, I promise you. She is safe with Vito, and I need you, Jules and Ces safe here until we get back.”

As he finishes I take Jules up to our room for a little talk of our own. There are some rules she needs to follow while I’m gone, or I will spank her ass when I get back and she won’t sit for a week.

“Change into one of my shirts and your shorts, then I’ll take you to Ces’s room after I set down some rules.

“First, where is your cell?” I ask and wait for her to hand it to me. I check her phone and see she has no texts.

“I’m gonna keep this for now. Jules, you are to stay in that room with Bella and Ces. Don’t leave after we lock you in. You got me,” I growl makin’ sure she understands how serious I am.

“Hunter, chill. I’m not going to leave here. I promise you. Please don’t worry about me, I’ll be good and follow all your rules. You just worry about getting Gigi back, safely,” she sasses me.

“You better be good, kitten. We’ll get her back.” I pause and take a deep breath, I’m glad she’s not fighting me and being a good girl. I’d rather reward her than spank her ass. Well, I like to spank her plump ass, but only for pleasure, not punishment.

“We’re gonna get that bastard and tear his ass up. You girls will never have to fear him again after tonight. Don’t think about any of this shit and keep Bella calm.” I nod, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hold her for a few minutes. We kiss, and I take her to Ces’s room.

Ryder is just leaving Ces’s room when we enter. Beast is laying on the bed with Bella in his arms and Ces beside her. She’s out cold. He gets up and Jules takes his spot. They both lay on the sides of the bed with Bella in between them.

Beast and I head downstairs to suit up and head out.

It’s time to bring our little sister home. This is one little sister I won’t be failing. God, how could she do this to us, Bella? Kid needs a good ass beating after this, if you ask me.