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Redeeming Ace's Heart: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 3 by M.T. Ossler (25)

Chapter 24


Fuck, it can’t be, could it? That voice on the other end of Ace’s phone sounds like my girl, my angel that I lost. The girl I let get away and have been searching for ever since. We met at the bike rally in Daytona back in October. I saw her for the first time Thursday afternoon when we were walking on the street checking out the vendors with the girls – Bella and Jules. I felt an instant connection to her, even from across the street, and wanted to talk to her, be close to her. I never got a chance that night needing to stay near Bella and Jules. It was a good thing too, because that was the night Antonio breached our security at the bar and cornered Bella in the ladies’ room.

The next day the girls stayed at Maddox’s Clubhouse and I made it my mission to find the golden - blonde haired angel. Throttle – my wingman since I lost Beast and Ace – and I found her and her friend that afternoon at one of the bars. It wasn’t hard to find her, there was a magnetic force at work pulling me towards her. Once I got closer to her, I felt it intensify. Right then and there I knew she’d be mine forever. I understood everything Beast and Ace had felt for their girls at that moment. Almost like a warm fuzzy feeling inside, cocooning my dark, cold heart. I had to be closer to her, touch her. Just her hand would have sufficed.

I could tell immediately she wasn’t like the other girls around, partying with all the bikers. She was like Bella and Jules, pure and innocent to a point, but seen a lot of bad in her short life. Yea, I could also tell she was young. Maybe early twenties at most. It was all the dark make up on her face that was deceiving, all made up she looked twenty-six or so. And her body... Fuck her body was off the charts, full breasts, and curves for days.

I insisted she have lunch with me, so we could get to know one another. Her friend wouldn’t hear of it and joined us, flirting relentlessly with me and Throttle the whole time. I never heard a thing the bitch had to say, not able to take my eyes off Brook, my beautiful angel sent from above.

After lunch, I still didn’t want to leave her side as we walked around the rally to the vendors with Throttle and her friend. Eventually, Throttle did me a solid and took her friend away, leaving us alone.

Not wanting to leave Brook, I found us a room in the next town and we stayed there the rest of the weekend. I didn’t care if we fucked, I just wanted her to myself. Of course, we fucked, the whole fuckin’ time. I popped her cherry that first night, like I said pure and innocent. Shocked the fuckin’ shit out of me.

Best three days and three nights of my life, though. She told me she had to leave to go back to Chicago Monday morning to get back to school. I assumed since she seemed to be smart, she was in college. Never asked her age, we talked but she avoided a lot of personal questions about herself. I respected her wishes and answered most of her questions about me.

We talked about her staying in Florida with me or coming back soon. She wanted to stay with me, but said sadly that she couldn’t. She promised she’d come back to me soon and for good.

Then Monday mornin’, when I woke up she was gone. The bed beside me was cold and I felt... hollow inside. It was a feeling that never went away, it just got worse. I searched for her, but it was like she vanished.

That mornin’, I called Throttle for help tracking her down, because he knew what she looked like. Together we checked all over social media and found nothin’, considering I only had her first name I knew it would be hard. Her friend kept calling her Mac and I assumed that might be it, but still found zilch. He checked all the flights from Florida to Chicago, with no luck. I never gave up, even with all the shit going on around the Club. I paid my dues for my brothers and did what I needed to for them and the girls. Every day, though, the emptiness I felt inside festered like a bad wound causing the black cloud to close in on me.

Until today that is, when I hear the voice of an angel coming from my brother’s phone. I knew in my heart it was her and I had to get to her. When she said she was pregnant, I hoped it was mine and not the scum bag Rage’s that hurt my girl. I tried to figure the dates in my head when we met. The bike rally was about 27 weeks ago. I’m not sure how it all works, determining how far along a woman is, but that’s too close for my comfort. I wanted so bad to ask Jules on the plane on the way here but resisted. If it wasn’t my angel I didn’t want to set off my brother for no reason.

My heart was in my throat the whole way to that dingy motel room she was hiding out in. When we walked in and I saw her in Ace’s arms, reality came smashing down on me. She was my angel, but she was also my brother’s sister and I crossed a major line. A line that I hope doesn’t destroy us, especially if the baby is mine.

Once, I finally got her in my arms, I held her tight and didn’t want to let go. Feelin’ her tiny body against mine, her warmth, her touch on my skin, it was like coming home. My world was set right, and the black cloud vanished. Then the words she said while I held her melted my heart. Hearing her say the baby growing in her belly was mine... I turned into a pussy, I know, and I cried. Never thought I ever wanted to be a father, but hearing those words, I want it. I want it more than anything in this world besides Brook. My two angels in my arms for the rest of my life, I will die a happy man.

“Jaxson, I’m so sorry I left you that morning. I was so scared about what they were gonna do to me when I got home cause I left. I freaked out and never should have left you,” she cries into my chest.

I can’t hold back any longer. I don’t care if Ace hates me after this, I need her closer. I need her lips. So, I pick her up off the floor and take what I want. I kiss her with all the love, passion, heartache, and loss I’ve felt for her the last few months.

When I release her lips, I see the murderous look on my brother’s face. We are gonna have to hash this out sooner or later. Later would be better for me, having her back in my arms, I don’t want to leave her side just yet.

Brook announces the true story for her call and I panic. I need to keep her and my baby safe. I won’t let those Cartel bastards touch what is mine. We need to get the hell out of dodge and back to the Clubhouse where it’s safe. When the guys leave us, I take Brook to sit down on the bed and talk. Jules takes a seat in the chair on the other end of the room giving us some privacy.

“I’m gonna protect you and keep you both safe. You have my word, angel. We need to talk so I can tell you somethin’ and make some things clear to you,” I say and take a deep breath as I gaze in her beautiful cobalt blue eyes. They are sparkling for me.

“I fell hard for you that weekend and have searched for you every day since. Now, that I have you back and you have my baby growing inside you.” I place my hand on her belly again and feel my little girl moving around inside her momma. “I’m not letting you go, either of you. You are mine, my responsibility, mine to care for and protect, and I will do just that,” I tell her straight up how it’s gonna be.

“Can we take a step back and take this slow, please? That weekend we spent together was incredible and we connected on so many levels...” She pauses afraid to say anymore and I feel the but comin’ from a mile away.

So, I prompt her. “But...” I wait patiently as we gaze into one another’s eyes. I see her and how unsure she is at this moment.

“But, so much has happened since we met, and I need to take a breather. I just got my brother back and I want to build a relationship with him again. When I called him, I didn’t expect to find you too. I’m glad I did. I...” she stops again and swallows hard.

“You have to understand, I haven’t had any decent men in my life or love for that matter. I can’t jump into this with you head first without knowing you better. I just need some time. Please, for our little girl.” Damn, she knows how to play the big cards and pull at my heartstrings.

She’s scared and young, I get it. The men in her world have no respect for women and treat them like property. That’s not me and my brothers. I will never do that to her, but actions speak louder than words. So, I’ll be patient with her to a point. We can take it at her pace and get to know one another better.

“We can do that, but Brook, I’m not goin’ anywhere. I swear on my life I will never hurt you or our daughter in any way. I will only love and protect you both with every breath I take. In time, I will prove it to you, angel.” I kiss her on the cheek as Shadow enters the room to get us.

I pick Brook up in my arms, not able to stop touchin’ her, and take her to the back of the cage. If she wants us to get to know each other, this is a perfect time. We’ll have the next two days or so in this cage, plenty of time to talk about everything.

When we get home, I’ll be claiming her sweet ass again and she’s never gonna leave my bed.

After leaving the motel and getting on the road, we talk getting more  info about the Satan’s, then Ace call Gator for an emergency Church. Before our meeting gets started, I have an announcement I need to make.

“Ok, I call this Church to order,” Gator says with the slam of his gavel to the table.

“It seems we have more shit to add to the pile we already have going’ on. VP what the fuck happened this afternoon?” Gator asks, and before Ace speaks I jump in.

“Excuse me Prez, no disrespect, Prez, VP,” I say tipping my head to Ace and continuing without taking a breath. “I need to say something first, then VP can fill you in and we can vote. I’m staking a claim. I’m claiming Brook and our daughter as mine. I’m gonna be a daddy. Brook is pregnant with my baby and due in a few months. Oh, shit, we have so much to do to prepare,” I say giddily with a huge smile and I’m a little overwhelmed to say the words out loud. “Sorry, let’s start with me makin’ Brook McNally my ol’ lady, the other stuff can wait till we get home.”

“Now, I really gotta know what the fuck is going on. Blaze left the Clubhouse this mornin’ to go shopping for baby clothes for Beast and Bella’s boys, now he has an ol’ lady and a baby on the way. Brother, we need answers,” Snake says and the guys in the room chime in.

Ace fills them all in, starting with the call from Brook at lunch. The information she told us in the room after we recognized one another. Telling them what she heard the Satan’s say about the Cartel.

I tune him out and think about other things. My girl will be under our protection now, she’s not only got her brother, our VP, she also has an ol’ man that’s a table member and an entire Club to have her back. She is now property of a Dragons Fury man, she’s a Dragon. I will honor her with my life and she will want for nothin’ and receive the utmost respect. She will be my queen from this day forth.

Satan’s Halo Motorcycle Club has no claim to my girls, but who knows how they will react to knowing she’s been claimed by the Dragons Fury Motorcycle Club of Florida. I need to get her property ink on her as soon as the baby is born. In the meantime, there are other ways to ensure my claim on her. Like her kutte. I’ll place a priority order to get it here immediately. That will have to do for now. With me by her side 24/7, she should have no problems to worry about.

“Shit, I have to ask this Ace, Blaze. Please tell me Brook is over seventeen or Blaze is gonna be up on charges and have to answer to the Club,” Gator asks, and I panic. If she’s younger than seventeen, club rules state I can lose my officer's patch and endure a beatin’ from all my brothers. I may also lose some of their respect from this too.

I look over at Brook, she gives me a weak smile and a wink. Shit, I fucked an under-age girl and now I’m gonna have to pay for my crimes. I’m an old dirty fuck for fuckin’ a kid and getting her pregnant, shit. If I’m not mistaken, I remember Ace saying his sister is thirteen years younger than him. So, that would make her. Oh, God, she’s seventeen. Wow, that was a close call. I can breathe now.

“Well, here’s the thing. As much as I hate my brother for this shit, he did do the right thing by my baby sister, so I’ll do him a solid here. Brookie is seventeen, she had just turned it at the time they met, and he got her pregnant. She never revealed her age to him, with her tatts and piercings, all the dark black makeup she wore, he would never have known. So, there is no point in pressing this issue,” Ace says in my defense. My brother till the end. We will work through this shit in time.

“Is that all how it went down, Blaze?” Gator questions me for confirmation.

“Yea, Prez. I had no clue who she was or how old she was. Throttle can confirm that for me. Plus, between all the tatts, piercings, and black eye makeup, she looked ten years older,” I say and leave out the part that should have clued me in on how old she was. She was shy and timid when I got her alone in that hotel room. When I fucked her the first time, popping her cherry, that should have been a bright shiny neon sign to me. That shit will stay between my girl and me unless she reveals that truth.

Throttle confirms my statement since he was with me and we both had no clue of either. My brothers accept my claim on Brook and Gator brings Church to a close.

“Ryder and Ces just got back and headed to your place Beast, with Cindy, Shorty, Bella and the boys. They will be staying there until you return. King, Chains, and Knuckles have been with them since they returned this afternoon and will be staying too. I have the prospects on perimeter checks every fifteen minutes. No one is gettin’ in or out of here without my knowledge. We’re on lockdown folks, until we settle this shit with the Cartel and the Halos. Maddox, Joker, and Animal are on their way here with some of their guys. I assume Maddox will drive straight to your house Beast, to see Bella and the boys and stay there. You’re gonna have a full house when you get home.” Gator says, and I hear Beast in the driver seat grunt. Maddox is Prez of our Daytona chapter, Joker is Jacksonville’s Prez, and Animal is Miami Prez and Gator’s blood brother.

“Ok, if that’s all folks, then we’re all good, brothers. Drive safely and bring those women and babies home safely. If you run into any trouble, you call me, and I’ll call in reinforcements if we need to.” Gator ends the call and I look at my brother, Ace.

“I honestly didn’t know anything about her. She never told me, and I never pried,” I say and take a deep breath. Brook takes hold of my hand and entwines our fingers as I continue to speak. These are things that need to be said to build the trust back with my brother.

“Daddy, I didn’t tell him anything about me and I asked very little about his life. We talked about other things.” Brook says quickly before I talk.

“I saw her at the bike rally on Thursday, we never talked until I tracked her down on Friday. There was a strong pull to be close to her, get to know her. I didn’t want to let her go so we spent the weekend together. Monday mornin’, when I woke up, I was alone and had a hollow feelin’ in my chest. From that day on it just grew bigger, until I saw her today. I don’t know how else to explain this, it’s just...” I trail off not knowing how to finish

Jules gasps really loud in the cage and eyes Brook and me. “Sweet, baby Mary and Joseph, she’s your unicorn,” Jules says confusing me. Then she turns to Ace taking his hand in hers. “Blue, she’s his other half. He found his one and only. You can’t begrudge him for that. Love has no boundaries, no age, just two hearts, two souls connecting as one.” He grunts not liking her words.

And there you have it, out of the mouth of babes. Brook is my unicorn and I’m her’s. I fell in love with her. Love at first sight, you could say, and here I never thought that kinda love existed. It does, I can attest to that now.

I stare down at our connected hands and still feel the spark like the first time I touched her hand. Even sex was different with her, more fulfilling. A connection of our souls, our hearts as well as our bodies. Love. I haven’t been able to get hard for any woman and when I jack off, it’s not the same. She has consumed me.

I should have known, I was acting like my brothers, Ace and Beast did with their women.

“Jaxson,” Brook says my name, waking me out of my thoughts and I look up at her. Mesmerized by her beauty and pulled into her sparkling blue eyes, I'm paralyzed.




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