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Room Service by Chance Carter (77)

Chapter 15

Jenny was still feeling bad about how she and Roy had left things, so she offered to do the dishes. She left Isabelle and Roy to chat without her at the table while she cleared away the plates.

Filling the wide, ceramic sink with hot water, she had time to think. When she was in the shower, an idea had come to mind, and she hadn't been able to get it out of her mind. She just wasn't sure it would work.

She added some dishwashing liquid to the hot water and set the dishes in, one by one, using the time to debate in her head the pros and cons of her her idea.

She had never been especially close with Joey. He had only been just over a year younger than her, but when they were children, it had seemed like a huge difference. They had nothing in common, so far as she could remember. That became obvious the first few time he was whisked home in a police car, a cocky smirk on his face. The life he led had held no interest for her. It was childish and immature. She never wanted any part of it. His behavior and her disagreement with his choices had led to their tension.

She could remember very clearly one night in high school. He was sent home with a warning. The officer told their grandparents he had been caught with a couple of spray cans out at the train tracks. When asked what the hell he thought he was doing, Joey told them all he only wanted spray paint his name on the cars so it could feel like he was getting out of this place every time the train left the station. He wanted strangers to see his name out there in the world beyond Ombrea and wonder about who he was and what he believed in. He claimed it was poetic, but no one was convinced.

After being sent to his room, Jenny confronted him in the hall. It was the week she had been nominated for homecoming queen, and she was feeling very proud of herself at the time. With her chin jutted out, she pointed a finger into his chest and told him to get his life together. You're making it too easy for me to be the favorite, she said. Now she regretted having said it. She couldn't imagine how he must have felt when he heard those words from her mouth. If she were him, she would have hated her.

He must still hate her for saying it.

That settled it. Now was her chance to make it up to her brother. She abandoned him when he needed her most. He was an orphan like her, but he didn’t just lose his parents, he lost everyone. He was crying out for attention and she was too wrapped up in her own life to see to it that he was okay.

She wouldn’t make that mistake again. She would stay in Ombrea to care for Isabelle and fight for her brother’s innocence. Her life could wait.

Jenny was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice when Isabelle left the kitchen to play outside with her dolls. She finished up, drying her hands. When she turned around to hang the towel back over the stove handle, Roy was standing behind her, his mind occupied with serious thoughts of his own.

“I owe you an apology,” he said sheepishly. “I shouldn't be upset that you want to get back to New York. This wasn’t part of your plan. You have a life there and a job. I can’t expect you to give it all up and move back to Ombrea. I wasn’t only thinking of Isabelle either. I was being selfish. I really enjoyed last night,” he said, his face turning pink. “I guess I had hoped there would be more nights like it. I’m not one for casual hookups. But I’m not from the city, either.”

Jenny was surprised to hear what Roy had to say. Did he think she slept with men all the time? Did he think it was just random sex for her?

“You have no need to apologize to me,” she started.

“But I do,” he cut in. “I didn't mean to be a prick. Or make you feel guilty. I'm sure Isabelle will love New York when she has had a chance to settle in. There must be a ton of things to keep a child stimulated there, so many more opportunities than this small town has to offer.”

“I guess so, but,”

“Schools, for one. She would have plenty of friends. I bet you have a really nice place out there.”

Yeah, Jenny thought herself, a gorgeous, one-bedroom that barely fit a bed and her shoe collection. It would be a tight squeeze to add a child and all the toys and clothes she would bring with her. She would have to sell her place and find somewhere bigger to live. It would cost a lot more for a suitable place in the city. She didn’t even know if her job would be there for her when she got back. She hadn’t heard a peep from Joy Magazine.

“Roy, hear me out.” Jenny said, “About last night…”

“Hey, Roy!”

Jenny was cut off when Isabelle arrived in the doorway. Perfect timing, kid, she thought sarcastically. It looked like her conversation with Roy would have to have to wait until a later time.

“What's up, kid?” he said, looking over at Jenny and smiling apologetically.

“Will you teach me how to fish?” Isabelle asked eagerly.

She had his battered, green, bait box in her hand. She must have found it on the deck while she was outside playing.

“Of course I can.”

He rose to his feet and ruffled her hair with his hand.

“I’ll just have to dig out the fishing poles.”

“Oh, great!” Isabelle exclaimed.

Jenny smiled warmly. She had never seen the girl so happy.

“Do you think I will catch anything out there?”

“There are fish in that lake, so why the heck not?”

Jenny regarded the interaction between Roy and her niece. This would be the perfect home to raise Isabelle. It was secluded and there was plenty of land around to explore. A child could grow up here capable of conquering anything and with confidence in herself and her abilities. Jenny wondered how she and Joey would have turned out if they’d had a chance to grow up in such idyllic surroundings.

“Are you going to come too, Jenny?” Isabelle asked eagerly.

“I think I’m going to skip this one,” Jenny told her gently. “But you guys have fun. I just have to head out for a bit, but then I'll be back to see what you caught. Promise.”


Isabelle looked a little unsure. Jenny couldn't blame her. She would be insecure about people leaving if she had been through the hell that little girl had endured over the past week.

“Come home soon then.”

Jenny was touched that the little girl had referred to the cabin as home, even if it wasn’t.

“You go on ahead,” Roy told Isabelle, “and keep that dog from eating anything in the bait box, will you?”

With Isabelle out of sight, he turned to Jenny.

“ Hey, where are you headed? You sure you should be going out alone?”

“It's something I should have done a long time ago,” Jenny told him softly. “I’m going to see Joey.”