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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance by Lisa Lace (12)


Mia sat at her desk, her mind clouded with Eddie and how he’d turned her entire life upside down. She had so many questions about him and who he really was. What was his big secret? Why could he not tell her? Why the special night before she found out? She picked her phone up and scrolled to the unknown number left when he’d contacted her. She pressed the call button and listened to an automated message telling her the call couldn’t go through. Would she even hear from him again? It was a hell of a move for a player. A perfect one-night stand, leaving her reeling for more.

“The perfect booty call,” she scoffed.

She looked at her phone and then at the email icon on her computer. Perhaps he’d sent a missive there.

Several intercompany messages, a few invoices to be approved, and one from Donovan Technologies. She grimaced. She opened it and scanned it only partially attentive to its contents.

“…interests in your company have changed. …still want to invest… no longer want to take it from you. I will explain during our meeting later this afternoon. Nice try, Donovan. I’m not letting my guard down for one minute with you.” Her skepticism overrode her ability to keep an open mind. She had too many bad dealings with the Donovan family to let them try to sweet talk her out of anything. “I need to see it in writing, you son-of-a-bitch.”

“Talking to yourself again?” Holding two cups of coffee, Steven walked into her office.

“You caught me. Just mentally preparing myself for this meeting.”

“Swearing at the bad guys won’t help. I’ve tried.”


“I have some good news in this time of bleak uncertainty.”

“What is that? I could use some good news.”

“I was able to get a hold of the last backup.”

“You were? And the database?”

“Back up and running one hundred percent.”

“You’re a mastermind! Thank you! That is good news.”

“Actually, it was sheer luck. I did exactly what I’ve been trying since we lost it all, and this time, it worked. It was all right there in front of me. I can’t even explain it.”

“As long as we have it back; that’s all I care about right now. We’ll work on increasing security after this meeting.”

“If we have a company to secure, you mean?”


Steven set a coffee in front of her and sat down. His eyes shifted away from her as she looked up at him.

“Thanks for the coffee.” She raised it slightly in the air. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” He swirled his coffee around in the cup, keeping an eye on it.

“You sure?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You have something you want to say to me, but you aren’t sure how to say it.”

“Am I that transparent?”

“Steven, I’ve known you almost my whole life. What gives?”

“I’m worried about the company. That’s all. About you. I know how much this means to you.”

“I know. Me too. It’s not an easy feeling knowing we have no other choice but to rely on people who want to destroy what we have built.”

“Maybe we can talk to him. Edward is not his father, and I’ve heard rumors that he actually has a heart.”

“He did send me an email, but I can’t trust that. If this takeover goes through and they’re successful, it could mean the end of our company.”

“Let’s see how the meeting goes.”

“Okay, okay,” she continued as if trying to convince herself. “Maybe if we show them that we’re on the right path, they will understand and give us some time.”

“I have a good feeling about this, Mia. Stay hopeful.”

“You are feeling awfully positive. What do you know that I don’t?”

“Positive attitudes are what get you through life. Come on.” He stood and took a deep breath. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

She kept her eye on him, knowing that he was hiding something from her. With her guard up as far as it could go and a strong mind ready for an argument, she followed Steven out and into the large conference room on the top floor of the building. Three of her team were already waiting inside.

She picked up her phone and looked at the clock for the fifth time since she sat down next to Steven at the large table.

“Calm down.” He put his hand on hers and squeezed slightly. “They will be here.”

“Maybe it’s a good thing if they don’t show.” She looked around the bland room and sighed. “This room needs color. I think we should change the look. What do you think? Yeah. That is if we still have the room.” She lowered her head somberly.

“Mia, don’t do this.”

“Do what? What are we doing, Steven? Jesus, we built this up, fought through an economic depression and fierce competition, then made it through so much other shit, and this is where we’re left? Sitting here, hoping for some stranger to have a change of heart and help us out?” She scoffed. “Who are we kidding?”

“Stop it. We’ve gotten through worse. Give this a chance.”

“I’m tired of chances.”

Steven’s phone buzzed, and he got up. “They’re here.” He walked out of the room. Mia took a big breath, looked up and silently prayed for this to work out

A few minutes later, Steven walked back in, escorting Edward and Claire behind him.

“Mia? This is Edward Donovan and Claire Mulcahey.”

She looked up and saw him. “Eddie? What are you doing here?”

When the connection was made, she felt something seize her chest, squeezing it so hard, she couldn’t take another breath. Within one very strong moment, all her questions were answered without a single word being said. She knew his big secret. She knew why he couldn’t tell her. She knew why he’d created the special night with her.

He stood in front of her, watching her, waiting for her to respond.

She smiled, looking away from him as she stood up from the table. “Oh, my God.” She laughed, turning toward him. “I get it.” She sounded nothing like she did when she was making love to him. Her voice was stronger, condescending. “Very good business move, Mr. Donovan.”

“Mia? I don’t understand what you mean.”

She stepped away from the table, her eyes glued to him. With a quick motion, she reached up and slapped his face, her body trembling. The room was deadly silent.

“Were you that afraid of taking my company? Was our time together all out of sympathy?”

“Mia, don’t do this.” Steven stepped toward them.

“Don’t.” She held her hand up to stop him before looking back at Edward. “Or are you so vindictive and disgusting that you had to emotionally tear me down too?”

“Mia,” he leaned in and whispered to her, “don’t do this. Don’t embarrass yourself. I sent you the email. Did you not get it?”

“I got it. But it isn’t me who’ll be embarrassed when this is all over with. I thought you didn’t play games, Eddie?”

“Eddie?” Claire looked surprised. “No one has called you that since you were a child.”

“I guess he never grew up.” Mia knew she needed to clamp down on her retorts, but she was angry, and she felt threatened. “He still likes to play games, don’t you?”

“The email was meant for you to read, not just receive it. Let’s start the meeting.” His eyes shifted nervously around the room. “I’ll explain everything.”

“I don’t really have much choice, do I?” Her face felt hot, and it took all she had not to walk out.

“No, Mia.” His tone was sharp and dominant. “You don’t.”

She felt the familiar tightness in her stomach, much like the feeling she’d experienced when he blindfolded her in his hotel room.

“If you will please have a seat,” he pulled her chair out and waited for her to sit down, “we can get this started.”

She held her chin up and sat down, allowing him to push it back in for her. He leaned in, and his whisper caused a shiver down her back. “I promise you’ll be happy with my decisions.”

Mia didn’t know how to react. She was furious at him for manipulating her and the situation. She fumed at herself for allowing him to cause the feelings she had for him. With the mere tone of his words, he was able to somehow manipulate her actions. Although she had a strong desire to submit to him, whether it be direct or indirect, her eyes stayed glued to his face as he made his way around the table to the other side. It was bad enough that Reese Donovan had it out for her and her company. Now that she was sleeping with the enemy, it made everything so much worse.

“Thank you for having us,” he began. He nodded at each member around the table as he spoke. “First off, I want to tell you all that my father’s passing was very sudden and a shock to us all.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Mr. Donovan.” Steven was always kind, no matter the situation.

“Thank you.”

“Yes,” Mia chirped. “Very sorry, Mr. Donovan.” She unwittingly sounded condescending but was happy with it in the end. She needed to let Edward know she wasn’t going to be pushed around or taken advantage of, despite his supposed intentions for her company.

“Thank you, Miss Walker.”

His eyes penetrated hers, not wavering until she began to feel the awkwardness grow between them. She glanced at the others and awkwardly looked down at the table.

“Please continue,” Steven said, trying to be Mia’s savior. “I think we’re all in agreement when I say we would all like to get this over with.”

“Yes, of course.”

Mia caught Edward watching when Steven reached over and squeezed her hand. Maybe she played a little more into it when she took his hand in hers, but it gave her a sense of satisfaction seeing Edward squirm a little. He unbuttoned his suit coat, tossed the sides back, sat down, and awkwardly adjusted his tie.

“I’m sure you are all aware of the takeover my father had started through Merge Inc. for MWSA Cosmetics.” Edward shifted his look from one to the other as he unveiled his new ideas. “Claire and I have put a lot of thought into what our intentions are, and we no longer want to buy MWSA and resell it in pieces.”

“Then what are you going to do?” Mia felt uneasy. “You have quite a role in what happens to my company.” She knew her entire future was in his hands. She just hoped she still had a leg to stand on with him. “You know we need investments to survive. Your father made sure that was not going to happen by sabotaging every opportunity we were given.”

“I am well aware of what he did. We still want to invest, but we also want to work with you, educate your staff, and rebuild your company—helping it recapture its potential heights.”

Mia let Steven’s hand go. Everything she was feeling had all balled up, sitting in her stomach like a rock. “You want to help our company?”

“Yes, we do.”

He could have dug in and really given it to her, but he didn’t. His face softened, a touch of a smile on his lips. “I tried talking to my father several times before he began the initial process, but his intentions were set in stone, not so noble and quite selfish. It was never my intention.”

Tears threatened Mia’s eyes as she tried to blink them away. “I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry for what I said earlier, to everyone, especially to you.” She looked across the table, hoping Edward did not hate her.

“Say you will be my new colleague.” He held his hands out and smiled.

“Yes, of course!”

They all stood up and walked around the table, shaking hands. When Edward got to Mia, she didn’t offer her hand. She looked up at him and threw her arms around him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“We need to talk in private.” He sounded demanding, but desperate in the same tone.

Mia had made a lot of hasty mistakes, and now that invitation just made her anxious and terrified. She cleared her throat and looked at the others as they moved around the room.

“We will set up another meeting to take care of the paperwork. I want to thank everyone for being here through this difficult time. Our deepest condolences once again to you and your family, Mr. Donovan.”

“Thank you.” He stepped back and allowed the others to exit the room. When it seemed Steven and Claire were going to stick around, Edward leaned toward Claire and whispered. She nodded her head, glanced at Mia, and exited as well.

“Steven,” Mia walked a little closer, “thank you for supporting me today. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“It’s what I’m here for, Mia. You know I’ll always support you in whatever you do.”

“If you’ll excuse us, I need to talk to Eddie—I mean Edward—alone.”

“Of course. If you need me, I’m just a quick text away.”

Steven walked out of the room, leaving Mia and Edward alone together. She felt the tension thicken instantly, and the rock in her stomach get heavier. She struggled with what to say first as he walked around the table toward her.

When he passed by the door, he closed it and continued toward her.

“I’m so sorry for how I acted. I called you a child when I myself was behaving like one. You were right when you told me I was going to embarrass myself. I did.” She attempted a chuckle. “I owe you so much for what you’re doing for my company. Can you ever forgive me for what I did?”

He stopped in front of her but didn’t say a word. His jaw clenched, and his body straightened. Was he that angry? She looked away from him and felt his arm slide around her waist.

Before she could grasp what was happening, he had her against the wall, his face buried into her neck and his teeth grabbing at the sensitive skin on her shoulder. She lost all the breath in her lungs and struggled against the familiar arousal she felt just the night before. Her eyes closed and everything she was worried about vanished. A flame ignited inside as he continued biting around her shoulder and up her neck. He pulled back and flashed her a glare before invading her mouth with his tongue. His lips crushed hers as his body kept her pinned to the wall. His hands found their way inside her blouse, caressing and groping at her breasts.

“The next time,” he pushed his groin into her pelvis, “you think you want to try and play games,” he pulled back and pushed toward her again, grinding on her, “be sure you know what you are doing and who you are doing it to.” He kissed her hard, shoving his tongue into her mouth again. He forced her blouse up, exposing her to him. “I’m better at it than you are, and I’ll win every time.”

She nodded, her eyes wide.

“Now, do you want me to fuck you here in the conference room, or would you prefer a bit more privacy?”

“Not here.” She barely got the words out before he backed up, letting her almost fall to the floor. He readjusted his suit and walked toward the door. She followed, pulling her blouse back down and tucking it back into her skirt.