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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance by Lisa Lace (16)


“Happy Friday, little brother.”

Edward looked up from his computer as Jack walked in.

“I would appreciate it if you would refrain from calling me that.”

“Should I call you Eddie?” Jack cocked his head and smiled.

“Nope.” He thought better than to ask about Jack’s convenient play on words. “Edward will be fine. Unless you prefer Boss.”


He sat down in the chair where Edward had comforted Mia the night before and inhaled deeply like a dog. The idea that Jack could have been there when Mia visited played on Edward’s mind. He kept his eye on him as he ran his hand along the table.

“What do you think of that little number, Mia Walker?”

Edward felt his muscles tense up. “I think she’s a strong businesswoman who wants to hold onto her company.”

“Oh, please. You never thought about fucking her?” He reached down and grabbed himself through his pants. “I bet she’s a lot of fun. Or maybe she’s so stuffy that she just lays there. What do you think? I bet I could loosen her up.”

Edward took a controlled breath and clenched his jaw tightly. When he looked up, Jack wore a sardonic smile.

“I think you should stop talking about her like she’s a piece of meat.”

“Did I hit a soft spot? Does little brother have a crush on Mia Walker?” He stood up, his hands on his hips like a scolding father. “Does she know?” He then gasped and covered his mouth. “You didn’t fuck her yet, did you? You sly dog.”

“Is there something I can do for you, Jack?” Besides jumping over this desk and pummeling you to the floor?

“No, not really. Just hanging out with my little brother, making a little locker room banter about hot chicks. Is that a crime now, boss?”

Edward felt the heat rising in his blood. “I have a lot of work to do. I need to prepare for my meeting this evening. You need to leave.”

“Meeting?” Jack perked up and leaned forward. “What sort of meeting?”

Damn it!

“Nothing you need to worry about.”

“It’s about MWSA, isn’t it? I think I should be there. When is it?”

“You don’t need to be there. I have this all under control. Besides, it’s just the odds and ends to finish it up and close the deal. I can have you sign the paperwork before the meeting.”

“The takeover deal, right? You are still buying it like we talked about. You aren’t letting a little pussy cloud your mind from doing the right thing.”

“Of course.” Edward’s eyes shifted to his keyboard and didn’t move. He never was good at lying to his brother. Jack had known how to manipulate and even beat the truth out of him when he was a boy.

Jack nodded his head. “I think I’ll go. You know, help out with the odds and ends.”

Edward stared at him, knowing it was a done deal. Jack was going if he had to follow him around the entire day to be sure he was there.

“Dinner is at six at Carbone on Thompson.”

“I know where it is. I’ll be there. Who else will be attending this intimate little gathering?”

“Besides myself? Miss Walker and her partner, Steven.”

“And you didn’t think I should be there?”

“No, Jack. I didn’t. You are not a partner in this company, and frankly, you don’t have a very good attitude when it comes to business.” He lowered his voice and mumbled. “Probably why Dad gave this company to me.”

“I own enough to have a voice, and I won’t let you or any other asshole take what is rightfully mine! I have worked too fucking hard for this!”

Jack’s tone got stronger, and Edward knew enough to shut the conversation down before he went too far. “Okay, yes. It isn’t a problem.”

“I didn’t think it would be. Why don’t you give me my paperwork so I can look it over before I sign? It isn’t that I don’t trust you, little brother. You understand.”

“Of course.”

He sifted through the papers he had for Jack and pulled the documents he didn’t want him to read. “This should be it.” He held them out toward Jack, covering the others up before he got to his desk.

He snatched them out of his hand and crinkled them together in his fist before walking out.

Edward picked up his phone and texted Mia. We have a problem.

The restaurant was busy as usual. Edward had met Mia and Steven there early to catch them up on what was going on.

“We have to play it cool, and when the time is right, I’ll take care of it,” Edward reassured a very nervous Mia.

“I’m just afraid he’ll drag this on until it’s too late.” Mia fidgeted with the ring on her finger.

“I won’t let that happen.” Steven tried reassuring her by rubbing her arm with his hand.

Edward locked on to Steven’s hand and felt his chest constrict. “Neither will I. You can be sure of that.”

Mia looked at Edward and then over his shoulder toward the front door. “He’s coming in the door now.”

“Did he see me?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“I haven’t arrived yet. If he thinks we have been talking, he’ll get even more suspicious than he is now.”

“Got it.”

Edward got up, keeping his eyes on Jack, and walked swiftly toward the back of the restaurant. He peered through the waitresses, moving around, and when Jack was seated, he snuck around the room toward them.

“Hello. Sorry I’m late.” Edward held his hand up to Mia and Steven, taking a seat next to his brother. “I hope I didn’t miss much.”

“Not at all.” Mia smiled, her eyes shifting to the table when Jack stared. “We just got here ourselves not too long ago.”

“You must drink fast,” Jack said, motioning to their glasses.

Mia looked down and noticed they were half gone before looking up at Edward.

“Woman after my own heart,” he continued, a sly grin on his face. He stared down at her chest and back up to her face.

“Enough, Jack,” Edward warned. “This is exactly what I was talking about.”

“Chill, little brother. Have a drink.” He motioned to the waitress and waved her over when he noticed Steven’s arm resting on the back of Mia’s chair. “Are you two a thing? A little work, a little play?”

“I said, enough.” Edward’s tone tightened, but it did no good.

“I just want to know what is acceptable and what isn’t, that’s all. Maybe when we take over your company, I can get in on the benefits, too.”

Steven stood up, his fists clenched. Mia grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back down. “Steven, don’t. Please. He isn’t worth it.”

Edward should have been the one jumping up to defend Mia’s honor, but he knew Jack. He knew the way he played his games, and he needed to feel out the situation. When he caught Jack watching him, he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He was playing Edward against Steven, and Jack was getting the reaction he wanted.

The waitress approached them with menus in her arm and a forced smile on her face. “Welcome to Carbone’s. Will you be dining with us this evening?”

“I think I’ve lost my appetite.” Mia stood up and glared at Jack. “Excuse me. I’m going to find the ladies’ room.”

“I think I will take a little break also.” Steven followed Mia, leaving Edward watching after them, and Jack smirking.

“Can I just have a scotch on the rocks, please?” Edward wanted to end the night before anything escalated.

“Oh, yeah. That sounds perfect. Make that two.” Jack watched the waitress walk away, making inappropriate gestures.

“What are you doing?”

“Just letting off a little steam. Is there a problem? I think I need to get laid. That’s my problem.” He turned toward Edward, putting his hand on the back of Edward’s chair and leaning toward him. “Speaking of sex, it seems as though our two guests of honor have more than just a shitty little company in common. What do you think?”

Edward got in Jack’s face and clenched his teeth tight together. “If you have a reason other than getting through this acquisition tonight, you can cancel it. Watch your step, before I do something you wouldn’t expect me to do. Daddy isn’t here to protect you anymore.”

Jack let out a hearty laugh, making several people turn toward them. “What are you going to do, Edward? Daddy might have given you the company, but I assure you, I can take you down and I will, hard. Stick to our plan, or you will see what I can do.

It took everything he had not to take Jack down right there. When Mia and Steven returned, they sat quietly, glanced awkwardly at each other, and kept silent.

“I think, perhaps we should reconvene this meeting at a later date.” Edward rested his elbows on the table and pressed his fingertips together.

“What a shame.” Jack leaned back in his chair, enjoying the circus he’d created.

“I apologize to you both for my brother’s behavior. I will be in touch.” Edward got up and shook each of their hands.

“No need to apologize for me.” He got up and slapped Edward on his back. “You stay. This is getting stale for me anyway. I’ll give my signature when I’m damned good and ready. You all have a wonderful night.”

Edward didn’t move from his spot until Jack was out of the restaurant. He sat back down and shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

“No need for apologies,” Steven said. “We were prepared for the worst. That was nothing.”

Edward watched Mia and knew it wasn’t nothing. She was still uneasy. “Don’t write him off yet. We have a battle ahead of us. But if you are willing to trust me and stick with me, we will get through this.”

“If it means saving our company, then we’re ready for anything.” She shot Steven a look and took a sip of her drink.

“I think I will say good night.” Steven finished his drink and stood up from the table.

“Are you sure? I’m sorry for the way my brother acted. I can’t control him. Can you stay for dinner?” Edward reached toward his bag at his feet.

“After dealing with Jack, I think it’s best that we reschedule. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.” He nodded toward Edward before turning toward Mia and kissing her forehead. “You’ll be okay?”

“Of course.”

Edward didn’t say another word until Steven had gone. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

She nodded. “Yes. I’m fine. I should have been better prepared for him.”

“You couldn’t have known what he was going to do. No one in their right mind, business suit or not, should treat a woman that way.”

“Thanks.” She shifted in her seat.

Edward sensed something more. “What is it you aren’t telling me?”

“I don’t want to talk about him anymore.”

The waitress intervened, helping Mia squirm her way out of answering. She set the two scotches down and two fresh drinks for Mia and Steven.

“I’m sorry, I don’t believe the others will be returning.” Edward picked up Steven’s drink to hand back to the waitress.

“It’s okay,” said Mia. “I think I might want it myself.”

He set it back down and fell quiet. He watched her, wondering what was going through her head. He wanted to scoop her up and take her away from all the bullshit. He wanted to make it all okay for her.

He searched her face for an answer before he asked, “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Personal, not business.”

She nodded.

“Steven. Is he anything more than a business partner to you?”

Her hesitation cut into him and for that moment, he hated her; then, he loved her more. He wished he never made love to her, and he wished he would never have let her go.

“He is.”

“He is?”

She chuckled. “He’s like a father to me. I’ve known him since I was practically in diapers. Don’t worry. I only have eyes for one man.” She batted her eyes at him, smiling as she looked down at her drink.

“How do you feel when you’re around me?”

“When we are alone, I feel like I would do anything you ask me. I feel confused because it doesn’t seem like I can think of anything else.”

“And when we are in mixed company?”

“When we are around others, I wish that they would all disappear. I can only think about the way you touch me. Each time, you keep me on this edge, teetering, afraid to fall, but afraid to hold on. I’ve never felt this way before.”

“This is much more than a sexual attraction, Mia. I’m in love with you.”

She gasped and swallowed hard, not able to look away from him.

“I don’t want any woman but you, and I want you to be mine.”

“I already told you

“Yes.” He picked up his scotch, the ice cubes clinking together in the glass much like the way they had in the hotel room. He grinned when she reacted to the familiar sound. “Mia.” He filled his mouth with the scotch and swallowed it down. “Take off your panties.”

“What? Here?” Her words were airy and panicked. She looked around the room and put her hands in her lap.

“Yes. Stand up slightly and remove them. No one will notice.”

She looked around again and raised her butt up off her chair just enough to wiggle them down to her thighs. Her cheeks turned pink as she tried to pull them down without drawing attention. “This is crazy,” she whispered.

“It is what makes us good together.”

He enjoyed the show as she worked carefully to fulfill his request. He stifled a chuckle when he heard her kick the table. She smoothed her dress down and crouched toward the table.

“What are you doing?” He furrowed his eyebrows at her.

“Trying to give you my panties,” she whispered. “Here.” She nudged forward, her arms still under the table.

He grinned and stretched his hand over the table toward her. Her eyes widened, making him laugh.

“It’s okay. I promise.”

She looked around and balled them up in one hand. She tightened her grip on them before passing them to him. When he got them, and she drew her hand back, he pinched the lacy material and let them fall from his hand.

“What are you doing?” She drew back and cowered in her chair.

He locked eyes with her as he put them to his face and inhaled her scent. A delicious arousal stirred within him, and he wanted more. “Thank you, Mia.” He slid them into his suit pocket and finished his drink, replacing it with the extra one meant for Jack. “I want to talk to you about something before we go much further with our relationship.”

“Okay.” She had skepticism in her voice or maybe fear. He wasn’t sure how to interpret it yet.

“I have a confession to make. You don’t have to work so hard on beefing up security for your company.”

“I think I do. I don’t want to worry about some hacker getting into our network again. The next time, we may not be so lucky in getting it back.”

“You got it back because I allowed it.”

“What? How could you have?”

“I was the hacker.” He watched the color drain from her face. “I had enough information to get through. I had no choice, but I made sure I saved it to make sure it wasn’t completely destroyed.”

“You?” She pushed back away from the table and stood up, looking at Edward but barely seeing him. “How could you?”

“I can explain if you’ll let me.”

She walked around the table and stood in front of him.


She reached up and slapped his face, her lip quivering. “I don’t want to see you again. I’ll find a way to save my own company. Don’t call me anymore.”

“Mia, let me explain.”

“Go to Hell.” She seized her purse and walked out of the restaurant, leaving him standing alone in the middle of a crowded room, all eyes on him.




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