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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance by Lisa Lace (7)


Edward pulled up Mia’s picture on her company profile and looked into her eyes. He didn’t know what it was about her, but he wanted to know more. He thought back on their lunch, the kiss, and how badly he wanted to convince her to spend the afternoon with him. He had imagined her in his bed so many times since they initially met that he felt like he already knew her body like the back of his hand. He knew he should have told her who he was, but he didn’t want her to hate him before she knew him enough to allow her heart to win over her mind. He felt a stir in his pants at the thought of her and what they would have been doing that afternoon, had he pushed a little harder.

When his father walked into his office, Edward’s thoughts quickly diminished, as did the screen on his computer at the touch of a button.

“I have to say, you’ve been doing a hell of a job around here lately. I think congratulations are in order. Maybe a promotion.”

Edward lifted his eyebrow. “Is that sarcasm?”

“Not at all. I give recognition where recognition is due.”

“Since when?” Edward knew his father well enough that the only time he gave praise was when he expected more from someone.

“Funny guy. I’m serious.”

“I’m not sure what I did differently, but thanks? I guess. What do you want?” He knew it was something.

“Listen. I am working on some new strategies, and I think I want to give your ideas a go.”

“My ideas?”

“Yes. I know it’s a bit unethical, but I think under a watchful eye it can be done.”

“I’m not following.”

“The hacking you do seems to work well when it comes to affecting the opinions of certain companies and their boards.”

Edward leaned back and crossed his arms. He didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“I have a meeting tomorrow morning with a company I have had my eye on for quite some time. We were supposed to close the deal, but I just received word that they found another investor to save their asses. I have too much time and money invested in this deal to let it go to hell now.”

“And what company would that be?”

“You know damn well which company I’m talking about. I need you to hack back in and destroy their entire database.”

“You want me to what?” He sat back up to attention and looked at his father as a stranger.

“You heard me.”

Edward didn’t respond.

“I can see you’re troubled by my idea.” His father’s voice did not show any concern.

“I am—greatly troubled.”

“Why? Isn’t this what you do?”

“No, not really.”

“Well, Edward. Let me make this perfectly clear.” He leaned down and put his hands on Edward’s desk. “This is not a request. Do it. I want to see results by the end of the day today. Your job at this company depends on it.”

“You are going to fire me if I don’t sabotage another company someone has worked their entire adult life to build? Just so you can increase your returns a bit more?”

“Yep. That about sums it up.”

“You are unbelievable.”

“You’ve done it several times in the past. Don’t give me that shit.”

“I never destroyed companies. I only showed them how easily vulnerable and accessible their networks were. Never did I ever destroy anything.”

“Until now,” he said, bearing down on his son with a death stare. “Like I said. I’ll expect something by the end of the day.”

Without another word, Reese walked out. Edward turned his computer screen back on, Mia’s face on his screen, and an ache in his heart for what he was expected to do.

He wouldn’t do it as his father demanded. It took him some time, but he came up with a plan to give his father what he wanted and save Mia’s company at the same time.

He worked most of the morning and was able to hack into her company. He saved a backup of it on an external hard drive, double checked it and hesitated before he wiped her company off their network. Knowing she probably had her own backups in place, he built a cyber wall with a password that would make it impossible for her to access it. Within a few moments, Mia and her entire company would think they no longer had a company to fight for. The rest of the day was going to be hell on her.

“I promise I’ll make it right, Mia,” he whispered. “Hold on.”

He unhooked the hard drive and buried it in his case. Plugging another hard drive in, he backed up what was left of her company and then shut it down before unplugging it and taking it to his father’s office.

It took everything he had not to call her and at least warn her, but he had to make his father think he’d done what was asked of him. That meant making Mia believe her company records were gone.

Stopping before his father’s office doorway, he heard Jack’s voice, and he didn’t sound happy. Edward pulled his phone out and held it up to his ear for anyone who witnessed him eavesdropping in the hallway. Leaning in, he listened to the heated conversation taking place.

“I deserve more than that. You know that. I work my damned ass off, and this is how you repay me?”

“I can’t deny that you have been a valuable player in my company.”

“So, you show it by giving control to someone else? How does that happen exactly?”

“It’s what is best for Donovan Technologies.”

“Bullshit. I’ve done everything you have asked of me.”

“Jack, listen.”

“No, old man. You listen. You retire at the end of this year.”

“If that is what I choose to do, yes.”

“I’ve paid my dues. If you give this to anyone else but me, you can consider me dead to you. I want no part of it.”

“Very well. If that is how you want it, you will be severed from all assets and accounts.”

“Wow. Just like that, huh? I bet you treat the garbage man better than this. I love that. I can’t believe I trusted you all these years.”

“This isn’t about trust or loyalty.”

Edward couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It didn’t make any sense. He thought for sure Jack was a shoe-in when his father retired. He also couldn’t believe how calm his father was.

“That’s plenty obvious to me now. What is it about?”

“You’re too much of a hot head to run this company by yourself. I know that if I were to pass the torch to you, the first thing you’d do is to let Edward go, change everything to suit your own needs, and hire your own posse. The company might do well for a while, but you will eventually run it into the ground with your anger issues and greed.”

“Is that what this is about? You’re worried about the financial wellbeing of little brother? Well, rest assured, I promise to keep him on staff someplace in the company.”

“What happens to this company will be up to him.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“He will be the full controller of Donovan Technologies upon my retirement.”

Edward’s jaw dropped as Jack lost his cool. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! You’re insane. Are you insane? Why would you?”

“He has a stronger business sense,” he interrupted. “Face it, Jack. You’re an asshole, and I can’t have a hot head running my company.”

“You have no idea what I’ve done for this company.”

“I know a great deal more than you think I do. This attitude of yours is the very reason I was never going to give you control.”

“This company needs someone with this attitude. Someone with authority. I can do this! I will do this!”

“You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

“No. I’m not. I’ll fight for this. It is my right.”

Reese looked over Jack’s shoulder toward the door, and by this time, Edward was standing in full view, his back-up of proof in his hand that he wiped MWSA clean.

“I have some thinking to do,” he said, not taking his eyes from Edward’s face. “I will do what is best for the company.”

“I knew you would come to your senses.”